Stay Informed with the Culver City Newsletter for October 2024
- [注册人]City of Culver City
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Culver City, CA
- 注册日期 : 2024/10/12
- 发布日 : 2024/10/12
- 更改日期 : 2024/10/12
- 总浏览次数 : 76 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 在美国可以买到采用日本技术的大金空调产品。满足您对空调的所有需求 ( 日语服务 ...
您是否需要制冷、制热或室内空气质量方面的帮助 ? 大金在美国采用日本技术提供节能、可靠的产品。如果您对空调有任何问题或疑虑,请随时与我们联系。大金员工将很乐意用日语为您提供帮助。
- 最新库存已上传 ! 我们为三藩市地区的客户提供特价销售和购买服务。 高价购买新车...
在美国支持客户汽车生活的28年 ! ! 信赖的证明 ! ! AB Autotown的经营方针是 "以社区为基础的服务"。 基于我们的经验和成就,我们重视与每位客户的联系,并根据情况提供服务。 我们的日本员工将为您提供美国商店所没有的细致服务。 ★ 我们为旧金山、圣何塞及周边地区提供服务,如果您有任何汽车需求,如购买、出售优质汽车、出售回购保证等,请随时与我们联系。
+1 (310) 212-7990AB Auto Town
- 如果您想卖车,请到布勃卡!! 使用我们广受欢迎的免费现场评估!,让您的购买满意度...
+1 (424) 271-0838Bubka!
- 欢迎捐献卵子。酬金 6000 美元以上 + 支付差旅费。帮助不孕不育夫妇。支付交...
★20-30岁的健康女性 ★ 交通费自理 *如果您没有车,请不要担心。 ★如果您从很远的地方(如其他州)报名,我们将支付您的机票、酒店和所有费用。 如果您住在洛杉矶附近,但更喜欢夏威夷,您可以参加在夏威夷举办的活动。我们将承担机票和酒店费用。无论是在洛杉矶还是在夏威夷,我们都与综合医院建立了联系,因此在紧急情况下,我们拥有完整的护理和后备系统。洛杉矶宝宝的优势在于我们可以随机应变。
+1 (310) 444-3087LA Baby Fertility Agency
- 成立于 1992 年。美味的日本料理,真诚的 ( 真诚的 ) ! 博多拉面。炉端...
Shin-Sen-Gumi 餐饮集团在洛杉矶拥有 16 家餐厅。本店提供诚意(和诚意)的正宗日本料理,包括配以柚子酱和醋汁的博多风味烤鸡肉串、新鲜味独创的鸡肉火锅和配以浓郁鸡汤的博多风味水炊饼、再现港口城市路边摊风味的长滨风味博多拉面以及专注于精选食材的涮涮锅。我们以
新撰組レストラングループ和 的诚意为您提供正宗的日本料理。
- JSAT 泰国日本学生会 ! 我们在泰国学习或实习。我们是由日本学生组成的学生会...
JSAT 泰国日本学生会 ! 我们在泰国学习或实习。我们是由日本学生组成的学生会 ! 我们主要根据学生和企业的需求组织活动。例如,日本学生 ・ 面向会说日语的泰国人的就职活动 ・ 贫民窟之旅,了解贫民窟 ・ 演讲比赛,回顾在日本的学习生活 我们计划在 8 月与大使馆举办首次合作活动,并计划开展更多活动。我们一直在寻找新成员。我们一直在寻找新成员,如果您有兴趣加入我们,请通过网站上的 JSAT 电子...
+66 (90) 887-2309タイ日本人学生会
- ★ 新发型预约 ★ 以 "热情好客 "为理念,我们的目标是创建一个不仅让顾客,而...
所有员工均为日本人 ! 我们每天都以高质量的技术和热情好客的服务帮助您留下美好的印象 !。
+1 (408) 656-2766K's Hair Salon
- 该组织成立于 1983 年,是一个非营利性组织,是达拉斯学校的替代学校。日本政府...
