🗳️ 60% of Seattleites have not voted – let’s change that
- [注册人]City of Seattle
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Seattle, WA
- 注册日期 : 2024/10/31
- 发布日 : 2024/10/31
- 更改日期 : 2024/10/31
- 总浏览次数 : 33 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 东海道广重美术馆是日本第一个以江户时代浮世绘艺术家・桃川广重(1797-1858...
东海道广重美术馆于1994年在由井本镇公园开馆,该公园是东海道的一个驿站城市由井宿的主营地,是日本第一个以江户时代浮世绘艺术家・宇多川广重(1797-1858)命名的博物馆。 这套画集包括广重的代表性东海道系列,《东海道五条杉之内》(《东海道宝绘版》),《东海道五条杉之内》(《东海道斜面》),《东海道五条杉之内》(《行藏东海道》),以及他后期创作的《江户百景》。该藏品包括大约1400幅风景版画杰作...
- 它是一个非营利性组织,将全美讲日语的医疗保健专业人员和患者联系在一起,并为日本社...
FLAT ・ FLAT 是一个非营利性组织,总部设在纽约市,业务遍及全美,为讲日语的医疗保健专业人员和患者牵线搭桥,并为日本社区提供支持。 随着越来越多的日本人及其照顾者在美国面临复杂的医疗保健和保险问题,也随着越来越多的老年人随着年龄的增长而变得孤立无援,我们为他们提供所需的信息和支持。 我们还积极开展在线活动,让居住在纽约以外的人们也能轻松加入我们。 我们致力于通过健康计划满足您的需求...
+1 (772) 349-9459FLAT ・ふらっと
- 我们为您提供一站式服务,满足您的所有房地产需求。 我们是拥有 30 多年经验的资...
出生于日本神奈川县叶山,10 岁时随家人移居美国,帮助治疗脊髓受伤的弟弟。此后,曾在南加州、北加州和夏威夷・茂宜岛居住多年,目前在拉斯维加斯地区和加利福尼亚州从事房地产中介工作。凭借丰富的经验,她致力于满足各种生活方式和需求,帮助每位客户找到适合他们的房产。如果您有任何问题,从买房・到卖房,从寻找投资房产到寻找适合您生活方式的房子,请随时联系我们。我们珍视与您的相遇,并将全心全意为您提供支持。
+1 (310) 702-3787Worldwide Realty / Yuko Watanabe
- < 普通牙科/儿童牙科/预防牙科/神经治疗/美容治疗 > 我在李堡已有25年以上...
将您的牙科问题交给我们解决 ! 我们在李堡拥有超过 25 年的经验,可以帮助您永远保持牙齿健康 ✨ 医生用日语为您检查,因此如果您在用英语交流症状时遇到困难,请不要担心 🦷 我们可以代办保险手续。我们还可以代办保险手续。请随时用日语向我们咨询。
+1 (201) 947-3777レモイン歯科
- 为全美国提供服务的会计师事务所。我们为公司和个人提供报税 ™、美国公司成立等方面...
为全美国提供服务的会计师事务所。我们为企业和个人提供支持,包括纳税申报和在美国设立公司。即使在远离迈阿密总公司的地区,我们也能通过电子邮件等方式用日语迅速做出回应。 ! 请随时与我们联系。
+1 (877) 827-1040Todd's Accounting Services / Mayumi Ozaki (尾崎会計事務所)
- 我们将您的安全放在第一位,我们的大多数旅游团都配有司机和导游,每次都会带您游览。
旧金山以山和雾而闻名于世,是世界著名的旅游城市,拥有鲁登盖特大桥、海湾大桥、鱼人码头-和恶魔岛等丰富的景点。 尤其是特雷-贾-岛的夜景,是世界三大最美夜景之一,总是吸引着世界各地的人们前来观赏。 穿过海湾大桥,向北行驶约 1 小时 40 分钟,就到了葡萄酒小镇纳帕谷 -。往南约两小时可到达蒙特雷(Monterey)和卡梅尔(Carmel)镇,这两个镇都提供自费游览项目-供您选择。
+1 (415) 722-0428Meow Group / San Francisco Optional Tour Specialist
- 20 世纪 80 年代初,由于日本和圣安东尼奥市之间的相互兴趣迅速增长,圣安东尼...
20 世纪 80 年代初,由于日本与圣安东尼奥市之间的共同利益迅速增长,圣安东尼奥日美协会(JASSA)应运而生。 该组织认识到市民和商界领袖之间合作的益处,开始接纳该地区的日本企业。
- Weee!最新促销(1月17日至22日)💎💎💎本周你可以买到超熟面包、龟甲万酱油...
