15th Ave W/NW & Ballard Bridge Construction Update – September 26, 2024
- [注册人]City of Seattle
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Seattle, WA
- 注册日期 : 2024/09/26
- 发布日 : 2024/09/26
- 更改日期 : 2024/09/26
- 总浏览次数 : 64 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 它是一个非营利性组织,将全美讲日语的医疗保健专业人员和患者联系在一起,并为日本社...
FLAT ・ FLAT是一个非营利性组织,总部设在纽约,业务遍及全美,为讲日语的医疗保健专业人员和患者牵线搭桥,并为日本社区提供支持。 随着越来越多的日本人及其照顾者在美国面临复杂的医疗保健和保险问题,随着越来越多的老年人随着年龄的增长而变得孤立无援,我们为他们提供所需的信息和支持。 我们还在网上积极开展活动,并向居住在纽约以外的人开放。 我们致力于通过与健康相关的计划满足您的需求,诚邀...
+1 (772) 349-9459FLAT ・ふらっと
- ★ 新发型预约 ★ 以 "热情好客 "为理念,我们的目标是创建一个不仅让顾客,而...
所有员工均为日本人 ! 我们每天都以高质量的技术和热情好客的服务帮助您留下美好的印象 !。
+1 (408) 656-2766K's Hair Salon
- JVTA 洛杉矶,2025 年 1 月 ! ] JVTA 洛杉矶,2025 年 ...
! 从免费个人咨询开始了解更多信息。 $ 656 ~ 可 ✨ 试听课程。
+1 (310) 316-3121Japan Visualmedia Translation Academy / 日本映像翻訳アカデミー
- 我们是一家专门从事簿记业务的会计师事务所。如果您在日常记账工作中遇到困难,或者正...
Barley Bookkeeping(馬有会計事務所)
- ≪用日语进行细心治疗 ≫ 艾尔文的阿尔伯特-西所医生 Telehealth ( ...
内科服务、体检、健康检查、疫苗接种等。办理各种保险。东京海上日动火灾无现金 ・ 医疗服务提供商诊所。
+1 (949) 262-0080Albert E. Saisho, M.D. (最所内科医院)
- 它是日本第一家专门经营新鲜奶油的商店。该店拥有令人难以置信的丰富的新鲜奶油,在高...
+1 (808) 376-0435MILK
- 在社交网站上一定会大受欢迎的紫藤花咖啡馆在千条台开业 ! 它提供各种菜单,包括用...
la glycine "在仙童台开业,是以手工制作 "warabimochi "而闻名的加藤市原分店的姊妹店。菜单上有咖啡馆特有的咖喱和饭团等各种菜肴,还有使用本店引以为豪的手工制作的 "warabimochi "的菜单,其中包括 "warabita"。还提供外卖 ! 我们真诚地期待您的光临 ✨。
+81-43-497-6635la glycine ラ・グリシーヌ
- 名人来达拉斯时都会光顾的地方 ! 您可以以合理的价格品尝到由日本厨师制作的正宗寿...
名人来达拉斯时都会光顾的地方 ! 您可以以合理的价格品尝到由日本厨师制作的正宗寿司。除了寿司,菜单上还有许多其他日式菜肴。乌冬面、咖喱、丼饭、烤鱼、涮涮锅、寿喜烧和其他日本美食应有尽有。此外,我们还制作其他任何我们能制作的菜肴。即使您在菜单上找不到,也请随意点餐。还有儿童菜单,非常适合家庭 ♪。
+1 (972) 385-0168Mr. Sushi Japanese Restaurant
- 通过细致的咨询,我们将提出适合您 "想要成为的人 "的设计方案。多种处理方法和半...
提供一系列适合个人品味的颜色,从自然到个性,包括流行的白蜡色、设计色、灰色和使用色彩处理的特殊颜色。 多种着色剂可供选择,满足每个人的理想风格。 以咖啡馆为灵感的可爱沙龙,让您成为梦中的时尚女孩 ♪ 友好、开朗的造型师为您提供上门美发服务。 通过细致的咨询,我们将提出适合您 "想要成为的人 "的设计方案。
+81-438-53-7080Ricca hair
- Onigiri-ya Onigiri "是为您量身定做的大馅儿饭团 🍙 您可以根...
一般的饭团都是抓得很紧,而我们的饭团则是轻轻地抓,不会有空气进入,因此饭团热乎乎的,松软可口。 ! 一直很受欢迎的 "酱油蛋黄 ✖️肉末 "是只进不出的混合饭团,欢迎前来品尝!
