Check Out This Month's Culver City Newsletter - November 2024
- [登録者]City of Culver City
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Culver City, CA
- 登録日 : 2024/11/15
- 掲載日 : 2024/11/15
- 変更日 : 2024/11/15
- 総閲覧数 : 62 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
- 拉面经过20年对原料和方法的深思熟虑 这是一道特殊的菜肴,不使用任何动物原料,只...
对食品的反思:20 年后的深思熟虑]我们的目标是制作人人都能放心食用的拉面。 作为我厨师生涯的结晶,我将所有的知识和技能都投入到了这款拉面的制作中。 我们为您提供的是您从未吃过的,但您可以放心食用的美食。 我们不使用任何麸质面粉。 (调料也是如此。 ) 您可以从六种面条中进行选择。 (黄豆面(缅米)/米粉/鹰嘴豆&糙米面/河粉/魔芋面/粉丝面/)
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- 邂逅与感官博物馆创建于大分市的中心,以大分独特的文化气候命名。
大分县气候温暖,风景秀丽,在丰富的自然环境和柔和的县民性格的熏陶下,接受和吸收了来自亚洲和西方的不同文化,并将其融合到传统和习俗中。 在大分市的中心创建了一个 "邂逅与五感博物馆",以大分独特的文化气候命名。 由国际著名建筑师坂茂设计(。这个高度透明、灵活、多变和令人振奋的空间确实是一个 "不断变化和成长的博物馆"。 在接近来自世界各地和日本的艺术遗产的同时,它介绍和培养大分引以为豪的艺术家和传统...
- 在人民身边,为人民服务。K.T.S. 是一家为人们的生活提供全面保障的公司。
让自然丰富的南房总的生活更丰富、更舒适。我们正在开发适合客户多样化生活方式的服务。 建筑 ・ 设计/房地产/设施管理/保险 … K.T.S.也在寻找为客户提供支持的员工。您可以在与生活相关的各种岗位上挑战自我。
- 夏威夷 ・ 位于卡帕胡鲁(Kapahulu)的 Tonkatsu(冬阴功汤)餐馆...
夏威夷的正宗炸猪排 ! 还提供外卖 ☆ 从现在起,您可以享用新鲜制作的炸猪排,无需等待 ! Tonkatsu Tamato 在北海道札幌市开始营业。今年是该公司在北海道札幌市成立 66 周年。 我们希望海外顾客也能体验到我们的工匠多年来培育出的'悠久味道'。 ・ ・ ・ 为此,我们于 2017 年 2 月在夏威夷檀香山开设了第一家海外分店 "Tamato Kapahulu"。 我们从...
+1 (808) 922-1212とんかつ玉藤
- SHOGUN 是一个 "欢笑团体",我们希望成为一个 "胜利团体"。 ! SHO...
从繁忙的生活中抽身出来,在足球场上挥洒汗水 ? 训练时间的安排最大限度地考虑到了上班族的需求。快来加入我们吧。我们期待您的加入。
SHOGUN Chicago サッカー同好会
- 我们与您和您的家人一起工作,帮助您解决问题,帮助您和您的家人共同过上健康的生活。...
日常生活中,有很多事情都不尽如人意。 要保持自己和家人的平衡并不容易,尤其是自科罗娜开始以来,压力和责任都很大。 在小松树咨询公司,我们的工作重点是设定目标并逐步实现目标,增加更好的行为或感觉,减少烦恼和问题行为。 我们根据您的目标和担忧提供量身定制的服务,包括为您的孩子或您自己提供个别辅导和家长培训。
+1 (323) 285-2221小松千沙都/Chisato Komatsu, Ph.D., BCBA-D(カリフォルニア州公認心理学者)
- 日本制造的最新混合脱毛机,同样具有全身皮肤光滑美丽的效果 ! 无痛脱毛,对疼痛敏...
位于韩国城的日式脱毛沙龙。 我们由持有纽约州执照的日本员工提供周到的服务。 除了脱毛,我们还提供经济实惠的面部美容服务 ♡ 您可以通过我们的在线网站进行预约。 与传统脱毛机相比,即使是对疼痛敏感的儿童也不会感到疼痛。在治疗过程中,冷却凝胶和-25°C的冷却头让人几乎感觉不到热量。治疗后,毛发会在几天到两周内脱落,你可以看到和感受到治疗效果。如果每四周做一次,效果会更好。除了脱毛,我们还有...
+1 (929) 424-8055MOCOCO
- 睫毛嫁接 ・ 睫毛烫发 ・ 美甲沙龙] 前Salon Akua店主Koco(可可...
