The Fremont Connection, December 20, 2024 Issue
- [登録者]City of Fremont
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Fremont
- 登録日 : 2024/12/20
- 掲載日 : 2024/12/20
- 変更日 : 2024/12/20
- 総閲覧数 : 6 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
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当コスタメサ店は、プリウスを中心とした新車・中古ハイブリッドカーを様々なバリエーションで数多く取り揃えております。2016年2月にオープンしたお店で店内もとっても綺麗です。キッズスペースもあるのでお子様連れも大歓迎★またミツワ コスタメサ店まで徒歩5分、近くにはお洒落なカフェやモールまである好立地。整備待ちの間も退屈しません。ハイブリッドカーを知り尽くしたスタッフが、親身になって対応いたします。ス...
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あおいレンタカー / AOI Rent a Car は、オレンジ・カウンティーのブレアに本店を構える、安心・格安のレンタカー会社です。ロサンゼルス国際空港まで無料送迎致します。ローカルエリア(ロサンゼルス・カウンティー、オレンジ・カウンティー、リバーサイド・カウンティー、サンバーナーディーノ・カウンティーのみ)にお住いのお客様の、無料送迎も可能です。ご希望のお客様には、お車のデリバリー、さらにお客...
+1 (323) 629-9097あおいレンタカー / AOI Rent a Car
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どなたでも、お好きな印刷物をご注文いただけます。 名刺や封筒をすぐなくなるんだけど、簡単に印刷できないかな … 。パンフレットやフライヤーを業者に注文したいけど難しそう … 。など、お悩みを抱えているお客様ももう安心です。簡単なインターネット注文で、高品質な商品がお手元に届きます。
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・丁寧な掃除: 細部までこだわり、家やオフィスをピカピカにします。・お客様に合わせたサービス: 定期清掃から徹底的な掃除まで、ニーズに応じたサービスを提供します。・信頼と時間厳守: お約束の時間に訪問し、毎回高品質なサービスを提供します。・プロフェッショナルな仕上がり: 高い品質と丁寧な作業で、期待を超える仕上がりを提供。・リーズナブルな価格: 高品質なサービスをお手頃価格でご利用いただけます。
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View as a webpage / Share [ https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/CAFREMONT/bulletins/3c852b6 ]
Fremont building, lake, sign, police and fire employees, and business district. The Fremont Connection in Text with City of Fremont logo
December 20, 2024
Holidays [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/holiday-closure-2024 ]
Season's Greetings from City of Fremont
Season's greetings from the City of Fremont! We’re wrapping up 2024 with the last issue of our weekly newsletter, The Fremont Connection. We hope you’ve enjoyed keeping up on City-related news throughout the year. As a reminder, the City of Fremont is implementing a *Holiday Closure* [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/holiday-closure-2024 ] for many non-public safety City services from Tuesday, December 24, 2024, through Wednesday, January 1, 2025. During the closure, *all construction and development services will be unavailable* [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/News/News/1161 ]. City offices participating in the Holiday Closure will re-open for business on Thursday, January 2, 2025. Police and fire services will not be affected during this Holiday Closure.
We hope everyone has a healthy and safe holiday season!
Affordable housing [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/housing/affordable-housing/upcoming-affordable-units ]
Affordable Housing Opportunities
The City is sharing the following affordable housing opportunities for our community.
*Osgood North Apartments*
Applications are now being accepted for the lottery waitlist for Osgood North Apartments, a new affordable housing property located at 41829 Osgood Road in Fremont. This new property is for income-eligible individuals and families. Applications are being accepted for 111 rental units, and the deadline to apply is Friday, January 3, 2025, at 5:00 pm. Applications are being accepted through the *Alameda County Housing Portal [ https://housing.acgov.org/listing/b41fde06-94a2-4ab5-8b37-30097d870d92/osgood_north_41829_osgood_rd_fremont_ca ].*
*Learn More* [ https://housing.acgov.org/listing/b41fde06-94a2-4ab5-8b37-30097d870d92/osgood_north_41829_osgood_rd_fremont_ca ]
*Below Market Price Homes for Sale*
Did you know the City has a First Time Homebuyer Program for moderate-income households? Through this program, below market price (BMP) homes located in Fremont are offered for sale as they become available. To be eligible to purchase a BMP home, applicants must not have owned a home within the last three years. Priority is given to those currently living or working in Fremont.