最受欢迎的松软饭团。 +81-43-306-1009おにぎり家
- LA1 !在日本、银座、纽约・夏威夷拥有40家店铺的大型日式美发沙龙盛大开幕。S...
[剪发 $ 50] 我们希望您能像享受快时尚一样享受理发 ? 我们将以可靠的技术和时尚感吸引您 ! 我们是一家日资美发沙龙,在日本全国有40家分店,在纽约和夏威夷也有分店。
我们希望人们能像享受快时尚一样享受理发。 我们希望您能享受到与潮流和季节相匹配的发型和色彩。 [提供日语服务] 我们的员工都拥有扎实的技术 ! 我们在纽约也有对流行趋势敏锐的造型师 ! [服务] SHAMPO... +1 (323) 413-2688SOHO New York Los Angeles Hair Salon
- 美国扩张的一站式服务 ! 我们帮助将优秀的埋藏产品和未知技术引入北美市场。小而快...
+1 (310) 406-4079ASTERAS CORP.
- 妙胜寺,千叶县鸭川市的一座小寺庙 ! 该寺庙参与各种活动,如御所刈刈草和寺庙游行...
可以眺望大海的妙庄寺 每个季节都会举办各种各样的活动 ✨ 许多公司与活动合作,开设摊位,使活动更加精彩 ! 还有儿童喜欢的工作坊和其他活动。欢迎前来参观 ♪。
日蓮宗 栄長山 妙昌寺
- 任何想了解日语和日本的人都可以报名参加 ! 入门班、小学班、初中班和高中班。普通...
任何想学习日语和日本的人,不分种族和国籍,都可以在京东系统学校入学 ! 让我们一起快乐学习日语 ! 京东系统日本语学校成立于 1948 年,是美国最大的日语学校之一。美国最大的日语学校之一。 合作系统在洛杉矶及其周边地区有两所学校,在校学生总数超过 200 人。与日本语学校和辅助学校不同,该校以 "将日语作为第二语言进行教学 "为基本方针,面向希望了解日本和日语的任何种族或国籍的学生开放...
+1 (626) 469-0092Japanese Language School Unified System / 日本語学園 協同システム
- 水族馆的主题是潮汐海,寒冷的大潮和温暖的黑潮在这里交汇,这是福岛县的海洋特点。
Seattle Department of Transportation logo
Ballard Bridge Closed This Weekend + 15th Ave W/NW & Ballard Bridge Construction Update – September 26, 2024
*The Ballard Bridge will be closed this weekend starting 10 PM on Friday, September 27 and will reopen at approximately 5 AM on Monday, September 30.* More information about the Ballard Bridge closure and how to get around is in SDOT’s blog post [ ].
In the coming weeks, we will begin working on the east side of 15th Ave NW between NW Market St and NW 52nd St. Work continues on 15th Ave NW at NW Market St, NW 54th NW 52nd, NW 50th St, and W Emerson St.
As always, Ballard businesses are open during construction. Please support them by shopping locally!
2024_0926 ConstructionNoticeMap
Construction on 15th Ave NW
Crews continue to work on *15th Ave NW at NW Market St, NW 54th St, NW 52nd St, NW 50th St, and W Emerson St.* Through this construction we will upgrade ADA accessible ramps, rebuild sidewalk corners, install upgraded traffic signals and cameras, improve storm drainage, and repair the sidewalk and roadway in select areas.
Crews also plan to do some *weekend work* to reduce construction impacts on traffic*. *At the 15th Ave NW and NW 50th St intersection, crews will complete an underground drainage crossing to improve storm drainage on Saturday, September 28.
You may have also noticed that we began work on W Emerson St this week. This work was not previously announced, but our construction team needed to adjust their schedule for efficiency.
*What to Expect *
* Construction is typically scheduled Mondays – Fridays from 7 AM – 5 PM. The bulk of the overnight work will be from 7 PM – 5 AM.
* Overnight work is noisy but within allowable noise levels. You may hear loud humming and a sound like a big vacuum. You may also feel mild vibrations.
* Paving dates may change based on weather conditions, crew and materials availability, or other circumstances. You may also smell odors associated with asphalt paving.
* We will close driving lanes on 15th Ave NW and NW Market St near work areas. There will always be at least one lane open in each direction. The turn lanes will remain open at intersections.
* We will close the sidewalk in work areas. There will be detour signs in place to direct you around construction.
* We will close NW 54th St, NW 52nd St, and NW 50th St to thru traffic as needed between 17th Ave NW and 14th Ave NW. You will still be able to walk, roll, bike, or drive to businesses and homes on these streets.
