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  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Fish canyon falls

    We went hiking.
    We left early in the morning, but it was a popular place
    and many people h...

    Photo Location Duarte, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2016/04/16 Device NIKONCOOLPIX S3600
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Beautiful Arch

    The beams in the tunnel had exposed steel frames. It was a very beautiful arch shape and seem...

    Photo Location Azusa, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2021/07/20 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Tunnels in the mountains

    I took
    an umbrella because it seemed to be a Trail with no shade at all.
    We arrived at the...

    Photo Location Azusa, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2021/07/20 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Wild flower

    Wildflowers are in full bloom in Trail in spring!

    Photo Location Duarte, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2016/04/16 Device NIKONCOOLPIX S3600
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Event / Occasion
  • Event / Occasion
    Vivinavi Los Angeles
    4/3/2016 Tokyo City Cup/Japan Family Day @Santa Anita Park

    Thank you for coming to Vivinavi booth! We had so much fun with you all!

    Photo Location Arcadia, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2016/04/03 Device CanonCanon PowerShot S95
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
  • Other
    Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Yui Restaurant

    Photo Location Sierra Madre, California, USA
    Photo Date 2018/04/26 Device AppleiPhone 6
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    10,064 feet

    Beautiful snowy view of Mt. Baldy, the highest peak in LA County.
    There doesn't seem to be a lo...

    Photo Location Glendora, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2021/02/14 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Baldy in fresh snow

    Baldy as seen from Smith Mt.

    Photo Location San Gabriel Mts, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2022/11/26 Device samsungSM-A135U1
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Event / Occasion
  • Event / Occasion
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Otani player shirt give away

    I got my first Otani shirt give a way!

    Photo Location Chapman Woods, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2023/04/22 Device AppleiPhone SE
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
  • Sports
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    First Otani player

    I went to see it for the first time.

    Photo Location Chapman Woods, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2023/04/22 Device AppleiPhone SE
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    It may be raining in LA, but it's snowing in the mountains.

    Route 2 to Waterman area due to snow accumulation.


    Photo Location サンゲーブル Mts, California, USA
    Photo Date 2022/01/30 Device Unkown
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Cute !

    I met a beautiful owner
    with a dog dressed up like this on a hike that made everyone turn aroun...

    Photo Location Altadena, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2018/02/25 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
  • Animal
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Punk Fashion

    A dog with a collar like a chain.
    He is doing his best to carry his own luggage.

    Photo Location Altadena, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2018/04/01 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
  • Sports
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Angeles Stadium

    It has been beautifully maintained.

    Photo Location Duarte, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2018/05/15 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    I can't see anything.


    Photo Location Duarte, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2018/05/12 Device NIKONCOOLPIX S3600
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)


    Just past the second tunnel.

    Photo Location Azusa, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2021/07/20 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Event / Occasion
  • 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
    Event / Occasion
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    splashing water

    Go wild and go !.

    Photo Location Azusa, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2017/02/23 Device AppleiPhone 5s
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Event / Occasion
  • Event / Occasion
    Vivinavi Los Angeles
    4/3/2016 Tokyo City Cup/Japan Family Day @Santa Anita Park

    Thank you for coming to Vivinavi booth! We had so much fun with you all!

    Photo Location Arcadia, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2016/04/03 Device CanonCanon PowerShot S95
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)


    Many wild flowers are beginning to bloom.

    Photo Location Sierra Madre, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2022/03/06 Device SONYDSC-W830
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    point of arrival

    The Trail coming up in the far distance is slightly visible.

    Photo Location Sierra Madre, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2021/10/31 Device SonyE2306
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    One heart in Corona, one mind in Corona.

    I was reminded that there is nothing that can't beat a world that has become so crowded, if we can u...

    Photo Location glendale, California, USA
    Photo Date 2020/04/23 Device Unkown
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
  • Animal
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    eternal family

    She left us at nearly 20 years old and is a forever family member to all of us. We still have conver...

    Photo Location Chapman Woods, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2021/10/02 Device Unkown
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Going down a forest road with snow remaining in places.

    I saw that there is a helipad at the top of the mountain.

    Photo Location サンゲーブル Mts, California, USA
    Photo Date 2022/02/20 Device Unkown
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    A place to be alone with your thoughts.

    Photo Location Bonita, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2017/02/23 Device AppleiPhone 5s
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Still cute !

    The back view of the car as it nimbly walks away is also lovely.

    Photo Location Altadena, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2018/02/25 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Rubio Canyon Falls

    There was also a small waterfall basin in the middle, which was a two-tiered waterfall.

