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Public Works eNewsletter: December 2024

Welcome to the latest edition of our Public Works Online Newsletter! This is your go-to resource for staying informed about Public Works.

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Welcome to the latest edition of our Public Works Online Newsletter! This is your go-to resource for staying informed about the projects, initiatives, and developments that keep our community thriving. Whether it's road maintenance, water management, or sustainable infrastructure, we're here to keep you updated on the essential services that support our daily lives. In this edition, you'll find the latest news on upcoming projects, highlights from completed works, and insights into how we're planning for a resilient future. Thank you for being part of our community, and for your continued support as we work together to build a better tomorrow.

**Starting February 2025, the Public Works Newsletter will only be sent to Public Works Update subscribers. To continue receiving this newsletter, please subscribe to* Public Works Updates [;!!AxJhxnnVZ8w!JNiA8kBrAHeiAC3MZgUzmmm6l3f-kUTinr7W6TypxyknLEWYu_wdgO_MAktAQsY9nfNjarjKKHHOvkeF_flLxiPPCZGlBNdC-EkPFyNR6Ds%24?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]. *





Polliwog Park Fitness Station Ribbon Cutting

The City celebrated the ribbon-cutting ceremony on November 14th for its new National Fitness Campaign court, a state-of-the-art outdoor fitness facility designed to promote health and wellness at all levels. Located in Polliwog Park, the court offers residents free access to innovative fitness equipment and encourages community engagement through guided workouts and challenges through the official app. Local officials and community members gathered to mark the occasion and test out the new equipment.

Download the National Fitness Court App below:

*National Fitness Campaign* [ ]


Lot 3-1

Lot 3-2

Lot 3-3

Lot 3 Parking Structure Update

Demolition of the Lot 3 Parking Structure in downtown has been completed ahead of schedule. The design and construction of an interim surface parking lot will begin soon. The interim surface lot will provide parking on the site while plans are developed for a permanent replacement project.

Please visit our website in the link below for updates and alternative parking options.

*Lot 3 Parking Structure* [ ]


Completed Projects




Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
Cycle 3 Curb Ramps

The City recently completed the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Cycle 3 Curb Ramp project. CDBG grants are administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development focused on enhancing accessibility and infrastructure for the benefit of the community. This initiative included improvements such as upgraded sidewalks, ADA-compliant ramps, and other critical enhancements to ensure greater mobility for all residents.


Did You Know?


Holiday Fireworks with Free MB Shuttle Service

Celebrate the season at the Skechers Manhattan Beach Holiday Fireworks [*2F**2FHome*2FComponents*2FCalendar*2FEvent*2F77896*2F1771*3Fcurm=12*26cury=2024*26utm_medium=email*26utm_source=govdelivery/1/010101936a79f6f6-bd8cca28-8c7e-4a07-b1df-538b07f6f153-000000/TSLnvtV99IbNt6_KWWEvtlwAsRYCSzqhgoQhfaoC7Vw=381__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUl!!AxJhxnnVZ8w!JikZQ8PvqjOtxDdqEeyDV6cD4c7RSBxI1WbjQK4x71eTy_YOSP8eaus3TqS8IWPVIo6Fv4KGR_GKMW_pgJ8SsEJsTHkoQFVBMec6AiKHhj4%24?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]!

This year, we’re making it even easier to join the festivities with our FREE Park & Ride Shuttle Service [*2F**2FHome*2FComponents*2FCalendar*2FEvent*2F77896*2F1771*3Fcurm=12*26cury=2024*26utm_medium=email*26utm_source=govdelivery/2/010101936a79f6f6-bd8cca28-8c7e-4a07-b1df-538b07f6f153-000000/rGrKkOkvxZk1kpPW9er3OpmDrjCAlENiJ7fXSD2G98c=381__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUl!!AxJhxnnVZ8w!JikZQ8PvqjOtxDdqEeyDV6cD4c7RSBxI1WbjQK4x71eTy_YOSP8eaus3TqS8IWPVIo6Fv4KGR_GKMW_pgJ8SsEJsTHkoQFVBMec6s8tfBcY%24?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ], running on Sunday, December 8, from 2 PM to 10 PM. Hop on one of our eight continuously cycling buses and leave your parking worries behind!

*Below are the Pick-Up and Drop-Off Locations:*

• Downtown Location: Valley Drive (Between MBB & 10th Place)
• Northrup Grumman Parking Lot (Aviation Blvd & Space Park Drive)

*Shuttle Information* [ ]


Water Protection


Cross-Connection Control Ordinance

The City Council adopted a new Cross-Connection Control Ordinance on November 19th. The ordinance aims to protect the public water supply from potential contamination caused by backflow. It requires the installation and regular maintenance of approved backflow prevention devices at properties where cross-connections may occur. This proactive measure aligns with state and federal water safety standards, ensuring the community’s access to clean, safe drinking water.

*Cross-Connection Control Ordinance* [ ]


EV Charging

EV Charging Stations Update

Starting December 3, EV charging stations in Manhattan Beach will adopt a new rate of $0.51 per kW/h to support maintenance and improvements.

For years, residents and visitors have benefited from complimentary EV charging at city facilities. However, to support ongoing maintenance and service improvements, the city will now implement a usage rate of $0.51 per kWh. This transition marks a step forward in maintaining a reliable and sustainable charging network for our community.