其目的是促进居住在达拉斯・沃斯堡地区的日本人和日裔美国人的互利、友谊、文化和福利,并与当地社区互动,促进日美两国之间的友谊和相互理解。主要活动包括秋季庆典、垒球比赛、新年晚会、集市、讲座、企业参观、日语演讲比赛和日本文化介绍。大部分活动由志愿者负责。有关各部门的详情,请参阅下文和附录 "日本男性协会部门"。 会员资格对公司会员(正式会员・准会员)和个人会员开放,其会员资格、活动和福利如下所述。
+1 (972) 458-0478ダラス日本人会
- 好莱坞风格的面部护理,配以正宗的日式指压和指压治疗师。如果您有颈肩僵硬、颞下颌关...
如果您患有颈肩僵硬、头痛、慢性背痛、失眠或唇疱疹,请尝试全身指压疗法。您一定会对效果感到惊喜。好莱坞式小脸护理能调整面部变形,将脸变成您梦想中的小脸。利用对称疗法的原理,对面部左右两侧和头骨进行调整,以改善面部扭曲、变宽、下垂和不平衡。它还有助于治疗颞下颌关节紊乱、下颌锁定和下颌疼痛。 最近,有严重偏头痛、恶心、颈背僵硬疼痛、自律神经失衡和抑郁的人被医生转介接受治疗。现在正是提高免疫力的时候,...
+1 (310) 542-1200西田指圧センター
- 距离 OC Mitsuwa 有 5 分钟车程。
・ 美丽的白蜡色,减少亚洲人的红血丝 ♪ ・ 意大利有机头部SPA ♪ ・ 酸性拉直、白发模糊、头发改善护理等 ♪ ☆ Hedspas和在全平面Yume洗发台上的头部浸泡现已推出 ☆ 请随时与我们联系。
+1 (949) 942-5420Sleek Hair Salon & Spa
- 2025 年 2 月 4 日 ( 星期二 ) 新学年开始 ! 这是一所面向海外学...
可以在美国学习 SAPIX 课程。 课程根据居住在国外的儿童的需求量身定制,重点复习 SAPIX 在日本的课程。 在家中复习所学内容以巩固所学,并通过课堂测验检查巩固程度。 到目前为止,大多数课堂都是被动式的,老师面对学生讲解如何解决问题,但在 SAPIX 的互动式课堂上,学生和老师一起思考最好采取什么步骤,同时相互交流。课堂继续进行。 这种课堂形式可以让学生接触到不同人的思维方式,...
+1 (914) 358-5337SAPIX USA
- 为婴儿、小学生、初高中生和成人提供日语学校,位于东湾普莱森特山。
为什么不在重要的儿童早期和学校阶段尝试双语教育?Kurumi日语班旨在创造一个从幼儿到成人都能享受到学习日本的环境。在小班教学中,经验丰富的教师根据每个学生的水平提供手工制作的课程,旨在提供详细的指导。 目前所有课程都是在网上提供的。 从儿童早期开始,读、写、听、说四种技能得到全面发展。 提供的课程有:幼儿班 /小学班 /初中和高中班 /日语作为第二语言班 /私人班 /JLPT考试准备 /算盘 ・...
+1 (925) 289-8296くるみ日本語クラス
- 1.5 岁以上日语/英语课程 [托伦斯 ・ 在线] 我们根据每个孩子的个人发展、...
适用于计划在美国长期居住、外派&回国或从日本外派的家庭 让您的孩子高度掌握双语! 从1.5岁开始学习日语 / 英语课堂 托伦斯 面对面/在线免费试听课程 23年中超过5,000名双语学生 在进入当地学校之前打下坚实的英语基础 & 提高在当地学校的成绩 想让学生打好日语基础 日美教育领域的专业讲师将提供细致的辅导和建议。
+1 (424) 399-6699TLC for Kids LA
- 美国会计师事务所。我们为公司和个人在美国的报税和公司注册提供支持。我们可以为您提...
日本和美国之间的税收支持 ! 迅速的程序和善后处理 ! 日语 ・ 英语任一。
+1 (877) 827-1040Todd's Accounting Services / Mayumi Ozaki (尾崎会計事務所)
- 我们在这里帮助您节食💦 🤗FIT BODY 不是一次性的节食,而是真正的节食和身...
