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2023年7月4日~2023年8月30日 / New York City (Park Slope), New York / 教育・保育
会场 | Tappeto Volante Projects |
地址 | 126 13th Street, New York City (Park Slope), New York, 11215 USA |
日程 | 2023年7月4日~2023年8月30日 |
时间 | 9点00分~12点00分 |
- [详细时间]
Monday–Friday and Sundays
- [路线]
Near station: 9th st & 4th ave. (F, G, R)
- [会场详情]
About Tappeto Volante
126 13th St, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Tappeto Volante has been created under the direction of Paola Gallio by transforming the entryway of the former art studios. Its exhibition space also serves as a community hub, residency program, and multidisciplinary performance space. Tappeto Volante, which means flying carpet in Italian, is a space intended to help uplift and rebuild the arts. It is a celebration of the resilience of its art community, a pledge of active participation in the New York City Renaissance, and an affirmation of its values of inclusivity, gender equality, and BIPOC empowerment.
Summer Art Camp and Exhibition for high schoolers in Brooklyn
- [联系我们]
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Web: artuta.net
IG: @artuta.artschool
- [注册人]Kosuke.K
- [语言]English
- 注册日期 : 2023/06/12
- 发布日 : 2023/06/13
- 更改日期 : 2023/06/12
- 总浏览次数 : 503 人
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>>>>>>> Make and exhibit artwork at a Brooklyn-based gallery! <<<<<<<
Artuta Art School is excited to announce our first ever Summer Art Camp, in partnership with Brooklyn based gallery, Tappeto Volante!
Students ages 14-18 are invited to draw, experiment, make zines and explore design with our team of
professional artist instructors all throughout the summer and leading up to a two-day exhibition at Tappeto Volante!
Students can participate in three different ways: we’ll kick off the summer with three days of pre-camp workshops exploring experimental art practices.
Then we’ll dive into seven weeks of half-day camps, booked by the week and designed to expand students’ visual arts practices through a variety of prompts and projects.
Workshop and camp participants will then work with Artuta instructors and Tappeto Volante in preparing their work for the student exhibition.
Studio Freestyle is unstructured studio time during which students can work on their own practice with the support of Artuta instructors.
Artuta students are always encouraged to personalize their projects and all of our classes would be appropriate for students who are in the process of developing their portfolios.
Please visit our website to learn more.
Summer Art Camp
Date: July 5–August 31, 2023
Time: 9am–12pm, Monday–Friday and Sunday
Suggested Ages: 14–18
Location: Tappeto Volante, 126 13th St, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Required Materials:
Drawing tools (pencil, colored pencil, pen, marker), paper, scissors, glue
Free Materials:
In addition to students' own tools, Artuta will provide free materials on site.
Artuta Student Exhibition
Date: September 9–10 (subject to change)
Time: 12–5pm
Location: Tappeto Volante, 126 13th St, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Event Detail: Students who join Artuta Pre-camp Workshops or Summer Art Camp will have the opportunity to exhibit their artwork at Tappeto Volante on September 9th and 10th (subject to change). The exhibition aims to provide students the experience of producing, selecting, and displaying their artwork. Students can choose one artwork from the courses they participated in. Artuta instructors will arrange and install the artwork. The exhibit will be open to the public and on view for everyone to see the students’ artwork from the summer!
About Tappeto Volante
126 13th St, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Tappeto Volante has been created under the direction of Paola Gallio by transforming the entryway of the former art studios. Its exhibition space also serves as a community hub, residency program, and multidisciplinary performance space. Tappeto Volante, which means flying carpet in Italian, is a space intended to help uplift and rebuild the arts. It is a celebration of the resilience of its art community, a pledge of active participation in the New York City Renaissance, and an affirmation of its values of inclusivity, gender equality, and BIPOC empowerment.