Keeping up with Kathryn
- [登録者]LA County
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Los Angeles
- 登録日 : 2024/12/13
- 掲載日 : 2024/12/13
- 変更日 : 2024/12/13
- 総閲覧数 : 64 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
- ? 可免费试听 ! 除了提供维修保养和实用太鼓课程外,我们还以提高太鼓文化为目标...
托兰斯的综合性太鼓设施。 两间隔音工作室专门用于太鼓。为成人和儿童提供各种课程。 太鼓表演、课程、太鼓租赁、工作室租赁、太鼓销售和维修的综合设施。
+1 (424) 565-1576ASANO TAIKO U.S., Inc.
- 比萨店 "Goccia "就在北条海滩前,使用时令食材制作的比萨种类丰富。请您在...
在胡城海岸边的披萨店 "Goccia",您可以品尝到用时令食材制作的披萨,因此无论您来几次,都可以品尝到不同的菜单 ! 披萨很大,所以建议您分着吃几片 ! 宠物。
如果您有宠物,请与您的宠物一起在露台上享用。我们还提供外卖服务🏍。 +81-470-49-5755Goccia
- 参观南加州最大的水族馆--长滩水族馆 !。
开放时间:每天上午 9 时至下午 6 时 !。
+1 (562) 950-3100ロングビーチ水族館
- 日本俱乐部是一个会员制社交俱乐部。无论您是在公司工作,还是居住在纽约大都会・地区...
日本俱乐部的大厅是专为会员准备的轻松、满足和舒适的空间。 除了可以品尝时令日本料理的餐厅外,还设有大小会议室,可举办各种聚会、研讨会、会议和其他多功能活动。 室外体育活动包括棒球、高尔夫球和网球比赛。室内游戏包括麻将、围棋和将棋。 还积极组织各种其他活动,如文化课程、研讨会、讲座、音乐会、女子合唱团和兴趣文化桥牌等。
+1 (212) 581-2223The Nippon Club, Inc.
- 签发I-20 ・ 可享受转学优惠 ・ 可在线学习] 在美国最安全的城市欧文学习地...
+1 (949) 260-9600AOI College of Languages
- ! 如果您要移居海外,请交给日津 ! 请随时用日语与我们联系。
・"从美国到日本的海外搬家服务",日通以其良好的业绩为您提供方便。 有关个人或家庭搬家的咨询,请用日语与我们联系。
+1 (206) 892-8103NIPPON EXPRESS U.S.A., INC. / Sea Tac / Seattle Branch
- 从 beauteous 开始,成为一名专业的睫毛造型师。小班日语睫毛嫁接班 ! ...
嫁接睫毛 ! 嫁接睫毛最近越来越流行
学习不仅在日本人中而且在美国人中也开始流行的技术,成为睫毛嫁接技师。 嫁接睫毛是一个细致的过程,但如果您接受了适当的培训,掌握了相关知识・和技能,将来一定可以在美容行业工作。 嫁接睫毛使用的胶水比较特殊,粘合力强,即使粘贴不到位,也会有一定的粘性。 但是,如果粘贴不当,就会出现凹凸不平的现象,容易脱落,导致眼部问题。 ... +1 (714) 708-2329beauteous Eyelash Extensions Academy
- 我们是一家没有推销员,只有手艺人的涂装公司 ! 低成本、高质量的涂装,就交给我们...
・ ? 我们提供低廉的价格,因为我们是一家仅由工匠组成的公司。 ●总建筑面积 30 平方米 ・ 10 年保修 ●油漆位置 屋顶 ・ 外墙 ・ 脚手架 ・ 木材 ・ 铁 ・ 水槽 ・ 排水沟 ・ 阳台 ・ 屋顶坚韧的间隔钉子松动的填缝工程。墙壁上的裂缝填缝工作 ・ 围栏 ( 3 . 不超过 3 m2 ) ● 油漆 使用混合油漆 ! 您可以选择自己喜欢的油漆。 我们使用激进控制涂料、其他...
+81-43-234-2770有限会社 篠橋塗装コーポレーション
- 下一期资格课程将于2月23日()在托兰斯举行。急救课程也向 ZOOM 学员开放。
洛杉矶唯一可以用日语获得执照的心肺复苏课程 & 急救课程 ! 日语讲师提供细致的指导 ! 突发事故、受伤和紧急的身体变化不会在您繁忙的日程安排中出现。它们不会在你方便的时候出现。南湾心肺复苏&急救中心能为您提供的是所有人都应该了解的基本生命安全知识。 心肺复苏术 ( 心肺复苏术 ) 关于 如果有家人在你面前突然倒地,心肺功能骤停,你能立即施救吗? 在这种情况下,如果三分钟内不对患...