Weee!最新促销(1月17日至22日)💎💎💎本周你可以买到超熟面包、龟甲万酱油、Kinotsubu纳豆、扇贝、虹鳟鱼、金福鳕鱼子、猪里脊肉和无醇啤酒 ❗️大部分地区最快次日送达🚚🚚在假期前准备好你的食材。为什么不??
+1 (510) 358-8960Weee!
- Eight Turn Crepes 采用新鲜食材制作美味的无麸质日式可丽饼。我们...
100% 无筋可丽饼 八转可丽饼的最大特色是使用无筋米粉 ! 我们使用无筋米粉制作面团,让更多的顾客享受到美味。 早餐 ・ 午餐 ・ 晚餐 ・ 甜点我们提供各种甜点和咸点,可作为任何一餐享用。
+1 (929) 358-7988Eight Turn Crepe
- 对于您的中西部搬迁、快递和物流需求,仓科大和芝加哥分部是您的一站式服务。 (日语...
+1 (630) 521-9290米国 ヤマト運輸 シカゴ支店
- 钢琴 ! 租赁 ・ 二手销售 ・ 维修、调音 ・ 运输 ・ 购买 ・ 甚至课程。...
雅马哈 ・ 川井 ・ 施坦威及其他 … 批发价格。 所有美国 ・ 我们在日本国内提供服务,如果您要搬到其他州,请与我们联系。请随时致电我们。
+1 (714) 962-2508Hiro Piano Service, Inc.
- 它是一个非营利性组织,将全美讲日语的医疗保健专业人员和患者联系在一起,并为日本社...
FLAT ・ FLAT是一个非营利性组织,总部设在纽约,业务遍及全美,为讲日语的医疗保健专业人员和患者牵线搭桥,并为日本社区提供支持。 随着越来越多的日本人及其照顾者在美国面临复杂的医疗保健和保险问题,随着越来越多的老年人随着年龄的增长而变得孤立无援,我们为他们提供所需的信息和支持。 我们还在网上积极开展活动,并向居住在纽约以外的人开放。 我们致力于通过与健康相关的计划满足您的需求,诚邀...
+1 (772) 349-9459FLAT ・ふらっと
- 凭借 20 年的业务经验和优质的客户服务,日本旅行者、商务人士、娱乐界人士、专业...
如果您想在美国洛杉矶租车,Sakura Rent a Car是您的理想选择。我们的办事处位于洛杉矶国际机场()(洛杉矶的门户)、市中心(小东京)和南湾(加迪纳)(洛杉矶最大的日本人居住区),交通十分便利。从预订到办理手续,一切都用日语进行,您可以放心。
+1 (310) 645-9696SAKURA RENT A CAR
- Fusuma ・ Tatami ・ Amido ・ 有关和室空间的咨询和维护,请...
如果您想在木更津地区重新装饰或维护和室,我们将是您的最佳选择。 在木更津地区,我们为您提供重新装潢的工艺。 我们为考虑更换家中和室空间的榻榻米・推拉门・屏风门・的客户提供可靠、成熟的工艺。 我们可以帮助您营造舒适的生活空间,同时提出适合您房间形象的设计和纹理建议。 我们很乐意帮助您解决房间里的任何问题,比如孩子的恶作剧、宠物的污渍或污点。 我们在倾听您的预算和房间形象的同时,提出满足每...
+81-80-7018-4970金沢屋 木更津店
- 纽约日裔美国人协会是一个被美国政府、州和市认可的非营利组织(NPO)。在 "百年...
我们组织各种活动,让各个年龄段的人都能参与其中。请加入我们 ! 我们还提供免费咨询服务等,包括健康 ・ 生活方式咨询室、移民法法律咨询室和遗嘱法律咨询室。 健康 ・ 生活方式咨询室 有关移民法的法律咨询 有关遗嘱的法律咨询 一般法律咨询室 ™ (遗嘱和移民 ™ 除外) 税务咨询室 苹果儿童 女商人 奖学金计划 艺术展览 学会使用 图书馆&档案馆
+1 (212) 840-6942ニューヨーク日系人会
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Dog eat your ballot? ?? Here's how to fetch a new one...& other resources [ ]
A voter returns a ballot in a ballot box [ ]
As of Thursday, King County Elections [ ] has received only 40% of the 1.4 million ballots [ ] sent to voters. If your ballot is collecting dust, we're here to help. First things first: remember, the last day to vote in the General Election is *Tuesday, Nov. 5, by 8 p.m.* ??
❓Misplace your ballot? Not registered to vote? No problem! Head to one of seven King County Elections' vote centers [ ]. It's too late to register online, but you can register in-person at one of these vote centers through election day.