*Learn More About Program* [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/housing/affordable-housing/first-time-homebuyer-program ]
*View Homes For Sale* [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/housing/affordable-housing/first-time-homebuyer-program/below-market-price-bmp-homes ]
Quimi Caldera [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/human-services ]
Fremont Appoints New Human Services Director Arquimides (Quimi) Caldera
The City of Fremont is proud to announce the appointment of Arquimides (Quimi) Caldera as the new Human Services Director. With over 25 years of dedicated service to the City, Quimi has excelled in integral roles, including Management Analyst, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Administrator, and Deputy Human Services Director.
In his new role, Quimi oversees the fiscal health of a $31 million department and leads a team of over 100 regular and temporary staff members across clinical, programmatic, and administrative functions. Quimi has played a pivotal role in developing impactful social service programs, ensuring the department meets the evolving needs of Fremont residents.
Consolidated Plan Survey [ https://www.my.fremont.gov/my-fremont-gov-fremontconplan ]
The City is Seeking Input for the Next Consolidated Plan
The City is asking for input on the needs of the community for the 2025-29 Consolidated Plan. The plan is required by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to apply for federal funds. Input received from Fremont residents will help set priorities for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funding for affordable housing and community development needs over the next five years.
Please send your feedback *via the survey* [ https://www.my.fremont.gov/my-fremont-gov-fremontconplan ]by January 8, 2025.
*Take the Survey* [ https://www.my.fremont.gov/my-fremont-gov-fremontconplan ]
Fremont Navigation Center [ https://www.fremont.gov/residents/homeless-response/homeless-services/housing-navigation-center ]
Fremont Housing Navigation Center Marks Four Years of Impact
The Fremont Housing Navigation Center (FHNC) recently completed its fourth year of operation. Since opening in the fall of 2020, the FHNC has housed 233 local individuals. In partnership with Bay Area Community Services (BACS), the Center assisted 108 residents in finding stable housing, and 55 individuals were also assisted in finding employment.
*Learn More* [ https://www.fremont.gov/residents/homeless-response/homeless-services/housing-navigation-center ]
Homeless needs list [ https://www.fremont.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/14346/638348892267000000 ]
Seeking Donations To Help Our Unhoused Neighbors
This holiday season, help spread some cheer by donating to those in need. As the weather gets colder, our unhoused neighbors are in need of warm, dry clothing and other necessities.
The City is asking the community to donate items through our partnership with Bay Area Community Services (BACS). If you are interested in donating, please visit *city.fremont.gov/homelessneedslist [ https://city.fremont.gov/homelessneedslist ]*.
Every donation, no matter how small, can help. If you have already donated items or plan to do so, thank you!
sandbags, sand, shovel and 10 sandbags per household in text on sign [ https://www.fremont.gov/residents/emergency-preparedness/storm-updates ]
Winter Storms: Are You Prepared?
Winter is upon us. Learn more about Fremont flood zones and insurance requirements, protecting your property, sandbag locations, and who to call for services in Fremont during a storm.
*Sandbag Locations * [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/maintenance-operations/sandbags ]
*Flood Info [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/engineering/flood-information ]*
*Storm Updates * [ https://www.fremont.gov/residents/emergency-preparedness/storm-updates ]
*Who to Call for Services in Fremont * [ https://www.fremont.gov/home/showimage?id=6817 ]
Stray shopping carts [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/code-enforcement/shopping-carts ]
Reporting Stray Shopping Carts
Have you spotted a stray shopping cart in Fremont? Report it and help get it back to its store! Retailers in Fremont are responsible for their carts. Most retailers subscribe to private cart retrieval services that accept pick-up requests from the public. Requests can be submitted online or by email, call, or text. For reporting information, visit the City’s *Shopping Carts webpage [ https://city.fremont.gov/shoppingcarts ]* [ http://city.fremont.gov/shoppingcarts?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR23mJDAQcbRU1Xf2kG3la0UCZDIZAYcjO5u_tMDcySmfTPmRsda--5JaU0_aem_BRf37Hh5FjB6YkCVc4TB2A ]. By taking a moment to report the cart, you're helping our local stores and contributing to a cleaner Fremont. Thanks for doing your part!
*More Information* [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/code-enforcement/shopping-carts ]
Holiday composting [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/environmental-services/recycling-compost-garbage/composting-food-scraps ]
*Candy Canes & Composting*
Tis the season for candy canes and composting! As you prepare meals this holiday season, remember to toss your food scraps, soiled paper items, and expired leftovers into your green compost cart. For a reminder of what’s acceptable for your green cart, check out the City’s *Composting Guide* [ https://city.fremont.gov/composting ].
Happy holidays and happy composting!