+1 (323) 834-2771South Bay CPR & First Aid
- 🏠 协助寻找租房 | 学生 ・ 对外籍人士的全面支持 ✨ 我们可以帮助您处理房地...
APOGEE 与美国最大的房产搜索网站合作,为您介绍最佳租赁交易。 在买卖方面,我们的专业房地产经纪人将帮助您以最优惠的价格购买房产,并以最低的价格出售房产。 我们还为学生提供学校搜索服务,为外籍人士提供日语口译服务。 请随时与我们联系。
+1 (310) 801-6412APOGEE不動産
- 睫毛嫁接 ・ 睫毛烫发 ・ 美甲沙龙] 前Salon Akua店主Koco(可可...
在日本和夏威夷拥有10年以上经验的Salon Akua的眼部专家/Koco 팀和前Syisyu的美甲师/子,现已独立 ! 我们用与夏威夷的生活方式和季节相匹配的迷人眼睛和双手,帮助您绽放最美的光彩。
我们是一家拥有日本和美国经验的专业沙龙。凭借来自日本和美国的专业技能和客户服务,她将在・放心・ 安全 和关怀的前提下,为您提供您所希望的治疗和建议。 +1 (808) 460-2433ラ・ボーテ・アネラ | La beaute Anela
- 2021年11月建立美国基地 ! 超过8,000个附属的LIVER ! ▶ 从为...
我们是一家现场制作公司,在 "现场表演者(LIVE应用程序分销商)"、"粉丝 "和 "合作公司 "等不同人群之间建立联系。我们的目标是为我们的现场分销商提供支持,不仅是在交付方面,而且是在他们的未来方面。从发现活体经销商到他们的培训・规划和生产活动・,我们为 "活体分销行业 "的发展贡献了可持续的支持系统和扩大的市场规模。
+1 (434) 879-6008NEXTWAVE 公式ライバー育成事務所
- 初期费用 0 日元 ! 也可从其他县入住 ! 市原市残疾人集体之家 "Gurad...
我们正在寻找来访者参观家园(^ ▽ ^G) 男性 ・ 女性 ! ( 一楼男性 ・ 二楼女性 ) 这是一个漂亮的两层楼新家,可供任何有智力障碍 ・ 精神障碍 ・ 的人入住。肢体残疾 欢迎任何肢体残疾人士与我们联系。
+81-436-26-6852グループホーム ぐらっど姉崎
- 顶级海鲜和其他奢侈食品 ( 鱼子酱及其他 ) ・ 我们将最优质的日本食品送到您的...
来自日本,来自世界。 金枪鱼鲣鱼、红肉、鰤鱼和鲑鱼。 Yama Seafood 的鱼还被星级餐厅采用。 美味的家常菜,美味的鱼!。
+1 (201) 433-3888YAMA SEAFOOD
- 我们与您和您的家人一起工作,帮助您解决问题,帮助您和您的家人共同过上健康的生活。...
日常生活中,有很多事情都不尽如人意。 要保持自己和家人的平衡并不容易,尤其是自科罗娜开始以来,压力和责任都很大。 在小松树咨询公司,我们的工作重点是设定目标并逐步实现目标,增加更好的行为或感觉,减少烦恼和问题行为。 我们根据您的目标和担忧提供量身定制的服务,包括为您的孩子或您自己提供个别辅导和家长培训。
+1 (323) 285-2221小松千沙都/Chisato Komatsu, Ph.D., BCBA-D(カリフォルニア州公認心理学者)
Dear Friends,
Three new mental health care programs for our Antelope Valley communities are coming soon! We broke ground this week on the sorely-needed High Desert Crisis Residential Treatment Program, Children and Youth Crisis Stabilization Unit, and Mental Health Hub. The three programs will be housed in two new buildings and will expand services by 400% in the AV. Currently, the nearest available programs are over 50 miles away at Olive View Medical Center in Sylmar, so this effort will ensure critical and timely care for our North County communities. The project was funded through a grant from the State called the Behavioral Health Continuum Infrastructure Program ( . At nearly $45 million, this project received the largest funding award in the entire County. I'm excited that these new programs will be available by the end of next year to serve those who need
it most. Antelope Valley residents deserve comprehensive care in their community.
Best wishes,
Kathryn Barger
Chair of the Board
Supervisor, Fifth District
Meet Lily, a sweet and friendly one-year-old German Shepherd, and Skitters, a playful and active five-month-old tabby kitten. If you'd like to open your heart and home to a new pet, consider adopting one of them from the Palmdale Animal Care Center, which is open for drop-ins Monday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
25 Strays of Christmas Promotion
Celebrate the 25 Strays of Christmas with discounted adoption fees of $25 now through Dec. 25! Since the holidays are the season of giving, it's the perfect time to give a new pet a loving home.
