Maricopa County, Arizona All Parks & Recreation Events Feed Update
- [登録者]Maricopa County
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Morristown, Arizona, アメリカ合衆国
- 登録日 : 2024/11/11
- 掲載日 : 2024/11/11
- 変更日 : 2024/11/11
- 総閲覧数 : 44 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
- アメリカ進出のワンストップショップ!埋もれている素晴らしい製品、知られていない技...
+1 (310) 406-4079ASTERAS CORP.
- 安全で安心な地域社会を、市原警備保障株式会社は守ります。機械警備、施設警備、巡回...
- ハワイ不動産の売買、投資、長期賃貸、空き室管理、改装コンサルティングのことなら是...
2003年より, 20年以上にわたり、不動産売買および物件管理の分野で確かな実績を築いてきました。お客様のニーズに応じた包括的なサービス提供に重点を置き、信頼性と専門性をベースにしています。購入や販売、賃貸、そして適切な物件管理まで、トータルにサポートいたします。当社の経験豊かな専門家チームが、お客様の期待を超えるサービスを提供し、不動産取引において安心感と信頼性を確保します。ハワイの不動産投資は...
+1 (808) 426-3522Grace International Realty
- ☆日本人スタッフの不動産屋さん☆1991年創業・信頼と実績・不動産売買から、物件...
+1 (808) 800-2421藤澤太郎ハワイ不動産
- アメリカ現地のオンライン学習塾です。帰国受験から現地校フォローまであらゆるニーズ...
当校は海外在住の小学生、中学生、高校生のための受験指導を専門にオンライン個別指導を行っております。帰国子女枠、一般受験枠で難関中学、高校、大学の受験をお考えの皆さまをアメリカでの理系教科と英語授業に豊富な経験を持つVARTEX EDUCATIONS講師陣がサポート致します。NYやLAなど日本人の駐在者家族が多い大都市では、近年日本の塾がどんどん進出してくるにもかかわらず、地方ではまだまだ車で1時間...
+1 (347) 644-5968VARTEX EDUCATIONS
- 子どもるーぷ袖ケ浦は、袖ケ浦市とその近郊の子どもと大人が交流できる居場所づくりや...
+81-438-63-2850NPO法人 子どもるーぷ袖ケ浦
- 那覇中央郵便局2階に琉球王朝時代から戦時中、戦後に至る郵政や通信の歴史を紹介し郵...
- 安全で快適な移動空間をご提供します。GPS配車システムを使用した迅速・確実な配車...
安全で快適な移動空間をご提供します。GPS配車システムを使用した迅速・確実な配車のほか、介護タクシー、大人数でご乗車頂けるジャンボタクシーなどもご利用いただけます。また、 京成タクシーかずさではドライバーの方・ドライバーを目指している方を募集しています。個人に合わせた研修制度があり、未経験の方も安心して働ける環境が整っています。待機場所● 木更津駅西口・東口● 君津駅北口・南口● 清見台・太田● ...
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+1 (310) 702-3787Worldwide Realty
- 千葉県君津市にある「君津市民文化ホール」では、アーティストのコンサートや映画上映...
- 住宅や商業物件、物件賃貸まで。ハワイで30年以上の実績。 皆様の夢とハワイ不動産...
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+1 (808) 957-0080Plus Seven Realty
- 「LAの技術をハワイへ」日本とアメリカで25年以上の経験を持つ融合技術を体験しま...
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- 安心のクロネコヤマト。 日本へのお届け物は私達にお任せ下さい! (安心の日本語対...
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You are subscribed to All Parks & Recreation Events Feed for Maricopa County, Arizona. This information has recently been updated and is now available.
