Route 40 update, November 25: Holiday update!
- [登録者]City of Seattle
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Seattle, WA
- 登録日 : 2024/11/25
- 掲載日 : 2024/11/25
- 変更日 : 2024/11/25
- 総閲覧数 : 36 人
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+1 (213) 820-8095Yun Company / Commercial refrigeration
City of Seattle Logo
Route 40 TPMC logo
Crews pour sidewalk near the intersection of Leary Ave NW and NW Dock Pl.
Crews pour sidewalk near the intersection of Leary Ave NW and NW Dock Pl.
What's Happening Now?
As we approach the upcoming holidays, please continue to use caution around construction work in the neighborhood. Businesses are open during construction. We encourage you to continue supporting local business and shop local.
You may notice construction occasionally paused and equipment onsite as we coordinate ongoing activities to improve sidewalks, streets, and infrastructure. We appreciate your patience and understanding while we continue to make progress!
*"What’s happening in Ballard?"*
* *NW Market St* between Ballard Ave NW and 22nd Ave NW
* Crews have completed concrete and sidewalk work on the north side of NW Market St and sidewalk improvements on the east side of 22nd Ave NW and NW Market St.
* Crews plan for sidewalk work followed by sidewalk/curb restoration on the west side of 22nd Ave NW.
* *Leary Ave NW*
* Between 20th Ave NW and NW Market St:
* Construction for the new large concrete sidewalk extensions [ https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com/?d=govdelivery.com&h=a355a73818b84cbebab47e7352275a10&i=NjVlMjQ4NzM0ODMzNjA1ZjY4NzdkMzdh&p=m&s=AVNPUEhUT0NFTkNSWVBUSVZfrvASrkrgXtesUr91MzvhQJLb_elwKXaDHszrPBppvOlIbxcM60qSG43W96Alu9vYeMCwgyBFZ0-eYVQZ89HMbapMvLerP621-ZLQVSAZGYWWu91pncrgylx4RwFtfkE&t=WVorMUVJOVlocmFBVFp1R1l5c2VvZEtZbkJKT0dwK1BJNHdMZWlMalZMND0%3D&u=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%3D%3D&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] near Olympic Athletic Club continues through November. Pavement milling has been completed and crews plan for sidewalk and roadway paving in early December. Vehicles can expect partial street closures on 20th Ave NW, between Leary Ave NW and Ballard Ave NW for the remainder of the month. The new median island at the midblock crosswalk of 20th Ave NW and Leary Ave NW has been constructed and another at 20th and Leary is expected to be completed by mid December. Please use caution and pay attention to your surroundings if you're walking or driving through this intersection.
* Between NW Dock Pl and NW Ione Pl:
* Crews are expected to wrap up sidewalk work by early to mid-December on Leary Ave NW between NW Dock Pl and NW Ione Pl. Community members can expect larger bus bulbs in both directions of Leary Ave NW. Median islands are also being installed at both bus bulb locations. Crews have installed new bus stop foundations and partial sidewalk on Leary Ave NW.
* Neighbors should expect to see temporary lane reductions, parking restrictions, sidewalk detours, and temporary driveway impacts in select areas of Leary Ave NW throughout the Fall. Construction is typically weekdays and select weekends from 7 AM - 4 PM.
*"What’s happening in North Seattle?"*
* *Holman Rd NW (*between 3rd Avenue NW and NW 103rd St)
* Work on Holman Rd NW has not started yet. We will continue to share updates when we expect to begin. Once construction starts, the contractor will need to have temporary lane restrictions. Travelers can expect delays. Pedestrians will be detoured to the northwest side of Holman Road NW.
* *North Aurora*
* We are hoping to wrap up work on the bus zone improvements on Aurora Ave N and N 105th St/N Northgate Way by this Fall.
*"What’s happening in Westlake? "*
* *Westlake Ave N *
* Crews will begin prepping for construction on Westlake Ave N near Halladay St*.* Community members can expect to see construction crews starting as soon as *mid-December.* Crews plan to survey, trench, and install conduit for the new pedestrian crossing. Due to inclement weather, this work was postponed.
* Construction impacts neighbors can expect to see are parking restrictions, lane reductions, detours, noise, dust, and debris.
* Halladay St will be closed during construction hours.
* Construction is typically weekdays and select weekends from 7 AM - 4 PM.
*What’s happening in Fremont?*
While civil work—like Watermain Utilities [ https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com/?d=govdelivery.com&h=575c3eb3bf3e45afbb48cde16f89dcf7&i=NjVlMjQ4NzM0ODMzNjA1ZjY4NzdkMzdh&p=m&s=AVNPUEhUT0NFTkNSWVBUSVZNe8aaOKHoGH_eBmWvrZalo94ksCxJRQjj9_KRCcOWcDb1ulr7eWGuVIOQqiRo3VVFBYEg0I-m6AC_31KoT3RrYkwFp4FsvKuSZHCkxu7Uvarv9muTA0yDaEDktVtp7dI&t=RGlvaDIwUm10NXRoeS9vS21nUW5kNk00NFk5N1VwSE0weVZqNlBsUUE3ST0%3D&u=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&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ], pavement upgrades, and sidewalks—in Fremont won’t begin until early 2025, community members may continue to see crews doing some short-term prep work before major construction occurs. Please note, there may be temporary traffic impacts.
