The Kenmore Top 4: May 31, 2024
- [登録者]City of Kenmore
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Kenmore, WA, US
- 登録日 : 2024/05/31
- 掲載日 : 2024/05/31
- 変更日 : 2024/05/31
- 総閲覧数 : 128 人
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ごま油香る江戸前の天ぷらを中心に、寿司 鰻 ふぐ料理 和牛 コース料理 各種定食 一品料理も豊富にございます。ご宴会、ご会合、ご接待、慶事、弔事等 ご予算に応じておつくりいたします。和の落ち着いた個室で、ゆっくりとお食事、お酒をお楽しみ下さい。 テーブル席、座敷がお選び頂けます。
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お家を買う時には まずは ローン会社にご相談ください。ほとんどの方が、家を買う時にまずは不動産屋に連絡をすると思います。すると、「Pre-approval Letter はありますか」と聞かれると思います。アメリカでは、不動産を購入する際、売り手にオファーを入れる時(買い手が売り手に希望購入価格やその他の条件を提案する)にこの Pre-approval Letter という書類を付けて出します。こ...
+1 (206) 679-3371Groves Capital, Inc. (Mitsuko Miller)
Top 4 Banner
In an effort to bring you the most up-to-date news, here is a short format newsletter highlighting the City of Kenmore’s top four news items of the week.
*"Read the Top Four and enjoy your weekend in Kenmore!"*
1 [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/Home/Components/News/News/377/301 ]
*Hot Topics Update: We’ve Rounded A Corner
"Are You Still On Board?"
*A few weeks ago, City Manager Rob Karlinsey sent out a “Hot Topics Coming Your Way” article and asked you to “hop in and buckle up.” Under the direction of the City Council, things are moving forward, and there is a new, third update [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/Home/Components/News/News/377/301 ] on this list of hot topics:
1. Affordable Housing
2. Imagine Housing/Habitat for Humanity affordable housing proposal on 181st Street
3. Human Services Needs Assessment
4. “The Docket”: State-mandated middle housing regulations, amendments to several elements of the comprehensive plan, cottage housing regulations, more tree protection regulations, and more.
5. Love Where You Live Community Engagement Project
6. Lakepointe
7. Downtown
8. Financial Sustainability Plan
9. 2025-2026 Two-Year Budget
10. Capital Projects
11. Public Works Operations Center
12. Climate Action Plan
13. DEIA Strategic Plan and Five-Year Roadmap
Read the full update. [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/Home/Components/News/News/377/301 ]
2 [ https://delbene.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=3857 ]
*Congresswoman DelBene Delivers $1.3 Million Check to Kenmore*
On Tuesday, Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) visited City Hall to present the City of Kenmore with a $1.3 million ceremonial check to support fish migration and habitat restoration efforts. DelBene secured the investment [ https://delbene.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=3786 ]in the FY24 federal funding package. The Swamp Creek Tributary Culvert Replacement Project will replace a culvert that is currently blocking the passage of migrating salmon and other fish. By opening this culvert, the project will create a continuous passage route for fish to the mouth of the Sammamish River. Read the full press release. [ https://delbene.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=3857 ]
3 [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/our-city/arts-culture/oktoberfest-logo ]
*Design the Logo for Kenmore's Oktoberfest Event
*"Calling Kenmore artists and designers! "Here’s your chance design the logo for Kenmore’s first-ever Oktoberfest event coming this September. We are hosting a logo contest to curate a unique and community-oriented logo that celebrates Kenmore and brings excitement to this new event. Design submissions are open to all ages and abilities - be creative and have fun! Logo designs must be submitted by June 14 at kenmorewa.gov/oktoberfest [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/our-city/arts-culture/oktoberfest-logo ].
4 [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/our-city/special-events ]
*Summer Special Events Kick Off in Kenmore
*This week kicks off the summer season of special events and community gatherings in Kenmore! Join us for a summer full of celebration and fun.
* The Pride Flag Raising Ceremony [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/government/departments/human-resources/diversity-equity-and-inclusion ] is Saturday, June 1 at 9 a.m.
* The Kenmore Farmers Market [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/our-city/kenmore-farmers-market ] begins this Wednesday, June 5, and runs every week through August from 3 p.m. to 7p.m. next to Town Square.
* The second annual Juneteenth Celebration [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/our-city/special-events/juneteeth-celebration ] is Wednesday, June 19 from 3 p.m. – 7 p.m. in the Kenmore Town Square, in conjunction with the Farmers Market.
* 4th of July [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/our-city/special-events/4th-of-july ], Summer Concerts [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/our-city/special-events/summer-concert-series ], and Movies @ the Square [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/our-city/special-events/movies-town-square ] are around the corner! See the full event schedule here [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/our-city/special-events ].
*More Kenmore News* [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/our-city/city-news ]
"*What's next on the agenda?*"
* The next Coffee with Council [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/2041/102?curm=6&cury=2024 ] is on Monday, June 3 at 7:30 a.m.
* The next City Council meeting [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/2356/102?curm=6&cury=2024 ] is on Monday, June 10 at 7 p.m.
"To speak virtually at a City Council meeting, you are required to sign up ahead of time using the online form [ http://www.kenmorewa.gov/government/city-council/virtual-public-comment ]."
* Find more meetings and events on the City's calendar [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/our-city/calendar ].
*"Want to share the news?"
*Please forward this to a friend! New followers can sign up to receive news updates here [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/i-want-to/stay-informed ]. We welcome your feedback on this news format - tell us what you think <communications@kenmorewa.gov>.
"Si gusta communicarse con la ciudad de Kenmore o revisar un documento en otro idioma, ""envíe" su solicitud con su información de "contacto" "a ""cityhall@kenmorewa.gov" <cityhall@kenmorewa.gov>" o llame al 425-398-8900."
Kenmore City Logo STAY CONNECTED:
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