*Learn More* [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/environmental-services/recycling-compost-garbage/composting-food-scraps ]
Holiday garbage collection [ https://www.republicservices.com/cms/documents/municipality/ca/Fremont-CA/Fremont-Residential-Newsletter-Winter-2024.pdf ]
Holiday Season Collection Schedule
On Wednesday, December 25, 2024, and Wednesday, January 1, 2025, Republic Services will not be collecting garbage, recycling, and compost. Service will be delayed one day during these weeks. Friday services will occur on Saturday. For more information, call Republic Services at 510-657-3500 or read their *Winter 2024 Newsletter* [ https://www.republicservices.com/cms/documents/municipality/ca/Fremont-CA/Fremont-Residential-Newsletter-Winter-2024.pdf ].
*More Information* [ https://www.republicservices.com/ ]
Holiday Tree Collection [ https://www.republicservices.com/cms/documents/municipality/ca/Fremont-CA/Fremont-Residential-Newsletter-Winter-2024.pdf ]
Holiday Tree Collection Guidelines
Republic Services is offering FREE curbside holiday tree collection from Monday, December 30, 2024, through Friday, January 10, 2025. No need to call to request this service. Simply use one of the following methods for curbside collection or drop-off:
* *Green Compost Cart: *Cut the tree into pieces to fit loosely in your compost cart with the lid closed. Place the cart at the curb on your scheduled collection day.
* *Black Landfill Cart: *This option is for trees that are flocked, contain fire retardant, or have decorations or tinsel. Please cut up your non-compostable tree so pieces fit loosely in the trash cart with the lid closed. Place the cart at the curb on your scheduled collection day. Non-compostable trees can also be collected as part of a bulky pickup.
* *Curbside Collection:* For trees under 6 feet in height, place the entire tree in the gutter on your collection day. If your tree is over 6 feet in height, cut the tree in half and place both halves in the gutter on your collection day. Please ensure your tree is in the gutter, not on the sidewalk, and free of all decorations.
* *Drop Off At Republic Services:* Between Thursday, December 26, 2024, and Friday, January 31, 2025, take your tree to the Republic Services customer center at 42600 Boyce Road in Fremont (Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.). Please speak with the office personnel first. Compostable trees may be dropped off for free, and non-compostable trees may be dropped off for a $5 charge payable via cash or credit/debit card.
* *Bulky Trash Pickup:* Schedule a bulky trash pickup by calling Republic Services at 510-657-3500.
Fremont Restaurant Week [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/economic-development ]
Calling Fremont Restaurants Ahead of the 3rd Annual Fremont Restaurant Week!
We are thrilled to invite *Fremont* *restaurants *to participate in the *3rd Annual Fremont Restaurant Week*, happening March 21–30, 2025! This highly anticipated event, hosted in partnership with the City of Fremont and the Fremont Chamber of Commerce, celebrates Fremont’s vibrant and diverse culinary scene while connecting customers with local establishments.
Fremont Restaurant Week is the perfect opportunity to showcase each restaurant's unique offerings and attract more customers during a typically slower season for business. Participating restaurants will gain access to *free, citywide marketing* designed to boost foot traffic and visibility for your business.
As a participating restaurant, you’ll need to craft at least one *special tasting menu*, *new menu item*, or an *exclusive promotion* to create a sense of urgency to visit your business. In return, we’ll ensure your restaurant shines through a robust marketing campaign that includes:
* *Social Media Promotions*: Highlighting your restaurant across our platforms.
* *Email Outreach*: Connecting you with thousands of locals.
* *Dedicated Website Features*: Showcasing your participation and promotions.
* *Printed Materials & Professional Photos*: Elevating your visibility in the community.
* *Media Partnerships*: Expanding your reach through press coverage.
Don’t miss this opportunity to increase your restaurant’s exposure and attract new and returning customers!
Due to high anticipated participation, we ask that you *express your interest by emailing Travis Bell (**tbell@fremont.gov* <tbell@fremont.gov>*) *as soon as possible as spaces are limited. From there, we’ll coordinate a quick call or visit to discuss your participation and next steps.
Winter Waterfowl [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/environmental-services/education-programs ]
Winter Waterfowl at Lake Elizabeth
During the winter months, the Bay Area becomes a crucial habitat for a diverse array of migratory waterfowl, commonly referred to as “winter waterfowl.” A great place to spot these winter visitors is Lake Elizabeth in Fremont’s *Central Park* [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/parks-recreation/parks/central-park ]. The lake serves as a critical stopover point for these birds during their migratory journeys, providing essential food sources.