Project Benefits
We are excited that the Route 40 Transit Plus Multimodal Project is underway and appreciate your patience during construction while we provide safe, fast, and reliable transit infrastructure.
Seattle's 21.1% growth in population [ https://www.seattle.gov/opcd/population-and-demographics/about-seattle?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] between 2010 and 2020 was more than twice the rates of growth the city saw over each of the two preceding decades and Route 40 serves some of our fastest growing neighborhoods in the City. It travels through Northgate, Crown Hill, Loyal Heights, Ballard, Fremont, South Lake Union, Downtown Seattle, and Pioneer Square neighborhoods. More than 95,000 people live within a half-mile of Route 40.
Transit ridership is continuing to increase as more people move into our neighborhoods and look for sustainable ways to get to where they need to go. From 2021 to Fall 2023 bus ridership is up 40% citywide and Route 40 remains one of King County Metro’s highest ridership routes. As of August 2023, daily ridership on Route 40 totaled over 7,500 people on the average workday. Please read more about transit ridership trends [ https://seattletransitblog.com/2024/05/20/metro-update-on-ridership-recovery-and-service-planning/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] .
As part of the Route 40 improvements, we expect to see average transit travel times reduced by 8.7% during the peak periods, which equates to 5.7 minutes saved per trip. With just over 70 trips planned for the Route 40 during the peak periods, those minutes saved add up to help increase reliability for people riding the route (over 31,000 person-hours saved per day). To learn more about transit improvements from other completed transit projects, please click here [ https://content.govdelivery.com/bulletins/gd/WASEATTLE-3958cb1?wgt_ref=WASEATTLE_WIDGET_420 ].
Transit can move more people per hour compared to other modes of transportation.
Transit Infographic
What you can expect during construction
* Temporary lane reductions
* Temporary driveway closures
* Temporary bus stop closures
* Temporary parking restrictions
* Temporary sidewalk detours
* Temporary storage of construction supplies in the street
* Temporary noise, dust and vibrations
* Bus stop relocations
* Drainage work: This involves digging trenches to help manage water flow
* Signal pole foundation excavation: This work involves digging for the pole foundations prior to when we order custom signal poles which takes a while to build and to make sure we know there are no underground obstructions
* Trenching for conduit: This involves digging trenches to lay down pipes or cables underground
* Sidewalk curb bulb out: This involves making the curbs stick outward for safety or accessibility
* Mill and fill overlay: This is when the top layer of the road gets removed and replaced with new asphalt
The construction timeline is always subject to change depending on weather conditions and materials availability. We are committed to keeping you informed and maintaining open communication throughout the remainder of this project.To learn more about the project and designs, visit our online open house. [ https://route40.infocommunity.org/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
Contact Us & Share Project Updates
Thank you for signing up for updates about the Route 40 Transit Plus Multimodal Corridor Project [ https://www.seattle.gov/transportation/projects-and-programs/programs/transit-program/transit-plus-multimodal-corridor-program/route-40---transit-plus?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]. We encourage you to share this message with your neighbors. They can also stay informed by signing up for email updates [ https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/WASEATTLE/subscriber/new ].
You can learn more on our project webpage [ https://www.seattle.gov/transportation/projects-and-programs/programs/transit-program/transit-plus-multimodal-corridor-program/route-40---transit-plus?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] or contact us by:
* Email: Route40@seattle.gov
* Phone: (206) 775-8731 [ tel:%20+1%20(206)%20775-8731 ] [ tel:%20+1%20(206)%20512-3950 ] (leave a voicemail and we will return your call)
Other Projects Along This Route
Our project team is in close coordination with the following projects. Please visit their project webpage to see the latest update:
* 15th Ave NW and Ballard Bridge Paving and Safety Project [ https://www.seattle.gov/transportation/projects-and-programs/programs/maintenance-and-paving/current-paving-projects/15th-ave-w/nw-and-ballard-bridge-paving-project?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
* Ship Canal Water Quality Project [ https://www.seattle.gov/utilities/neighborhood-projects/ship-canal?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
* RapidRide J Line - Formerly RapidRide Roosevelt [ https://www.seattle.gov/transportation/projects-and-programs/programs/transit-program/transit-plus-multimodal-corridor-program/rapidride-roosevelt?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
* N 102nd St/Aurora Ave N Pedestrian Bridge [ https://seattle.gov/transportation/projects-and-programs/programs/bridges-stairs-and-other-structures/bridges/n-102nd-st/aurora-ave-n-ped-bsr?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
* 13th Ave NW/Holman Rd NW Pedestrian Bridge Seismic Retrofit [ https://seattle.gov/transportation/projects-and-programs/programs/bridges-stairs-and-other-structures/bridges/13th-ave-nw/holman-nw-bsr?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
* "Missing Link" Bike Route Study on NW Market St - Leary Ave NW - 17th Ave NW [ https://www.seattle.gov/transportation/projects-and-programs/programs/bike-program/ballard-bike-route-study?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
* Sound Transit Northgate Station [ https://www.soundtransit.org/system-expansion/northgate-station?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
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*Seattle City Hall*
600 4th Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
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