News Release - Advance voting this weekend: Ward 15, Don Valley West By-election
- [登録者]City of Toronto
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Toronto, Canada
- 登録日 : 2024/10/24
- 掲載日 : 2024/10/24
- 変更日 : 2024/10/24
- 総閲覧数 : 86 人
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News Release
October 24, 2024
Advance voting this weekend: Ward 15, Don Valley West By-election
Advance voting in the by-election for the office of Councillor, Ward 15, Don Valley West will be available on Saturday, October 26 and Sunday, October 27, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., at the following voting locations:
• Bob Rumball Centre, 2395 Bayview Ave.
• Jenner Jean-Marie Community Centre, 48 Thorncliffe Park Dr.
Eligible voters who wish to cast their ballot during advance voting can do so at either of these two voting locations.
Election day
Election day is Monday, November 4. On election day, 49 voting places will be open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eligible voters choosing to vote on election day must do so at their assigned voting place. Voting place details are available at
To be eligible to vote in the Ward 15, Don Valley West By-election, a person must be:
• a Canadian citizen; and
• at least 18 years old; and
• a resident in Ward 15, Don Valley West; or
• a non-resident of the city of Toronto, but they or their spouse own or rent property in Ward 15, Don Valley West; and
• not prohibited from voting under any law.
Eligible voters may only vote once in this by-election, regardless of how many properties they own or rent within Ward 15, Don Valley West.
What to take to the voting place
To receive a ballot at a voting place, a voter needs to present identification that shows their name and qualifying Ward 15, Don Valley West address.
Voters are encouraged to bring their Voter Information Card (VIC) with them to the voting place. Paper VICs were mailed to electors who were on the voters’ list before Thursday, October 10. To view, print or download a digital copy of a VIC to a mobile device, visit
About VICs
• A VIC provides information about when and where to vote during advance voting or election day.
• Only electors who were on the voters’ list by the Thursday, October 10 deadline were mailed a VIC and have access to their VIC on
• Eligible voters with acceptable identification who are not on the voters’ list can be added to the voters’ list at the voting place during advance voting or on election day.
• Eligible voters do not need a VIC to vote and a VIC is not an acceptable form of identification for voting purposes.
• For more information about VICs and examples of acceptable identification, visit the Toronto Elections webpage:
Mail-In Voting
Completed Mail-in Voting packages must be received by Toronto Elections by noon on Monday, October 28. Completed packages can be mailed to Toronto Elections through Canada Post or hand delivered to a secure Mail-in Voting drop box. Two yellow drop boxes are available in Ward 15, Don Valley West, until noon on Monday, October 28, at the following locations:
• Bob Rumball Centre, 2395 Bayview Ave.
o Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
o Saturday to Sunday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
• Jenner Jean-Marie Community Centre, 48 Thorncliffe Park Dr.
o Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
o Saturday to Sunday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
An eligible voter who applied to vote by mail and who received but has not returned their Mail-In Voting package may vote in person during advance voting or on election day.
More information is available on the Mail-In Voting webpage:
Accessibility during advance voting
Information about entry points, ramps, automatic door openers and availability of Voter Assist Terminals (VATs) is available at or
The VAT is a device that allows voters with disabilities to mark their ballot privately and independently. The VAT has a touch screen, an audio function, a braille keypad, a sip/puff tube device, a rocker paddle/foot switch and zoom features to adjust font sizes and colour contrast.
VATs will be available at both advance voting locations. If a voter requires the use of a VAT on election day and one is not located at their assigned voting place, they can request to have their ballot transferred by calling 311 or the TTY line 711.
Proxy applications
Eligible voters who are unable to vote during advance voting or on election day may appoint another eligible voter to vote on their behalf. A voting proxy must be eligible to vote in a Toronto municipal election and is someone the voter trusts to vote according to their wishes.
To receive a Voting Proxy Appointment Form, email Toronto Elections at or visit the Toronto Elections office at City Hall or the Registry Services office at the North York Civic Centre during regular business hours from Monday to Friday.
A Voting Proxy Appointment Form must be signed by both the eligible voter and proxy. Completed proxy forms must be certified by the City Clerk before 4:30 p.m. on Monday, November 4.
Directions for media on election night
For media outlet technical and/or production staff who plan to download and access unofficial election results, information can be found on the Toronto Elections Results webpage:
The City’s Media Attendance at a Voting Place policy will be in effect during advance voting and election day. The policy is available on the City’s website:
More information about the Ward 15, Don Valley West By-election is available on the Toronto Elections webpage:
Eligible voters are reminded to visit before they go to vote to ensure their voting place has not changed.
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