CMS Cloud Weekly change newsletter 10/31/2024
- [注册人]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Baltimore, MD
- 注册日期 : 2024/10/31
- 发布日 : 2024/10/31
- 更改日期 : 2024/10/31
- 总浏览次数 : 54 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- ! 农场按照 "月亮周期 "种植农作物 🌙 它还种植和销售无农药和化肥的土莲藕和...
我们农场所在的梯田是 2000 多年前的海底。我们注意到这片土地富含硅和矿物质,认为利用从海上吹来的海风,可以种植出美味的农作物,于是就有了我们的农场。这里的耕作方法充分利用了大自然的恩惠,种植了药用稻米和地藕,它们充满了力量,凝聚力是普通稻米的 20 倍左右。
- \ 招聘 ・ 临时员工 ・ 外包人力资源 / 我们提供全面的支持,并给予慷慨的回...
+1 (310) 993-7325Humina Resource
- 木更津市樱町木更津市OPEN🎊如需汽车检查和保养,请访问 Wasida Auto...
在Wasida Auto Garage,我们为您提供汽车维修・保养・销售・购买・检查等各种支持!本店位于国道上,如果在驾车途中遇到突发事故,可以很方便地停靠!支付宝和乐天支付。我们也接受支付宝和乐天支付。
+81-438-53-7718株式会社ワシダ 関東支店
- Miyako Hotels&Resorts(宫古酒店&度假村)是一家在保持其传统...
大都会混合酒店・托伦斯位于洛杉矶(北)和橙县(南))之间的中间位置。距离海岸 3.5 英里。距离洛杉矶市中心・约25分钟车程,距离洛杉矶国际机场(LAX)约15分钟车程。 在酒店内,您可以在 Iseshi 餐厅品尝正宗的日本料理,还可以在 Spa Rirakuen 温泉享受按摩或岩壁浴,让身心焕然一新。 酒店还采用可回收材料、太阳能电池板和节能灯具,注重环保,既舒适豪华,又环保。
+1 (310) 320-6700Miyako Hybrid Hotel
- 在日本拥有 5 家分店的改善发质美容沙龙。! ! NANANA PARENA拥有...
★秋季系列★现在仅![色彩+剪裁$ 99.75 !]由才华横溢的日本造型师制作。 ・ 剪发 $ 50 ・ 染色 + 剪发 $ 99.75 ・ 数字烫发 $ 173 ・ 直发烫发 $ 173 * 烫发包括快乐剪发! *造型师 : 健太,秀美,Alexa,清人 ★ 另外,剪发 $ 35 ! ! *只针对造型师和清人 我们期待您的预约 ! !
+1 (310) 575-3998nanana parena Los Angeles
- 该牙医连续多年被《檀香山杂志》评为最佳・牙医。从蛀牙治疗到种植牙。我们专注于咬合...
除了蛀牙等一般治疗外,全面保健也很重要,包括牙齿颜色、牙齿排列、咬合和牙龈状况。我们根据每位患者的不同需求提供量身定制的治疗。 ● 龋齿治疗 ● 牙周疾病 ● 牙齿修复 - 牙冠 - 假牙 - 牙贴面 ( 烤瓷牙 ) - 牙桥 - 种植体 *1 ● 美容
+1 (808) 944-1155よしむら歯科医院 | Jon Y. Yoshimura, DDS
- 播下种子是希望它们能长成一棵壮观的大地之树,2012 年 6 月,它们发芽长成了...
我想要一个每天都能去的地方。 它不需要特别,也不需要自命不凡。 这里的空间和服务都是质朴而真实的,可以成为人们日常生活的一部分。 始终创造扎根而非消耗的东西。 这是我们的理念,也是我们想要传达的。
+81-4-7094-5267Earth Tree Cafe
- 该公司生产季节性日式糕点,重点是房总的人气纪念品 Tai Senbei。
该公司生产时令日式点心,包括鲷鱼米饼。 WASAKO KAMATA 销售的和果子都是手工制作的。 我们保持着自大正时代以来流传下来的传统技术,通过手与手之间、人与人之间传递着我们的诚意。 房总地区的土特产和茶饼的必备品。
+81-4-7095-2828和匠 かまた
- 从第一次见面开始,我们就支持您 "我想结婚!"。一个安全可靠的婚姻介绍所,拥有许...
婚介所iMarriage在木更津、市原、千叶等地区为"想以结婚为目的!恋爱 "的人提供支援。 我们根据多年的经验,从手机上选择伴侣,到见面时的第一印象、恋爱期间、求婚、婚后等各个环节,提供压倒性的支持。 与两位开朗的顾问一起寻找终身伴侣♪。
- 在熊媽媽日托服務中心,我們代表家長悉心照料0-4歲的孩子,我們真心感謝每天與孩子...
在熊媽媽日托服務中心,我們代表家長悉心照料0-4歲的孩子,我們真心感謝每天與孩子們的相處。 我们对每个孩子都心怀感激,在爱和温暖的包围中看着他们成长。我们与家人和员工一起,怀着一颗感恩的心,为他们提供美好的日常生活。
+1 (424) 221-0580Mama Bear Daycare Services
- *2/23 ~ 暂停营业* <わらび餅専門店 門藤 市原店> 您不仅...
