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News Release - City of Toronto celebrates success of the 2024 CaféTO curb lane patio season

City of Toronto Media Relations has issued the following:

News Release

October 4, 2024

City of Toronto celebrates success of the 2024 CaféTO curb lane patio season

Today, Mayor Olivia Chow, Councillor Paula Fletcher (Toronto-Danforth) and representatives from the GreekTown on the Danforth Business Improvement Area marked the conclusion of another successful CaféTO curb lane patio season at Chef Mustafa on Danforth Avenue.

Earlier this year, the City reviewed the entire program and introduced improvements for business operators that helped streamline applications and enhanced staff support. As a result, CaféTO continued to enhance the vibrancy of Toronto’s main streets and transformed curb lanes into lively outdoor dining spaces for restaurants across the city.

As set out in this year’s CaféTO plan, and to ensure the City has time to properly prepare Toronto’s streets for winter, removal of curb lane patios began on Tuesday, October 1 and will continue through Tuesday, October 15. Patios that were installed first will be removed first.

This year also marked the earliest installation of curb lane patios, with all participating operators benefitting from the longest possible curb lane patio season.

Highlights of CaféTO in 2024
• This year, more than 1,400 patios participated in CaféTO, including 304 curb lane cafés with 60 new and 244 returning operators, as well as more than 500 sidewalk cafés and more than 650 patios on private property – both of which can remain in place year-round.
• A more user-friendly and streamlined process for applications or renewals of curb lane café permits.
• Increased City staff support to accelerate permit applications and platform reviews which enabled 95 per cent of curb lane patios to open by the Victoria Day long weekend – exceeding the City’s goal of 90 per cent.
• Aesthetic improvements with painted concrete barriers enhancing curb lane cafes’ visual appeal while maintaining safety.

CaféTO is one of several City-led programs supporting Toronto’s diverse and vibrant restaurant sector, alongside initiatives like small business property tax reductions, support for live music venues, and the popular Winterlicious and Summerlicious programs.

The City also continues to offer the CaféTO Property Improvement Program which helps operators enhance their patios. This grant is funded by the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario through the Mainstreet Recovery and Rebuild Initiative.

This year, the City launched the CaféTO Dining District Grant to further support and encourage outdoor dining programs, particularly in parts of Toronto where outdoor dining is not as common.

More information about CaféTO is available on the City’s website: https://www.toronto.ca/business-economy/business-operation-growth/business-support/cafeto-outdoor-dining/.


“CaféTO has transformed the way we experience our city, creating a space for people to come together and enjoy Toronto’s vibrant food culture. As we wrap up another successful season, I’m proud that this program continues to bring communities together, supports local businesses and boosts our economy. We are committed to building on this success as we look ahead to 2025 and beyond.”
– Mayor Olivia Chow

“Danforth Avenue has been a hub of activity this summer and the CaféTO patios have played a huge part in that. It’s been wonderful to see our local restaurants bustling with life and I’m excited to see how we can continue to support these businesses with improvements to the program in 2025.”
– Councillor Paula Fletcher (Toronto-Danforth)

“The success of CaféTO this year is a testament to the resilience of our local restaurant industry and the support of our communities. This program has provided an economic boost while creating a vibrant atmosphere across Toronto’s neighbourhoods.”
– Councillor Shelley Carroll (Don Valley North), Mayor’s Economic and Community Development Champion

“CaféTO has been a game-changer for restaurants across the city and I’m pleased to see its continued momentum. We’re currently studying the 2024 program’s economic benefits and look forward to sharing those results shortly.”
– John Kiru, Executive Director of TABIA

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Media contact: Media Relations, media@toronto.ca

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  • 등록일 : 2024/10/04
  • 게재일 : 2024/10/04
  • 변경일 : 2024/10/04
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