Water Quality Planner II - Freshwater Systems Ecologist
- [登録者]King County
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]King County, WA
- 登録日 : 2024/09/16
- 掲載日 : 2024/09/16
- 変更日 : 2024/09/16
- 総閲覧数 : 87 人
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*About This Role:*
As a Freshwater Systems Ecologist, you will apply your expertise in environmental monitoring, data management, and analysis to deepen the understanding of freshwater ecosystems in King County. We take pride in maintaining rare, long-term time series data, ensuring that the insights we generate will be valuable for years to come. You will actively seek innovative methods for data collection, management, and analysis, positioning us to leverage cutting-edge technologies and tackle emerging, relevant questions. Working closely with seasonal field teams, you will collect and integrate new environmental data into long-term datasets. In collaboration with the Stream Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Team and the Integrated Streams Program, you will apply your technical skills in data analysis, quality assurance, and visualization. Your efforts will support key County initiatives, such as the Clean Water Healthy Habitat Initiative, aimed at monitoring and managing aquatic resources and critical areas. You will also work with supervisors and colleagues to train seasonal field technicians. If you are passionate about freshwater ecology, enjoy being part of a dynamic and collaborative team, and thrive in a fast-paced environment, we encourage you to join us!
*This position performs work remotely and onsite.
*About the Team:*
We are a Seattle-based team dedicated to building the scientific foundation for protecting King County’s water quality and restoring vital habitats that benefit people, salmon, and orcas. Our work includes leading applied research, managing environmental monitoring programs, providing technical services, and shaping evidence-based policies and regulations. Through our collaborative efforts, we engage with local communities, scientists, and policymakers to ensure that our work is grounded in both scientific rigor and practical application. By integrating diverse perspectives and the latest research, we aim to create sustainable solutions that support long-term environmental health and resilience in King County, safeguarding these ecosystems for future generations.
*Why is this a great Opportunity:*
This is an excellent opportunity to join an organization committed to ‘breaking new ground’ and using science to inform critical management decisions. At King County, we believe in the power of scientific discovery to shape environmental policies and guide the investment of millions of dollars in efforts to protect and restore clean water and healthy habitats. As both a data steward and a scientist, you will play a key role in maximizing the value of our monitoring programs. Your work will have a meaningful impact, influencing not only the environment but also the lives of people in the community, while advancing environmental justice. You’ll collaborate closely with your supervisor to ensure that you and your team are designing effective studies, gathering robust evidence, addressing emerging challenges, and contributing to equitable and impactful solutions. In this role, you will join a highly respected and motivated team of scientists dedicated to supporting both King County and regional leaders, with communities at the center of our work.
*Commitment to Equity, Racial and Social Justice:*
King County, named after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., is a diverse and vibrant community that represents cultures from around the world. Our True North is to create a welcoming community where everyone can thrive. We prioritize equity, racial and social justice, making it a foundational and daily expectation for all employees. As a Water Quality Planner II, you will actively apply these principles in all aspects of your work. Learn more about our commitment at
*Apply now for a rewarding career at the Water and Land Resources Division of King County Department of Natural Resources & Parks (DNRP). Join our talented workforce in protecting and restoring the natural environment and promoting more resilient, sustainable, and equitable communities. Enjoy training, **comprehensive benefits, * [ ]*and growth opportunities. *
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