Mayor Ralph's Weekly Update
- [注册人]City of Kent
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Kent, WA
- 注册日期 : 2024/04/26
- 发布日 : 2024/04/26
- 更改日期 : 2024/04/26
- 总浏览次数 : 121 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 日本东部唯一一家可以边观赏虎鲸边用餐的餐厅。体验欣赏水族馆的新方式 ?。
在 "海洋 "餐厅,您可以一边用餐,一边欣赏加茂川海洋世界最受欢迎的动物--虎鲸。这里有充满水下氛围的自助餐厅,也有可以享用套餐的洞穴餐厅。何不让您在水族馆度过的时光更加难忘??
- 水族馆的主题是潮汐海,寒冷的大潮和温暖的黑潮在这里交汇,这是福岛县的海洋特点。
- 在洛杉矶拥有 30 多年的信任和经验。为那些正在寻找值得信赖的医生的人们提供服务...
最佳诊所是一家以脊柱疗法为主的整体诊所。进行临床医学检查,并根据需要进行治疗,包括整脊、骨盆矫正、物理治疗、运动学、顺势疗法、营养品和其他自然疗法,不需要药物或手术。 急性损伤,以及慢性疼痛和疾病,还有其他地方无法治愈的疼痛,都可以在最佳诊所得到治疗。
+1 (213) 617-2228B.E.S.T. Chiropractic Clinic Los Angeles
- 虽然我们位于纽约,但我们提供日本技术和精挑细选的化学品,对您的头发和头皮有益。新...
+1 (646) 912-9644Aube Beauty Salon New York
- 漂流者队是圣地亚哥的一支软草棒球队。随时欢迎新成员 ! 如果你喜欢棒球,国籍 ・...
漂流者队是圣地亚哥的一支软草棒球队。我们一直在寻找新成员 ! 如果你喜欢棒球,就可以加入 ・ 国籍 ・ 年龄
不需要经验。我们每周日早上 8 点~集合并训练。欢迎家庭加入我们。球场旁边有一个公园,适合家庭娱乐。来吧,和我们一起在圣地亚哥的蓝天下!享受棒球的乐趣。 +1 (858) 334-5540サンディエゴ ドリフターズ
- 1.5 岁以上日语/英语课程 [托伦斯 ・ 在线] 我们根据每个孩子的个人发展、...
为计划在美国长期居住、外派&回国或从日本外派的家庭 让您的孩子高度掌握双语! 1.5岁开始学习日语 / 英语课堂 托伦斯 面对面/在线免费试听课程 24年经验,5000多名双语学生 在进入当地学校之前打下坚实的英语基础 & 提高在当地学校的成绩 想为日语打好基础 日美教育领域的专业讲师提供细致的辅导和建议。
+1 (424) 399-6699TLC for Kids LA
- 提供外卖 !] 众多媒体采访 ! 东京的人气餐厅在阿拉莫阿那购物中心开业,这在夏...
新店开业,位于阿拉莫阿那购物中心美食广场 ( Makai Market ) 这家人气餐厅在东京有四家分店,是名人和知名人士经常光顾的地方。 "大蒜牛排 "曾被众多媒体报道,是只有在这里才能品尝到的美味。 敬请光临 ^ ^ 蒜味牛排 蒜味虾 洛可摩卡
+1 (808) 940-7979STEAK TEPPEI
- Salon LANI
- 我们为用户及其家人和员工提供服务,确保每个人都能微笑、安心地生活。我们提供身体护...
我们需要家庭护理人员到需要护理的人家里探访并提供帮助。我们不仅为用户提供服务,也为他们的家人和员工提供服务,让每个人都能微笑、安心地生活。为了您在探访过程中的安全 ・ ・ ・ 保护个人信息 ・ 24小时运作的室内安全摄像头 ・ 引进信息通信技术,Care-Wing (护理翼⌘) Wings of Care.防止探访过程中的护理遗漏,节省记录等方面的时间和精力,从而提高护理和应对质量。近江台橡子诊所...
+81-438-40-5627訪問介護 non no
- 旧金山 CCRM Fertiliy 是一家拥有最先进的生育治疗技术和高成功率的生...