Diet Pro FIT BODY 私人健身教练提供个性化支持,帮助您在最短时间内实现理想身材 ! < 减肥 ・ 燃烧脂肪 > 减去大腿和腰部等下半身脂肪 中年肥胖 < 缺乏运动 ・ 健康管理 > 内脏脂肪、甘油三酯、血糖等健康指标恶化 肩部僵硬、肩痛、背痛等症状减轻 << 塑造理想身材 > 适合产后体重增加且难以恢复体重的人 塑造美腿和美臀 < 提高运动成绩 > 提高...
+1 (310) 803-0155FIT BODY
Culver City
Culver City Newsletter - October 2024
*Culver City's monthly newsletter provides a recap of the last month and shares opportunities to get engaged.*
Picture of Birdee vote mascot with vote banner on Culver Blvd [ ]
Culver City Urges You To Vote
Election Day is less than four weeks away. Vote-by-mail ballots were sent last week to those who have registered to receive one. You have until Monday, October 21st to request yours.
Starting October 26th, City Hall will open its vote center through November 5th.You take the trip to City Hall by Culver CityBus. Plan your trip by calling (310) 253-6500 or visit the Culver CityBus website.
This year, three seats for City Council will be elected. We encourage you to make your voice heard. Check your registration status at the LA Gov Vote website. [ ]
Photo of former Martin B Retting store [ ]
Upcoming Community Art Project, Feedback Still Needed for Former Gun Store
The City of Culver City welcomes the community to join us for an immersive and hands-on tile making workshop with Culver City’s Artist Laureate Katy Krantz on Saturday, October 26th from 10 AM to 2 PM. This event is for all ages. Completed tiles will be installed on the building as a temporary art installation.
In the meantime, the City continues to seek input from the community on what it should do with the City-owned property at 11029 Washington Boulevard, which it purchased in 2023. Use the online visioning form to share your ideas with the City. [ ]
Photo of Culver Blvd with updated MOVE Project modifications
MOVE Culver City Modification Progress
Modifications to the MOVE Culver City Pilot Project are proceeding on schedule and substantial completion is expected by the end of October. Contractors and City inspectors finished laying out new striping. Striping of straight lines and lane markings has been completed corridor-wide. Two lane traffic is now ongoing along Culver Blvd.
The City is working to minimize dust, noise, and temporary lane closures throughout construction. However, some level of construction impacts are anticipated to occur. Bus detours will continue through the end of construction. The detour affects Culver CityBus Lines 1, 1C1, 5, and 7, LADOT CE437A, Big Blue Bus Route 17, and Metro Line 617. These routes will run along Venice Boulevard instead of along the MOVE Corridor. Detours will be maintained throughout the construction period to provide a consistent experience for riders.
City of Culver City Seal
Community Meeting to Discuss Potential Enhancements to the Culver City Arts District Streetscape Medians
The community is invited to discuss and brainstorm potential enhancements to the streetscape medians located in the Culver City Arts District between Helms Avenue and La Cienega Boulevard. The intent of the meeting is to collaborate with local stakeholders to re-envision these medians into a drought tolerant, low maintenance, signature amenity in the District.
The meeting will be held at The Parks Project, located at 8540 Washington Boulevard near the corner of Washington Boulevard and Fay Avenue in the Culver City Arts District. Light refreshments will be served.
For more information about this improvement project, please contact Elaine Gerety Warner, Economic Development Director at or at (310) 253-5777.
Photo of City Hall
Culver City Finance Department Wins Award for Outstanding Achievement
The City of Culver City is pleased to announce it has once again won a pair of awards for excellence by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) for Fiscal Year 2022-2023.
For the second year in a row, the City earned the award for *Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting. *The Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR) continues to make the City’s financial statements more accessible to the public.
The GFOA also awarded the *Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting* to City of Culver City for its Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) for the Fiscal Year 2022-23. The report has been judged by an impartial panel to meet the high standards of the program, which includes demonstrating a constructive "spirit of full disclosure" to clearly communicate its financial story and motivate potential users and user groups to read the report.
Photo of artist in Culver City studio
Artist Studio Tours – Sign up Today
*Attention Artists!* The Cultural Affairs Division of the City of Culver City is interested in meeting local visual artists and scheduling studio visits. We are particularly interested in getting to know your artistic practice and learning about ways we can support your work as an artist. We plan to schedule a monthly block of time dedicated to meeting artists. To schedule a studio visit, please write to <>
The Division of Cultural Affairs of the City of Culver City seeks to build its network of local visual artists living and/or working within or near the City of Culver City. We are eager to learn from area artists and look forward to supporting artists in their work by providing information and resources regarding available programs, commissions, and professional development opportunities in the region. We know that Culver City is a thriving hub of creativity and we want to help facilitate connections and build community.
