Hurricane Helene - City Update #1
- [注册人]City of Orlando
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Orlando, MIA
- 注册日期 : 2024/09/25
- 发布日 : 2024/09/25
- 更改日期 : 2024/09/25
- 总浏览次数 : 57 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
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- 我们帮助患者建立他们想要的家庭。我们拥有会讲日语的全职员工,因此无需独自操心。
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- ! 针灸 / 骨质调理
我们作为木更津第一家私人教练工作室开业至今已有 10 年。 多亏了大家的支持,我们才能走到今天。 我们将继续按照您的意愿为您的身体提供支持。 我们为初学训练的人开设了新的初级课程。 如果您是初学者,请参加第一次试听,体验个人训练的好处。 我们期待您的到来。
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它成立于1991年,是亚洲社区中心的一个子组织,于2008年独立,现在是一个联邦承认的非营利组织。它是第501(c)/(04)/(04)条,2016年是其成立25周年。 支持居住在广泛地区的日本人(,包括北部的Roseville / Lincoln市,东部的Folsom市,南部的Lodi市和西部的Davis市 ) 美国公民,永久居民,国际学生和商务旅行者的家庭 / 定期会议 / 讲座 / 公告 ...
+1 (916) 296-5619Sacramento Japanese Network すみれ会
- 一个学习支持组织,在全国范围内免费提供视频课程。 (2019年4月开始发行)。
我们通过 "视频课程+网络测试+辅导",利用电子学习系统为那些因经济原因无法进入补习班的儿童、孤儿院和儿童病房的儿童提供免费学习机会。 ( 根据Gakken教科书制作的课程)。
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- 我们为日本、美国国内以及世界其他 100 个国家提供 WiFi 租赁服务。可在 ...
我们为回国、出差、旅行、安排从日本来的人或刚从日本来的人或去世界其他国家的人提供 WiFi 租赁服务。 可在任何地方取件 ・ 可退货 ! 日本境内数据不受限制 ! 希望您能享受我们的服务 ! 出国时,网络是必不可少的。 然而,许多免费 Wi-Fi 服务缺乏足够的安全措施,可能导致重要的个人信息和计算机信息泄露。在日本,提供免费 Wi-Fi 的设施本来就不多。 因此,何不使用具有全面安...
+1 (833) 467-5946Global Travel Telecom
The City of Orlando’s Emergency Operations Center is actively monitoring Hurricane Helene and will partially activate at a Level II at 9 a.m. on Thursday, September 26.
Although its path and the potential impacts to the Orlando area remain uncertain, city departments are currently taking all of the necessary precautions in anticipation of heavy rainfall and tropical storm-force winds. The city encourages residents, visitors and businesses to prepare now, including assembling disaster kits, stocking up on supplies and reviewing disaster plans.
“With the heavy rains we’ve experienced over the last few weeks, I want to encourage everyone to closely monitor this storm and prepare yourselves, your family and your employees for potential impacts,” said Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer. “It’s important to also check in on your neighbors. Protecting our residents and businesses, preventing loss of life and minimizing damage is our top priority and we are taking this storm seriously.”
Residents should prepare an emergency kit, including water (one gallon of water per person per day), food (a seven-day supply), medication, battery powered radio, batteries and any special items needed like medications. Items that would most likely be needed during an evacuation should be kept in an easy-to carry container.
In preparation for the storm, city residents can pick-up sandbags at any of the self-serve Orange County park’s six locations available until 7 p.m. today, weather permitting.
Click here ( for Orange County’s list of locations and instructions.
The City of Orlando’s non-essential offices and services, including City Hall, will be closed Thursday, September 26. This includes the following facilities:
* All City of Orlando Neighborhood Centers and pools.
* City's After School Program will continue to operate for young residents that are currently enrolled until 6 p.m. at those sites. Afterschool program sites will remain open on a limited basis for currently enrolled students until noon on Thursday, September 26.
* Harry P. Leu Gardens.
Solid Waste
At this time, residential and commercial trash, yard waste and recycle pick up is expected to operate normally on Thursday, September 26, unless Orange County determines it will close the landfill.
The city is asking residents to help prevent flooding by not placing tree trimmings or any type of loose waste or yard debris at their curb, in the roadways, on or near storm drains and secure it as best as possible.
Lake Levels
The City of Orlando continues to monitor lake levels and will be pulling weir boards, as needed, to prevent flooding. If you experience flooding, please visit, email or call 407.246.2238.
Street Sweeping
Street sweeping operations continue as normal with an additional focus on areas more prone to blocked inlets to help keep them clear. Crews will also be checking inlets, lake outfalls, drainage well intakes and inspecting construction sites to ensure there are no blockages.
Due to anticipated weather conditions, all scooters and bikes currently parked in the city right-of-way will be removed.
City parking garages currently remain open.
Stay informed and get information from the City of Orlando through social media at:
* City of Orlando’s Facebook page: (
* Spanish – (
* City of Orlando’s Instagram: (
* City of Orlando’s X (formally Twitter) account: @citybeautiful (
For more information, suggested supplies and things to consider while preparing for a storm, visit ( .
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