在日本和夏威夷拥有10年以上经验的Salon Akua的眼部专家/Koco 팀和前Syisyu的美甲师/子,现已独立 ! 我们用与夏威夷的生活方式和季节相匹配的迷人眼睛和双手,帮助您绽放最美的光彩。
我们是一家拥有日本和美国经验的专业沙龙。凭借来自日本和美国的专业技能和客户服务,她将在・放心・ 安全 和关怀的前提下,为您提供您所希望的治疗和建议。 +1 (808) 460-2433ラ・ボーテ・アネラ | La beaute Anela
- 库阿洛阿・牧场是位于夏威夷・欧胡岛东北部的一个野外活动・中心。它曾被夏威夷旅游业...
库阿洛阿牧场(Kualoa ・ Ranch)是位于夏威夷东北部欧胡岛(Oahu)・的一个野外活动・中心。这里有大约 10 种不同的活动和海上运动可供选择,包括骑马、全地形车和电影外景地之旅。 库亚洛阿广袤的原野被陡峭的峡谷环绕,经常被用作好莱坞电影和电视剧的拍摄地,包括《侏罗纪・公园》、《哥斯拉》和《珍珠港》。在这里,您可以尽情享受各种活动和海上运动,感受与银幕上一模一样的风景。
+1 (808) 237-7321クアロア・ランチ
- 自开业以来,我们已经经营了 15 年以上,深受夏威夷人民的喜爱。如果您在夏威夷想...
Restaurant Inaba 在夏威夷提供正宗日本料理已有 15 年之久。如果您想念夏威夷的日本风味,如荞麦面、天妇罗、乌冬面和寿司,请光临我们的餐厅。我们期待为您提供正宗的荞麦面。
+1 (808) 953-2070レストラン稲葉
- [未来学园] 以16年的经验为基础,为儿童提供在线日语教育和日本文化体验 ! 您...
未来学园为美国儿童提供日语教育和日本文化体验。 可根据您孩子的日语水平参加课程。 目前提供在线课程和免费试听! ------------------------------------------------------------- \ 我们现在提供 2 岁技能开发课程 ( Mebae 课程 ) ! / ★ 小班授课,额满为止 ★ <開講曜日> 周三 ・ 周五:上午...
+1 (408) 391-3689未来学園 Mirai Gakuen LLC
- 快速、便宜、可靠。我们以合理的价格为您提供快速、安全的搬家服务。请先致电我们 !...
我们拥有超过 25 年的经验,可以帮助您搬家。价格灵活,还有更多 ! 一个电话,门到门 ! ! 先打电话给我们 !.
+1 (917) 682-6318引越し太郎
- 位于洛杉矶 Miyako 酒店二楼的正宗日本餐厅。 寿司和菜肴均采用精心挑选的食...
寿司厨师制作的寿司也是五彩缤纷,令人赏心悦目,回味无穷。餐厅的另一个亮点是多种座位选择。除了休闲的柜台座位和餐桌座位外,还有各种包间。餐厅可方便地用于各种场合。 塔门千层寿司 塔门特制汉堡 塔门饭团套餐
+1 (213) 617-7839Tamon Restaurant
- 波特兰日本商业协会是一个非营利性组织,由俄勒冈州的一些日本贸易公司于 1966 ...
波特兰日本商业协会是一个非营利性组织,由俄勒冈州的一些日本贸易公司于 1966 年成立。 它由波特兰经济区的日本公司领导,为当地社区提供文化交流和商业支持。
+1 (503) 644-9579ポートランド日本人商工会
- 最前沿的人工智能潜意识改写辅导课程 ⭐️ 人工智能技术使改写潜意识成为可能,这在...
这个环节利用最先进的人工智能,直接分析潜意识・的信息领域,并在此基础上进行振动调整,从而直接改写潜意识。 由于对潜意识进行了调整,创造理想现实的过程就会变得更加顺利。⭐️ 任何愿望都可以通过愿望实现课程来实现。如果你一般般快乐,但觉得自己不是这样的 ! 或者你有远大的梦想和目标,欢迎你来 ♪ 到目前为止,要靠自己改变它非常困难,尽管你知道潜意识对现实的创造非常重要。从现在起,设备将负责技术方...
+1 (808) 583-5318Atzi / AIコーチング・AI波動調整
Culver City
Culver City Newsletter - November 2024
*Culver City's monthly newsletter provides a recap of the last month and shares opportunities to get engaged.*
Photo of the Veteran presentation in Culver City [ ]
Honoring Veterans in Culver City
The community gathered for the annual Tribute to Heroes in honor of Veterans Day. The ceremony took place outside the Veterans Memorial Complex. This year honored Women on the Front Lines, in addition to all hero veterans, first responders and individuals who have served and sacrificed for our country in so many ways. Almost all elements of the program were provided by women, including the sharing of their personal stories, and presenting various historical impacts that military women have made over many years.