Photo of sustainable business certification award winners
10 Culver City Businesses Achieve Sustainable Certification
Ten newly certified sustainable businesses were recognized as part of the City of Culver City’s Sustainable Business Certification Program (Program) [ ]. The awards ceremony, held at The Culver Hotel, was co-hosted by Program managers Sustainable Works and Balanced Approach. A total of 87 businesses have been certified since the Program's inception in 2017.
Businesses may choose from two certification tiers, “Certified” or “Certified Innovator.” Certified businesses meet core resource efficiency and community engagement criteria, while Certified Innovator businesses add innovative practices to offset GHG emissions, participate in their communities and adopt socially responsible practices.
*The “Certified” Program Recipients:*
* Echo Horizon School
* Kirk Douglas Theatre
* The Culver Hotel
* Lillie’s at the Culver Hotel
* Sock Panda
* Wende Museum
* Zooga Yoga Culver City
*The “Certified Innovator” Recipients:*
* Branches Atelier Preschool
* Primestor Development LLC
Out of the five Black, Indigenous, People of Color/LBGTQ+ owned businesses that registered for the Program this year, four achieved certification.
Culver City is one of 51 local governments in California that offer a Green Business Program to their business community.
Photo of Project Homekey award winners
City of Culver City Wins Award for Project Homekey Efforts
The City of Culver City was recognized at 2024 Annual Homes Within Reach Awards hosted by Southern California Association of Non Profit Housing (SCANPH) for its work on Project Homekey, 73 total units of housing for chronically unhoused persons (38 interim housing units and 35 permanent supportive housing units).
The Homes Within Reach Awards recognize and honor excellence in affordable housing. Culver City staff, Mayor Yasmine-Imani McMorrin, members of the Project Homekey lead operations team, as well as the design and construction team accepted the *Rehabilitation Development of the Year Award.*
In October 2023, Culver City opened the dual motel repurposed project, which now provides a safe place indoors where people can find wraparound services, healing, and stabilization. Due to the size of this housing project, Culver City started moving in clients to the Permanent Supportive Housing side in October 2023 and then moved participants into the Interim Housing side in February 2024.
You can view more details of all Culver City's efforts to solve homelessness on the City's website with its new Homeless Reporting Dashboard. [ ]
Photo of CCFD Girls Camp with firefighter helping child with mask [ ]
Culver City Fire Department's Girls Camp Registration is Now Open
We are excited to announce that registration for the Culver City Fire Department Girls Camp is now open!
Over the course of two days, campers will learn how to wear personal protective equipment, climb ladders, pull fire hose, learn Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and more! All teens (ages 14-18) are invited to sign up. Lunch will be provided.
*Attendees must register for this FREE event in advance.* Space is limited.
Learn more about the CCFD Girls Camp and register today! [ ]
Photo of City Council with October proclamation [ ]
Four City Council Meetings Left in 2024
The Culver City City Council has four regular meetings remaining for the year. We encourage the public to join us on Monday, October 14th, October 28th, November 11th, and December 9th. You can find the agenda's posted to the City's website the week before the meeting. [ ]
Child care is also available for parents who want to attend the meeting in person. You can sign up on the PRCS Activity webpage. [ ]
Photo of Artist Laureate Katy Krantz [ ]
City Requests Community Feedback on Artist Laureate Program
The City of Culver City is looking for input from the community regarding its Artist Laureate Program. The City of Culver City's Artist Laureate program is a collaboration between the City of Culver City—the City Council and Cultural Affairs Commission—and Culver City Arts Foundation.
Funding is made possible by the City’s percent for art program and a grant from the Culver City Arts Foundation, dedicated to supporting the arts in Culver City.
The information we collect is for research and informational purposes only. Any reporting out of survey data will be without personal identifying information. You can access the form online. [ ] We appreciate you taking the time to assist in making the Artist Laureate program stronger.
