Important Updates from The View Teen Center
- [登録者]City of Mountain View
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Mountain View, CA
- 登録日 : 2025/01/02
- 掲載日 : 2025/01/02
- 変更日 : 2025/01/02
- 総閲覧数 : 18 人
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Hey Teen Center Members and Parents!
As we embark on a new year, we're excited to share some important updates about The View Teen Center. We're committed to providing a safe, fun, and enriching environment for all our members, and these updates are a step in that direction.
Handbook [ https://www.mountainview.gov/home/showdocument?id=10120 ]
We've updated our Teen Center Handbook to reflect new policies and procedures. Please take a moment to review it, as it contains valuable information about our expectations, rules, and guidelines.
You can find a digital copy on our website or a physical copy at the center.
*View the Handbook.* [ https://www.mountainview.gov/home/showdocument?id=10120 ]
*To foster a positive and respectful environment, we've implemented a new behavior policy using a color-coded card system (just like soccer!).*
Those who visited in December may have seen this softly rolled out. This system helps us recognize and reward positive behavior while addressing negative behavior in a constructive manner.
*Green Card:*
*Reward for positive behavior or exceptional contribution.*
"Examples: Helping Others, Active Participation, Sharing Successes, etc. "
3 Accumulated Green Cards: $1 Viewbuck
*Yellow Card:*
*A warning for a minor rule violation.*
"Examples: Disruptive Behavior, Inappropriate Language, Not Following Staff Instructions, etc. "
3 Yellow Cards within a Week: Temporary suspension from the center and parent notification.
*Red Card:*
*A more serious violation, resulting in immediate removal from the center and parent notification.*
"Examples: Bullying or Harassment, Vandalism, Theft, etc."
Multiple Red Cards: Possible permanent ban from the center
*A total of three no shows without a 24-hour notice may affect your teen's eligibility for future program participation.*
The View Teen Center offers free programs and events with limited availability. These opportunities are highly valued by our teen community.
*Please provide a 24-hour notice to TheViewTeenCenter@mountainview.gov or Lauren.Eck@mountainview.gov if your teen cannot attend a program.*
Last-minute cancellations and no-shows impact our program budget and prevent other teens from participating. Thank you for your cooperation in helping us provide the best possible experience for everyone.
Program Feedback
In a continued effort to improve our programs, our Teen Ambassadors have created a feedback form that you will be receiving via email after each program you attend.
*When you receive the post-program email, please help us by taking the time to provide your thoughts and suggestions. Your input is invaluable in helping us create the best possible experiences for all!*
If you have ideas for new programs or improvements to the center, you may also suggest these on this form.
ViewBucks Store
We're excited to announce that our ViewBucks Store will be open on the *first Friday of every month during drop-in hours*.
You can use your hard-earned ViewBucks to purchase a variety of items, including snacks, keychains, plushies, and more. Or spend
your ViewBucks at the snack bar anytime during
drop-in hours.
*Show this email to a staff member at The View Teen Center and receive a FREE ViewBuck!*
We're always updating the Teen Webpage to include event highlights, new volunteer and job opportunities, resources, and more. Click on the buttons below to check out our various webpages!
*View Volunteer Opportunities.* [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/recreation/youth-teens/teen-programs/teen-summer-volunteer-opportunities/-fsiteid-1#!/ ]
*Check out Health and Wellness Resources.* [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/recreation/youth-teens/the-view-teen-center/teen-health-and-wellness ]
*Explore Teen Job Opportunities.* [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/recreation/youth-teens/the-view-teen-center/teen-career-center ]
Questions? Suggestions? Concerns? Email us! TheViewTeenCenter@mountainview.gov <theviewteencenter@mountainview.gov>
Facebook [ https://www.facebook.com/MountainViewGov ] Twitter [ https://twitter.com/MountainViewGov ] Instagram [ https://www.instagram.com/mountainviewgov/ ] Linkedin [ https://www.linkedin.com/company/city-of-mountain-view ] Youtube [ https://www.youtube.com/c/MountainViewGov ]
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