DON'T MISS OUT....REGISTER for Auburn's Dog Trot!
- [登録者]City of Auburn
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Auburn, WA, US
- 登録日 : 2024/05/09
- 掲載日 : 2024/05/09
- 変更日 : 2024/05/09
- 総閲覧数 : 133 人
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Dog Trot_2023
Lace up your shoes and get your leashes ready, Fido wants to have some fun! There's only a few more weeks to pre-register for *Auburn's Dog Trot 2024*! Dog Trot is a pet/owner 3K/5K Fun Run event, that kicks off the Petpalooza festival held Saturday, May 18 at Game Farm Park.
Auburn's Dog Trot is a family-oriented fun run event that starts at 9:30am. Participants will follow a 3K or 5K route. The course is flat, easy and enjoyable for all ages and ability levels. Water will be available on the course for both dogs and human participants. The race is 'chip-timed' by Bell Lap Productions.
Registration includes a limited-edition 2024 T-Shirt, full-color race bib and a participation medal. Pre-registration $25/person.
Sorry, no registration May 15 - 17. On-site registration on Saturday, May 18 is $30/person. T-shirt sizes not guaranteed for late registrations.
Click HERE [ https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/auburnwa/activity/search/detail/8225?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true ] to register for the Dog Trot.
"To those of you who have registered, thank you!! "
Thank you to our Dog Trot sponsors: Brutus Bone Broth [ https://brutusbroth.com/ ], Reber Ranch [ https://reberranch.com/ ]
and your Auburn Edward Jones [ https://www.edwardjones.com/us-en ] advisors.
Dog Trot / Petpalooza 2024 T-Shirt
* All participants must have their race bib on the FRONT of their person
* Dogs must be current on vaccinations
* No aggressive dogs
* No female dogs in heat
* No more than two dogs per human
* Keep your dog on a 7-foot leash or shorter at all times.
* No dogs under the age of six months
* Bring your dog only if he/she is well socialized
* Please, clean up after your dog
* Run or walk the course only if you and your pet are in adequate physical condition
* Strollers are welcome on the course
* Participants may not switch race distances after May 14
* Participants must run/walk the course in its entirety with a dog to be eligible for awards
* Route will close after 90-minutes; route is open 9:30am - 11:00am.
*SAVE THE DATE:* Auburn's Petpalooza [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=13102507&objectId.253644=13588295&contextId.253644=13102509&parentId.253644=13102510&localStartDate=2023-05-20T10:00&localEndDate=2023-05-20T17:00&ref=mesTP9fg96fVsgzpWYeogHITV1MwIwy2E1ZAyh%2bUUXI%3d ] is scheduled for Saturday, May 18, 2024 from 10am - 5pm at Game Farm Park.
Petpalooza is a FREE event for pet lovers and a special day for your four-legged family member or other furry friend. Petpalooza is kicked off with a Dog Trot 3K/5K Fun Run [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/one.aspx?portalId=11470638&pageId=13102507&objectId.253644=13588139&contextId.253644=13102509&parentId.253644=13102510&localStartDate=2022-05-21T09:00&localEndDate=2022-05-21T23:00&ref=mesTP9fg96fVsgzpWYeogDNR%2b3CpRS7l2vjAuvqbgzc%3d ].
The event features an animal-related entertainment stage, flydog and agility demos, the 'Unleashed' Pet Contest, an agility area, a petting zoo and other children's activities, a large variety of vendor booths, adoptions, give-a-ways and lots of activities to keep both humans and pets entertained.
The Canine Stars Stunt Dog Show will make their debut at Petpalooza 2024 with four shows at 10:15am, 12:15, 2:15 and 4:15pm. Join us!
*Leashed, licensed and well-behaved pets are always welcome at Auburn's Petpalooza!*
*"Stay connected:"*
Follow us on *Facebook [ https://www.facebook.com/auburnpetpalooza/ ]* at @auburnpetpalooza [ https://www.facebook.com/auburnpetpalooza/ ]
Visit our website at *auburnwa.gov/petpalooza [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/workspaces/One.aspx?objectId=13588295&contextId=13102510 ]*
Petpalooza logo
*events@auburnwa.gov [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/workspaces/One.aspx?objectId=13588295&contextId=13102510 ] | 253-931-3043 *
Auburn WA Logo [ http://www.auburnwa.gov ]
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