Press Release: Community Development Director Debbie Bent Recognized with Meyer Wolfe Award for Excellence in Planning
- [注册人]City of Kenmore
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Kenmore, WA, US
- 注册日期 : 2024/11/13
- 发布日 : 2024/11/13
- 更改日期 : 2024/11/13
- 总浏览次数 : 38 人
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*November 13, 2024
City of Kenmore Communications
Community Development Director Debbie Bent Recognized with Myer Wolfe Award for Excellence in Planning
*Kenmore, WA - *On October 17, Community Development Director Debbie Bent was honored with the Myer Wolfe Award by the APA (American Planning Association) Washington Chapter. This distinguished award is presented to individuals who have demonstrated exceptional dedication to the field of planning and have made a lasting impact on their communities. Bent's career exemplifies this commitment, as she has been a leader in the planning field for more than 30 years, with over 27 years of service in Washington state and 26 years at the City of Kenmore.
Bent’s career at Kenmore is particularly notable for her role in shaping the city’s growth and development. She was one of the first employees hired when the city incorporated in 1998, and she is now the longest-serving staff member. For the past 18 years, she has served as the City’s Community Development Director, guiding numerous planning initiatives that have transformed Kenmore into the vibrant community it is today.
"I was honored to present this year’s Myer Wolfe Award to Debbie Bent, a planner who epitomizes the pinnacle of the profession in terms of individual accomplishments and contributions to community planning," said Chad Eiken, President of the APA Washington Chapter. "Her thoughtful, inclusive, and innovative approach to implementing the community’s vision via a long list of successful plans and community projects is hugely impressive. Debbie’s dedication to the community represents the best of the planning profession and is an example for all planners, regardless of where they are in their careers."
Among her many accomplishments, Bent played a pivotal role in establishing the City’s planning and permitting departments when the city incorporated in 1998. She led the development of the City’s first Comprehensive Plan in 2001, followed by the first Parks, Recreation, and Open Space (PROS) Plan in 2003. She also spearheaded the City’s first Shoreline Management Program (SMP) and Critical Areas Ordinance (CAO) in the same year. Over the years, she led multiple updates to both the Comprehensive Plan and PROS Plan. Additionally, she has led efforts in tenant protection ordinances and initiatives protecting Kenmore's mobile home communities, safeguarding approximately 250 mobile homes in six parks.
Bent was a key driver behind the City’s first Downtown Plan in 2003 and the development of the City’s first environmental sustainability plan in the 2010s. Her leadership in the "Imagine Kenmore" planning process in 2015 brought together the community to envision the future of Kenmore. This planning process shaped the "Walkways and Waterways" projects along Kenmore’s waterfront, including the recent development of Log Boom Park and ƛ̕ax̌ʷadis (Tl' awh-ah-dees) Park. She also oversaw the Rhododendron Park Waterfront and Open Space Access Project, which resulted in the new Kenmore Public Boathouse—a project that earned an award from the American Society of Civil Engineers.
"Debbie Bent's work has been integral in shaping the Kenmore we know today and planning for the Kenmore of tomorrow,” said Mayor Nigel Herbig. “Her expertise, dedication, and collaborative approach have enhanced the quality of life for our residents and positioned our city for continued growth and success."
Beyond her position within the City of Kenmore, Bent has made significant contributions at the regional level. She serves as an executive board member of the A Regional Coalition of Housing (ARCH), where she advocates for affordable housing solutions. She also supported the Bastyr University Master Plan, developed the City’s Housing Strategy Plan, and worked closely with neighboring cities to update the City’s Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) and Hazard Mitigation Plan.
The City of Kenmore extends its congratulations to Community Development Director Debbie Bent for this well-deserved recognition of her achievements.
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