Culver City Spooky Saturday night skies [ ]
Join Us for Spooky Saturday on October 19th
As part of the #ChooseCulverCity, Buy Local Campaign, the City will be presenting a “Spooky Saturday” on Saturday, October 19th, from 2 PM to 5 PM.
Come dressed in your best costume and enjoy a variety of fun-filled, family-friendly activities like live music, games, trick-or-treating at local businesses, and much more! Costume contest for those 12 and under will be at 4 PM at Washington Boulevard and Boise Avenue. There will also be a costume contest for our four-legged friends as well! The program will feature live music at Washington Boulevard at Boise Avenue, as well as trick-or-treating along West Washington Boulevard, between Centinela Ave and Wade Street.
For more information, please visit the Love Local Spooky Saturday webpage [ ].
Photo of people who took part in the La Ballona Creek Cleanup [ ]
**Tons of Trash Collected During Annual La Ballona Creek Cleanup 2024**
From cigarette butts to plastics and all sizes and items of trash, more than 320 volunteers across five sites scoured the Ballona Creek to clean up this important section of our community. It resulted in 1.5 tons of waste collected!
Thank you to all who joined in the effort and thank you to YOU for being considerate with your trash, recyclables, and organics. Together we can keep our channels, and community, in good health.
Photo of people dancing at Senior Center in Culver City [ ]
Check Out the Culver City Senior Center October Newsletter
The Senior Center is always chocked full with activities every month. You can see the full schedule with a variety of education and recreational classes in the online newsletter. Visit the City's website to read it, as well as find other resources about the Senior Center. [ ]
*The Center offers social services for:*
* Older adults (50+)
* Residents with disabilities
* Members of the public
Photo of catalytic converter [ ]
Culver City Police Department Events for October
Reserve an appointment to participate in our free *Catalytic Converter Etching Event *on Saturday, October 12, 2024, from 8 AM to 12 PM in the Culver City Middle School Parking Lot located at 4601 Elenda Street, Culver City.
Etching your catalytic converter aids law enforcement in mitigating this crime. This can also help reunite you with your catalytic converter should it be stolen and recovered, potentially saving hundreds to thousands of dollars.
Appointments for this event are limited. Reserve your appointment time on the PD's website. [ ]
*National Prescription Drug Take Back Day* will be held at the Culver City Police Department on Saturday, October 26, 2024, from 10 AM to 2 PM. This is your chance to drop off expired or unused prescription and over the counter medications to be disposed of responsibly. Swing by the Culver City Police Department at 4040 Duquesne Avenue (south of Culver Blvd). No questions will be asked. No need to remove any prescription bottle labels as all drugs collected will be incinerated at the end of the day by the on-scene Drug Enforcement Agent.
Culver City Fire Department Pink October Logo [ ]
Culver City Firefighters Supporting Pink October
During the month of October, Culver City Firefighters are wearing PINK in support of the fight against breast cancer. Join them and show your support by purchasing a CCFD breast cancer awareness T-shirt.
Pink October shirts will be available at Fire Station 1 (9600 Culver Blvd.). Shirts will be sold for $20 between 9 AM and 4 PM. Proceeds support breast cancer research and families battling breast cancer.
Photo of Art Walk and Roll Festival [ ]
Thank You for Helping Make Fiesta Mexicana, Art Walk & Roll, Abilities Carnival, and Jazz Nights a Success!
We are consistently in awe of our community coming out to City-sponsored events. To kick off weekends in October, hundreds of people came to Fiesta Mexicana at Tito's Tacos to celebrate culture, food, and drink. Then we followed it up with a day of artistic celebration at the annual Art Walk & Roll Festival in the Culver City Arts District. More than 90 vendors were on hand. Talented artists, music, and delicious food made for a perfect fall day. On Sunday, the Senior Center hosted the annual Abilities Carnival with games, dancing, and community of all abilities. You also sold out all the Jazz Nights in October at the Kirk Douglas Theatre. You have our gratitude for your enthusiasm and engagement for these events. Check out photos from the event on the Culver City social media page. [ ]
*Stay up to date with the latest news, events, resources by bookmarking the Culver City website. [ ] If you have social media, we invite you to follow the City's accounts which you can find below.*
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