即使只是不孕不育治疗也充满了焦虑。 除此之外,晦涩难懂的英语和专业术语,以及无法表达自己想说的话的苦恼,在旧金山CCRM,您都不必担心。我们以[日本女医生]和[最强团队]提供的[最先进的不孕不育治疗]欢迎您的到来。 目前,我们正在接受面对面或远程在线咨询。请先联系我们。 CCRM San Francisco 擅长试管婴儿 ( IVF-体外受精™)、试管婴儿 ( IVF ) 和生育力测试/评估...
+1 (650) 646-7500CCRM San Francisco
- 距离市中心一小时车程,距离方便的木津巴士总站步行五分钟。仁久寺位于木津县三木市,...
仁寿寺以 "分享寺院 "为名,从寺院中组织各种活动。 '分享寺院'是一个分享(我们所学、所乐、所悟)的项目,邀请当地人和许多其他人来到仁寿寺。我们相信,通过使寺庙成为一个更加休闲、有趣和温暖的地方,我们可以为这个小镇和它的人民注入活力。
- 万豪度假俱乐部是度假所有权领域的行业领导者,现正招募积极进取的人才。
阿罗哈 ! 感谢您对万豪度假俱乐部感兴趣。我们正在寻找精通英语和日语的有志之士 ! 我们是最大的豪华分时度假/度假所有权提供商。?我们提供各种福利,包括医疗保险、401K、学费报销、万豪・喜达屋家族酒店(包括丽思卡尔顿和喜来登)的员工折扣。 如果您对此感兴趣,请随时与我们联系 !。
(808) 534-7681Marriott Vacation Club
- 感受日本居酒屋的氛围,品尝美味饮品和日本料理。无论您是怀念日本,还是想与大伙儿一...
①谢谢您的耐心等待! 最后,从下周一开始,午餐菜单上将增加烤鸡肉串。 请在午餐时品尝我们用滨草炭烤制的正宗烤鸡肉串! 我们期待您的光临。 ② 5 月 12 日(周日)是母亲节,因此我们为看到本帖的朋友带来了好消息! 居酒屋 Bizan 将推出母亲节特别促销活动。 如果您在母亲节当天与母亲一同前来用餐,您的账单将享受九折优惠! 这个母亲节,请来比赞,与母亲共度美好时光,并表达您的感激之...
+1 (213) 625-1184Peace Dining (Izakaya Bizan)
- 您是否需要帮助处理日常会计工作 ? 我们通过记账/簿记、改进和明确会计业务的建议...
我们希望成为一个更平易近人的存在,您可以就任何小事咨询我们。请随时与我们联系。 您有这些问题吗 ? ・ 您不熟悉会计工作,处理起来需要很长时间 ・ 您的会计突然辞职了 ・ 您人手不足,无法开展业务 ・ 您希望降低会计/会计部门的成本 ・ 我们希望降低会计/会计部门的成本 ・ 我们在准备文件方面很吃力 ・ 我们将会计工作外包给会计师事务所,但无法了解我们的业务状况或使用会计数据 ・ 我...
+1 (917) 686-1003Booksavers, Inc.
- 美丽的牙齿,提高生活质量 … 野口正畸诊所。洛杉矶・位于托伦斯的中心。还可提供透...
治疗费用是明确的! 我们还可以帮助解决保险问题。部分矫正 $ 2,150 ~ 所有矫正费用事先都有明确解释。我们提供一次性付款、分期付款和各种付款方式,以及保险索赔程序。
+1 (310) 540-2113野口矯正歯科医院
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Mayor's Update
April 26, 2024
Space for All: Free STEM Event!
space for all
Happy Friday, Kent!
In partnership with the Kent Community Foundation and the Kent School District, we're thrilled to invite you to our exhilarating Space for All Weekend!
The weekend begins on National Space Day with a free movie showing of ‘A Million Miles Away’ an incredible true story based on the life of retired NASA Astronaut Jose M. Hernandez.
The amazing weekend doesn’t end there. Get ready to launch into a universe where science, technology, engineering, and mathematics come alive.
Our Space for All STEM Festival is a celebration of diversity and inclusion that’s set to ignite minds and inspire dreams across our community.