Scorpion Safari (Registration Required, Limit 20 Participants) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/-nightimescorpion-safari-registration-required-limit-20-participants-/?F_d=11-25-2024 ] 11/24/2024 06:00 PM MST
McDowell Mountain Regional Park : Take a night hike through the park with Ranger Derik and hunt for scorpions and other nocturnal creatures. Click program title for more details. Welcome to the Desert! Hike (Registration required, limit 12) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/welcome-to-the-desert-hike-registration-required-limit-12/?F_d=11-24-2024 ] 11/24/2024 08:00 AM MST
White Tank Mountain Regional Park Join Ranger Jacque for an early morning walk in search of wildlife. Click program title for more details. Discovery Station: Venomous Creatures [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/discovery-station-venomous-creatures/112324/?F_d=11-23-2024 ] 11/23/2024 02:00 PM MST
White Tank Mountain Regional Park The desert seems full of scary, venomous creatures with sharp stingers or biters! Ranger Jacque?s here to talk about the real lives of rattlesnakes, Gila monsters, scorpions, and other desert dwellers you may encounter. Click program title for more details. Birding Big Sit (handicapped accessible) (Registration Required, Limit 15 Participants) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/birding-big-sit-handicapped-accessible-registration-required-limit-15-participants/1123241/?F_d=11-23-2024 ] 11/23/2024 11:30 AM MST
Usery Mountain Regional Park Learn how to identify common desert and backyard birds with Ranger Eric at the Nature Center. Click on program title for more details. Discovery Station: Meet the Critters [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/discovery-station-meet-the-critters787/?F_d=11-23-2024 ] 11/23/2024 11:00 AM MST
San Tan Mountain Regional Park Join Ranger Olivia to meet some of the animal ambassadors that reside at San Tan?s Nature Center! Click on program title for more details. Elephant Mountain Fitness Hike - Strenuous (Registration Required, Limit 20 Participants) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/highupelephant-mountain-fitness-hike---strenuous-registration-required-limit-20-participants-/?F_d=11-23-2024 ] 11/23/2024 09:00 AM MST
Spur Cross Ranch Conservation Area Join Ranger Derik on a 7-mile (~6 hour) hike up to an ancient Hohokam fort and take in the views of the surrounding mountains and the city. Click program title for more details. Nature Hike(Registration Required, Limit 15 Participants) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/nature-hikeregistration-required-limit-15-participants/?F_d=11-23-2024 ] 11/23/2024 09:00 AM MST
San Tan Mountain Regional Park Start your day enjoying the beauty around you with Ranger Olivia on this morning nature hike! Click program title for more details. Morning Meander [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/morning-meander/112324/?F_d=11-23-2024 ] 11/23/2024 08:30 AM MST
White Tank Mountain Regional Park Enjoy an early morning walk to watch for birds, lizards, snakes, and small animals with Ranger Jacque. Click on program title for more details. Desert 101 Hike (Registration Required, Limit 15 Participants) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/desert-101-hike-registration-required-limit-15-participants/1123241/?F_d=11-23-2024 ] 11/23/2024 08:00 AM MST
Usery Mountain Regional Park Learn all about the Sonoran Desert on this guided hike with Ranger Eric. Click on program title for more details. Creatures of the Night Walk (Registration Required, Limit 10 Participants) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/creatures-of-the-night-walk-registration-required-limit-10-participants/1122241/?F_d=11-23-2024 ] 11/22/2024 05:30 PM MST
Hassayampa River Preserve Join Ranger Eric for an after-hours prowl of the Preserve trails to look for nocturnal animals and scorpions! Click on program title for more details. Discovery Station: Venomous Creatures [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/discovery-station-venomous-creatures/93024/?F_d=11-22-2024 ] 11/22/2024 01:00 PM MST
San Tan Mountain Regional Park The desert seems full of scary, venomous creatures with sharp stingers or biters! Ranger Jacque?s here to talk about the real lives of rattlesnakes, Gila monsters, scorpions, and other desert dwellers you may encounter. Click program title for more details. Desert 101 Hike (Registration Required, Limit 20 Participants) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/-desert-101-hike-registration-required-limit-20-participants-/?F_d=11-22-2024 ] 11/22/2024 09:00 AM MST
McDowell Mountain Regional Park Join Ranger Derik on a morning hike through the Sonoran Desert and learn about the many unique plants and animals that call the Sonoran Desert home. Fitness Hike [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/fitness-hike/93024/?F_d=11-22-2024 ] 11/22/2024 09:00 AM MST
San Tan Mountain Regional Park Join Ranger Jacque on a heart pumping fitness hike through the rolling hills of the beautiful San Tan mountains. Click program title for more details. Discovery Station: Desert Palms [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/discovery-station-desert-palms/1121241/?F_d=11-21-2024 ] 11/21/2024 11:00 AM MST