❓ What do you need to register to vote? To register to vote [ ], head to an in-person voting center. You will be asked the last four digits of your social security number. If you can't provide those digits, show a government issued ID or passport, and then sign a voter registration verifying you are a Washington resident. That's it!
✔️ If you've completed your ballot, you can return it to a safe and secure King County ballot drop box. There are more than 75 scattered across the county and they're accessible 24/7. Find the closest drop box near you [ ]! You can also mail your ballot — no postage necessary — just be sure to have it postmarked no later than Tuesday, Nov. 5!
✔️ If you've voted, and want to track your ballot, go here [ ].
?? If you're looking for information on who or what is on your ballot, lean into our resource-rich Video Voters' Guide and City Inside/Out debates below ??.
Presidential election on your mind? Don’t forget about local issues on your ballot. Use our Video Voters' Guide! [ ]
Video Voters' Guide 2024 [ ]
You might be focused on the presidential election, but what about local races on your ballot? Our Video Voters’ Guide is here to help [ ], featuring statements from candidates running for Seattle City Council Position 8 and King County Superior Court Judge Position 41.
I-2109, the excise tax on capital gains, heads to voters [ ]
Capitol building in Olympia [ ]
Will Washington keep or cut the new capital gains tax on its wealthiest? Voters will decide if this revenue stays or goes [ ]!
Fate of state's long-term care rests in the hands of voters [ ]
Washington WA Cares act panel [ ]
Five years ago, Washington made history with WA Cares, the first state program designed to help residents pay for long-term care. This Nov. 5, voters will decide on Initiative I-2124, which will determine if Washingtonians can opt-out of the program. City Inside/Out hosted a panel of guests on both sides of the initiative [ ].
Can Washington’s climate policy survive? Initiative 2117 puts emission cap to a vote [ ]
Seattle skyline with wildfire smoke [ ]
Voters will decide on Initiative 2117, which could reshape Washington’s climate policy by repealing the Climate Commitment Act. Watch a heated debate for and against the initiative [ ] on an all new Seattle University Conversations.
?? Natural gas phase-out at stake with Initiative 2066 [ ]
Natural gas stove [ ]
A similar climate-related debate over access to natural gas and propane is also on the November ballot. City Inside/Out hosted a spirited debate on Initiative 2066 [ ], a measure seeking to roll back the state's new climate-oriented law (HB1589) that would phase out natural gas in homes and businesses.
State of play on state races [ ]
City Inside/Out host Brian Callanan with state party chairs [ ]
There are two more initiatives on your Washington ballot. Plus, the electorate will determine who should get the nod on state leadership posts and if Democrats will remain in power in Olympia. State party leaders discuss the Trump factor in local politics [ ] on City Inside/Out.
Political pundits have their eyes on critical state lands leadership position [ ]
Herrera Beutler & Upthegrove with Brian Callanan [ ]
After a primary recount decided by just 49 votes, the statewide race for Commissioner of Public Lands is now down to former Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler, a Republican, and King County Council Chair Dave Upthegrove, a Democrat. The two recently shared their vision for this critical role [ ] that oversees wildfire preparedness, forest management, and millions of acres of public land.
The race for Superintendent of Public Instruction [ ]
Students in a classroom [ ]
The office of the Washington Superintendent of Public Instruction is a nonpartisan, statewide-elected position. However, some, including both current candidates for governor, believe it should be an appointed cabinet-level role under the governor. Meet the candidates vying to lead K-12 education [ ] for 1.1 million public school students in the state.
Seattle voters face big decision on $1.55 billion transportation levy [ ]
A street under construction with the Space Needle in the background [ ]
Here in Seattle, voters will soon decide on a $1.55 billion transportation levy. Critics call it a costly 'boondoggle,' while supporters argue it's crucial for road and infrastructure repairs and for giving residents more transportation options. City Inside/Out has you looking both ways of the debate [ ].
Rinck & Woo compete for your vote for Seattle's Citywide Position 8 seat [ ]
Tanya Woo and Alexis Mercedes Rinck with Brian Callanan [ ]
Tanya Woo is running to retain her seat on the Seattle City Council after being appointed to fill the position in January. Newcomer Alexis Mercedes Rinck mounted a formidable challenge and took more than half the vote in the August primary. Both candidates recently faced off [ ] in their bid to win the citywide position 8 seat for its remaining 13-month term.
Gen Z voter shares excitement—and pressure—of voting for first time [ ]
First-time voter Oscar Perez [ ]
Did you know Gen Z makes up 25% of the U.S. population? As election day nears, this young voting block is ready to bring change. ??️ Hear from one of its members, 19-year-old Oscar Perez, who shares his excitement (and nerves) about voting in his first presidential election [ ].
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