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CMS Cloud Weekly change newsletter 11/14/2024
- [Registrante]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- [Idioma]日本語
- [Área]Baltimore, MD
- Fecha registrada : 2024/11/14
- Fecha de Publicación : 2024/11/14
- Fecha de cambio : 2024/11/14
- Vista de Página. :
- "Guía de Ciudad" para encontrar Tiendas
- Nos preocupamos por todos y cada uno de ...
El jardín de infancia Shirayuri tiene como objetivo proporcionar un lugar donde los niños de todos los orígenes puedan aprender y utilizar el idioma japonés mientras se divierten y experimentan la cul...
+1 (310) 530-5830しらゆり幼稚園
- Clínica de fisioterapia frente al centro...
Clínica de fisioterapia frente a la Grand Central Station, en Midtown. Servicios en japonés. Ofrece seguro para viajeros al extranjero y seguro médico fuera de la red. Proporcionamos tratamiento fun...
+1 (212) 695-2769Orthopedic Movement Physical Therapy + OMPT ウェルネスセンター
- MORAVIA es un instalador de la ciudad de...
MORAVIA proporciona césped artificial de alta calidad y una instalación cuidadosa 。 ] Nuestro personal tiene experiencia en la instalación de césped artificial y utiliza productos de alta calidad par...
- El Museo de Arte Africano, situado al pi...
Las formas y el arte africanos tienen el poder de apelar directamente al corazón del espectador, no a través de la lógica, sino de deformaciones, formas, expresividad y texturas inesperadas, y ejercen...
- Un consultorio dental seguro y fiable en...
Además de odontología general, Morita Dental ofrece odontopediatría, odontología cosmética y tratamiento con implantes. El consultorio está situado enfrente de Tokio Central para facilitar la visita d...
+1 (408) 775-7770Morita Dental 森田歯科
- Bienvenido a SourAji, en el East Village...
Situado en el East Village, la meca de la cocina japonesa, el restaurante combina el arte culinario y la tradición japonesa. Las cenas omakase se sirven con ingredientes y técnicas cuidadosamente sele...
+1 (917) 561-0895SourAji
- Gafas ・ Paris Miki para gafas de sol. Of...
Se trata de la sucursal hawaiana de una cadena óptica de larga tradición que lleva casi 90 años en el mercado y cuenta con 740 tiendas en Japón ・y en el extranjero.
+1 (808) 943-6454OPTIQUE PARIS MIKI / メガネ パリミキ
- [Mirai Gakuen] Enseñanza de japonés en l...
Mirai Gakuen proporciona educación en lengua japonesa y la exposición a la cultura japonesa para los niños en los EE.UU.. La participación puede adaptarse al nivel de japonés de su hijo. ¡Las clases...
+1 (408) 391-3689未来学園 Mirai Gakuen LLC
- " Votada Empresa Nº 1 en Salud Reproduct...
Miracle ・ Angels ・ Reproductive ・ Group ( MARG ), homólogo japonés del ACRC, es una agencia especializada en medicina reproductiva asistida, que investiga tecnologías de reproducción asistida estadoun...
+1 (949) 418-8146Angels Creation Reproductive Center Inc
- < Es necesario reservar para comer y beb...
Algunos platos que no se encuentran fácilmente en otros restaurantes de sushi ! Kohada ・ Anguila de mar ・ Kampyo... Battera y futomaki son buenos para llevar de recuerdo. Pescado fresco e ingredien...
+1 (949) 642-2677Sushi Shibucho
- < Servicio en japonés para su tranquilid...
Nuestro experimentado equipo médico y el personal proporcionan los mejores servicios técnicos ・, y los japoneses residentes en EE.UU. pueden recibir un tratamiento seguro y cómodo en un ambiente relaj...
+1 (425) 974-8161Bellevue Premier Dental
- Dentista hogareño y amigable con oficina...
Dr Lewis ・ Lynn para todas sus necesidades de atención dental, de odontología general, tratamiento neurológico, cirugía oral y odontología cosmética. Oficina de Whittier Gran Promoción de Apertura !...