<わらび餅専門店 門藤 市原店>你不仅可以享受优雅和豪华的Honwarabimochi "Zeimi",还可以享受草莓拿铁、烤茶拿铁、咖啡拿铁、抹茶拿铁和其他草编年糕饮料。当你把它放进嘴里时,那种温柔的融化感觉,优雅而清爽的味道,以及它清空你的喉咙之前的幸福时刻--这种情感体验将留在你的记忆中。
+81-436-63-6023わらび餅専門店 門藤 市原店
- 混合动力汽车专家,主要是普锐斯 ( 新 & 二手 ) ! 我们提供安全和经济的生...
Ecodrive销售・租赁・购买・和维护高品质混合动力汽车,如普锐斯。我们提供 "2 年性能保证和购买保证 "的安心保证体系,为您提供安全・、经济的汽车生活。我们在托兰斯和科斯塔梅萨都设有分店,可以为洛杉矶郊区和橙县的客户提供服务。我们的员工期待为您服务。
+1 (310) 974-1816Eco Drive Auto Sales & Leasing (Torrance office)
- 长期出租 ! 多处房产可供介绍 !。
Hawaii Stay Pro ! 威基基(Waikiki)地区有许多房产 ! 我们管理着大约80个单位,可以为您找到合适的单位 ! 。共管公寓是日本的出租公寓。 有单个单元配有管理员,在闲置期间出租给旅客的类型,也有像酒店一样经营的类型。与酒店相比,它们的居住面积更大,家具和家电齐全,适合长期居住,让您在轻松愉快的氛围中度过闲暇时光。本网站提供威基基地区公寓的短期~和长期租赁服务。
Hawaii Stay Pro
- 如果您有来自日本或其他州的房地产事宜,请随时与我们联系。我们主要经营拉斯维加斯・...
自 2008 年以来,我一直住在拉斯维加斯,因此对当地 ・ 有广泛而深入的了解。 我在日本拥有 20 多年的丰富经验,曾在摩根士丹利日本有限公司、美林日本证券公司、德意志证券公司等金融公司工作过,在许多国家与许多人共事过。 我的目标是通过掌握最新的房地产信息,为房主和房地产投资者提供支持。 如果您想出售您的房产,请与我联系。
+1 (702) 635-6249Junko Shimada/Realty One Group
- 您是否有农用设备 ・ 自行车 ・ 电器 ・ 计算机 ・ 玩具 ・ 家具和更多 ?...
您家中是否有一些您喜欢的东西,希望它们更有用 … ? 在乔治修理店,我们不仅将物品修理到原来的可用状态,而且还根据您的愿望进行改装 ! 即使您认为 💦 这好得不像真的,也请不要犹豫与我们联系。! 农用机械 ・ 自行车 ・ 电器 ・ 个人电脑 ・ 玩具 ・ 家具 ? 如果您需要修理,修理工乔治在这里为您服务 ! 我们不仅修理东西,我们还做您希望您能做的事情 ♪ ! 您目前正在使用的东西,您希望...
Weekly change newsletter 10/31/2024 -Update
Each week, the CMS Cloud program provides a list of upcoming changes, maintenance windows, and updates to help customers build awareness and plan effectively and summarizes changes from the previous week.
This newsletter includes:
* Completed change summary for the week of 10/25/2024 [ #CC ]
11/03/2024 - DevOps Services Maintenance [ #DevOps ]
* 11/03/2024 - Update CMS-OIT Patching CloudFormation Stacks [ #CloudFormation ]
* 11/03/2024 - Tenable Security Center Minor Version Upgrade [ #Tenable ]
* 11/03/2024 - VPC Peering TWS SBX v4 to TWS PROD v3 [ #TWS ]
* 11/03/2024 - Enterprise Testing Services Maintenance [ #Testing ]
* 11/03/2024 - Reboot and Replace Splunk Indexer 2.2:53 [ #Splunk ]
* 11/03/2024 - Cloud Storage Virus Scan Version Upgrade [ #Virus ]
* Reminder - Open Enrollment (OE12) - Moratorium [ #OE12 ]
Completed change summary for the week of 10/25/2024
* There were no impactful planned maintenance items scheduled for this weekend.
To learn details about previous changes please go to the News and Updates [ ] section on (Secure Access required)
11/03/2024 - DevOps Services Maintenance
CMS Cloud will be performing maintenance updates on its DevOps tools.
*Actions we are taking*
Modifying internal stores of SSL root certificates for Jfrog and Cloudbees.
*When is this happening?*
Start time: Sunday, 11/03/2024 at 12:00 a.m. ET
End time: Sunday, 11/03/2024 at 1:30 a.m. ET
*Who will be impacted?*
All AWS Commercial and GovCloud customers of CloudBees and Jfrog.
*What is the impact? *
Customers should expect a short downtime for each service as instances are restarted within the maintenance window.
11/03/2024 - Update CMS-OIT Patching CloudFormation Stacks
CMS Cloud will update patching stacks for several Marketplace accounts that are out of sync.
