Mayor Castor Reflects on Evolving Response to COVID-19, the Return of Baseball, And Celebrates Steps Forward for Transforming Tampa's Tomorrow.
- [登録者]City of Tampa
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Tampa (Downtown), Florida, US
- 登録日 : 2020/07/27
- 掲載日 : 2020/07/27
- 変更日 : 2020/07/27
- 総閲覧数 : 35 人
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Mayor Jane Castor
Mayor Jane Castor celebrates the transition of the McKay Bay Waste to Energy Facility into City ownership. Tampa is now only the 2nd city in the nation to own and operate its own waste to energy facility--a facility that converts over 2 million pounds of household and commercial refuse into a renewable energy each day.
Tampa Weekly
Four mayors reflect on their evolving response to the coronavirus pandemic (http://www.cnn.com/2020/07/25/politics/mayors-coronavirus-response/index.html)
Since the pandemic began, mayors have been at the front lines of the battle to contain the coronavirus in cities all across the country.
Because of that, we spent time this spring -- toward the start of the crisis in the US -- speaking to mayors about the vast challenges at the local level they were navigating.
Tampa Weekly Painting the town during Tampa’s Art on the Block Mural Day (https://www.tampabay.com/photos/2020/07/21/painting-the-town-during-tampas-art-on-the-block-mural-day/)
Tampa Bay Times
The City of Tampa commissioned local artists to paint five intersections throughout the city on Saturday, June 27th, with their Art on the Block Mural Day. The event was an initiative by Mayor Jane Castor that aimed to bring art and artists into neighborhoods and create "unity and inclusiveness."
Tampa Weekly Latest CBRE report ranks Tampa middle of the pack when it comes to tech talent (http://www.bizjournals.com/tampabay/news/2020/07/21/latest-cbre-report-ranks-tampa-middle-of-the-pack.html)
95.3 WDAE
Tampa's technology talent may not yet rival larger metropolitans, but a new report suggests it is growing. CBRE Group, a commercial real estate and investment firm, has released its annual Tech Talent Analyzer.
Tampa's Perry Harvey Sr. Park offers glimpse of musical history and cultural past (http://www.fox13news.com/news/tampas-perry-harvey-sr-park-offers-glimpse-of-musical-history-and-cultural-past)
Fox13 Tampa Bay
If the summer slump has your school-aged children watching more Disney Channel than History Channel, how about a trip outside to see some of Tampa's real history? Tampa's Perry Harvey Sr. Park is built on the city's historical past.
Tampa Weekly Tampa Bay Rays president shares what a season during COVID-19 holds (http://www.wtsp.com/article/sports/mlb/rays/tampa-bay-rays-president-shares-what-a-season-during-covid-19-holds/67-18f742c4-74f6-4ead-b887-869ec68182ef)
10 Tampa Bay
Five words describe what looking ahead to a shortened season looks like for the Rays, according to the team's president Brian Auld: “It’s going to be wild." The team faces a 60-game sprint this year with gameplay taking place between opening night on July 24 through Sept. 27.
Tampa Weekly
Tampa Solid Waste Department Celebrates the McKay Bay Waste to Energy Facility Transition (https://www.tampagov.net/news/tampa-solid-waste-department-celebrates-mckay-bay-waste-energy-facility-transition-0)
Tampa Bay Times
As part of Mayor Jane Castor’s Transforming Tampa’s Tomorrow commitment to sustainability & resilience, Tampa’s Department of Solid Waste and Environmental Program Management will celebrate becoming the second City in the nation to own and operate its own waste to energy facility on July 22, 2020..
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City of Tampa . 306 East Jackson Street . Tampa, Florida 33602 . USA