Blog: $80 Million secured for RapidRide I Line Expansion Project in Auburn, South King County
- [登録者]City of Auburn
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Auburn, WA, US
- 登録日 : 2025/01/15
- 掲載日 : 2025/01/15
- 変更日 : 2025/01/15
- 総閲覧数 : 25 人
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City of Auburn Blog
"Jan. 15, 2025"
$80 Million secured for RapidRide I Line Expansion Project in Auburn, South King County
A King County Metro RapidRide bus
"(Shared via a Senator Murray press release)"
Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Vice Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and U.S. Representative Adam Smith (D, WA-09) announced nearly $80 million in federal funding for King County Metro’s RapidRide I Line [ https://www.rapidrideiline.com/?lng=en ] expansion project, which will upgrade Metro Route 160 and connect residents of Renton, Kent, and Auburn to communities throughout the region.
The RapidRide I Line [ https://www.rapidrideiline.com/?lng=en ] expansion will mean more frequent buses, better connections, and an easy-to-use service for riders in South King County. The project includes sidewalk improvements, crossing and signal improvements, and easy-to-board buses to make RapidRide I Line more efficient — with buses that come every 10 minutes at peak, and most stations will provide real-time arrival information and lighting, as well as a dry place to wait for the bus. The I Line expansion is estimated to connect 14,000 residents to the places they want to live, work, shop, and play every day — approximately 6,000 more daily riders than the routes the I Line will be upgrading served before the pandemic. The project is the result of extensive community engagement throughout Renton, Kent, and Auburn. More information on the RapidRide I Line expansion project is HERE. [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9b6Fok3GAF4 ]
“I’m thrilled to announce nearly $80 million in federal funding for the RapidRide I Line expansion project — this is going to make a big difference for people across South King County, delivering more reliable public transit to help people get where they need to go,” said Senator Murray. “As South King County continues to grow, the need for better and more efficient public transit grows too — that’s why I work hard every year to secure as much funding as I can for programs like Capital Investment Grants, which is making the I Line expansion project a reality. I look forward to watching these funds be put to work so that folks in Renton, Kent, and Auburn have more options to get around — and as the top Democrat on the Senate Appropriations Committee, I’ll keep fighting for more investments in public transit, which folks across Washington state continue to make clear is a top priority.”
“This grant represents a remarkable investment in King County Metro and public transportation as a whole in South King County,” said Auburn Mayor Nancy Backus. “As our region continues to grow, access to public transportation, especially frequent transit like the RapidRide system, continues to be an important cornerstone for our city, and King County’s expansion of services illustrates a promise to our riders, both current and future.”
*Read More* [ https://auburnwa.medium.com/senator-murray-rep-83986c373540 ]
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