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2019年8月2日~2019年8月2日 / New York, New York / 学校・研讨会
会场 | in Manhattan, not confirmed yet please RSVP @ onenessSession@gmail.com |
地址 | Not yet confirmed, New York, New York, United States |
日程 | 2019年8月2日~2019年8月2日 |
时间 | 1点00分~4点00分 |
- [详细时间]
Door Opens @ 12:30pm
Event from 1pm to 4pm
- [路线]
- [会场详情]
in Manhattan, not yet confirmed please RSVP to onenessSession@gmail.com
Self-care Meets Spirituality Seminar in New York! A new perspective on self-care practices to restore your health: mind/heart/soul/body from Metatron + Psychic Reading Advice
- [联系我们]
- onenessSession@gmail.com with your name, contact # and which event to attend
or call 646-528-9520
- [注册人]ワンネス
- [语言]English
- [TEL]6465289520
- 注册日期 : 2019/07/20
- 发布日 : 2019/07/20
- 更改日期 : 2019/07/21
- 总浏览次数 : 1203 人
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Collaboration Seminar:
A new perspective on self-care practices to restore your health
from Metatron + Psychic Reading Advice
*Location: Manhattan
The location will be notified via email once the booking is confirmed
*Time: 1pm-4pm
(Door opens @ 12:30PM)
*Price: ONENESS PRICE!!!!! It is a unique price-setting where each client can decide the amount of price that you wish to pay after the seminar!
ONENESS PRICE was born from Setsu's strong desire to help as many people in need and in any situation with her psychic abilities.
Seminar Description:
What is Metatron? Interpretation of the device and its attraction & useful features
The relations between mind, heart, soul, and body
What our body wants to tell us; psychic reading messages from the universe and our soul
Significant connections between our emotions, heart, organs, and illness
Self-care using medicinal aromatherapy of "Wisdom of the Earth" from Sedona
How to apply herbal medicine, supplements, and nutrition knowledge effectively in our daily life
Effective daily self-care, and more
Enjoy shopping time after the seminar!
Saturday, August 3rd & Sunday, August 4th
Special Private Session:
Metatron consultation session with Setsu's Psychic Reading Advice
*Location: Manhattan
The location will be notified via email once the booking is confirmed
*Time: 90min per person
*Price: $500
Private Session Description:
Simple questions about your current body condition
Scanning the whole body using the Metatron device
Analyze the data and explain your current health condition including food sensitivities, best-matched crystals, allergies, etc, by the Metatron therapist, Yukari Shimizu
Individually customized advice on daily self-care practices from the collected data
Deeper analysis on and decode your data through Setsu's psychic readings
Metatron therapy: using the Metatron send correct frequencies back to the body to improve its natural healing power
Water with correct frequencies will be gifted after the therapy!!
You CANNOT take the Metatron consultation session
if you are:
*pregnant or with a possibility of pregnancy
*under the age of 7 years old or otherwise must be accompanied by the adult
*wear a pacemaker
*under the age of 18 please let us know in advance
*The Metatron therapy is not a substitute for medical practice.
*It is not used for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
*All psychic readings and guidance provided by ONENESS IN LOVE INC. are subject to your own personal interpretation and meant for referencing and informational purposes only.
*All information and advice given by Setsu and ONENESS IN LOVE INC. are not legally binding and do not substitute for professional services, including, but not limited to, legal, financial, psychological, medical or business advice.
"We are made up of 4 elements: mind, heart, soul, and body" by Setsu.
Even if your mind/brain think it is OK, if your heart is doubting, hurting, and crying, your body will respond to what the heart feels.
Let's get to know your body deeply! Let's get to know yourself in depth!
What is our soul (true self) trying to convey through the physical condition?
Great news!
This is your chance to get to know both your body and yourself!
Join us for this special collaboration event in New York with a leading psychic & spiritual advisor, Setsu from ONENESS IN LOVE INC. and a Metatron therapist & a self-care concierge, Yukari Shimizu from Japan.
This is the fusion of self-care and spirituality!
If you feel your body is imbalanced you can learn to improve your condition.
If you feel fine and are healthy, you can learn to maintain your health.
It is very important for ANYONE to maintain a healthy balance of 4 elements: mind, heart, soul, and body!
So grab this rare chance with ONENESS IN LOVE INC. to learn the total self-care with a spiritual perspective. And together, we can become a master of self-care and live healthier & happier!
Join us with family & friends
We are looking forward to meeting you all soon at the event!!
What is Metatron Scanner?
Our body cells have their own unique frequency or vibration. The Metatron is a scanning device to measure the frequency or vibration of body parts. It is said that if the vibration of the cells become out of balance, the condition of the body becomes imbalanced.
By scanning the whole body (about 800 parts) with the device it detects and analyzes the change of frequency and converts it to data.
The concept of oriental medicine and Ayurveda are widely adopted.
It is a health check system combined with world-leading technology and traditional medicine.
How do you scan the body?
Nothing to prepare. Just wear a headphone.
Non-invasive and safe!
What kind of information is collected in the scan?
・Data on the current state and condition of your body including non-subjective symptoms
・Most suitable foods for the current body state
・Allergies and food sensitivities you may have and more
・Best-matched & suitable crystals for the current body condition
Psychic, Healer, and Spiritual Advisor
Born in Japan and currently resides in NYC, Setsu has gifted with psychic ability and healing power since her childhood. Her mission as a spiritual messenger and advisor is to deliver reading messages to people in every circumstance on how to connect with their own soul, to discover their power, and to acknowledge their true self. To expand her mission globally, she founded ONENESS IN LOVE INC. in 2011. Since then various reading and healing sessions, seminars, workshops, retreats, and other events are offered regularly to attain from personal needs to business consulting. Regardless of age, sex, race, and occupation, everyone can take advantage of receiving spiritual messages through her reading sessions. To make the world a peaceful place starts with individual happiness. www.oneness-in-love.com
Yukari Shimizu
Metatron Therapist
Nutritious Medical Instructor
Medicinal Aroma Therapist "Wisdom of the earth"
YUICA Aroma Oil of Hida Takayama Advisor
Japan Flower Designer Association Instructor
Lots of Love & Thank you
ONENESS IN LOVE INC. & Yukari Shimizu