Mayor Ralph's Weekly Update
- [注册人]City of Kent
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Kent, WA
- 注册日期 : 2024/08/09
- 发布日 : 2024/08/09
- 更改日期 : 2024/08/09
- 总浏览次数 : 74 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 和歌山城是和歌山市的象征,矗立在Torafusu山(Torafusuyama)。...
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- 木更津站东口 ・ 步行 5 分钟 / 直接从公共鱼市场 ! 鲜鱼经销商经营的新鲜...
二津海鳗・白密尔鱼。胜浦鲣鱼 ・ 马鲛鱼。鸭川鲷鱼铫子的金线鱼蛤蜊 ・ 笨蛤蜊 ・ ・ ・ 来自木更津半津滩涂的蛤蜊。以当地海鲜为主的时令怀石料理。Boshu ・ 品尝对江户木更津的鱼类了如指掌的 "四季味宴拓 "提供的新鲜海鲜料理。当然是下关虎河豚。Shiki Aji Banquet Taku 的厨师们对宝珠红眼・等河豚的美味了如指掌。河豚生鱼片 ・ Nabe ・ Karaage ・ 河豚柳清酒...
- 机场接送和参观 ・ 我们提供租车和小巴接送服务,包括观光旅游。我们的总部设在洛杉...
有多种车型可供选择,包括轿车、流行的 SUV、Sprinter 面包车和团体用小型客车。您可以根据用车人数和用途选择最合适的车型。
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- 购车店] 如果您想卖车,请去布勃卡!
现在是利用日元疲软的好时机 ! 日本汇款兑换手续费 & 零汇款手续费活动 ! 节省10万日元以上 ! 兑换手续费 & 零汇款手续费活动 !
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- 山寿司市场圣盖博分店庆祝开业 40 周年 ! 在洛杉矶,山寿司市场一直是深受欢迎...
圣盖博市的 Yama Seafood 是一家非常受欢迎的鲜鱼餐厅,今年已更名为 Yama Sushi Marketplace,并迎来了 40 周年庆。它每天供应新鲜的生鱼片和寿司。还可以订购派对托盘 ! 除寿司外,餐厅还供应裙带菜沙拉、墨鱼沙拉、泡菜等各种预制食品,以及冰淇淋和卷饼、点心、饼干等甜点和果汁、茶、咖啡等饮用水 ( 罐装
瓶装 ) 和稀有啤酒和酒类 ! 可爱... +1 (310) 954-0805Yama Sushi Marketplace
- 40 多年的经验和业绩。将您的法律问题交给我们律师事务所,我们将为您提供值得信赖...
40 多年的经验和业绩。将您的法律问题交给我们律师事务所,我们将为您提供值得信赖的可靠建议。如需法律咨询,请联系日语律师 Lika ・ Bourne。
+1 (310) 498-4465Bradford L. Treusch, Law Offices
- Nakata Market 是拉斯维加斯商品最齐全的日本市场。由于您的支持,我们...
在日本中田市场,我们提供各种对您和您的健康有益的有机和无味精产品。 我们的产品种类繁多,如豆腐、味噌、日本人饮食中不可或缺的什锦烧,以及鲜为人知的糙米糕。请在本店选择适合您的体质和身体状况的食品。
+1 (702) 665-4610中田マーケット
- 学校周六在新泽西州帕拉默斯(帕拉默斯)上课。学校为居住在纽约和新泽西郊区的日本和...
目标 : 培养孩子们开拓未来社会的素质和能力 政策 : 星期六的日语教育--用日语学习和思考 目标明确的教师 : 关注和培养每个孩子的教师 请随时拨打我们的电话 +81(201)585-0555了解更多信息! 本校提供从幼儿班到高中二年级的广泛教育。 我们还开设了国际班,从小学到高中,学生可以不受年龄限制,在一个班级里学习日语和日本文化。学校以 "星期六的日语教育 "为基本前提,致力...
+1 (201) 585-0555ニュージャージー補習授業校
- '物种保护和环境教育'。
- 从日常食品到纪念品・和礼品,种类繁多,甚至还有使用JSHOP独特食材精心制作的盒...
J Shop 每天提供新鲜食材。 作为批发商,您可以在家里享用餐厅级别的优质食材。 如果您想订购日本特产,请随时与我们联系。 我们还拥有大型停车场。 我们每天都用最好的食材和诚意制作午餐。 午餐或晚餐请光临本店。您一定会满意的。 我们不使用冷冻食品。 我们提供各种午餐盒饭,每天更换。 您可以订购来自日本的新鲜海鲜和肉类。 在科罗娜灾难中,您可以在家安全地享用最好的食材。 您还...