I'm so excited to have Jose talk about his journey traveling to space and show us the importance of representation in all fields. We hope you will join us for this super exciting weekend!
Hope you enjoy the rest of the update and have a great weekend!
Dana Ralph, Kent Mayor
We had perfect weather for an awesome start to kick off the Kent Little League season at Ryan Bruner Little League Fields last Saturday.
The sun was shining, and the skies were clear! Thank you to all the coaches, volunteers and parents that make it possible for so many kids to play ball.
Thank you to the West Hill Cambridge neighborhood council for inviting me to speak at their meeting this week!
There were engaging conversations about the new road improvements on Reith Rd and future light rail!
Super grateful to have neighborhoods that are deeply invested in their community.
kids ymca day
Our Kent Parks team was hanging out at the YMCA last weekend for Healthy Kids Day. Who doesn't think planting beautiful flowers in fun boots is a great way to spend a Saturday morning? The kids were loving it!
What an excellent opportunity for Kent students! This week, 45 College Success Foundation students from Kentridge, Kent-Meridian, and Kentwood high schools recently had the chance to visit *Blue Origin [ ].*
Students toured a manufacturing facility, took part in a resume workshop, heard from interns and recent graduates who spoke on a panel about resilience, and participated in a hands-on, water filtration activity.
college success foundation
Drug Take Back Day
drug take back
The Kent Police Department is partnering with the DEA to collect any unused/expired medications. Medicines that sit in home cabinets are highly susceptible to diversion, misuse and abuse.
?? Tomorrow, April 27
⌚ 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
?? Kent Police Department (220 4th Ave S.)
*Here's some information on how to drop off medications and what we can and cannot take. [ ]* *If you have questions, please email*
Hops and Cops
hops and cops
Meet Chief Padilla and our officers on April 30 at JP's Taproom and Grill for another Hops and Cops event!
This is a great evening opportunity to ask questions, meet the Kent Police Department staff that handles your concerns, and connect with your local law enforcement that serves our community.
?? April 30
⌚ 6 p.m.- 8 p.m.
?? JP's Taproom and Grill (13038 SE Kent-Kangley Rd)
book sale
It's that time! The Friends of the Kent Libraries are holding their annual book sale.
All proceeds support library programs and events at the Kent and Kent Panther Lake Libraries.
?? Tomorrow, April 27
?? 11:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
?? Kent Library (212 2nd Avenue N)
Come spend a fun May Day evening to support *Seeds of Hope! [ ]* Ticket holders can enjoy the Duke’s Seafood Happy Hour menu on the patio and in the bar.
The $20 ticket includes personalizing a small bouquet at Buds & Blooms, an exclusive goodie bag, plus a drink at Duke's Seafood.
?? Wednesday, May 1
?? 5 p.m. - 8 p.m.
?? Kent Station
*Tickets are available now, and you can purchase them at the event while supplies last. [ ]*100% of the ticket sales will be donated directly to Seeds of Hope!
May Day Seeds of Hope
Last weekend, the Kent Parks team hosted an Earth Day celebration as part of our Green Kent program. It was such a fun event at Clark Lake Park.
Thank you to Council President Kaur and the 63 volunteers who attended this year’s event and helped us plant 600 plants and remove invasive blackberry!
The effort and time put forth by event volunteers truly makes a difference in our community and the Earth.
The next Green Kent event, Kids to Parks Day, will be held on Saturday, May 18 at Van Doren’s Landing Park.
*Here's where you can sign up to participate! [ ]*
I am so excited for the new Kent Digital Art Project our Kent Arts Commission launched.
This exciting piece features six short videos from four digital media artists on the projector at Kherson Park.
The project was developed to enliven our historic downtown during the evening hours and provide an opportunity for digital media artists to present their work to the public.
The videos are projected onto the large wall at Kherson Park (307 W Gowe St) from Dusk to 11 p.m. daily. Stop by to check it out!
digital kherson
Riverbend Golf Course
The "2 Man at the 'Bend" golf tournament is May 18 and 19 at Riverbend Golf Complex! *Click here to sign up! [ ]*
This mobile hazardous waste collection service will be cruising throughout King County most weekends until October, making it easy and safe for you to drop off household hazardous waste for free.
