2024年4月2日 / Las Vegas / 其他

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地址 Las Vegas
日程 2024年4月2日




Comedy Pet Theater

This family show is sure to please kids of all ages! The variety show stars Gregory Popovich, variety artists, and his loveable animals. You'll see cats and dogs do things that people can't do! Walk on a highwire, leap from several stories high, and even walk eachother! Juggling, balancing, clowning - it's all included in this fantastic afternoon show!
This family show is sure to please kids of all ages! The variety show stars Gregory Popovich, variety artists, and his loveable animals. You'll see cats and dogs do things that people can't do! Walk on a highwire, leap from several stories high, and even walk eachother! Juggling, balancing, clowning - it's all included in this fantastic afternoon show!
  • [注册人]Las Vegas
  • [语言]日本語
  • 注册日期 : 2023/12/05
  • 发布日 : 2023/12/05
  • 更改日期 : 2023/12/05
  • 总浏览次数 : 631 人