Construction Begins on RapidRide J Line Project from University District to Downtown Seattle
- [注册人]City of Seattle
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Seattle, WA
- 注册日期 : 2024/10/08
- 发布日 : 2024/10/08
- 更改日期 : 2024/10/08
- 总浏览次数 : 60 人
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Press Release
For Immediate Release
*Contact Information*
*Construction Begins on RapidRide J Line Project from University District to Downtown Seattle*
"Major Transit and Infrastructure Upgrades Coming to U District, Eastlake, South Lake Union, Belltown, and Downtown Neighborhoods"
*Seattle* – Today, Mayor Bruce Harrell joined King County Executive Dow Constantine and local leaders at a groundbreaking ceremony for the RapidRide J Line. The project will create vital community connections, making it easier for Seattle residents, workers, and students to reach their destinations. The groundbreaking event, held in the University District, celebrated this milestone for the city’s transportation future.
“Seattle is building a transportation system that makes it easier and safer for people to get where they need to go, regardless of how they travel. Transit riders can look forward to a major upgrade with the RapidRide J Line, and this project will also include improvements to everyone who uses our streets and sidewalks,” *said Mayor Harrell*. “The J Line will strengthen vital neighborhood connections and help people access opportunity to learn, to work, and to experience all that Seattle has to offer. We are making generational investments in buses, trains, and transit thanks to support from the Biden-Harris administration, federal, state, and local partners, and the voters who approved the Levy to Move Seattle.”
The RapidRide J Line project is a collaboration between the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) and King County Metro to upgrade Metro’s existing Route 70, a crucial bus line. This enhanced service will connect vibrant and growing Seattle neighborhoods like the University District, Eastlake, South Lake Union, and Belltown with more frequent, reliable transit. Whether commuting to work, attending classes at the University of Washington, receiving medical treatment, or enjoying time at a local business, the J Line will provide a smoother, more convenient travel experience, making it easier to get around this part of the city.
The total project budget is $128.5 million, including $64.2 million from the Federal Transit Administration’s Small Starts Grant and an additional $9.6 million from the Federal Highway Administration. The Washington State Department of Transportation and the University of Washington will each contribute $6 million to the project. The City of Seattle will provide $43 million, mostly from the voter-approved Levy to Move Seattle. In addition, Seattle Public Utilities plans to invest $28 million to build a new water main during construction as a way to reduce the need for future closures. As well as operating daily bus service, King County Metro is contributing over $10 million toward bus station amenities and staff resources.
“Continuing to build the RapidRide network will help millions of passengers each year get where they are going faster, safer and more reliably,” *said Federal Transit Administrator for Region 10 Susan Fletcher.* “It will also help clean the air and improve climate change for the Puget Sound region. FTA is proud to join with King County and all our partners to make this important project a reality.”
The RapidRide J Line will strengthen vital neighborhood connections between existing Link light rail stations in the U District and Downtown Seattle and other RapidRide bus lines, fostering seamless transit options and a smoother, more predictable travel experience. Additional improvements to pedestrian and bicycle safety include new protected bike lanes with concrete barriers, expanded sidewalks, more painted crosswalks, new curb ramps, and improved signals. This comprehensive approach to infrastructure will enhance accessibility and promote more environmentally friendly travel, supporting the City’s ambitious goals to address climate change.
“The RapidRide J Line will open up opportunities for more people to use public transit, making it even easier to get around our region,” *said King County Executive Dow Constantine.* "Today, we celebrate the next step in expanding our RapidRide system, which connects communities from Burien to Bellevue, Ballard to Federal Way, and Madison Valley to the West Seattle Junction.”
Community was closely consulted throughout the planning and design process. Here’s what residents, students, and local businesses prioritized:
* *Safer streets for everyone*: From students biking to school to families walking through the neighborhood, safety is the top priority.
* *Maintaining business access*: Ensuring load zones remain for local businesses, so they can continue to thrive.
* *Preserving the neighborhood qualities*: Protecting the tree canopy and planted medians that make Eastlake a great place to live.
* *Improved bike lanes*: Extending protection further north toward the University Bridge for a safer cycling experience.
Throughout construction of the RapidRide J Line project, SDOT is committed to continuing its collaboration with residents, local businesses, and commuters. SDOT will work closely with business owners and provide regular updates to the entire community so people know what to expect and can plan ahead when they travel.