Pick your perfect pet. (
Altadena’s Christmas Tree Lane was bustling with excitement for the 104th annual tree lighting! This street, which so many residents drive down every day, is transformed into a truly amazing display of color. It’s a good reminder that there is beauty all around us in our everyday lives. I encourage you to see it for yourself this holiday season!
Read about this beloved tradition. (
Congratulations to the Boys & Girls Club of Pasadena ( on your new and improved Mackenzie-Scott Clubhouse! My office was proud to allocate $135,000 toward the project to give these kids an updated space in Northwest Pasadena that they deserve. I was glad to join their team and their partners at Panda Cares ( on Thursday to celebrate the renovations.
Get the details. (
The County has more than 200 commissions that share their unique perspectives and expertise to inform our Board of Supervisors' policies and programs. I was excited to join some of our commissioners on Monday as they connected with one another to offer insight about their respective commissions, including children and family services, public safety, infrastructure, social services, workforce development, consumer affairs, and so much more.
Apply to be a commissioner. (
Happy retirement to my friend Jackie Goldberg! From her incredible legacy on the Los Angeles Unified School District Board of Education to her time on the Los Angeles City Council and State Assembly, she's always prioritized justice, access, and support for students just as she did when she was a teacher. We met when we were both children and family services deputies, Jackie with Supervisor Molina and me with Supervisor Antonovich. Her dedication to uplift young people across the County has always been unwavering.
Learn more. (
At this week's Board meeting, we officially designated renowned abolitionist Owen Brown's gravesite in Altadena as a historic landmark. This is an opportunity to honor Brown’s life and contributions and also recognize the unwavering efforts of the community members and organizations, like Altadena Heritage ( and the Altadena Town Council ( , who fought to preserve his legacy.
Get the details. (
Our Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations ( released the newest Hate Crime Report this week and the data is sobering. While its findings are discouraging, it provides us with a call to action to prevent future crimes, stand up for the values that unite us, and create a County where everyone feels safe, respected, and valued.
Read the report. (
Looking for a festive and fun way to spend Christmas Eve? Bring the whole family to see 28 amazing local artists perform live at the free 65th Annual L.A. County Holiday Celebration ( ! Watch the show in person at the iconic Music Center ( or tune in from home on PBS SoCal ( from 3 to 6 p.m. on Dec. 24!
Get tickets. (
Living in Los Angeles County means you can swim all year long! Enjoy six of our County pools throughout the winter months. The Everybody Swims program is open on Saturdays from 2 to 4 p.m. Lap swim is available Monday through Friday from 6 to 9 a.m. and 4 to 8 p.m. and on Saturday from 8 to 10 a.m. Water exercise classes are Monday through Friday at 6 a.m., 7:30 a.m., and 2:30 p.m. and Saturday at 8 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. Learn to swim classes and youth teams are also available. Check the link below for details and to reserve your spot.
Register here. (
There are fantastic activities coming to your local park for the holiday season! Head to a Winter Wonderland ( or Holidays in the Park ( event to enjoy toy giveaways, hot cocoa and treats, crafts, music, games, photo ops, and snow (at select locations). Click the links below to find out when your local park will be hosting their festivities.
Explore a Winter Wonderland. (
Head to Holidays in the Park. (
Economic Opportunity Holiday Grants are available to assist businesses and nonprofits that are still struggling to recover from the financial impacts of the pandemic. The program is designed to support small businesses, microentrepreneurs, food industry businesses, and nonprofits with grants of either $3,000 or $5,000. Applications are open now through Tuesday, Dec. 31.
Apply here. (
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500 W. Temple St., Suite 869
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 974-5555
Antelope Valley:
42455 10th Street West, Suite 104
Lancaster, CA 93534
(661) 726-3600
East San Gabriel Valley:
380 S. San Dimas Ave., Suite 202
San Dimas, CA 91773
(909) 394-2264
Santa Clarita Valley:
27441 Tourney Rd., Suite 120
Santa Clarita, CA 91355
(661) 287-3657
San Gabriel Valley:
215 N. Marengo Ave., Suite 120
Pasadena, CA 91101
(626) 356-5407
San Fernando Valley:
4130 Cahuenga Blvd., Suite 108
Toluca Lake, CA 91602
(818) 993-5170
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Kathryn Barger . 500 W. Temple #869 . Los Angeles, Ca 90012 . USA