N 102nd St/Aurora Ave N Pedestrian Bridge Seismic Project Updates
- [登録者]City of Seattle
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Seattle, WA
- 登録日 : 2024/12/04
- 掲載日 : 2024/12/04
- 変更日 : 2024/12/04
- 総閲覧数 : 32 人
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双语准备 ・ 可提供发音练习课程 ! 大量使用精细运动技能的活动,促进大脑发展 ! Instagram → @honeybee328日托 位于尔湾的日裔美国人日托 / 日托 ☆ 为父母和孩子提供乐趣和联系 ! 内容因年龄而异 ( 体育活动、手工、故事书、歌曲和语言训... +1 (310) 801-2517Honey Bee Learning Center
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+1 (808) 200-1109とんかつ銀座梅林
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公司在夏威夷成立了30多年,由日本员工提供房地产买卖、租房和别墅物业管理服务的全面支持。我们每周都会收到20多个租房请求的咨询,而且租房房源也很紧缺。 我们还提供室内和室内装修解决方案。欢迎那些在管理出租房或度假屋物业方面遇到困难的业主与我们联系。我们的日本员工将很乐意为您提供帮助。
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我们的座右铭是 "一年 365 天,美丽、可爱、酷炫",我们融合了日本和美国的精华,不仅在沙龙,而且在家中都能提供可爱的发型,并且每天都在不断改进。我们的发型师中有许多人曾多次在比赛中获奖,他们不仅将日本的技术和流行趋势与美国的精华相结合,创造出深受国际喜爱的发型,并提供可在家中轻松复制的造型。我们采用最新技术、天然染发剂和富含天然萃取成分的产品,帮助顾客彰显美丽,在美国屡获殊荣。 我们还提供...
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- 位于洛杉矶托兰斯的一家日语普通内科和肠胃病医院。
本诊所于 2001 年在洛杉矶郊区的托兰斯成立,患者可以用日语接受医疗服务。医学 ( 初级保健、家庭医生、内科 ) & 胃肠病学 ( 胃肠病学 ) 所在医院请随时致电我们。我们还致力于通过健康检查、预防医学和健康宣传及早发现疾病。我们还致力于通过健康检查、预防医学和健康教育促进健康,从而及早发现疾病。
+1 (310) 534-8200大里メディカルクリニック
- 💛家具 ・ 家电 ・ 废品 ・ 我们可以购买和收集您的搬家垃圾和其他不需要的物品...
我们 "什么 "都收,"什么 "都不收,如家具、电器和其他家庭用品・,购买・,处理・
并清理出去。在清理您的住宅或办公室时,我们提供方便实惠的家具、电器・和其他家庭用品・收集服务,这些物品通常会产生高额的收集费用,此外我们还提供回购服务,以减轻您的负担。我们还提供一系列其他服务,如清理和清理您的物品。如果您在清理和运输财物和无用物品时遇到任何其他问题,请随时联系我们。 +1 (424) 201-9975Kaguyahime / かぐやひめ(不用品回収・買取)
- ! 农场按照 "月亮周期 "种植农作物 🌙 它还种植和销售无农药和化肥的土莲藕和...
我们农场所在的梯田是 2000 多年前的海底。我们注意到这片土地富含硅和矿物质,认为利用从海上吹来的海风,可以种植出美味的农作物,于是就有了我们的农场。这里的耕作方法充分利用了大自然的恩惠,种植了药用稻米和地藕,它们充满了力量,凝聚力是普通稻米的 20 倍左右。
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N 102nd St/Aurora Ave N Pedestrian Bridge Seismic Project Updates
Construction updates: December 4, 2024
Construction on retrofits to help the N 102nd St/Aurora Ave N Pedestrian Bridge better withstand earthquakes is ongoing! Crews are continuing to work on strengthening the bridge’s superstructure and making modifications to reinforce the bridge’s ramps by pouring various concrete components. They’ll also be working on the bridge’s stairs and ramp this week, which will require nighttime work. This work will include installing piping for stormwater, grading and placing the sidewalk as well as a pavement patching, and installing permanent signage.
As a reminder, we anticipate that construction will last until early 2025. Construction schedules are subject to change and depend on factors such as weather and availability of crews and materials. The *N 102nd St/Aurora Ave N** Pedestrian Bridge is closed to all people walking, biking, and rolling for the duration of construction* (up to 5-6 months) to ensure their safety and allow our crews to work as efficiently as possible.
We are also closing car lanes under the bridge on Aurora Ave N in phases to divert people driving away from where work is occurring. *Aurora Ave N is currently reduced to two lanes in each direction below the bridge. *One northbound lane of Aurora Ave N is closed between N 100th St and N 103rd St with traffic shifted to the west. At least one lane of travel in each direction will be maintained throughout each phase. Please visit our project webpage [ ] to learn more about how travel will be impacted during each phase.
We will continue to provide updates on construction activities on our project webpage and via these email updates. Please feel free to share this email with your neighbors and encourage them to sign up for our email updates [ ] to stay informed on the project.
*What to expect during construction*
We understand our closure of the N 102nd St/Aurora Ave N Pedestrian Bridge for the duration of construction and phases of lane closures impact everyone who uses the bridge and Aurora Ave N regularly. We are actively working to ensure our traffic control plan runs smoothly and impacts community members traveling as little as possible.
In addition to the full closure of the bridge during construction and phases of lane closures, you can expect:
* Work in the public right-of-way near your home or business
* Temporary sidewalk and crossing closures for people walking and rolling. Detours will be provided and signed
* Temporary side street closures. Detours will be provided and signed
* Side street closures include N 102nd St
* Temporary on-street parking restrictions, with "no park" signs placed 72 hours in advance
* Staged construction equipment and materials as well as noise, dust, and vibrations in the work area
* Typical weekday work hours of 7 AM – 5 PM, Monday through Friday
*Thank you! *
Thank you for your interest in the N 102nd St/Aurora Ave N Pedestrian Bridge Seismic project and for your patience during construction.
Matthew Howard
Communications and Outreach Lead
N 102nd St/Aurora Ave N Pedestrian Bridge Seismic Project
"You are receiving this email because you have expressed interest in receiving updates on the N 102nd St/Aurora Ave N Pedestrian Bridge Seismic project."
*Seattle Department of Transportation*
700 5th Avenue
Suite 3800
Seattle, WA 98104
*Phone: 206-684-7623*
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