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Tampa Weekly: Stormwater upgrades, Litter Skimmer, and more

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Mobility Director Vik Bhide recently provided a sneak peek of the MacDill 38 site (https://www.fox13news.com/news/tampa-speeding-up-infrastructure-projects-after-series-torrential-rains-caused-flooding) , which will soon include one of the City's largest stormwater ponds along with walking trails and beautiful scenic views. This is just one piece of the Lower Peninsula Stormwater Improvements project (https://lpstormwater.com/) to improve storm drainage within the Lower Peninsula drainage basin.

Pictured: Engineer IV Alex Awad, Mobility Director Vik Bhide, Stormwater Engineering Manager Yuan Li

Mobility Director Vik Bhide discussed the Tampa Bay area’s recent unprecedented rains (https://us12.campaign-archive.com/?u=9bdfe0f7b0aceb3620b8eb6ee&id=e5b4b688a0) . These intense storms have brought major amounts of rainfall in short time periods. Our crews regularly maintain stormwater ditches & pipes, and double check hotspots before storms. But you can help do your part by keeping our drainage ditches clean. Never blow leaves or debris into the street and call to report clogged drainage ditches in your neighborhood at 813-274-3101.

Remember, never drive through floodwaters! Bookmark the Flood Map at Tampa.gov/FloodMap (https://tampa.gov/FloodMap) . Report real-time flooding updates to 813-274-3101.

Parking Master Plan Meeting

The Parking Master Plan will establish and implement a strategic plan for our current and future parking systems. Learn more and provide your feedback through the survey at tampa.gov/parkingmasterplan. Residents are also invited to attend the Parking Open House on September 10 from 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm at the City Center at Hanna Avenue (2555 E Hanna Avenue).

Tampa City Council Public Hearings on City of Tampa Fiscal Year 2025 Annual Budget & Capital Improvement Program Budget

The public is invited to attend and/or participate in the second public hearing meeting regarding the 2025 Fiscal Year Budget on September 17 at 5:01 pm. The public can attend in-person in City Council Chambers (315 E. Kennedy Blvd), watch online at tampa.gov/livestream, or watch on Cable TV at Spectrum Channel 640 or Frontier Channel 15. See details at tampa.gov/CityCouncil.

Mayor’s Youth Corps Applications Open

Tampa high school students in 9^th – 11^th grade are invited to apply to the Tampa Mayor's Youth Corps Class of 2025 (https://www.tampa.gov/youth-corps) . The program immerses students into the world of local government and leadership - providing exposure to digital journalism, opportunities to meet with Mayor Jane Castor, and more. Applications are due on October 23.

Mayor’s Neighborhood University

Class is back in session! The next Mayor's Neighborhood University (https://tampa.gov/saturdaysession) will be hosted on September 28 from 9 am – 2 pm at the City Center at Hanna Avenue. The session will focus on honing leadership skills and interpersonal communication to help grow your volunteer neighborhood association or crime watch group.

Tampa Forward: Building Tomorrow Together

The City of Tampa has launched Tampa Forward: Building Tomorrow Together (https://www.tampa.gov/development-coordination/tampa-updates-its-land-development-code) , a two-year project to update the City’s Land Development Code (LDC) -- the set of regulations that govern how land can be used and developed in the city. Tampa is growing quickly and these updates to the code will make sure we grow strategically. We need your feedback to move forward. Take the survey at tampa.gov/tampaforward and attend the kickoff meeting on September 16 at 7 pm, located at City Center at Hanna Avenue (2555 E Hanna Ave). There is also a virtual option.

Capital Improvement Projects Viewer

Tampa invests millions of dollars into a variety of construction projects every year. These capital improvement projects include updating our streets for improved mobility, improving our storm drains, expanding our capacity to provide clean drinking water, and collecting wastewater. Keep up with Tampa's infrastructure improvements with this citywide mapping application (https://www.tampa.gov/guide/city-projects#section-46691) , which includes current and upcoming capital projects.

Community Investment Tax

The Hillsborough County Community Investment Tax is a half-percent sales tax that was approved by Hillsborough County voters in September 1996 for a period of 30 years. It funds capital improvement projects and public safety, such as police and fire facilities and vehicles, road improvements, stormwater upgrades, bridges, parks, and schools and expires November 30, 2026. Its renewal will be on the November 5 ballot. Visit the Hillsborough County website (https://hcfl.gov/government/budget/budget-information/community-investment-tax) to view the ballot language, see a list of proposed projects for 2026-2041 in the City of Tampa and throughout Hillsborough County, and learn more about how the funds are distributed.

