Dorrian Green, Tennis Leagues, Hauntz Park Mural, Sundays With the Symphony
- [注册人]City of Columbus
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Columbus, Ohio
- 注册日期 : 2024/06/27
- 发布日 : 2024/06/27
- 更改日期 : 2024/06/27
- 总浏览次数 : 211 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 位于南湾的日本幼儿园。安全的环境 充足的场地。幼儿在这里能得到充分的关爱和同情。...
请随时与我们联系。 我们是一家温馨的托儿所,位于南湾加迪纳和托伦斯交界处。我们拥有一支高素质的教师队伍,提供从新生儿到放学后的托儿服务,并对每个孩子给予个别关注。 在社会各界的支持下,筑师幼儿园得到了长足的发展 !。
+1 (424) 254-9664つくし園
- 签发I-20 ・ 可享受转学优惠 ・ 可在线学习] 在美国最安全的城市欧文学习地...
+1 (949) 260-9600AOI College of Languages
- 尔湾牙科诊所。还提供普通牙科、儿童牙科、神经治疗和口腔外科、牙周治疗、正畸/隐形...
+1 (949) 733-3647Glenn T. Yanagi, D.D.S. / Yanagi Dental Office
- 绿色植物、花卉和雕塑博物馆
山口县宇部市的Tokiwa Museum ™(绿化、花卉和雕塑博物馆™)位于Tokiwa公园内,距离附近的山口宇部机场有几分钟的车程。
- 托巴水族馆是一个巨大的水族馆,在这里你可以见到许多生物。
博物馆分为12个主题区,博物馆的一个主要特点是,参观者可以自由观看展品,而不必担心展品的陈列顺序。水族馆有大量的海洋动物,如海豚、海狮和海獭,是世界上唯一一个同时饲养和展出两种儒艮(据说是美人鱼传说的原型)和生活在河流中也是海洋哺乳动物的巨型非洲海牛的水族馆。 这个巨大的环境罐再现了世界各地的珊瑚礁和河流的环境,是各种生物的家园,包括众多鱼类、水母、青蛙和水生昆虫,大约有1200种。 海狮和海象表...
- 剪发 ( 包括吹发 ) : $ 45 男士剪发 : $ 30 剪发 ・ 包括染发...
寻找全新的你 ✨ 我们以亲切的服务和实惠的价格款待顾客。 洛米塔新开的综合美容院。・美发
美甲・菠萝・面部护理等,一应俱全,而且位于西洛米塔(West Lomita),这是一个安全的地区,有许多日本人至少去过一次的餐馆。 价格方便大家使用,位置也非常好。我们一直努力为顾客营造轻松愉快的氛围。 目前,我们正在采取消毒、通风等卫生措施来防止冠心病,我们非常重视顾客的安全。 我们将... +1 (310) 953-6177A Quality Salon
- MANAHOUSEKEEPING 总部位于夏威夷欧胡岛,为各种场所提供清洁服务,...
欧胡岛上值得信赖和久经考验的家政-清洁服务,为众多客户提供服务。 我们为家庭、公寓和办公室提供各种专业清洁服务,也提供局部清洁地板・或地毯清洁或除霉服务。 如果您很忙,没有时间清洁!,那么就交给我们的专业清洁人员吧 ! 我们提供专业和经验丰富的清洁服务,不仅仅是清洁,而且是高度熟练、知识渊博、高效和有效的清洁。我们细致周到的工作人员会根据您的需求认真工作。 我们既可以清洁您的房屋,也可以...
+1 (808) 223-5362MANA HOUSEKEEPING
- 老字号日本拉面品牌在美国的首家分店盛大开业 ! 华侨城地区的拉面爱好者们,千万不...
MUNCHIEken 日本拉面,由东京拉面大奖获得者 Mengyo 出品 ! 本店最受欢迎的菜肴三文鱼拉面,采用三文鱼肉以外的高汤制作而成,清淡爽口的口感会让您爱上它。您一定会被它清淡的口味所吸引。 烟熏三文鱼拉面味道咸鲜。 我们还提供在美国非常受欢迎的猪肉拉面。 我们期待您的光临!。
(714) 465-9729Munchie-Ken Japanese Ramen
- 我们在夏威夷州提供各种人寿保险・年金)・长期护理保险・401K,IRA滚动等,我...
