Tampa Weekly: Hurricane Helene Resources and Information
- [登録者]City of Tampa
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Tampa, Florida, US
- 登録日 : 2024/09/30
- 掲載日 : 2024/09/30
- 変更日 : 2024/09/30
- 総閲覧数 : 101 人
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Helene Recovery
Solid Waste Collection & Storm Debris Collection
Solid Waste services will resume today (September 30) for regular garbage, recycling, and yard waste collection. Storm debris collection also began today. Storm debris includes vegetative, household items and construction debris created due to the damaging effects of Hurricane Helene. Residents that are ready for storm debris collection immediately may request collection by calling the City of Tampa Solid Waste Call Center at 813-274-8811 or submit a request online at tampaconnect.com (https://www.tampaconnect.com/) . For customers requiring additional time for assessment and removal of vegetative-storm debris, and damaged household items, the official collection will begin on Monday, October 7. As of this date, call in requests will not be required. Crews will canvas each neighborhood within City of Tampa limits and collect storm related debris from the curb.
Additionally, the McKay Bay Transfer Station is extending its operating hours to accommodate the increased debris. City of Tampa residents can dispose of accepted items at no additional charge. See a full list (https://www.tampa.gov/solid-waste) of accepted items and disposal requirements. Extended McKay Bay Transfer Station hours start today:
* Monday through Friday: 7 am – 7 pm
* Saturday and Sunday: 7 am – 3:30 pm
FEMA Assistance Now Available
FEMA assistance is now available to City of Tampa residents who experienced damages/losses due to Hurricane Helene. This would include financial help for temporary lodging, basic home repairs and other disaster-caused expenses. Apply online at DisasterAssistance.gov (https://www.disasterassistance.gov/) , the FEMA app (https://www.fema.gov/about/news-multimedia/mobile-products#download) , or 1-800-621-3362.
Comfort Stations Now Open
Two comfort centers are now open in two of our hardest hit neighborhoods. They are providing free food (lunch and dinner), resources, restrooms, showers, water, ice, and laundry services to those in need. They are now open daily from 7am - 7pm until further notice.
* DeSoto Park: 2617 Corrine St.
* Marjorie Park: 97 Columbia Dr.
Free Laundry Assistance
In partnership with Current Initiatives, free laundry assistance will be available for City of Tampa residents on October 1 at Wash Zone (5235 South Dale Mabry Highway) from 11 am - 2 pm.
Beware of Contractor Scams
After a disaster, qualified contractors are usually in high demand. Scammers or unqualified out-of-state workers may take advantage of Floridians in need of expert service. If you have been approached to have work done on or at your home, you can check if that individual is licensed through the Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) or by going to myfloridalicense.com (https://www2.myfloridalicense.com/) . See tips from the Florida Attorney General’s Office offers these tips when hiring a contractor. (https://www.tampa.gov/emergency-management/hurricane-information#beware-of-contractor-scams)
City of Tampa Resident Damage Self Reporting Form
Residents can self-report damages to help prioritize the City of Tampa's damage assessment operations using the Resident Damage Self Reporting Form. If it is an emergency situation, residents should always call 9-1-1, but for other non-life-threatening damages, residents can enter the information in the form. Go to tampa.gov/SelfReport to access the form.
Florida Small Business Emergency Bridge Loan Program
The Florida Small Business Emergency Bridge Loan Program (https://hcfl.gov/newsroom/2024/09/29/hurricane-helene-small-business-emergency-bridge-loan-program-opens) is now open. Loans up to $50,000 are now available to businesses across Hillsborough County that were impacted by Hurricane Helene. The Emergency Bridge Loan program provides short-term, zero-interest working capital loans that are intended to bridge the gap between the time a disaster impacts a business and when a business has secured longer-term recovery funding, such as federally or commercially available loans, insurance claims, or other resources.
Florida's Price Gouging Hotline
Attorney General Ashley Moody has activated Florida’s Price Gouging Hotline. Anyone who suspects price gouging can report it at MyFloridaLegal.com (https://www.myfloridalegal.com/) or by calling 1 (866) 9NO-SCAM.
Food Resources
Feeding Tampa Bay (https://feedingtampabay.org/) is operational and distributing food from their Causeway Center. They are also distributing food at Crosswind Church (1510 Hillsborough Ave) from 4 pm - 6 pm on September 30.
Hillsborough Area Regional Transit (HART)
HART bus service, HARTPlus, HARTFlex, and the Streetcar system are all operational on normal schedules at this time.
Sandbag Reuse Guidance
If sandbags did NOT come in contact with floodwaters, sandbags can be reused for future preparedness. Rained on sandbags can be sun-dried and stored in a dry location until time to reuse. Clean sand can also be spread in gardens or on lawns, and empty bags can be stored or disposed of. If sandbags have come in contact with floodwaters, sandbags should not be reused due to potential contamination. To dispose of sandbags, residents should bring them to the City of Tampa McKay Bay Transfer Station (114 S 34th Street). Residents should NOT place sand bags in any City-issued solid waste container or curbside pile.
County-by-county: Tampa Bay debris removal after Hurricane Helene (https://www.wtsp.com/article/weather/hurricane/hurricane-helene-debris-removal-tampa-bay-counties/67-4f2af400-c37f-46f5-ace0-0c104f7175aa)
10 Tampa Bay
Here's what you need to know about debris removal.
‘All hands on deck’: Hillsborough officials give update on Hurricane Helene aftermath (https://www.wfla.com/news/hillsborough-county/city-of-tampa-officials-discuss-aftermath-of-hurricane-helene/)
WFLA NewsChannel 8
Hillsborough County had more than 500 victim rescues within eight hours.
Loan program opens for Hillsborough County businesses impacted by Hurricane Helene (https://www.fox13news.com/news/loan-program-opens-hillsborough-county-businesses-impacted-hurricane-helene)
Businesses across Hillsborough County that were impacted by Hurricane Helene can now apply for the program.
Debris from Helene covers Tampa Bay. Here’s how to get rid of it (https://www.tampabay.com/hurricane/2024/09/29/helene-debris-tampa-bay-st-petersburg-how-to-get-rid-trash-collection/)
Tampa Bay Times
Tampa will begin collecting on Sept. 30.
FEMA assistance available for Tampa Bay residents affected by Hurricane Helene (https://www.wtsp.com/article/weather/hurricane/fema-assistance-available-tampa-bay-residents-affected-hurricane-helene/67-586c5a2d-9438-4a02-b3cb-68ecdfff49b1)
10 Tampa Bay
President Joe Biden has approved federal disaster assistance for seventeen counties.
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