+1 (310) 326-6668ルイス・リン歯科医
- A 5 minutos en coche del OC Mitsuwa.
・ Hermoso color ceniza para reducir el enrojecimiento asiático ♪ ・ Spa de cabeza orgánico italiano ♪ ・ Alisado con ácido, difuminado de canas, tratamientos para mejorar el cabello, etc. ♪
+1 (949) 942-5420Sleek Hair Salon & Spa
- 💜Más de 1000 casos al año 🌹 Maquillaje a...
Más de 1000 casos al año. Deja tu maquillaje artístico en manos de Belleote, una empresa de confianza y trayectoria ! Precio especial ! Sin recargo por opciones. 💜Original 3D ceja curso completo $...
+1 (424) 527-7330BELLUTE beauty studio
- Atención cómoda desde su primera visita ...
En Haru Dental, su salud y tranquilidad son nuestra prioridad. Le ofrecemos un servicio integral, incluso en su primera visita. ・ Diagnóstico y evaluación cuidadosos Nos tomamos el tiempo necesario ...
+1 (310) 362-2875HARU DENTAL
Weekly change newsletter 11/14/2024 -Update
Each week, the CMS Cloud program provides a list of upcoming changes, maintenance windows, and updates to help customers build awareness and plan effectively and summarizes changes from the previous week.
This newsletter includes:
* Completed change summary for the week of 11/07/2024 [ #CC ]
11/15/2024 - CMS Cloud Monthly Gold Image Release [ #GI ]
* 11/15/2024 - Enterprise Confluence Update [ #Confluence ]
* 11/17/2024 - Recycle Tivoli Workload Scheduler (TWS) Services - PROD [ #TWS ]
11/17/2024 - Apply WSUS group policy for Domain Controller [ #WSUS ]
11/17/2024 - Enterprise JIRA Maintenance [ #Jira ]
* 11/17/2024 - Splunk HTTP Event Collector (HEC) maintenance [ #Splunk ]
* Reminder - Open Enrollment (OE12) - Moratorium [ #OE12 ]
Completed change summary for the week of 11/07/2024
* 11/10/2024 - Splunk ITSI Modify limits.conf configuration [ ]
* 11/10/2024 - VPC Peering TWS SBX v4 to TWS PROD v3 (rescheduled) [ ]
* 11/10/2024 - VPC Peering TWS SBX v4 to TWS IMPL v3 (rescheduled) [ ]
To learn details about previous changes please go to the News and Updates [ ] section on (Secure Access required)
*11/15/2024 - CMS Cloud Monthly Gold Image Release*
* Updated CMS Cloud Gold Images will be released for consumption.
* Information about all of the CMS Cloud Gold Images can be found on [ ].
* Release notes and image details [ ]
* Access and Usage instructions [ ]
*When will this happen:*
For 2024, Gold Images are released on Friday following patch Tuesday.
(Upon completion, customers should realize decreased costs; This change will provide increased security.)
11/15/2024 - Enterprise Confluence Update
Enterprise Confluence ( maintenance activity on Friday, November 15th, 2024 beginning at 08:00 p.m. ET.
*Actions we are taking*
* Upgrade Enterprise Confluence to the latest LTS version
*When is this happening?*
Start Time: Friday, 11/15/2024 at 08:00 p.m. ET
End Time: Saturday, 11/15/2024 at 1:00 a.m. ET
*Who will be impacted?*
All Enterprise Confluence Customers
*What is the impact? *
Enterprise Confluence ( production instance will remain online during the update and should not experience a service interruption.
Please send an email to Agile Tools Support:
11/17/2024 - Recycle Tivoli Workload Scheduler (TWS) Services - PROD
TWS runs best when services are recycled and instances are rebooted periodically. This maintenance activity is designed to refresh TWS production so it continues to run well during Marketplace Open Enrollment.
*Actions we are taking*
Recycle of TWS application and instances with no configuration change.