Saturday's event, sponsored by the Exchange Club of Culver City, raised funds toward ending Veteran homelessness, working with New Directions for Veterans. The Exchange Club has installed 500 flags around the Veterans Memorial Park Building, each adorned with a yellow ribbon showing the sponsored hero’s name, branch of service and emblem, and the sponsor’s name. They are on display through November 20th.
Culver City State of the City graphic with Mayor McMorrin [ ]
Public Invited to Mayor McMorrin's State of the City 2024
The Culver City community is invited to enjoy a reception with light refreshments followed by Mayor Yasmine-Imani McMorrin's State of the City Address, hosted by the Wende Museum, on *Wednesday, November 20th*.
* 5:30 PM - Reception
* 6:30 PM - Mayor's State of the City Address
* 6:50 PM - Post Presentation Reception
* 7:30 PM - Closing
No ticket or RSVP required, but RSVP is requested for planning purposes. _You can RSVP using the Eventbrite webpage [ ]_.
Photo of CityBus [ ]
Culver CityBus Announces Ambassadors Program
The Culver CityBus Transit Ambassador Program is set to launch in November. The program will reinforce the sense of safety and security by deploying ambassadors to create a comfortable and welcoming environment for both customers and operators. The initiative is part of a broader customer experience improvement plan aimed to enhance our transit service safety, convenience, and attractiveness.
Starting November 18th, unarmed, specially trained ambassadors will be present on high-traffic routes and at select transit centers and bus stops to help passengers feel comfortable and confident riding Culver CityBus. The ambassadors will help with:
* Assisting riders with navigating the regional bus and rail network
* Providing information on Culver CityBus fares and payment methods
* Addressing any safety or maintenance concerns
* Offering support and resource materials to passengers in need
Keep updated with the latest Culver CityBus news and routes on its website [ ].
Photo of Project Homekey [ ]
New Numbers Released on Culver City's Homeless Reporting Dashboard
The City of Culver City released new numbers highlighting the effort to address homelessness and help unhoused neighbors in our community.
Culver City is a California leader in addressing homelessness by using a holistic and comprehensive approach. As of September 30, 2024, the City has accomplished the following:
* Project Homekey's Permanent Supportive Housing site currently houses 39 residents since opening in October 2023.
* Project Homekey's Interim Housing site currently temporarily houses 40 participants since opening in February 2024.
* Wellness Village Safe Sleep site currently shelters 7 participants and has served 72 participants since opening in August 2023.
* Motel Lease Program currently shelters 42 participants and has served 92 participants since July 2023.
* The Mobile Crisis Team, which launched in March 2024, has helped provide placement for 49 unhoused individuals and has responded to 694 calls for service, contacted 493 persons, and performed 112 mental health assessments.
Updated data will continue to be published quarterly, along with an email update to community members who are interested in tracking the City’s progress. The City of Culver City remains dedicated to leading with care, helping our unhoused neighbors live a better life. You can find the full dashboard numbers on the City's website. [ ]
Two photos of Culver City public art installations
Conservation Work Completed on Culver City Public Artworks
The Cultural Affairs Division of the City of Culver City is pleased to announce the conservation of *La Ballona* by artist May Sun and *Hanging Garden* by artist Ed Carpenter has been completed. These two major City-owned, public artworks are currently installed at City Hall. La Ballona received a complete conservation treatment that included the fiberglass repairs of the effigies (pictured), removal of calcium/lime efflorescence buildup from brick surfaces, and cleaning and replacing of missing metal hooks in the pool floor. Hanging Garden was given a full cleaning and polishing of the individual stained-glass pieces by chemical and soft abrasive means; the removal of rust oxidation throughout the monumental, stainless-steel frame was executed.
Earlier this year, *The Lion's Fountain* and *A Moment in Time* statues near the Culver Steps, as well as the City Seal located in front of the Mike Balkman City Council Chambers, received much-needed treatment to ensure longevity. One of the primary responsibilities of the Cultural Affairs Division is to manage the routine maintenance of the city’s own permanent, public art collection, which consists of over 100 artworks to date.
Photo of people in movie theater during the AWFF [ ]
Asian Film Festival Returns to Culver City
The City of Culver City is pleased to welcome the 10th Annual Asian World Film Festival (AWFF) to our community from November 13th through the 21st. Over the past years, the City of Culver City has been honored to host the AWFF and support its mission of bringing Asian cinema to the greater Los Angeles area. In that short time, the Festival has become a beloved cultural event that showcases films from over 50 countries across Asia, spanning from Turkey to Japan, and from Russia to India.
