City News: PSL Here We Come
- [注册人]City of Orlando
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Orlando, MIA
- 注册日期 : 2024/09/06
- 发布日 : 2024/09/06
- 更改日期 : 2024/09/06
- 总浏览次数 : 162 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 在轻松的环境中享受奢侈的时光。
+1 (310) 787-0000Club Zero Entertainment
- San Joseの昔ながらの本格居酒屋です。火~金 1:00amまで営業中!メニ...
+1 (408) 452-8751Izaka-ya
- 我们将负责任地维修、检查和保养您的车辆。您可以放心地将车辆交给我们。胎压检查是一...
您是否正在寻找一个可以让您的爱车放心的地方? 在 M's Factory,拥有 30 多年经验、爱车胜过一日三餐的机械师松冈清成将为您的爱车进行检查 ・ 和维修 ! 。
+1 (310) 533-4897M's Factory
- ✅ Online business in Hawaii (生活在夏威夷)。
aiTWorks 帮助客户 ・ 扩展海外业务到夏威夷
在夏威夷生活。 我想在夏威夷生活 ! 我想把家搬到夏威夷 ! 我想在夏威夷开公司 ! 我想成立子公司 ! 我想搬到夏威夷工作 ! 但不知道如何到夏威夷生活! 我们可以帮助您准备在夏威夷的生活,包括投资E2签证 ・ 公司网站 ・ 各种申请和业务支持。 特别是投资 E2 签证,请与我们联系,因为我们提供成功通过投资 E2... +1 (619) 794-0122aiTWorks
- Weee!最新消息 ✨感恩节专属优惠券现已推出🧡枥木县最受欢迎的越光(Koshi...
Weee!最新消息 ✨感恩节专属优惠券现已推出🧡枥木县最受欢迎的越光(Koshihikari)又有存货了 !节日期间我们仍会送货上门🚚。
+1 (510) 358-8960Weee!
- 全接触空手道道场,在日本和国外都有道场网络。在湾区,有两个地点在旧金山・和圣马刁...
+1 (415) 682-8799ワールド大山空手道場
- 如果您想在千叶享受采摘草莓的乐趣,请访问千叶市绿区的 Fuin 农场 ! 这里有...
Fuin 农场的目标是实现深受当地社区喜爱的新一代农业。 我们的目标是开展高生产性的农业经营,确保我们的农业活动不仅仅是为了追求自身的利润,而是为了实现农业的各种功能,使生产和经营活动能够与当地社会共存共荣。
- HANDSOME作品是一家设计故事的创意・精品店。
我们是一个由策划人、文案和设计师组成的单位。 我们在项目上与各种创作者团结一致,赋予自由和灵活的创造力以形式,不受有限的想法或音调&或礼仪的约束。
- 在熊媽媽日托服務中心,我們代表家長悉心照料0-4歲的孩子,我們真心感謝每天與孩子...
在熊媽媽日托服務中心,我們代表家長悉心照料0-4歲的孩子,我們真心感謝每天與孩子們的相處。 我们对每个孩子都心怀感激,在爱和温暖的包围中看着他们成长。我们与家人和员工一起,怀着一颗感恩的心,为他们提供美好的日常生活。
+1 (424) 221-0580Mama Bear Daycare Services
- Meaty Boy是一家牛排烧烤餐厅,是阿拉莫阿纳购物中心的Niku Taro餐...
Meaty Boy是一家牛排烧烤餐厅,是阿拉莫阿纳购物中心的Niku Taro餐厅的分支。菜单包括专门的肋骨牛排、慢炖的炸鸡和用夏威夷蔬菜制作的小吃。
+1 (808) 376-0435Meataly Boys
- LA1 !在日本、银座、纽约・夏威夷拥有40家店铺的大型日式美发沙龙盛大开幕。S...
[剪发 $ 50] 我们希望您能像享受快时尚一样享受理发 ? 我们将以可靠的技术和时尚感吸引您 ! 我们是一家日资美发沙龙,在日本全国有40家分店,在纽约和夏威夷也有分店。
我们希望人们能像享受快时尚一样享受理发。 我们希望您能享受到与潮流和季节相匹配的发型和色彩。 [提供日语服务] 我们的员工都拥有扎实的技术 ! 我们在纽约也有对流行趋势敏锐的造型师 ! [服务] SHAMPO... +1 (323) 413-2688SOHO New York Los Angeles Hair Salon
- *由于冠状病毒,Sun Mama Playgroup目前已经暂停。
- 我们在橙县已经经营了 43 年,以信任和经验为客户的汽车生活提供全面支持。我们购...
1976 年,我只身一人从日本来到美国,从加州州立大学毕业后,我开始了自己的汽车销售 ・ 出口业务。 我们为居住在橙县地区的外籍人士及其家人和留学生提供所有与汽车有关的服务。我们始终像对待宝贝媳妇一样精心保养每一辆汽车。汽车保养完毕后,我们会将汽车交付给您。 我们还向日本出口和销售汽车及零部件,并帮助您将汽车运回美国。我们将一如既往地真诚工作,以满足那些追求优质汽车的客户的需求。 行车...
