Paddle Safe Week Starts July 22!
- [登録者]Washington State Parks
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Seattle, WA, US
- 登録日 : 2024/07/09
- 掲載日 : 2024/07/09
- 変更日 : 2024/07/09
- 総閲覧数 : 81 人
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Boating Program Header
*Recreational Boating Safety*
*July 2024*
Man and child out fishing on a canoe on a calm lake while wearing life jackets
*Stay Safe While Paddling this Summer!*
*Washington State Governor Jay Inslee has proclaimed July 22-28 as Paddle Safe Week,* for the sixth year in a row. Promoted by the Recreational Boating Safety program, Paddle Safe Week is a great opportunity to learn about safety awareness for next time you’re out on the water!
*The single, most important safety measure to paddle safely is to always wear a life jacket out on the water. *Some additional safety tips for paddlers include:
* *Carry Essential Gear* – Carry the essentials for safety, emergency communications and comfort.
* *Check and Understand the Weather* – Check the weather frequently before and during each trip, keeping an eye on current conditions and forecasts.
* *File a Float Plan* – Before heading out, study the intended route, and let someone know the plan.
* *Paddle with a Group* – Go out with at least three people and stay close enough for visual or verbal contact.
* *Learn how to self-rescue* – Know how to get back in or on the craft. Paddlecraft are typically safe, but there is a higher risk of going overboard and becoming an accidental swimmer.
* *Know the Law* – Paddlers should know that kayaks, canoes, and stand-up paddleboards (SUP) are subject to boating laws and regulations. Participants are urged to get educated about safety laws and best practices, boat with others, file a float plan and carry essential gear.
Be courteous, aware, and safe on Lake Union.
A map of Lake Union, in which the southern region frequented by sea plane launches and landings has been marked as Mind the Zone
We all love Lake Union, and as the lake gets more use, we all need to be aware of other users of the lake. From Memorial Day to Labor Day, five Seaplane advisory buoys mark a landing and takeoff area running from the south end of the lake towards the north.
*When the buoys’ yellow lights are flashing a seaplane is about to take off or land. Move away from the seaplane advisory buoys – at least 200 feet east or west of the buoys.*
At all times when near the buoys:
* Be aware of your surroundings
* Consider moving through the area quickly
* Never tie up to the buoys
Learn more at rbaw.org/mindthezone [ https://rbaw.org/mindthezone?utm_content=&utm_medium=email&utm_name=&utm_source=govdelivery&utm_term= ]
*Keeping Boaters Safe - Summer Programming*
paddle safe course participants on the water demonstrating kayak safety practices
Teaching Safe Paddling to Washington Youth
Through funding provided by the No Child Left Inside Grant [ https://rco.wa.gov/grant/no-child-left-inside/?utm_content=&utm_medium=email&utm_name=&utm_source=govdelivery&utm_term= ], the Washington State Parks Boating Program has partnered with organizations across the state to expand the Paddle Safe curriculum. In three years of programming, over 1200+ kids spent a day outside, learning safe paddling skills and getting out on the water with skilled instructors.
The program has expanded to reach communities across the state and plans to reach even more Washington youth in future years.
marine law enforcement patrol officers in training
Training the State’s Marine Law Enforcement Officers
The Recreational Boating Safety Program coordinates the training of Marine Law Enforcement Officers who patrol Washington Waterways and help keep boaters safe. This spring, 113 new officers completed training courses – give a wave if you see them out on the water!
Promote Safe Paddling in your Community
"Want to get involved? You can help amplify the message by:"
* *Wear your life jacket!* Help normalize life jacket wear when paddling, encourage those around you to do the same.
* *Be a role model* in your community by knowing and demonstrating safety best practices. The American Canoe Association maintains a library of education content [ https://www.americancanoe.org/page/Resources?utm_content=&utm_medium=email&utm_name=&utm_source=govdelivery&utm_term= ], which is a great resource for learning about safety.
* *Share safety tips with your friends and family!* Use hashtag* #PaddleSafeWeek* on all social media posts and direct people to learn more on our Paddle Safety [ https://parks.wa.gov/find-activity/activity-search/paddlesports?utm_content=&utm_medium=email&utm_name=&utm_source=govdelivery&utm_term= ] page.
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