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Department of Labor welcomes new Apprenticeship Ambassadors, recognizes org anizations for promoting, expanding, diversifying Registered Apprenticeshi
- [Registrant]United States Department of Labor
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]Washington, DC
- Posted : 2024/10/23
- Published : 2024/10/23
- Changed : 2024/10/23
- Total View : 43 persons
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Department of Labor welcomes new Apprenticeship Ambassadors, recognizes organizations for promoting, expanding, diversifying Registered Apprenticeship [ ] 10/23/2024 08:00 AM EDT
WASHINGTON – At a White House ceremony today, the U.S. Department of Labor welcomed the latest cohort of Apprenticeship Ambassadors and recognized current ambassadors for meeting or exceeding their commitments to expand and diversify Registered Apprenticeships. With today’s addition of 138 new organizations, the department has selected 441 Apprenticeship Ambassadors since the initiative’s launch. The latest cohort includes organizations from emerging and high-growth industries, including advanced manufacturing, clean energy, education, financial services, healthcare and hospitality.Apprenticeship Ambassadors are helping to modernize Registered Apprenticeships by making specific commitments to sponsor promotional and training activities, conduct outreach to people from underrepresented populations, launch Registered Apprenticeship Programs and hire apprentices. To date, these organizations have held more than 10,800 promotional and outreach activities and 2,600 training sessions, established 520 Registered Apprenticeship Programs and hired more than 155,000 apprentices. Approximately 90 percent of ambassadors offer programming geared toward underrepresented groups. “The Apprenticeship Ambassador initiative shows how a powerful national network can promote and expand Registered Apprenticeship Programs successfully for the benefit of workers, employers and communities nationwide,” said Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training José Javier Rodríguez. “We congratulate our Apprenticeship Ambassadors for their achievements and partnership and look forward to the continued growth of these programs with the help of our latest cohort of ambassadors.” The department announced the first cohort of Apprenticeship Ambassadors on July 12, 2022, and a second cohort on May 17, 2023. In addition to their local efforts, ambassadors are actively involved with national initiatives such as National Apprenticeship Week, Youth Apprenticeship Week, Good Jobs Great Cities Academy, Advanced Manufacturing Workforce Sprint and the Apprentice Trailblazer Initiative. The new cohort of organizations have committed collectively to the following actions: Develop over 500 new Registered Apprenticeship Programs and 300 resources in their first year.Host over 1,200 outreach and recruitment activities, 600 trainings and 500 promotional meetings.Hire more than 6,700 new apprentices.The department’s Office of Apprenticeship will collaborate with Apprenticeship Ambassadors to promote Registered Apprenticeship as part of the 10th Annual National Apprenticeship Week, Nov. 17-23, 2024. View the list of Apprenticeship Ambassadors.Read about the Apprenticeship Ambassador initiative and apply to become an ambassador. body { font-size: 1em; font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #333333; }
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