    Photo Location Pasadena, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2022/02/13 Device SONYDSC-W830
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Fish canyon falls Trail

    Hiking through the thick greenery and listening to the murmuring of the stream is a refreshing and e...

    Photo Location Duarte, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2016/04/16 Device CanonCanon EOS 40D
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Flowers like Japanese paper

    Beautiful blooms, even when wet.

    Photo Location Duarte, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2018/05/12 Device NIKONCOOLPIX S3600
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    being lured by rain

    You can't see the lower boundary at all.

    Photo Location Duarte, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2018/05/12 Device NIKONCOOLPIX S3600
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
  • Food
    Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Ramen Boiler Room

    Photo Location West Covina, California, USA
    Photo Date 1999/11/30 Device Unkown
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Event / Occasion
  • Event / Occasion
    Vivinavi Los Angeles
    4/3/2016 Tokyo City Cup/Japan Family Day @Santa Anita Park

    Thank you for coming to Vivinavi booth! We had so much fun with you all!

    Photo Location Arcadia, California, United States
    Photo Date 2016/04/03 Device CanonCanon PowerShot S95
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Eaton Canyon Falls

    The river runs along the path to the waterfall.
    There was more water than we expected at the fa...

    Photo Location Sierra Madre, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2022/03/06 Device SONYDSC-W830
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Sea of clouds and Baldy in the distance

    It was cloudy in LA but sunny in the mountains.

    Photo Location サンゲーブル Mts, California, USA
    Photo Date 1999/11/30 Device Unkown
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Frost covered flowers

    It was a cold, cold morning in early spring and they were blooming by the Trail.
    It looked like...

    Photo Location Altadena, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2018/03/04 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Natural healing in Corona

    It was my first walk on the beach after Corona
    I always marvel at the grandeur of nature.

    Photo Location Chapman Woods, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2021/10/02 Device Unkown
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Event / Occasion
  • Event / Occasion
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    A fraternal birthday not even Corona can break it.

    I was very moved when the staff of the restaurant made a special cake 🍰 for me because I was a custo...

    Photo Location Chapman Woods, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2021/10/02 Device Unkown
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Canyon dudleya

    Hiking is also a pleasure to see the flowers blooming next to the Trail.

    Photo Location Altadena, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2017/05/27 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Reconstructed fire watchtower

    Fire Lookout at Vetter MT. which was lost in a wildfire in 09.
    Baldy can be seen beautifully fr...

    Photo Location サンゲーブル Mts, California, USA
    Photo Date 2022/01/30 Device motorolamoto g play (2021)
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)


    A hot but well-lit place is better than a dark place.

    Photo Location Azusa, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2021/07/20 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
  • Plant
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Rainy Day Flowers

    Flowers are dripping with water drops.

    Photo Location Duarte, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2018/05/12 Device NIKONCOOLPIX S3600
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Wild Flower

    In spring, wildflowers are in full bloom.

    Photo Location Duarte, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2016/04/16 Device CanonCanon EOS 40D
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
  • Food
    Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Ramen Boiler Room

    Photo Location West Covina, California, USA
    Photo Date 1999/11/30 Device Unkown
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Above the Sea of Clouds

    Usually I can see Pasadena and Downtown LA below me, but today
    I felt like a man from the heave...

    Photo Location Sierra Madre, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2021/10/31 Device SonyE2306
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Mystic Canyon

    I was looking for Trail with an unusual name and there it was.
    It seems to be a popular place w...

    Photo Location Glendora, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2021/02/14 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
  • Plant
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Eye-catching Yellow

    Photo Location La Verne, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2015/04/25 Device AppleiPhone 5s
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    snowy landscape

    A little snow remains on Mt.

    Photo Location Altadena, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2018/03/04 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    golden-rayed lily (Lilium auratum)

    It is common in Japan
    English name is Lilium medeoloides

    Photo Location Altadena, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2017/05/27 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)


    The cloud sea screen that is sometimes shown before the morning weather forecast on TV and the view ...

    Photo Location Altadena, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2017/05/27 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)


    The observation deck at the top offers an almost 180-degree view.

    Photo Location Altadena, California, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2017/05/27 Device SONYDSC-W800
  • Vivinavi Los Angeles
    Nature / Scenery
  • Nature / Scenery
    Vivinavi Los Angeles

    This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

    Sun Gabriel Mtns.

    A group was practicing descending from the rocks.

    Photo Location Pasadena, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ合衆国
    Photo Date 2022/02/13 Device SonyE2306