We encourage everyone to:
* *Stay Informed*: Sign up for updates [ ] from SDOT and King County Metro to receive the latest news on construction effects, street closures, and transit changes.
* *Support Local Businesses*: Explore the U District, Eastlake, South Lake Union, Belltown, and Downtown to support local shops during construction.
The RapidRide J Line service is planned to launch in 2027. Residents and visitors can look forward to significant enhancements in bus service, accessibility, and sustainability.
*Project Highlights*
* *15,130 feet* of repaired sidewalks, making walking safer and more comfortable.
* *2 miles* of repaved streets, ensuring smoother rides for all travelers.
* *3.7 miles* of protected bike lanes, promoting safer and more predictable cycling.
* *2 miles* of dedicated bus priority lanes, enhancing bus travel reliability.
* *177 improved crosswalks*, increasing pedestrian safety when crossing the street.
* *131 upgraded curb ramps*, making it easier and safer for people of all abilities to get around neighborhoods and to bus stations
* *33 intersections* equipped with new traffic signals, improving traffic flow.
* *190 newly planted trees*, contributing to urban greening.
* *8,900 feet* of replaced water main, ensuring reliable utility services.
The RapidRide J Line is one component of the major transit investments funded by the Levy to Move Seattle, which aims to create a more connected city since its passage by voters in 2015. This initiative includes other significant projects such as the RapidRide G Line – Madison St project, which received nearly $60 million in federal funding, and the RapidRide H Line – Delridge Way SW, along with various Transit-Plus Multimodal Corridor projects throughout Seattle. The RapidRide J Line will also traverse the recently rebuilt Fairview Ave N Bridge, another essential project completed as part of the Levy to Move Seattle in 2021.
*What People Are Saying*
“People in Seattle and across Washington state continue to make clear they want more public transit, and this project delivers in so many ways. From new and upgraded stations, to transit only lanes and protected bike lanes, to improved sidewalks, repaved roads, a watermain, trees, and more—we are packing a heck of a lot into five miles here. Every year, I fight for strong funding for the Capital Investment Grants program—which is supporting this project—so we can make it easier and safer for families to get around. As Senate Appropriations Chair, I’ll keep fighting to make sure federal investments in public transit remain a priority.” – *"Senator Patty Murray (D-WA)"*
“Today’s groundbreaking is a part of King County’s continued commitment to providing safe, speedy, and reliable public transit for all. The project will not only bring a RapidRide to a key neighborhood; it also brings safety enhancements, plants new trees, and invests in critical infrastructure improvements to the area. I’m excited to support this project, and grateful to everyone who helped make this possible.” – *King County Councilmember Girmay Zahilay*, whose district includes the RapidRide J Line.
"“"The RapidRide J Line project will make it fast and easy to travel by bus and bike from South Lake Union to the University District, while providing enhanced mobility options for Eastlake’s residents and people visiting local businesses. The project provides important updates to Eastlake Avenue and renews aging infrastructure while improving sidewalks and lighting, making a vibrant business district along Eastlake even better."” *– SDOT Director Greg Spotts *"
"The RapidRide J Line will connect students and faculty going to the University of Washington; customers and workers traveling to offices, restaurants and stores in South Lake Union; and researchers tackling AIDS, cancer and other diseases to our world-leading research institutes. This major upgrade to Metro’s popular Route 70 will greatly benefit the businesses and residents who call Eastlake, South Lake Union and the University District neighborhoods home.” –*" King County Metro General Manager Michelle Allison"*
"The RapidRide J Line is an important transit upgrade for the U District, which has become a key transit hub for North Seattle. This increase in access will better serve our campus community, attract more visitors, and support more of the daily commuters who are choosing to live in the U District. We are pleased to see such a significant transit investment in one of Seattle's fastest-growing neighborhoods." – *"Don Blakeney, Executive Director, The U District Partnership"*
“The University of Washington welcomes the RapidRide J Line, which represents a great addition to the growing network of frequent, reliable, and sustainable transit services depend on each day.” – *"Randy Hodgins, Vice President, External Affairs, University of Washington"*
"The RapidRide J Line is a crucial connection for people who bike in Seattle. In 2019, about 1,700 people crossed the University Bridge by bike daily, making it the second-busiest bike route in the city. By improving Eastlake Ave, we’re not just enhancing safety for people who bike, but we’re also supporting a vision of Seattle where bussing and biking work together to move people more efficiently, safely, and sustainably." –*" Lee Lambert, Executive Director, Cascade Bicycle Club"*
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