Among the most common species found at the lake are Northern Shovelers, Canvasbacks, and Ruddy Ducks. These playful birds are frequently observed on the lake either diving or dabbling in search of food. Other notable visitors include the Snow Goose and Cackling Goose.
This winter, bring your binoculars to the lake and see how many of these visitors you can spot. It’s a great way to enjoy the outdoors and explore the wonders of Lake Elizabeth.
To learn more about Fremont’s winter waterfowl, visit the City’s *Nature Learning Center [ https://www.fremont.gov/government/departments/environmental-services/education-programs ]* located in Central Park at 40224 Paseo Padre Pkwy.
Happy birdwatching!
Hazards Map [ https://www.fremont.gov/residents/emergency-preparedness/mitigation ]
New Hazards Map
Visit the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan page at *fremont.gov/mitigationplan [ https://www.fremont.gov/residents/emergency-preparedness/mitigation ]* to see new risk mapping compiled by the City’s Office of Emergency Services and Geographic Information System teams. Enter your address and select from a variety of natural hazards such as earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, wildfires, and landslides. The map is a compilation of natural hazard layers used in the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan and reflects the most current available data from federal, state, and local sources. Sources include the United States Geological Survey (USGS), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the State’s Department of Water Resources, the California Geological Survey, CAL FIRE, and more.
calendar and stars [ https://www.fremont.gov/residents/city-calendar ]
Upcoming Events & Community Meetings
*Tuesday, December 24 [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/1514/7 ]*: City offices closed for the day preceding Christmas.
*Wednesday, December 25 [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/1512/7 ]*: City offices closed for Christmas.
*Thursday, December 26 [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/2282/7 ]*: City offices holiday closure.
*Friday, December 27 [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/2284/7 ]*: City offices holiday closure.
*Sunday, December 29 [ https://www.chabadfremont.com/templates/articlecco_cdo/aid/4535497/jewish/Grand-Menorah-Lighting.htm ]:* Chanukah Lighting, festivities at 3:30 pm and Menorah Lighting at 4:30 pm, Downtown Event Center Plaza, 3500 Capitol Ave.
*Monday, December 30 [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/2286/7 ]*: City offices holiday closure.
*Tuesday, December 31 [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/1516/7 ]*: City offices closed for day preceding New Year's Day.
*Wednesday, January 1 [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/1518/7 ]*: City offices closed for New Year's Day.
*Thursday, January 9 [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/3070/ ]*: Economic Development Advisory Commission Meeting, from 9:00 am t010:30 am, 3300 Capitol Ave. Bldg. A, in the Ardenwood Conference Room.
*Saturday, January 11 [ https://www.fremont.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/2435/17?curm=1&cury=2025 ]*: Open House at Fremont Nature Learning Center, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, 40224 Paseo Padre Pkwy.
*View Full Calendar* [ https://www.fremont.gov/residents/city-calendar ]
In Case You Missed It:
City of Fremont has announced a new $100,000 hiring bonus for Lateral Police Officers and has implemented additional programs to further increase the recruitment and retention of existing Police Officers. Full details [ https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fcity.fremont.gov%2Fpolicehiringbonus/1/01000193e5a89934-87fffc6f-7865-45ae-9324-5c4b3b6d8ec7-000000/5oXUyXUGEN7E0oVA77HLE003PnqwPbuLYV5WDjulX6Q=384 ]
Be Prepared for the Rainy Season [ https://www.fremont.gov/residents/emergency-preparedness/storm-updates ]
Apply for Special Event Sponsorship Program [ https://www.fremont.gov/permits/special-event-permit/special-event-sponsorship ]
conversation bubbles, and my Fremont, my city, my voice in text [ https://my.fremont.gov ]
*Help the City of Fremont **turn your thoughts **into actions! *
*my.fremont.gov [ https://www.my.fremont.gov/ ]*
*Newsletter Archive & Subscribe* [ https://www.fremont.gov/about/news-media/newsletters ]
Stay Connected with City of Fremont, California: Facebook [ https://www.facebook.com/cityoffremont ] Twitter [ https://twitter.com/fremont_ca ] Instagram [ https://www.instagram.com/Fremont_CA/ ] LinkedIn [ https://www.linkedin.com/company/cityoffremont ] Nextdoor [ https://nextdoor.com/agency-detail/ca/fremont/city-of-fremont-1/ ] YouTube [ https://www.youtube.com/CityOfFremont ] Fremont Website [ https://fremont.gov/ ]
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