我们在夏威夷州提供广泛的人寿保险・个人年金(年金)・长期护理保险、401K、IRA滚动等,我们也是夏威夷州的持牌房地产经纪人・,处理夏威夷州的房地产销售。此外,我们可以指导你通过最有利的方式为你和你的家人申请社会・保障。我们将指导你制定一个 "适合你目前和未来生活安排 "的计划。
+1 (808) 387-1148ヒラタ ・コンサルティング
- 杉并动画博物馆,在这里,动画是有趣的,给我们带来了梦想,并将我们与未来联系起来。
杉并动画博物馆是日本第一个此类设施,所有年龄段的人都可以享受到系统地学习、体验和了解日本动画的整体。该博物馆全面介绍了动画的总体情况,从 "日本动画的历史 "到 "未来的动画"。 博物馆里还充斥着各种享受动画的方式,比如让游客体验动画原理的噱头,让游客直接体验动画制作过程(包括后期录制)的参与式展览,以及不断加入动画新信息的 "特别展览"。
- 山寿司市场圣盖博分店庆祝开业 40 周年 ! 在洛杉矶,山寿司市场一直是深受欢迎...
圣盖博市的 Yama Seafood 是一家非常受欢迎的鲜鱼餐厅,今年已更名为 Yama Sushi Marketplace,并迎来了 40 周年庆。它每天供应新鲜的生鱼片和寿司。还可以订购派对托盘 ! 除寿司外,餐厅还供应裙带菜沙拉、墨鱼沙拉、泡菜等各种预制食品,以及冰淇淋和卷饼、点心、饼干等甜点和果汁、茶、咖啡等饮用水 ( 罐装
瓶装 ) 和稀有啤酒和酒类 ! 可爱... +1 (310) 954-0805Yama Sushi Marketplace
- 我们为您提供招聘、人力资源咨询和新业务启动方面的支持。如有任何疑问,请随时与我们...
我们经验丰富的员工致力于为日本企业和社区提供服务。我们欢迎您的咨询,并期待您的来信。 我们会不断更新职位空缺,请查看我们的网站和 Linkedin。我们还负责其他项目 !。
+1 (949) 239-9050Triup, Inc.
- 湾区日本人搬家 ! 美国境内搬家或长途搬家交给我们 ! 可选择处理剩余家具、向熟...
[回国服务] 当您决定搬家时,请先进行估价 ! 我们建议您在回国前两个月开始准备,因为搬家时间可能会重叠。我们提供从打包到开箱的全套服务,也为那些希望降低预算的人提供基本服务。可选服务包括处理剩余家具、送货上门、打扫房间等。 [州际搬家] 美国境内的长途搬家,将您的家庭用品和汽车一起搬走,根据您的预算,可以同时交付。请注意,跨洲搬家需要更长的时间 ! [本地搬家] 根据您的预算和服务内容制定您...
+1 (650) 773-6411Cross Nations, Inc.
- Animal Plaza
- 该诊所成立于 1983 年,是纽约州唯一一家获得认证的日本人心理健康诊所,曾治疗...
该中心拥有一套完整的治疗系统,由两名全职心理治疗师和一名精神科医生合作,他们还可以为有需要的人开药。 美日心理咨询中心成立于 1983 年,当时日本心理咨询师还很少,是汉密尔顿-麦迪逊之家(一家拥有约 120 年历史的非营利性社会福利机构)内的一个专门的心理健康部门。该中心处理纽约日本人的心理健康问题。 我们是纽约州唯一一家获得认证的日本人心理健康诊所,我们的两名日语心理治疗师每年负责 2...
+1 (212) 720-4560Hamilton-Madison House, Japanese Clinic
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This Week
Important Notice
Temporary Change in Payment Methods
Unfortunately, Columbus Recreation and Parks is temporarily unable to accept credit cards *in person* at community centers, pools and the Priscilla R. Tyson Cultural Arts Center. This affects payments for classes, activities, materials and more. However, *credit cards CAN still be used for online transactions*.