* We will temporarily move the D Line bus stops at 15th Ave NW and NW Market St. Please see bus stops for new locations and/or sign up for transit alerts [ ].
* We will temporarily change parking in some areas for construction staging and traffic control near work sites.
Construction on Ballard Bridge
As a reminder, the Ballard bridge will be closed over several weekends in September and October to complete maintenance and preservation work on the 107-year-old bridge. *The next scheduled bridge closure is Friday, September 27 through Monday, September 30.* We also have closures scheduled for:
* Friday evening, October 4, 2024, through Monday morning, October 7, 2024
* Friday evening, October 11, 2024, through Monday morning, October 14, 2024
* Friday evening, October 18, 2024, through Monday morning, October 21, 2024
Lane closures may begin as early as 7 PM on Friday, with the bridge fully closed at 10 PM. The bridge is expected to reopen by approximately 5 AM the following Monday. For more information about the closures and how to get around, please read SDOT’s blog post [ ].
*Please note:* Bridge closure dates and times may change based on weather conditions, crew and materials availability, or other circumstances.
If crews are unable to complete maintenance and preservation work during the scheduled bridge closures due to weather, weekday overnight partial bridge closures may occur so crews can complete the work. We recognize that closing Ballard Bridge can affect your travel plans, and we appreciate your patience and understanding.
A calendar of upcoming bridge closure dates.
"Upcoming weekend closure dates for the Ballard Bridge in September and October 2024. Graphic: SDOT "
How to Get Around During Bridge Closures
*If you drive …*
Please use the Aurora Bridge (SR 99). If possible, please walk, bike, or take the bus to reduce traffic.
*If you take the bus …*
Your route will be changed to cross the Fremont Bridge instead of the Ballard Bridge, which may result in delays. Plus, stops just north and south of the bridge for the D Line and #17 may be moved.
* The northbound bus stop at 15th Ave NW and Leary Way NW will be moved just north of NW Leary Way on the east side of 15th Ave NW.
* The southbound bus stop on 15th Ave NW and Leary Way NW will be moved to the south side of Leary Way NW on the east side of 15th Ave NW (same stop as the route 40)
* The southbound bus stop at 15th Ave W and W Emerson St will be moved south, just across from W Ruffner St
Please sign up for King County Metro alerts [ ] for the most current information.
*If you bike, walk, or roll … *
We will keep the path on bridge open on at least one side as long as it is safe. If you can’t get to side that’s open, or if both sides are closed, please take the D Line bus.
Recent construction in action!
15th Ave Construction Pic 9/26
"Crews pour new sidewalk on the west side of 15th Ave NW between Market St and 54th, working carefully around the street trees."
15th Ave Construction Pic 2
"Crews install a new storm drain inlet on the west side of 15th Ave NW and W Emerson St."
Contact Us & Share Project Updates
Thank you for signing up for updates about the 15th Ave W/NW and Ballard Bridge Paving and Safety Project [ ]. We encourage you to share this message with your neighbors. They can also stay informed by signing up for email updates [ ].
You can learn more on our project webpage [ ] or contact us by:
* Email:
* Phone: (206) 512-3950 (leave a voicemail and we will return your call)
Learn More about the Project [ ]
White bar to separate images on the pageWhite bar to separate images on the page
The 15th Ave W/NW and Ballard Bridge Paving and Safety Project is funded by the Levy to Move Seattle [ ].
Need a Translation?
The City of Seattle is paving 15th Ave W/NW from W Emerson St to NW 57th St. To request translation of these materials, call (206) 512-3950 [ tel:%20+1%20(206)%20651-3950 ].
Como parte del Programa de Pavimentación, financiado por el impuesto "Levy to Move Seattle", el Departamento de Transporte de Seattle (SDOT) estará pavimentando este verano 15th Ave W/NW entre W Emerson St y NW 57th St. Para solicitar la traducción de este material, llame al (206) 512-3950.
作為「移動西雅圖交通徵稅鋪路計畫」的一部分,西雅圖交通部 (SDOT) 最早將於 2023 年夏季鋪設 15th Ave W/NW 從 W Emerson St 到 NW 57th St 的路面。如 需这些资料的译文,或是在会议时需要口译服务,请致电 (206) 512-3950 [ tel:%20+1%20(206)%20651-3950 ]。
*Seattle Department of Transportation*
700 5th Avenue
Suite 3800
Seattle, WA 98104
*Phone: 206-684-7623*
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