The Asian World Film Festival celebrates global outreach, inclusion and diversity in a profound, innovative, and authentic way. The Festival unites our communities across the planet, bringing the Asian world to Culver City, and Culver City to the world. The Festival’s cross-cultural collaboration creates an opportunity for our community to experience films from over 50 countries across Asia. To date, the Festival has screened over 100 Oscar and 50 Golden Globe submissions.
You can find the schedule and tickets at the AWFF website [ ]. The Culver Theater will host the festival.
Photo of new El Marino Park playground [ ]
New El Marino Park Playground Opens
The El Marino Park playground was in need of an upgrade. In April, crews removed the decaying playground that was built for children 2 to 5-years-old. Staff began a community process to gather input on what options they would like to see.
Following selection and construction, a grand opening was held to commemorate the new playground. Thank you to Culver City PRCS staff, and the community, for their work in creating an interactive, modern playground for kids to enjoy for years to come. Check out the exciting video of the afternoon on the Culver City Instagram page [ ].
Photo of completed Farragut Connector Project [ ]
Farragut Connector Replacement Project Complete
The Farragut Connector Replacement Project in Culver City is now complete. The Project, which was improving a section of pathway that provides bicyclists and pedestrians access along Farragut Drive between Jasmine Avenue and Jackson Avenue, began in Spring 2024 by the Public Works Division of the City of Culver City. It included demolition of the existing path, improvements and construction of new fencing, pedestrian-oriented lighting, plants and trees with an irrigation system, a combined bottle filler/pet drinking fountain, and permeable pavement. You can read more about the improvements on the City's website [ ].
The Project also has a public art component. City Council commissioned artist Sonia Romero to create a tiled art installation on the north facing wall with a focus on the area’s history. The artwork is scheduled to be completed by Spring 2025.
Photo of Hope Parrish
Hope Parrish Named Honorary City Historian
The City Council voted to appoint Hope Parrish as the honorary City Historian at its meeting in October.
Parrish is a retired property master who worked in the entertainment industry for many years. When she retired in 2017, she became President of the Culver City Historical Society (CCHS).
Parrish loves history, research and her hometown, Culver City. Her work has been to continue to grow the CCHS and carry-on the work of those that came before her in the organization. She hopes that the CCHS will continue to be a place where Culver City can deposit items that tell the City’s story and history, and that history’s lessons continue to educate the city.
Photo of Community art project [ ]
Dozens Join for Community Art Project
Thank you to everyone who joined us in our community art project in October led by Artist Laureate Katy Krantz at the former Martin B. Retting store. These tiles will be installed as a temporary art installation.
We have also received brilliant and thoughtful input from our community about what the future of the space should become. You can still participate and provide feedback. Use the online visioning form to share your ideas with the City. [ ]
Photo of Creative Economy Mixer at the Wende Museum
Office of Economic and Cultural Development Welcomes Creative Economy Community
The Creative Economy Mixer, hosted by the Office of Economic and Cultural Development, was a resounding success, drawing dozens of attendees from across Culver City’s vibrant creative community. Hosted at the Wende Museum’s Outdoor Sculpture Garden, the event fostered an evening of connection and collaboration.
Participants from a diverse range of fields, including digital media, entertainment, product and industrial design, publishing, fine and performing arts, fashion, architecture, visual arts, and more, came together to network and share ideas. Attendees exchanged insights and explored new opportunities for collaboration within Culver City’s dynamic creative economy.
The event's informal yet purposeful atmosphere provided the perfect space for professionals to connect and discuss how the City can better support its creative sector. With a focus on gathering feedback for Culver City's long-range cultural plan, the mixer proved to be an valuable opportunity for participants to voice their thoughts and contribute to the City's future growth.
Photo of tree lighting ceremony in 2023 [ ]
Downtown Culver City Tree Lighting Sled-tacular Returns Dec. 5th
Celebrate the holidays at the 2024 Annual Holiday Tree Lighting Sled-tacular in Downtown Culver City. Bigger than ever with 50 tons of fresh snow, enjoy sledding, carnival games, sweet treats, warm drinks and, of course, visits with Santa Claus. Stick around for the the Tree Lighting Ceremony featuring musical performances by hundreds of Culver City’s youngsters, followed by a boisterous countdown to light the beautiful 25-foot Holiday Tree.
Mark your calendars and join us Downtown Thursday, December 5th from 5 to 8:30 PM at Town Plaza and Main Street. To sled, you must sign up on the event form webpage [ ].