Hassayampa River Preserve Have you ever wondered about the Preserve's historic stand of palm trees? Then join Ranger Eric to learn about them inside the Visitor Center. Click on program title for more details. Edible Plant Hike (Registration Required, Limit 20 Participants) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/edible-plant-hike-registration-required-limit-20-participants-/?F_d=11-21-2024 ] 11/21/2024 09:00 AM MST
Spur Cross Ranch Conservation Area Hike through Riparian habitat with Ranger Derik and learn about the many native edible plants that can be found within the park and native peoples that harvested them. Click program title for more details. Guided Bird Walk (Registration Required, Limit 10 Participants) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/guided-bird-walk-registration-required-limit-10-participants/1121241/?F_d=11-21-2024 ] 11/21/2024 08:15 AM MST
Hassayampa River Preserve Learn about the resident and migrant birds of desert riparian areas on this guided walk with Ranger Eric. Click on program title for more details. Guided Bird Walk--Christmas Bird Count (Registration Required, Limit 10 Participants) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/guided-bird-walk--christmas-bird-count-registration-required-limit-10-participants/1221241/?F_d=11-21-2024 ] 11/21/2024 08:15 AM MST
Hassayampa River Preserve Learn about the resident and migrant birds of desert riparian areas on this guided walk with Ranger Eric. Click on program title for more details. "Over the Hump" Mountain Bike Ride [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/over-the-hump-mountain-bike-ride1120/?F_d=11-21-2024 ] 11/20/2024 06:00 PM MST
San Tan Mountain Regional Park “Over the Hump” Mountain Bike Ride: Interrupt your work week with a good ole fashioned trail ride. Trails are flowy with some moderate climbs and downhill descents, a few technical areas: advanced-beginner to Intermediate skill level. First trail spin at night? Our rides are [...] Discovery Station: Venomous Creatures [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/discovery-station-venomous-creatures/112024/?F_d=11-20-2024 ] 11/20/2024 12:00 PM MST
Estrella Mountain Regional Park The desert seems full of scary, venomous creatures with sharp stingers or biters! Ranger Jacque?s here to talk about the real lives of rattlesnakes, Gila monsters, scorpions, and other desert dwellers you may encounter. Click program title for more details. Desert 101 Hike (Registration Required, Limit 15 Participants) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/desert-101-hike-registration-required-limit-15-participants/1120241/?F_d=11-20-2024 ] 11/20/2024 11:00 AM MST
Lake Pleasant Regional Park Join Ranger Eric for a moderate hike up to Yavapai Point and back, with spectacular scenery along the way! Click on program title for details. Desert 101 Hike [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/desert-101-hike/112024/?F_d=11-20-2024 ] 11/20/2024 09:00 AM MST
Estrella Mountain Regional Park Join Ranger Jacque on a 2.5-mile hike to learn about a variety of desert plant and animal life. Click program title for more details. Cactus Hike (Registration Required, Limit 20 Participants) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/cactus-hikeearlybird-registration-required-limit-20-participants-/?F_d=11-20-2024 ] 11/20/2024 08:30 AM MST
Cave Creek Regional Park Join Ranger Derik on a morning hike up into the mountains. Learn about the many cactus species that call the Sonoran Desert home and how they are important to the local ecosystem. Click program title for more details. Guided Bird Walk (Registration Required, Limit 10 Participants) [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/guided-bird-walk-registration-required-limit-10-participants/1120241/?F_d=11-20-2024 ] 11/20/2024 08:00 AM MST
Lake Pleasant Regional Park Look for desert and migratory birds around the lake with Ranger Eric! Click on program title for details. Mountain Bike Race Event at MMRP [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/mountain-bike-race-event-at-mmrp/111524/?F_d=11-15-2024 ] 11/15/2024 12:00 AM MST
McDowell Mountain Regional Park This is not a park sponsored event A permitted mountain biking event will be occurring in the park. The event will be staged out of the Four Peaks Staging Area. Four Peaks will be closed 11/15/-11/17. This event will be using the following trails: Cinch, [...] Lake Pleasant Monday Clean-Up Crew [ https://www.maricopacountyparks.net/events/lake-pleasant-monday-clean-up-crew11112024/?F_d=11-11-2024 ] 11/11/2024 07:00 AM MST
Lake Pleasant Regional Park Lake Pleasant is creating a Monday clean-up crew. If you are available on any Monday, please join us as we pick up litter along the shoreline. Date- Every Monday Time – 7:00am - 9:00am Location – Park at Castle Hot Springs dirt lot near the entry station. [...] body { font-size: 1em; font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #333333; }
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This email was sent to mshinji3056@gmail.com <mshinji3056%40gmail.com> using GovDelivery. Maricopa County Parks and Recreation [ http://www.maricopacountyparks.net ] • 41835 North Castle Hot Springs Road • Morristown, AZ 85342
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