*Actions we are taking*
The Cloud team will update / reapply CMS-OIT Patching Stacks and resources that control the patching automation used by the ADO accounts.
*When is this happening?*
Start time: Sunday, 11/03/2024 at 12:00 a.m. ET
End time: Sunday, 11/03/2024 at 2:00 a.m. ET
*Who will be impacted?*
The following Marketplace account stacks will be redeployed mitg-fm, mitg-pm.
*What is the impact? *
The configuration update will have no impact to the customer.
11/03/2024 - Tenable Security Center Minor Version Upgrade
The CMS Cloud Security team will update our Tenable Security Center instance version.
*Actions we are taking*
As part of CMS Cloud's commitment to improve our security posture, CMS Cloud Security team will update our Tenable Security Center (formerly instance version to ensure we have the latest updates for optimal performance and security.
*When is this happening?*
Start time: Sunday, 11/03/2024 at 1:00 a.m. ET
End time: Sunday, 11/03/2024 at 12:00 p.m. ET
*Who will be impacted?*
All systems leveraging Tenable Security.
*What is the impact? *
There will be no downtime with this implementation.
11/03/2024 - VPC Peering TWS SBX v4 to TWS PROD v3
The CMS Cloud team will create a standard VPC peering connection for TWS.
*Actions we are taking*
TWS will receive a connection to allow their processes to run from v4 'tws-east-sandbox' and monitor DB2 health status on DB2 instances in v3 TWS environments.
*When is this happening?*
Start time: Sunday, 11/03/2024 at 8:00 a.m. ET
End time: Sunday, 11/03/2024 at 9:30 p.m. ET
*Who will be impacted?*
TWS account customer mitg-ffm
*What is the impact? *
There will be no customer downtime with this implementation.
11/03/2024 - Enterprise Testing Services Maintenance
In order to keep up to date with the latest versions and security advisories, the CMS Cloud team will be performing maintenance updates on Enterprise Testing tools.
*Actions we are taking*
* Update Selenium Box Hub and Executors with the latest Amazon Linux 2023 Gold Image for CMS Cloud
*When is this happening?*
Start time: Sunday 11/03/2024 at 9:00 a.m. ET
End time: Sunday 11/03/2024 at 11:59 a.m. ET
*Who will be impacted?*
All AWS Commercial and GovCloud customers of Selenium Box.
*What is the impact? *
Customers should expect downtime for the service as instances are restarted within the maintenance window.
11/03/2024 - Reboot and Replace Splunk Indexer 2.2:53
AWS has scheduled a Splunk Indexer instance for maintenance and it needs to be rebooted and possibly rebuilt.
*Actions we are taking*
The Cloud Support team will reboot a specific Splunk Indexer instance to address a performance issue, and if needed proceed with a rebuilt.
*When is this happening?*
Start time: Sunday 11/03/2024 at 9:00 a.m. ET
End time: Sunday 11/03/2024 at 12:00 p.m. ET
*Who will be impacted?*
There is no customer impact related to this maintenance.
*What is the impact? *
There is no impact to operational performance. This will have no impact on Cloud Splunk performance and will not impact user searches or dashboards.
11/03/2024 - Cloud Storage Virus Scan Version Upgrade
The Cloud Support team will upgrade a Cloud Storage Virus Scan Version to accommodate a customer request.
*Actions we are taking*
The Cloud Support team will deploy a standard CloudFormation template to update the Cloud Storage Virus Scan Version.
*When is this happening?*
Start time: Sunday 11/03/2024 at 9:30 a.m. ET
End time: Sunday 11/03/2024 at 12:00 p.m. ET
*Who will be impacted?*
*What is the impact? *
This will be no impact or downtime during this update.
*Reminder - Open Enrollment (OE12) - Moratorium*
To help ensure that we maintain good system performance and stability during CMS Healthcare Open Enrollment, an annual Moratorium period has been established to shift the scheduling of production system changes into a designated weekly maintenance windows which occurs on most Sundays.
*KEY DATES*: (click to download the OE12 schedule and key dates pdf file [ ])
Start time: Tuesday, October 1, 2024 at 12:00 a.m. ET
End time: Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 5:00 a.m. ET
*November 1 – First day of Open Enrollment*
*November 3 - Daylight Savings time ends at 2:00 a.m. (an hour is gained)*
*Maintenance Windows: *Sunday 12:00 a.m. ET – 12:00 p.m. ET **
* November 3, 10, 17, 24
* December 1, 8, 22, 29
*Who will be impacted?*
Any Hybrid Cloud IT Operations team planning to make a change to a system supporting the CMS Healthcare Marketplace either directly or indirectly.
Need help? We are here to support you.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to your assigned Hosting Coordinator. CMS IT Support can be reached via, <> or call (800) 562-1963, and is documented here at Support Page [ ] on [ ].
Office of Information Technology
You are subscribed to receive email messages about CMS Cloud Operations, Changes, and Outages from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
To update your subscription(s), preferences or to stop receiving messages from the CMS Cloud Operations, Changes, and Outages Updates- distribution list, please go to our Subscriber Preferences Page [ ].
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