+1 (714) 236-2000Jimmy Auto Imports
- 和平是该组织在夏威夷原住民区 "阿罗哈之乡 "开展活动的主题。
它介绍了欧胡岛上的夏威夷土著自治区。 阿罗哈之乡・是一个实施各种项目的空间,旨在提高人们对实现世界和平的认识。Puuhonua ・ O ・ Waimanalo ・ Village ( 正式名称为 ) Waimanalo
Village,位于欧胡岛 Waimanalo 地区的夏威夷原住民圣地,被选为家园。这个特殊的地方将成为实现 "承诺 "的基地,在全世界扩大和平圈。 "・阿罗哈之乡 ... +1 (808) 551-2240Land of Aloha
- 这座纪念碑于1931年11月7日((1931年)昭和6年)在被认为是邮政之父的前...
News from the City of Orlando
** September 6, 2024
** City News: PSL Here We Come
The weekend is here, and we’ve (officially?) hit pumpkin spice season. We’re still a few weeks away from the official start of fall, and temperatures are still in the high 80’s, but that doesn’t mean we can’t start doing all the #fallthings.
** Our lakes have a new (mechanical) friend
We’ve recently acquired a new tool in our “clean lake” arsenal. Introducing the WeeDoo! Our new aquatic maintenance boat is equipped to tackle lake cleanup like never before. With its root rake, skimmer bucket, and saw, the WeeDoo can efficiently remove both floating and submerged vegetation, as well as trash.
Not only does this machine help us further protect our lakes, but it also helps us keep the waterways flowing and unclogged.
Let’s work together to keep our lakes clean by fertilizing properly, keeping leaves out of storm drains, picking up after your pet and throwing away trash properly.
Learn about protecting our lakes (
** Safety is paramount
Although our focus has been on more natural occurrences of water, we still need to keep an eye on the artificial ones, too. Thankfully, we’ve got some very brave and skilled lifeguards at our recreation pools who recently reminded us how important they are in our community’s safety.
This week, we joined neighbors and lifeguard trainers to recognize the heroic actions of Alexis Castillo and Ainsley Strobeck, two of our city lifeguards. When a swimmer lost consciousness at Wadeview Pool, they immediately reacted, remained calm and performed CPR until first responders arrived. Thanks to their prompt and professional response, they helped save the life of the resident.
We're grateful for public servants like Alexis and Ainsley whose care and compassion are truly inspiring.
** Steep it in
Christina and Brad Cowherd opened Infusion Tea in College Park twenty years ago, but they will both tell you that it was not initially an endeavor they saw coming. The two Orlando natives had joined the Peace Corps following a mission trip to Guatemala in 2001. While living in rural Guatemala, they learned vegetarian and vegan from-scratch cooking. They also visited a Guatemalan tea plantation where they were inspired by the ritual and health benefits of loose-leaf tea rather than bagged tea.
From that moment, the two knew when they returned home to Orlando, they would set out to open their own tea house that also featured unique vegetarian and vegan cuisine; something that was hard to come by when they opened Infusion Tea in 2004.
Today, Infusion Tea is a beloved fixture in College Park and serves as a gathering place for friends or as a cozy remote workspace. There’s even a little shop adorned with a tea merch wall so you can be an at-home barista.
To visit Infusion Tea, head to 1600 Edgewater Drive, or check out their website at ( .
** Things You Should Know
* Tomorrow is the last day for the Disaster Preparedness Tax Holiday (
* Volunteer with us for upcoming Lake clean ups! (
* Learn about the upcoming 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony (
* Join us for the annual POW-MIA Remembrance Ceremony (
* OPD is hosting a Women’s Forum (
* Know when you can vote early, get absentee ballots and more (
* Dubsdread is turning 100! (
* The city's first Budget Hearing is scheduled for September 9 (
** Now Hiring
Are you in the market for a new job that is meaningful and offers challenging work? Are you looking to fill your cup with work that makes your community better? Check out these positions with the City of Orlando:
* Accounting Specialist II ( – Business and Financial Services
* Records and Archive Supervisor ( – City Clerk's Office
* Paralegal I/II ( – Executive Offices
* Budget Analyst I/II/III ( – Business and Financial Services
View all jobs (
** Events
Public Board Meetings
Visit (
for more meetings and location details
* City Council Workshop
September 9, 10 a.m.
* Budget Review Committee
September 10, 4:15 p.m.
* Nominating Board and Committee Meeting
September 11, 8:30 a.m
* Downtown South Neighborhood Improvement District Advisory Council
September 11, 9 a.m
* Code Enforcement Board
September 11, 9 a.m
* Mennello Museum of American Art Board of Trustees
September 11, 4:30 p.m
* Public Works Department Project
September 12, 8:30 a.m
* Development Review Committee
September 12, 3 p.m
Clean Up the Milk District (
September 7
9 - 11 a.m.
Kyle's Bike Shop
203 North Primrose Drive
Storytime in the Park (
September 7
10 - 11 a.m.
Bill Frederick Park
3401 South Hiawassee Road
Orlando Farmers Market (
September 8
10 - 3 p.m.
Lake Eola Park
20 North Eola Drive
Audubon Park Community Market (
September 9
5 - 8 p.m.
Stardust Video & Coffee
1842 East Winter Park Road
M/WBE Certification Workshop (
September 9
2 - 4 p.m.
National Entrepreneur Center
3201 East Colonial Drive
City Council Meeting (
September 9
2 - 5 p.m.
Orlando City Hall
400 South Orange Avenue
From the Heart - Annual City District Mixer (
September 12
4 - 8 p.m.
Debonair Orlando
183 South Orange Avenue
Second Thursday Wine and Art Walk (
September 12
6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
JINYA Ramen Bar
8 North Summerlin Avenue
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