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Acting Secretary Su, Assistant Secretary Williamson to announce tool to pr event, address opioid disorders in mining communities Oct. 30 in Pittsburgh
- [Registrante]United States Department of Labor
- [Idioma]日本語
- [Área]Washington, DC
- Fecha registrada : 2024/10/29
- Fecha de Publicación : 2024/10/29
- Fecha de cambio : 2024/10/29
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Department of Labor, United States of America
News Brief
U.S. Department of Labor | October 29, 2024
Acting Secretary Su, Assistant Secretary Williamson to announce tool to prevent, address opioid disorders in mining communities Oct. 30 in Pittsburgh
*"Will join safety experts, miners, steelworkers for roundtable discussion"*
*WASHINGTON* – Acting Secretary Julie Su and Assistant Secretary for Mine Safety and Health Chris Williamson will head to Pittsburgh on Oct. 30 to announce a new publication to help employers protect workers from the dangers of opioid use disorder [ ] and join a discussion on the issue with workplace safety experts, miners and steelworkers. The roundtable will discuss the issue of opioid use disorder in mining communities, current workplace prevention efforts, resources available and the importance of recovery-friendly workplaces.
A joint publication of the Department of Labor’s Mine Safety and Health Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, “Implementing Effective Workplace Solutions to Prevent Opioid Use Disorder: A Resource Guide for the Mining Industry” is intended to raise awareness about opioid miuse among workers [ ], eliminate the stigma associated with the issue, promote open and honest conversations, strengthen prevention efforts and improve access to treatment.
Acting Secretary Su and Assistant Secretary Williamson will join NIOSH Director Dr. John Howard and representatives from the United Steelworkers, United Mine Workers of America, International Union of Operating Engineers Local 478, Tilcon Connecticut Inc., Vulcan Materials and Consol Energy for the roundtable.
Media availability will follow the roundtable.
*WHO:* Acting Secretary Julie Su
Assistant Secretary for Mine Safety and Health Chris Williamson
CDC National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Director Dr. John Howard
United Steelworkers, International Operating Engineers Local 478, United Mine
Workers of America, Tilcon Connecticut Inc., Vulcan Materials and Consol Energy representatives
*WHEN:* Oct. 30, 2024
3:45 to 5:30 p.m. EDT
*WHERE:* Bruceton Research Center/MSHA Pittsburgh Safety and Health Technology Center
MSHA Building 151
626 Cochrans Mill Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15236
*RSVP:* Media interested in covering this event should RSVP to <>
# # #
*Media Contact:*
Allison Barry, 202-934-0858,
Release Number: 24-2247-NAT
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