Flood Map

The Tampa Bay region is experiencing many short, intense storms this rainy season. Bookmark our Flood Map (https://tampa.gov/FloodMap) to see reported flooding in real-time and plan your route. Residents can report real-time flooding updates to 813-274-3101.

Job of the Week

The City of Tampa is hiring three Urban Planner IIIs (https://www.jobapscloud.com/Tampa/sup/bulpreview.asp?b=&R1=240806&R2=000616&R3=003) to participate in a variety of municipal program and project planning activities. Work is of considerable difficulty and will often take the team lead on planning projects, regulatory and policy amendments, coordination of various phases of the planning process, and participation in analysis of municipal conditions/needs and development of plans.

Tampa speeding up infrastructure projects after series of torrential rains caused flooding (https://www.fox13news.com/news/tampa-speeding-up-infrastructure-projects-after-series-torrential-rains-caused-flooding)


City leaders highlighted the projects at a site known as MacDill 48 Park.

How Tampa is reducing barriers to homeownership (https://www.wusf.org/economy-business/2024-09-06/how-the-city-of-tampa-is-reducing-barriers-to-homeownership)


The Dare program is one of two strategies Tampa leaders are using to reduce barriers to homeownership.

What is an Eco-Counter? Tampa unveils new tool to promote healthy lifestyle (https://www.wfla.com/news/hillsborough-county/what-is-an-eco-counter-tampa-unveils-new-tool-to-promote-healthy-lifestyle/ )

WFLA NewsChannel 8

The counter is intended to motivate residents to swap out their cars for a bike to add to the data.

Tampa's 'Litter Skimmer' has collected more than 72K pounds of trash in 2 years (https://www.wtsp.com/article/news/local/hillsboroughcounty/tampa-litter-skimmer-trash-collection-tampa-bay-davis-islands/67-7e37b611-e3b8-4fcf-b538-30500122a58e)

10 Tampa Bay

That's more than the weight of a fully loaded 20-foot shipping container.

Tampa asks for public's help to rewrite development codes (https://www.businessobserverfl.com/news/2024/sep/04/tampa-rewrite-development-codes/)

Business Observer FL

The city is turning to residents for insight as it looks to update rules that govern development and growth.

Sports tourism a key topic at state conference in Tampa (https://www.fox13news.com/news/sports-tourism-key-topic-state-conference-tampa)


During the first six months of this year, nearly 75 million people visited Florida.

City of Tampa works on new stormwater improvement projects (https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/region-pinellas/city-of-tampa-works-on-new-stormwater-improvement-projects)

ABC Action News

Tampa's Mobility Director provided an update on the city's efforts to reduce flooding through major stormwater projects, including the massive MacDill 48 project.

Tampa, St. Pete among the best cities for retirement, study finds (http:// https://www.wfla.com/news/hillsborough-county/tampa-st-pete-among-the-best-cities-for-retirement-study-finds/)

WFLA News Channel 8

Activities, quality of life and health care rounded out the grading process.


Meet Greg Peoples, Drafting Technician III in the Wastewater Engineering Division. He has worked for the City of Tampa for 19 years, and he loves that he draws every day in his role. He said, “If you had told me that I could make a living doing what I enjoy most (drawing) when I was a kid, I wouldn’t have believed you.”

What’s something unique about your job that others wouldn’t know? I draw the city’s wastewater pipes in 3D.

What do you like to do in your free time? Tutoring at an elementary school where I teach art, math, and science. Otherwise, I design and print 3D models, garden, and fishing.

Where is your favorite place in Tampa? I really enjoy going to Bush Gardens because of all of things to do there from looking and learning about the animals to the various rides and most importantly enjoying the experience with the family.

What is your dream vacation? To go to New England in the fall and see the leaves change colors. Fall is my favorite time of year.

What is your favorite meal to cook? Breakfast by far is my favorite meal to cook. It reminds me of growing up on the farm and all the wonderful meals my mom would cook.
** The Tampa Water Department maintains over 2,200 mi of water mains that deliver clean, quality drinking water to homes and businesses throughout our service area. Want to learn more? Check out our annual water quality report at [tampa.gov/waterquality]tampa.gov/waterquality. (https://youtu.be/b_UPapXA9GA?feature=shared)

The Tampa Water Department maintains over 2,200 miles of water mains that deliver clean, quality drinking water to homes and businesses throughout our service area. Want to learn more? Check out our annual water quality report at ** tampa.gov/waterquality (tampa.gov/waterquality)


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