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The Kenmore Top 4: May 10, 2024

Your weekly Kenmore news highlights.

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In an effort to bring you the most up-to-date news, here is a short format newsletter highlighting the City of Kenmore’s top four news items of the week. 
*"Read the Top Four and enjoy your weekend in Kenmore!"*


1 [ https://kenmore.civicweb.net/document/255079/ ]

*City Council Will Continue Discussions Around Kenmore's Financial Future on May 20
*On Monday evening, the City Council held a study session [ https://kenmore.civicweb.net/document/255079/ ] including a presentation and discussion of recommendations from the Financial Sustainability Task Force [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/government/departments/finance-administration/financial-sustainability-plan ], a summary of results from The Love Where You Live Project [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/our-city/love-where-you-live ] community engagement, and a presentation and discussion of preliminary ballot measure options [ https://www.youtube.com/live/MuhkrKcZpCQ?si=POf75bRjkEJYFS96&t=12195 ], including timelines and future funding needs such as public safety, human services, and parks. View the study session here [ https://www.youtube.com/live/MuhkrKcZpCQ?si=sNmncRhK4_BnZW-3&t=4135 ].

One of the Financial Sustainability Plan (FSP) Task Force recommendations is to form a Metropolitan Parks District (MPD) to fund ongoing parks maintenance needs and future parks projects. The City Council will continue the discussion about a possible 2024 MPD ballot measure, and what that could fund or look like, at the May 20 City Council meeting*. *Public comments regarding the FSP Task Force recommendations and the ballot measure discussion are welcome, and can be emailed to the City Clerks, clerks@kenmorewa.gov.


2 [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/government/departments/community-development/planning-initiatives/middle-housing ]

*You're Invited: Middle Housing Open House May 22
*Last week, several community engagement opportunities were announced to learn about the new middle housing policies and regulations project. "We’re excited to announce there is another opportunity this month!" The City of Kenmore is hosting an open house on Wednesday, May 22, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m in the Council Chambers at City Hall. There will be a very brief introduction and then there will be several stations where participants may learn more and ask questions about the project. If you’re unable to attend this event, don’t worry. There are several more opportunities to engage with staff at the June 5, July 17, and August 7 Farmers Markets, an online community survey, and at Planning Commission and City Council meetings later this summer. For more information, please contact Todd Hall, thall@kenmorewa.gov or stay up to date at kenmorewa.gov/middlehousing. [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/government/departments/community-development/planning-initiatives/middle-housing ]


3 [ https://kenmore.civicweb.net/FileStorage/FD7051505E324070883092165C30F13D-Sara%20Solum%20Hayashi%20Day%20(002).pdf?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR0E_J5JoVYybB6H9U5rT_4xB0Ztm_569m5WDwv561xIQ520MSvWfGMEIak_aem_AW8u_3jIB9WXkv9PYcnqvF3V0eUma1_I8c_NO0Byz7GeC4JTyDoZhRV50zktfh5EWK4T5lt9jKZU2Tm2sPOsQU0r ]

*Kenmore Celebrates Sara Solum Hayashi Day*
This week, the City Council proclaimed May 7, 2024, as Sara Solum Hayashi Day in Kenmore! This special day celebrates Sara and the countless hours she has committed to beautifying Kenmore, building relationships, supporting local artists and art projects, and bringing people immense joy as the Executive Director of Arts of Kenmore [ https://artsofkenmore.com/ ] [ https://www.facebook.com/artsofkenmore?__cft__%5B0%5D=AZXH0Q6NO4LpL7ZDx4gy4H41oXJhS7-VVNmZ5_oysvkKkb3KqGq38uWDvD8QkL0cy0unWfB_NH9MoCNBvQuUSNRRiVAhRGuybSdMLbANUzoZWxDwKSJ549rR7RR1sJg4VmTVWuBkzJK6rJNZo3JXGuNldahxED5RKXffCNyoV7GvRYkuoRJGSPmCCDrb91Zphmg6pJt6uqQHtIep4ArZv1i0&__tn__=-%5DK-R ]. Sara is stepping down from her role and Kenmore wishes her the best on her future endeavors. Thank you for leaving your beautiful mark on Kenmore, Sara! Read the Sara Solum Hayashi Day proclamation here [ https://kenmore.civicweb.net/FileStorage/FD7051505E324070883092165C30F13D-Sara%20Solum%20Hayashi%20Day%20(002).pdf?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR0E_J5JoVYybB6H9U5rT_4xB0Ztm_569m5WDwv561xIQ520MSvWfGMEIak_aem_AW8u_3jIB9WXkv9PYcnqvF3V0eUma1_I8c_NO0Byz7GeC4JTyDoZhRV50zktfh5EWK4T5lt9jKZU2Tm2sPOsQU0r ].


4 [ https://www.northshoreemc.com/ ]

*Community Emergency Radio and Family Communication Class
*The Northshore Emergency Management Coalition (NEMCo) is offering a Community Emergency Radio and Family Communication Class on Tuesday, May 21 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Fire Station 51 in Kenmore. This free class is open to all Northshore and surrounding community residents. In this class, you will learn to set up a Family Emergency Communication Plan, where to get local news and information, how to operate FRS/GMRS handheld radios during a community emergency, and setting up a Neighbor-to-Neighbor Network with your radio. This class is essential to your basic community preparation skills and no previous radio experience is required. Enroll for the class here. [ https://bit.ly/3MtdtgC ] For more information visit NorthshoreEMC.com. [ https://www.northshoreemc.com/ ]

*More Kenmore News* [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/our-city/city-news ]


"*What's next on the agenda?*"

* The Kenmore and Lake Forest Park Recycling Collection Event [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/3119/638467000656230000 ] is this Saturday, May 11 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Epiphany Lutheran Church.

* The next Coffee with Council [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/2070/102 ] is on Saturday, May 18 at 9:30 a.m.

* The next City Council meeting [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/2342/102 ] is on Monday, May 20 at 7 p.m.
"To speak virtually at a City Council meeting, you are required to sign up ahead of time using the online form [ http://www.kenmorewa.gov/government/city-council/virtual-public-comment ]." 

* The Middle Housing Open House is on Wednesday, May 22 at 6 p.m.

"*Proclamations this week:*"

* Professional Municipal Clerks Week [ https://kenmore.civicweb.net/document/255141 ] (May 5-11, 2024)
"*Thank you to our City Clerks team, and congratulations to our City Clerk, Anastasiya Warhol [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/home/showimage?id=4824&t=638509391897783163 ], for recently earning her Master Municipal Clerk Certification."
* Sara Solum Hayashi Day [ https://kenmore.civicweb.net/document/255143 ] (May 7, 2024)
* Safe Paddling and Boating Week [ https://kenmore.civicweb.net/document/255142 ] (May 18-24, 2024) 


*"Want to share the news?"
*Please forward this to a friend! New followers can sign up to receive news updates here [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/i-want-to/stay-informed ]. We welcome your feedback on this news format - tell us what you think <communications@kenmorewa.gov>. 


"Si gusta communicarse con la ciudad de Kenmore o revisar un documento en otro idioma, ""envíe" su solicitud con su información de "contacto" "a ""cityhall@kenmorewa.gov" <cityhall@kenmorewa.gov>" o llame al 425-398-8900."  

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  • 登録日 : 2024/05/10
  • 掲載日 : 2024/05/10
  • 変更日 : 2024/05/10
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