We are working to restore in-person credit card payment options as soon as possible. In the meantime, you can register and pay fees online. For assistance with online registration, please contact us. Paying with cash or check is still available for in-person registration. Please note that golf courses are still able to accept credit cards.
We appreciate your understanding and patience during this time.
Explore Nature [ ]
Park Spotlight: Dorrian Green
Have you visited Dorrian Green? This 6.32-acre regional park, located downtown in front of COSI near Genoa Park and the Scioto Mile, offers a perfect spot for family fun.
Dorrian Green features a playground, picnic tables and a refreshing fountain that is open during the summer. You can also enjoy a game of cornhole or ping-pong for free. The park has a beautiful pollinator habitat, enhancing its natural charm.
Named in honor of Hugh J. Dorrian, a Franklinton native and dedicated public servant in Columbus for 52 years, Dorrian Green is a tribute to his lasting impact on the community.
Next time you're downtown, make sure to check out Dorrian Green for a delightful and relaxing experience [ ]!
Dorrian Green
Focus on Wellness [ ]
Serve Up Summer Fun: Tennis League Registration Opens June 28
Attention all tennis enthusiasts! Get ready to serve up some fun in the sun with our Summer II Tennis League. Registration opens on June 28 and runs through July 12.
For a league fee of just $50, you can join Columbus' exciting and competitive tennis community. The season kicks off on July 22, promising plenty of thrilling matches and great camaraderie.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to improve your game, make new friends and enjoy the summer with fellow tennis lovers. Mark your calendars, and get ready to register for an unforgettable season of tennis [ ]!
Discover Your Creativity [ ]
Help Beautify Hauntz Park: Choose the Mural Artist
Enhancing city parks with art brings even more beauty to community spaces. As part of the exciting plans for Hauntz Park, help select the artist who will create a stunning mural!
On Thursday, July 11, from 5-7 p.m., come to the Department of Neighborhoods’ Hauntz Park Block Party at 480 Columbian Ave., 43223. You can review the portfolios of several talented Columbus-based artists and vote for your favorite. The winning artist’s mural will be displayed on the underside of the new park shelter.
Additionally, you'll have the chance to view the final park design display. While you explore what your new park will look like, enjoy a free food truck, music and opportunities to connect with neighbors and resources.
Learn more about the Hauntz Park project, and join the process in making it even more beautiful [ ].
Hauntz Park Mural
Connect with your Community [ ]
Experience the Magic of Live Symphony Music This Sunday at Westgate Park
Whether you're a symphony enthusiast or new to orchestral music, Sundays With the Symphony is for you!
Columbus Recreation and Parks has partnered with the Columbus Symphony Orchestra to bring you this free concert series featuring the full orchestra performing beloved classical pieces and popular favorites in community parks. Don't miss the first of three concerts this Sunday, June 30, at Westgate Park, 455 S Westgate Ave., 43204. Enjoy complimentary ice cream starting at 6:45 p.m., with the concert beginning at 7 p.m.
Take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to experience live symphonic music in a beautiful outdoor setting! Learn more, and see the full schedule [ ].
Columbus Symphony
Mark Your Calendar [ ]
Check out upcoming events below, and explore the events calendar [ ]!
Bicentennial Park Summer Concert [ ]
*June 28 | 5:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. | Bicentennial Park *
Helsel Park Master Plan, Big Walnut Trail Extension Survey Closes [ ]
*June 30*
Independence Day Holiday: Facilities Closed
*July 4*
Independence Day Holiday: Select Pools Open [ ]
*July 4 | 12-6 p.m. | Dodge, Driving Park, Glenwood and Tuttle pools *
Mobile Produce Markets [ ]
*July 5 | 2 p.m. | Marion Franklin and Scioto Southland community centers *
Walk With a Doc [ ]
*July 6 | 9 a.m. | Woodward Park Community Center*
Sundays With the Symphony [ ]
*July 7 | 6:45-8 p.m. | Linden Park*
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