Capital & Contracting Project Controls (Project/Program Manager III)
- [登録者]King County
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]King County, WA
- 登録日 : 2024/10/02
- 掲載日 : 2024/10/02
- 変更日 : 2024/10/02
- 総閲覧数 : 23 人
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+1 (818) 720-9158Akiko Aoki,L.M.F.T.
King County International Airport – Boeing Field (KCIA) is looking for a *Capital & Contracting **Project Control**s** (Project/Program Manager III**)* position to join our Finance and Contracting section. This position will work independently, reporting to the Finance Manager. This position will also collaborate amongst multiple groups within the Airport as well as other departments and outside agencies. The incumbent will be responsible for the creation, implementation, and quality assurance for our contracting and project controls. We are looking for a leader who is, action oriented; and driven for results while also being an effective communicator and collaborator.
KCIA is one of the busiest primary non-hub general aviation airports in the nation. Located just four miles south of downtown Seattle, it averages 180,000 aircraft operations each year. In 2001, it was named by the National Air Transportation Association as one of the "100 Most Needed Airports" in the United States.
KCIA ranks among the most successful public investments in state history. The airport's annual economic impact is $3.5 billion - supporting more than 16,000 jobs and providing $1.8 billion in labor income in the county. The airport's 150 tenant businesses also directly support more than 5,000 jobs in the local economy. KCIA promotes the health of the aviation industry by establishing pipelines for employment and for employee development.
As a general aviation airport, KCIA serves small, commercial passenger airlines, cargo carriers, including UPS, private aircraft owners, helicopters, corporate jets, and military and other aircraft. It is also the final delivery center for the Boeing Company's 737 aircraft and serves as the company's military flight center along with other Boeing operations. The Museum of Flight is located on the airport property with a wide variety of aircraft and exhibits showcasing aviation history. KCIA frequently is host to celebrities and dignitaries, including the President of the United States, who prefer Boeing Field because of its proximity to downtown Seattle and convenient connections to other business districts in the region. Due to its proximity to Lumen Field, T-Mobile Park, and other sports venues, many teams prefer to use KCIA when playing in Seattle.
To learn more about King County International Airport please visit kingcounty.gov/airport [ https://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/transportation/airport.aspx ].
As the only jurisdiction in the world named after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., one of the most influential civil rights leaders in our nation's history, King County is a vibrant international community with residents that represent countries from around the world. It is a region with increasing diversity that cherishes the traditions of many cultures.
We have a deep commitment to equity and social justice and advancing practices, strategies, and policies that promote fairness, justice, and opportunity for all – in our workplaces and our communities. With this commitment, King County has adopted a pro-equity agenda to advance regional change.
To learn more, please visit http://www.kingcounty.gov/elected/executive/equity-social-justice.aspx
KEY DELIVERABLES AND EXPECTATIONS: To be considered minimally qualified for this position, you must demonstrate skill and ability to:
Administer Airport specific project controls using the central contracting compliance guidelines on capital planning, evaluations, and administration to ensure clear and cost-effective and compliant consulting and construction contracts.
Collaborate in the establishment and implementation of technical, administrative and control processes to ensure project control activities are planned, authorized, budgeted, scheduled, documented, and coordinated to audit standards.
Identify potential and existing issues with project scope, terms, deliverables and costs before a contract, amendment or change order is signed.
Oversee the compliance of Airport contracts and project management practices with procurement policies, processes, guidelines, and procedures. Provide, training and support for all Airport sections on the procurement of professional/technical consulting and construction contracts.
Develop and revise practices, standard work, and templates that improve the effectiveness, compliance, and efficiency of contracts, projects, and contract administration for the airport.
Serve as the airport’s representative for all contract compliance and audits for internal and external needs, including the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
We are looking for candidates who:
Have experience with increasing levels of responsibility in compliance for public contract management and/or architectural, engineering and construction project management.
Have experience in ensuring compliance with local & federal procurement policies, guidelines, and procedures.
Have successfully been able to evaluate complex information and simplify for a wide variety of audiences.
* Develop and deliver multi-mode communications that convey a clear understanding of the unique needs of different audiences.
* Build partnerships and work collaboratively with others to meet shared objectives.
This exciting opportunity is open to all applicants. Please apply online at kingcounty.gov/jobs. We highly recommend that you also provide a cover letter detailing your experiences as it relates to this position and a resume.
This position performs work remotely and onsite.
This recruitment is an effort to fill our immediate vacancies as well as create a hire list that will be used for any positions that become vacant within the next 6 months. body { font-size: 1em; font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #333333; }
[ https://www.kingcounty.gov/ ]
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