Health and Environmental Investigator III
- [登録者]King County
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]King County, WA
- 登録日 : 2024/09/24
- 掲載日 : 2024/09/24
- 変更日 : 2024/09/24
- 総閲覧数 : 46 人
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The Environmental Health Services Division, Food & Facilities Section is seeking _*two*_* skilled, enthusiastic, and dedicated individuals to fill the position of Field Operations Team Lead (also known as Health & Environmental Investigator III or HEI III). *The HEI III position is a key member of the Food & Facilities Section leadership team and work collaboratively with businesses, trade associations, agencies, staff and the public. Examples of responsibilities may include, but are not limited to: Staying up to date on emerging food processes and enterprises; training field investigators and new hires; supporting field staff in conducting inspections of challenging food and water recreational facilities; implementing the program's ongoing quality assurance and quality control needs; coordinating investigations for foodborne illness outbreaks and injuries/drowning accidents at water recreational facilities; coordinating inspections of temporary and farmer's market events; and developing and interpreting public health and environmental health codes, regulations and policies.
*The Food & Facilities Section *contributes to healthy, diverse communities by permitting, educating and inspecting over 1,800 water recreation facilities, 12,500 permanent food businesses, 45 farmers markets, 3,000 temporary food businesses, and issues over 50,000 food worker cards annually. The Food & Facilities Section strives to provide equitable service and applies an educational approach toward regulatory compliance.
The successful candidates will have a passion for environmental public health and creating heathier lives for all people in King County, enjoy developing people and teams, possess strong analytical and problem-solving skills and be effective collaborating with community partners, agency partners, and colleagues. The successful applicant will work with a collaborative team of colleagues across the Food & Facilities Section, including supervisors, plan reviewers, field investigators, and an educator specialist. The successful applicants will work with a team of supervisors and other team leads in the section and will directly lead a field operations team of 8-11 people.
*About the Environmental Health Services Division:*
Through the work of 165+ dedicated employees, EHS' mission is to identify and sustain environmental conditions that promote healthy people and healthy communities. Our vision is healthy, safe, and vibrant communities that are free of health disparities based on race, gender, or economic status. The Division’s core values include equity and social justice, integrity, community service, collaboration, a supportive work culture, and learning from each other and the communities we serve. We strive for fair and culturally competent service delivery, innovative, effective, and efficient application of resources, building a culture of performance and expanding opportunities to seek input, listen and respond to industry and residents.
To learn more, please visit https://www.kingcounty.gov/ehs.
*Commitment To Equity and Social Justice*
Named after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., one of the most influential civil rights leaders in our nation's history, King County is a vibrant international community with residents that represent countries from around the world. It is a region with increasing diversity that cherishes the traditions of many cultures.
The county government has a deep commitment to equity and social justice and advancing practices, strategies, and policies that promote fairness, justice, and opportunity for all – in our workplaces and our communities. With this commitment, King County has adopted a pro-equity agenda to advance regional change and ensure that residents from all communities are incorporated into our emergency planning and public outreach efforts.
We recognize that structural racism consists of principles and practices that cause and justify an inequitable distribution of rights, opportunities, and experiences across racial groups. Since declaring Racism is a Public Health Crisis in June 2020, King County and Public Health committed to being intentionally anti-racist and accountable to Black, Indigenous and People of Color communities.
To learn more, please visit http://www.kingcounty.gov/elected/executive/equity-social-justice.aspx
*Work Schedule *These full-time, 1.0 FTE positions are subject to the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act and is eligible for overtime. The regular workweek is 40 hours, Monday to Friday. Occasional evening, weekends, on-call work, and some travel are required.
*Work Location *
The work associated with this position will be performed predominately through a hybrid work schedule of onsite and remote work. *E**mployees will have access to shared workspaces at Public Health worksites throughout the County (Downtown Seattle, Chinook Building, 401 5th Ave., Suite 1100, Seattle; Eastgate Public Health Center, 14350 SE Eastgate Way, Bellevue; North Creek office, Bothell; Kent Public Health Center, 25742 104th Ave SE) and may also utilize home deployment. *There will be situations where the employee is required to report to a County worksite. The Environmental Health Division reserves the right to place staff at worksite locations or transfer staff to new worksite locations that best support the efficient delivery of services.
Some of the work associated with this position will be performed through teleworking, and will report to office location and to meetings as needed. Travel to other work locations may be necessary. Employees will have access to shared workspaces at various King County facilities. Employees must reside in Washington state and within a reasonable distance to their King County worksite to respond to workplace reporting requirements.
Employees will be provided with a County issued laptop and must maintain a workspace with an internet connection where they can reliably perform work and remain available and responsive during scheduled work hours. To support employees during this time King County has a robust collection of tools and resources to support working remotely. The individual selected for this opportunity will be joining an innovative and progressive team. body { font-size: 1em; font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #333333; }
[ https://www.kingcounty.gov/ ]
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