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市報こだいら 新着情報 PC版
- [Registrant]小平市
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]小平市
- Posted : 2024/08/19
- Published : 2024/08/19
- Changed : 2024/08/19
- Total View : 37 persons
- Find local business with Town Guide
+81-90-7208-2407Salon de yufa
- At Mama Bear Daycare Services, we take g...
At Mama Bear Daycare Services, we take great care of children ages 0-4 on behalf of their parents and sincerely appreciate our daily relationships with them. We are grateful for each child and watch ...
+1 (424) 221-0580Mama Bear Daycare Services
- The Japan-America Society of Tennessee w...
The Japan-America Society of Tennessee was established in 2000 to promote mutual cultural understanding and friendship between the residents of Japan and Tennessee. It is a 501(c)3 non-profit, public ...
+1 (615) 663-6060Japan America Society of Tennessee
- ~ We are a Japanese accounting firm spec...
Ozawa, Kaneko and Associates LLP provides services tailored to your needs in four areas: 1. financial statement audit, review and compilation services; 2. advisory services; 3. accounting outsourcing ...
+1 (650) 445-8035Ozawa, Kaneko and Associates LLP
- One of the largest blueberry orchards in...
One of the largest blueberry farms in Kanto ・ Ichihara City "Furusato Farm" is one of the largest sightseeing farms in the prefecture, with over 3,000 blueberry plants planted in five fields covering ...
- Give shape to your image ! AK PRO suppor...
From homes to restaurants, stores, and construction, we can help you with everything from ! ! advice on finding a store to designing and remodeling your store from the ground up. We have partnered w...
- Certified Specialist in Estate Planning,...
The Merritt Law Firm specializes in the areas of Wills, Trusts ( Trusts ), Powers of Attorney, Medical Care Directives, Probate, Estate Planning and Tax Law. Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, ...
+1 (650) 867-7017Merritt Law
- World Online Doctor] Consultation ・ for ...
5 concerns when receiving medical care overseas 1. Concerns about "hospital" Q1. where is the best hospital for illness ・ or injury ? A1. inform your doctor of your condition and he/she will refer...
(+852) 5632-1500世界オンラインドクター
- We can help you find a job in NY, USA !.
Pasona N A, Inc. is a global human resource services company that supports professional careers. We aim to be a "partner for success in the U.S." for all job seekers who enter and work in North Ameri...
+1 (212) 661-5110Pasona NA, Inc. / New York
- Japan's popular Gogo Curry is now availa...
Gogo Curry is marked by a gorilla symbol and a yellow sign 🍛 Our curry is made by carefully simmering 55 processes over a period of 5 hours. Kanazawa Curry features a cutlet topped with sauce and shre...
+1 (310) 347-8114Kanazawa Curry
- We offer a variety of IT-related service...
We offer everything from network diagnostics ・ construction, computer troubleshooting, website development, SEO consulting, sales support ・ customer management ・ inventory management and other system ...
+1 (310) 533-8245Seeknet USA
- We look forward to seeing you at our onl...
+7 (495) 777-7763NIPPON
- Chiropractic ・ Pain ・ Lotion ・ Physical ...
In our 33 years of practice in Pasadena, we offer careful diagnosis in Japanese through x-rays and interviews, chiropractic care, massage, and physical therapy, as well as vitamin and supplement presc...
- With 20 years of business experience and...
If you are looking for a rental car in Los Angeles, USA, look no further than Sakura Rent A Car. Our offices are conveniently located at LAX ( Los Angeles International Airport ), Downtown ( Little To...
+1 (310) 645-9696SAKURA RENT A CAR
- If you are looking for a long term lease...
If you are looking for a long-term rental property in Hawaii, please contact Hawaii Stay Pro ! We have many properties available in Waikiki area ! We have about 80 units under management and can fi...
Hawaii Stay Pro
・地域で取り組もう 自然災害への備え
・特別障害者手当など 所得状況届の提出を
・マル障心身障害者医療費助成制度 9月からの受給者証を発送
・申告はお済みですか 市民税・都民税
・マイナンバーカードの手続き 臨時窓口を開設
・開業に必要な経費の一部を補助 こだいらチャレンジショップ
・再就職を目指す方 就職支援セミナー事前説明会
・今月の税 8月
・令和6年度秋期 胃がん・大腸がん検診
・メンタルヘルスチェック こころの体温計
・9月は東京都の自殺対策強化月間 自殺防止 特別電話相談
・9月26日(木曜)・27日(金曜) こだいら介護予防まつり
・認知症になる前に気をつけよう いきいき認知症予防教室
・国立精神・神経医療研究センター病院認知症疾患医療センター 世界アルツハイマーデーイベント
・障がい者施設などの製品を販売 ふらっとまるしぇ
・消費生活講座 美人冷蔵庫整理術で、めざせ!食品ロスを出さない暮らし方
・仲町図書館&国立音楽大学音楽遊び研究会むっく共同企画 こどものためのライブラリーコンサート
・TOKYO854 くるめララジオ シェイクアウト訓練
・小平グルめぐりスタンプラリー 参加店舗を募集
・9月〜12月 私立保育園の子育てイベント
・中央公民館 友・遊こどもまつり
・ホッとHOTこだいら ファミリーデイ参加事業
・こどもをお預かり 病児・病後児保育事業
・子ども家庭支援センター 9月のプログラム
・教育相談室 土曜電話相談
・親子でチャレンジGO GO KIDS(ゴーゴーキッズ)
・FC東京 国立競技場 小平市民特別招待
・東京都シニアスポーツ振興事業 ノルディック・ウォーキング体験教室
・ご利用ください 市民無料相談 市民課市民相談担当
・パリ2024パラリンピック競技大会 小平市ゆかりの選手を応援しよう
・ふれあい下水道館 9月の催し
・私の好きが「多摩」にある 多摩の魅力をめぐる デジタルdeスタンプラリー
・5千円キャンペーン事業 新札発行記念!こだいら夏のわくわくキャンペーン
電話番号:042-341-0793 <防災危機管理課>
電話番号 042-346-9505
FAX番号 042-346-9507