*Here’s what you need to know:*

* *What Rate Will I Pay? *The new standard rate of $0.51 per kW/h.
* *What Are My Charging Options?* Choose from one, two, four, and five-hour public code charging durations to suit your schedule.
* *How Do I Download the App?*
* First create an account [*2F**2FUsers*2FPublicRegistration*3Futm_medium=email*26utm_source=govdelivery/1/01010193897f994e-f976936d-69c9-42a6-8b9e-e9182fbc930b-000000/H4AWujNyk5OF_PubFYxmivezv5OIY1glidtkEDNzc4E=381__;JSUlJSUl!!AxJhxnnVZ8w!MWuVbK12FCumgRDEFfXN_E1SHezZaqIsEdt7FCe3_aHGJ9CbM-A91x-Dq88ACEWXBGJmix11sEr6DyWEJ_eA6w5O_8p35RqUpfNIOKp6n-8%24?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] with Liberty Access Technologies (LAT). Then download the Liberty Hydra
* Apple Download [*2F**2Fus*2Fapp*2Fliberty-hydra*2Fid820987748*3Futm_medium=email*26utm_source=govdelivery/1/01010193897f994e-f976936d-69c9-42a6-8b9e-e9182fbc930b-000000/UUiALMi0uk5aalDywMRnUiHAwLzyGvaVe5NW_JN8JKk=381__;JSUlJSUlJSU!!AxJhxnnVZ8w!MWuVbK12FCumgRDEFfXN_E1SHezZaqIsEdt7FCe3_aHGJ9CbM-A91x-Dq88ACEWXBGJmix11sEr6DyWEJ_eA6w5O_8p35RqUpfNIXjsf5wk%24?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
* Google Download [*2F**2Fstore*2Fapps*2Fdetails*3Fhl=en*26id=com.libertyhydra.libertyhydramobile*26pli=1*26utm_medium=email*26utm_source=govdelivery/1/01010193897f994e-f976936d-69c9-42a6-8b9e-e9182fbc930b-000000/B0gJO2gp6XO0pkCL6tDbE3tQSpNSrlhLOMEF1zHyokQ=381__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJQ!!AxJhxnnVZ8w!MWuVbK12FCumgRDEFfXN_E1SHezZaqIsEdt7FCe3_aHGJ9CbM-A91x-Dq88ACEWXBGJmix11sEr6DyWEJ_eA6w5O_8p35RqUpfNIXRpxWvQ%24?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]

* *How Do I Charge My Car? [ ]*

* First download the Liberty Hydra app and create an account or go to Liberty Access Technologies (LAT) [ ] to sign up for an account.
* Fund your pre-paid wallet in your *Liberty Hydra account *by clicking the balance option on the home screen.
* Enable location settings and choose the correct charging location in the app via the ‘plug’ icon. There should be a number on each charging station.
* Select charging duration
* Press "Get Code" and enter code on keypad. *The keypad may not be directly next to the charger but will be nearby.*
* Please read the FAQs  [ ](PDF) for more details and troubleshooting. Please contact Liberty Plugins for additional assistance (855) 387-3786 or <>.

* *FAQs*: Liberty Plugins FAQ for City of Manhattan Beach [*2F**2Fhome*2Fshowpublisheddocument*2F55588*2F638687425749435833*3Futm_medium=email*26utm_source=govdelivery/2/01010193897f994e-f976936d-69c9-42a6-8b9e-e9182fbc930b-000000/DcIWOR-HCPu-nxHfoFBrntgjQTzCby6hC4SlW7HQgk0=381__;JSUlJSUlJSU!!AxJhxnnVZ8w!MWuVbK12FCumgRDEFfXN_E1SHezZaqIsEdt7FCe3_aHGJ9CbM-A91x-Dq88ACEWXBGJmix11sEr6DyWEJ_eA6w5O_8p35RqUpfNIJirtz8Q%24?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ](PDF)

For more information on EV charging in Manhattan Beach, please visit the webpage using the button below

*Electric Vehicle Charging* [ ]



Winterization Tips

Even though winters in Manhattan Beach are relatively mild, it's still essential to protect your home for cooler, wetter weather. Here are some tips on how to prepare for the season:

* *Inspect and clean gutters and downspouts* - remove leaves and debris to prevent clogs and overflow during rainstorms. Ensure downspouts direct water away from the foundation.
* *Check roof for damage* - inspect for loose or missing shingles, cracks, or any signs of leaks. 
* *Seal cracks and openings* - check windows, doors, and exterior walls for gaps or cracks that could let in drafts of water. Seal with caulk or weatherstripping.
* *Trim trees and shrubs* - cut back any branches near your home to prevent them from breaking and causing damage during high winds or heavy rains.
* *Check outdoor drainage and any flood risks* - Ensure yard drains, culverts, and swales are clear of obstructions to minimize flooding. If your property is in a low-lying area, consider sandbags or other measures to mitigate flooding during heavy rainfall.

Thank you to our Public Works Crew

A heartfelt thank you to the Manhattan Beach Public Works Department for their incredible efforts in preparing the city for the holiday season. From installing festive decorations to ensuring the iconic pier lighting shines brightly, their hard work brings holiday magic to life for the entire community. Their dedication and attention to detail create a warm, welcoming atmosphere that makes Manhattan Beach truly special during this festive time of year.



Public Works is one of the City’s largest departments, responsible for the operation and maintenance of all public infrastructure located in the public right-of-way and City properties.

The Department is essential to the quality of life experienced by the Manhattan Beach community. Standard elements of urban living such as access to high-quality running water, a reliable sewer system, well-maintained roads and cleanliness through convenient refuse, and street sweeping programs are crucial.  A superior level of service is provided by the Public Works Department, which sets Manhattan Beach apart from other communities.

Please take a moment to explore review these articles and our webpages to learn more about what we do.

* Public Works Webpages* [ ]


Reach Manhattan Beach

Download the GoReach Manhattan Beach app to report issues and access information. Users can submit service requests, view and pay utility bills, and find refuse schedules and guidelines.

*GoReach* [ ]

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