*You can see the full schedule on their website. [ ]*
Team Up 2 Clean Up
team up to clean up 3
Each spring and fall, the City of Kent hosts TeamUp2CleanUp: a little cleanup event where community members work to beautify Kent as individuals or in teams at various locations around the city.
We provide garbage bags and disposal, safety vests and little grabbers. Gloves are recommended and closed shoes are required.
??Saturday, May 4
??9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Meet our teams at one of the following locations:
??East Hill: Kent United Methodist Church (11010 SE 248th St)
??Downtown: Kherson Park (307 West Gowe)
??West Hill: West Hill Plaza (24700 Military Road)
Join the Kent Police Department for a community meeting and hear the latest news and updates from Chief Padilla and his Command Staff.
?? Thursday, May 9
?? 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
?? Highline Community College Student Union Building - Mt. Constance/Olympia Room
community meeting
kitty hall
We are kicking off Paw-Fest weekend, where Kent City Hall becomes Kent Kitty Hall!
It's where all the cuddliest, cutest adoptable kittens and cats will be available for adoption thanks to Regional Animal Services of King County.
This is a purr-fect time, to find your furever friend! No kitten around!
?? Thursday, May 30
⌚ 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
?? Kent City Hall
Join us and Regional Animal Services of King County at PawFest!
Animal rescues will have sweet animals up for adoption and we'll have licensing help on-site.
There will be a pet parade, best pet costume contest, pup cups, demonstrations from dog agility teams and dog trainers.
?? Saturday, June 1
⌚11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
??Kent Station
Paw Fest
Transportation Safety Plan
target zero [ ]
We are developing an action plan to improve transportation safety in Kent, working toward eliminating fatalities and serious injuries due to crashes.
*Please take this brief survey to share your experience on city streets and areas you feel may be unsafe.* [ ]
We hope you will join us for the annual Kent Parks Fishing Experience! This FREE, non-competitive event focuses on teaching fishing techniques, safety around water, and environmental stewardship for kids 4 through 14.
Each participant will be partnered with an experienced guide for a fishing lesson and a chance to catch a fish - or two! All fishing equipment will be provided for the participants. Space is limited so registration is required by or before Wednesday, May 15.
Special thanks to our long-time sponsors, The Rotary Club of Kent, for their dedication to helping make this a memorable day for kids.
Registration for Youth Summer Boys Baseball and Girls Fastpitch Softball is open for kids in Grades 3-6.
Deadline to register is May 7!
*Sign up here! [ ]*
corn days run
*Registration is open [ ]* for the Cornucopia Days 5k!
This year's event will take place on Saturday, July 13 at Three Friends Fishing Hole with the race kicking off at 9 a.m. The deadline to sign up and order a shirt is June 14.
Kent Community Bike Rodeo
bike rodeo
Our annual Bike Rodeo event is a fun, interactive, non-competitive skills course designed for kids to improve their bike handling and traffic safety skills.
Kids will learn about stop signs, crosswalks, approaching corners as well as being considerate around other bikers and pedestrians.
The program will include helmet fittings, helmet giveaways, a bicycle skills course and bike safety checks.
If you would like to volunteer, please email
??Saturday May 18
⏰10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
??Kent YMCA
Spring & Summer Parks Guide
Registration Open
Registration for Spring/Summer programming through Kent Parks is open!
From preschool classes and free summer concerts to youth sports and programs for adults aged 50 and older, there is something for everyone in the family to enjoy.
*If you haven’t received a guide, browse a digital copy to check out upcoming events and all available programs. [ ]*
jobs of the month
We're hiring! Check out our featured jobs and find great opportunities on our hiring page at * [ ]*
Get your furry friends licensed with *Regional Animal Services of King County [ ]* to help get them back to you if they're ever lost!
Your license also helps fund RASKC's life-saving animal shelter work. They reunite lost pets 24/7 and provide shelter pet care 365 days a year.
Join Tracy, Josh and Kyle as they update you on the important, fun, and interesting things happening in the City of Kent!
This week we hear from our Scott Schroder and Bryce Mireles from our Vegetation Management team,
and Transportation Engineering Manager, Rob Brown.
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