*When is this happening?*
Start Time: Sunday, 11/17/2024 at 12:00 a.m. ET
End Time: Sunday, 11/17/2024 at 2:00 a.m. ET
*Who will be impacted?*
All TWS Application Customers.
*What is the impact? *
The Tivoli Workload Scheduler application (TWS) will be unavailable to ADO users during this period.
11/17/2024 - Apply WSUS group policy for Domain Controller
The CMS Cloud team will perform maintenance on a single Domain Controller as a way to confirm a fix for some undesirable patching behavior that is occurring. Once the fix has been confirmed a future change will be established to address all remaining controllers.
*Actions we are taking*
Apply a group policy setting to a single Domain Controller (DC) on Sunday, November 17th, 2024.
*When is this happening?*
Start Time: Sunday, 11/17/2024 at 12:00 a.m. ET
End Time: Sunday, 11/17/2024 at 2:00 a.m. ET
*Who will be impacted?*
Customers will not be impacted by this change.
*What is the impact? *
The DC will not move to a new OU within AD, it will be assigned to a different group within the WSUS policy. No server reboots or service interruptions will occur.
11/17/2024 - Enterprise JIRA Maintenance
Enterprise JIRA ( [ ]) maintenance activity to address a security vulnerability on Sunday, November 17th, 2024 beginning at 05:00 a.m. ET.
*Actions we are taking*
Upgrade Enterprise Jira to the latest version
*When is this happening?*
Start Time: Sunday, 11/17/2024 at 05:00 a.m. ET
End Time: Sunday, 11/17/2024 at 12:00 p.m. ET
*Who will be impacted?*
All Enterprise JIRA Customers.
*What is the impact? *
Enterprise JIRA ( production instance will be unavailable during the maintenance window outlined above.
*Support / Questions:*
During the maintenance window, please send an email for any urgent requests/issues.
* CMS Cloud Support:
* Agile Tools Support:
11/17/2024 - Splunk HTTP Event Collector (HEC) maintenance
In order to keep the logging environment up to date and performing well, the CMS Cloud team will conduct maintenance on the Cloud instances of the Http Event Collector (HEC) infrastructure this Sunday November, 17.
*Actions we are taking*
* Restart Production HEC Servers
* Relaunch Production HEC Servers (This will prepare the instances to support the Queue Tuning)
* Implement Queue Tuning on HEC Cluster
*When is this happening?*
Start Time: Sunday, 11/17/2024 at 9:00 a.m. ET
End Time: Sunday, 11/17/2024 at 12:00 p.m. ET
*Who will be impacted?*
Customers will not be impacted by this change.
*What is the impact? *
The old HEC instances will be replaced and restarted in batches. There should be no downtime or data loss experienced during the upgrade.
*Benefits of the change *
The HEC forwarders will be able to support the increased size of the Persistent Queue which will improve performance.
*Reminder - Open Enrollment (OE12) - Moratorium*
To help ensure that we maintain good system performance and stability during CMS Healthcare Open Enrollment, an annual Moratorium period has been established to shift the scheduling of production system changes into a designated weekly maintenance windows which occurs on most Sundays.
*KEY DATES*: (click to download the OE12 schedule and key dates pdf file [ ])
Start time: Tuesday, October 1, 2024 at 12:00 a.m. ET
End time: Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 5:00 a.m. ET
*Maintenance Windows: *Sunday 12:00 a.m. ET – 12:00 p.m. ET **
* November 3, 10, 17, 24
* December 1, 8, 22, 29
*Who will be impacted?*
Any Hybrid Cloud IT Operations team planning to make a change to a system supporting the CMS Healthcare Marketplace either directly or indirectly.
Need help? We are here to support you.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to your assigned Hosting Coordinator. CMS IT Support can be reached via, <> or call (800) 562-1963, and is documented here at Support Page [ ] on [ ].
Office of Information Technology
You are subscribed to receive email messages about CMS Cloud Operations, Changes, and Outages from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
To update your subscription(s), preferences or to stop receiving messages from the CMS Cloud Operations, Changes, and Outages Updates- distribution list, please go to our Subscriber Preferences Page [ ].
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