Photo of Culver City fire truck spraying water at recent wildfire [ ]
Culver City Fire Department Assists in Wildfire Efforts
Culver City Engine 41, Engine 43 and Battalion 41 were deployed as part of strike team XLA-1075A to the Mountain Fire burning in Ventura County. Firefighters faced difficult conditions and battled multiple burning structures.
Over the weekend, Strike Team XLA-1075A was released. Culver City Fire Department said it was a challenging few days for our firefighters battling this wind driven fire and seeing the devastation it caused to the Camarillo community. You can see more and follow along with their work on the Culver City Fire Department Instagram page [ ].
Photo of six new officers introduced to the City Council [ ]
**Culver City Police Department Swears-In Six New Officers**
Chief Jason Sims swore in six new members of the Culver City Police Department, welcoming them to the team. All pledged to exemplify the values of the Culver City Police Department: professionalism, progressive policing practices, and partnerships. The six have now begun patrol training.
CCPD is thrilled to welcome these new members to the team and look forward to the great work they will do for the City of Culver City. You can watch a reel of the ceremony on CCPD's Instagram page [ ].
Photo of shovel with compost dirt [ ]
EPO Hosts Compost Giveaway and Hazardous Waste Collection on Nov. 16h
Join the Environmental Programs and Operations Division of the Department of Public Works on November 16th from 8 AM to 3 PM for a compost giveaway and household hazardous waste special collection.
Household Hazardous Waste Special Collection
The special collection will take place at Top Field of Culver City Park. Visit the event page on the City's website to see what household hazardous waste that will be accepted in this special collection [ ]. Please note that the limit of HHW accepted from each attendee is three five-gallon containers of liquids or 125 lbs for solids.
Compost Giveaway
The compost giveaway will take place across from the Boneyard Dog Park at the Culver City park. Attendees can also bring any leftover seeds to share and exchange. Please bring them labeled with dates and details to the compost giveaway information booth.
Generic photo of food drive supplies [ ]
Food Drive at the Plunge on Nov. 16th
Join us in trying to come together as a community to make a positive impact on the lives of those facing food insecurity. The Plunge at Veterans Memorial Complex will host the first food drive on Saturday, November 16th from 7 AM to 3 PM.
Those who donate four items will receive a free swim pass.
Suggestions for items to donate include: canned vegetables such as corn, green beans and carrots, canned or pouched meat and tuna, salsa, canned fruit and fruit cups, water, electrolyte drinks such a Gatorade, pancake mix, rolled oats, low-sodium soup, quinoa, pasta sauce, freeze dried fruit, granola and protein bars, popcorn, honey, jellies, jams, vegetable oil and anything you would like to contribute that has a decent shelf life!
Photo of Culver City Police [ ]
Public Invited to CCPD Strategic Plan on Dec. 2nd
The Culver City Police Department invites the community to a presentation of the CCPD Strategic Plan scheduled for Monday, December 2nd, at 6:30 PM at City Hall in Mike Balkman Council Chambers.
At this meeting, Micah Conor of Conor Consulting will present insight on the department’s strategic plan process, goals, and initiatives, and invite community input. The Strategic Plan will drive initiatives for the department over the course of the next three years.
The meeting will be held both in person and shared via Webex. A link to join the meeting via Webex will be provided on the day of the meeting at Culver City Police website [ ] under the “events” tab.
For questions, please contact Community Engagement Manger Jennifer Atenza at or (310) 253-6120 [ tel:3102536120 ].
Photo of Santa posing with kid at PRCS event [ ]
Breakfast with Santa Set for Dec. 15th
Santa's on his way! Join Culver City PRCS for Breakfast with Santa on Sunday, December 15th at the Veterans Memorial Auditorium.
Registration includes:
* Breakfast
* Live Entertainment
* Crafts
* Hot Cocoa & Cookies
* Holiday Photo Opportunities
All attendees aged 3 and up must register. Children under 3 are free. Registration is open now on the event form webpage [ ]. Space is limited.
Photo of Jazz Nights in Culver City [ ]
Thank You for Helping Make Culver City Jazz Nights a Success!
Jazz returned to the Kirk Douglas Theatre every Sunday in October and the community sold each one out. We were excited to see the enthusiasm for live jazz music in Culver City. Thank you to the Jazz Bakery for curating the worldly talented musicians and for the Kirk Douglas Theatre hosting. Stay tuned for future events!
*Stay up to date with the latest news, events, resources by bookmarking the Culver City website. [ ] If you have social media, we invite you to follow the City's accounts which you can find below.*
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