Salmon recovery, equitable hiring, Office of Independent Investigations, 2025 session
- [登録者]State of Washington
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Olympia, WA
- 登録日 : 2024/12/06
- 掲載日 : 2024/12/06
- 変更日 : 2024/12/06
- 総閲覧数 : 38 人
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New executive order stays the course on salmon recovery
Gov. Jay Inslee signs a document flanked by smiling advisors.
Gov. Jay Inslee signs Executive Order 24–06 to advance salmon recovery and riparian restoration, flanked by advisors and agency directors involved in salmon, clean energy, and habitat.
A document signed by Gov. Jay Inslee with his signature bordered by an illustration of a fish.
Inslee signed the order with a flourish.
Washingtonians drink from the Columbia River. Tribes sustain themselves by fishing from it. It waters our fields to grow our food. Communities are powered by it. Under its surface is an ecosystem just as reliant on the river’s health as humanity. But that world beneath is suffering because of the one above. The river and its salmon are in grave peril due to human activity and climate change.
On Tuesday, Gov. Jay Inslee signed an executive order emphasizing the critical nature of salmon recovery through restoring the Columbia River Basin and riparian habitats.
“We need to think of our state and its waters as borrowed rather than inherited. We owe future generations a healthy state,” Inslee said. “These fish and these waters are our responsibility to defend. We’ve charted a course for salmon recovery, and this order holds us to it.”
*Read the full story on Gov. Jay Inslee's Medium [ https://medium.com/wagovernor/new-executive-order-stays-the-course-on-salmon-recovery-47235f642540?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
Washington leads on equitable, inclusive hiring
Gov. Jay Inslee signs a document.
Gov. Jay Inslee signs an executive order to reform hiring across state government, dropping arbitrary degree requirements in favor of a more equitable, skills-based approach.
While some states have eliminated degree requirements and tried to implement skill-based hiring, no state has gone as far to advance equitable and inclusive hiring as Washington is about to under Gov. Jay Inslee.
The governor signed two new executive orders on Wednesday to put Washington in position to lead the nation on hiring the best and brightest talent.
The state will cast a wider net and attract deeper candidate pools. Arbitrary barriers will disappear. The state’s workforce will diversify, and new hires will bring sought-after skills to state service.
“State government should be as skilled as Washingtonians are, and we should be as diverse as Washingtonians are,” said Inslee. “The orders I signed today will give us a leg up to get there. Washingtonians are talented people, and these orders will help us hire the very best.”
*Read the full story on Gov. Jay Inslee's Medium [ https://medium.com/wagovernor/washington-races-to-the-lead-on-equitable-inclusive-hiring-c56b49b988bb?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
State Office of Independent Investigations to investigate first use-of-deadly-force incident
A large crowd of people smiles for a photo in a conference room.
Gov. Jay Inslee met with staff of the state Office of Independent Investigations this week as they prepared to begin their work investigating incidents of use of deadly force by police statewide.
The Washington State Office of Independent Investigations (OII) will soon begin its first investigation [ https://oii.wa.gov/news-and-updates/2024/oii-investigate-use-deadly-force-incident-vancouver-washington-state?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]. OII was first created by the Legislature in 2021 in the wake of national calls for accountable use of force. Now, the agency is ready to fulfill its mandate to conduct thorough, transparent, and unbiased investigations of uses of deadly force by law enforcement.
The incident to be investigated involves the Vancouver Police Department's use of deadly force on Dec. 4.
OII announced last month that they would begin investigations in a phased manner, starting in Southwest Washington and the Olympic Peninsula. OII will expand into other regions as it forms and equip more investigative teams.
“This is a big step forward for OII and the state. We’ve assembled a team of expert and impartial investigators that will perform fair and thorough reviews,” said Gov. Jay Inslee. “Police work is dangerous work, but deadly force should only be a last recourse. OII will make sure that’s the case.”
News you might have missed:
Inslee directive freezes discretionary hiring, purchases, travel at state agencies
On Monday, Gov. Jay Inslee issued a directive to state agencies freezing most discretionary [ https://governor.wa.gov/sites/default/files/directive/24-19%20-Freezes.pdf?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] and non-essential hiring, service contracts, purchasing and travel. The directive follows updated revenue forecasts [ https://links-2.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fofm.wa.gov%2Fabout%2Fnews%2F2024%2F11%2Fprojected-state-revenue-through-2029-down-400m%3Futm_medium=email%26utm_source=govdelivery/1/010101938a3137f4-a680c878-49e1-49b2-88a1-587b51a87b11-000000/fUYHsgrH-H72nqEeC9-3xSwm1Nbgih5JoRuAX0f07Z4=381 ] that indicate a pending budget shortfall. The Legislature will convene in January to develop and balance a new two-year budget. Washington’s budget is required to balance over four years.
As session approaches, first bills appear
The Washington State Legislature will take another crack at ‘ditching the switch’ [ https://washingtonstatestandard.com/2024/12/02/first-bills-drop-ahead-of-was-2025-legislative-session/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] between Daylight Saving Time and Standard Time this year. Another bill aims to establish “The Evergreen State” as the state’s’ official motto. These and other bills are starting to appear ahead of the 2025 Legislative Session to begin Jan. 13, 2025. The newly-redesigned leg.wa.gov website [ https://leg.wa.gov/bills-meetings-and-session/session/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] has information for activities of the Legislature.
King County expands mobile crisis teams that respond to mental health and substance use calls
King County this week launched 10 new teams [ https://dchsblog.com/2024/12/05/king-county-expands-mobile-crisis-teams-for-adults-to-reach-more-people-faster/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] to respond to behavioral health and substance use disorder crisis calls. The county now operates 27 such teams to help them quickly respond to and de-escalate these situations. If you or someone you know is in crisis, dial 9-8-8 to reach the statewide dedicated Suicide & Crisis Lifeline [ https://988lifeline.org/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ].
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