+1 (808) 200-5076J-Shop - 生鮮日本食料品専門店
- 美甲&睫毛专卖店的日本员工将认真完成工作。
VIANGE SPA 美甲&睫毛专卖店 日本员工 OPEN 凝胶美甲是日本制造,对指甲安全温和。无论您是在美国找不到自己喜欢的美甲沙龙,还是对当地的美甲沙龙心存疑虑,抑或是想欣赏最新的美甲作品,经验丰富的美甲师都会为您推荐最适合您的美甲方法。 嫁接的睫毛采用最接近天然睫毛的优质貂皮。嫁接的睫毛和胶水均从日本进口,每根睫毛都经过精心嫁接,以打造个性化的眼部设计。嫁接睫毛的粗细、长短、卷翘程度...
+1 (408) 320-4940VIANGE SPA NAIL&EYELASH
- Chibiko-kai为居住在莫斯科的日本裔学前儿童提供了一个用日语与朋友玩耍的...
- Japan Market FUKUYA 是一家类似于日本便利店的超市,提供从便当...
日本市场 FUKUYA,一家像日本便利店一样的超市 提供各种便当和三明治,还有杯面、生活用品甚至胶囊玩具 ◎ 🍱 便当 🍚 饭碗 🍛 碟子 ・ 咖喱 🥪 三明治 🍣 寿司 🍜 面条 以及许多其他便当和配菜。
+1 (702) 202-2129ふくやマーケット
- 在Gardena和Costa Mesa的日本美容院 !Costa Mesa分店在...
我们也有一个Instagram。 搜索umweltability ☆。
+1 (714) 540-1455Ability Hair / CostaMesa
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Mayor's Update
August 9, 2024
*National Night Out 2024 *
Happy Friday, Kent!
National Night Out this week was a huge success! The community showed up with over 63 individual neighborhood events around Kent.
Our officers, staff, and council members enjoyed visiting neighborhoods and connecting with our residents.
This annual event is all about building community by getting to know your neighbors and local law enforcement while enjoying food, games, and fun.
It was a great evening, and I can't wait for next year!
We have only a few concerts left in our Kent Concert Series, so come on out for some live music and fun. Hope you enjoy this week's update and have a great weekend!
Dana Ralph, Kent Mayor
Living well Kent kids
I always love it when we get visitors at city hall, especially when it is our students. Earlier this week, I had the pleasure of spending time with students from Living Well Kent.
The students had fantastic questions and insight into what is important to them. Empowering our future leaders and providing them with knowledge about their community and ways to get involved continues to be a priority for me.
I am so proud of their interest and taking time out of their summer vacation to learn about their city.
Fun afternoon with the students participating on the Kent Auburn Tamba, Japan exchange yesterday! We even had a visit from K9 Officer Atena. This is a two way exchange. Our students travel to Tamba for 10 and then the students from Japan stay here for about 10 days. This is such a great program and is open to middle and high school students from Kent and Auburn!
Japanese youth ambassadors
Meeker Construction
Construction on the Green River Bridge at Meeker St is underway!
The trails under the W. Meeker Street Bridge over the Green River are now closed to pedestrians and biking until September 29.
The bridge repairs, repainting and repaving the roadway deck will last up to 3 months with lane restrictions and an 8-week full road closure.
*We have put information about the project up on [ ]*
Kent City Council
Here's the recap on what the Kent City Council has been working on! It was a busy week with lots of important items to attend to.
*You can also see the full meeting agendas, minutes and livestream recordings on our website. [ ]*
As a reminder, the council has switched back to the Committee of the Whole format, so business that was previously discussed at meetings throughout the week is back to being before our regularly scheduled Workshop and council meetings.
Historical society
Join our friends at the Kent Historical Museum this weekend to explore the many parts of Kent's history. Start the weekend at Kherson Park for a screening of "The Boys in the Boat" under the stars!
On Saturday, visit the museum for performances, activities, food, and more. For the full list of events,
visit * [ ]*.
Recycling Event
recycling event
Each year the city of Kent hosts a number of free recycling collection events that allow residents to dispose of recyclable items not typically accepted at the curb. Instead of going to the landfill as trash, all collected items will be reused or recycled!
*Here's a list of items our team will accept* [ ].
?? Friday, August 16
⌚ 9 a.m. - Noon
?? St. Columba Episcopal Church (26715 Military Rd S, Kent, WA)
goverment jobs fair
If you are looking for a new position this Fall, the Office of Congressman Adam Smith is holding a Government Jobs Fair on August 17.
This non-partisan event aims to connect people with valuable career opportunities within federal, state, and local government entities.
?? Saturday, August 17
⌚ 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
?? Highline College (2400 S 240th St. Des Moines, WA)
Communities in Schools of Kent is gearing up for their Annual School Supply Drive collection event.
Fill the Bus supports all 42 schools in the Kent School District and provides our students with necessary items that they may not have.
?? Thursday, August 22
⏰ 4 - 6 p.m.
?? Kent Station
Please bring your donations to the school bus on Ramsay Way (near Johnny Rockets).
*Find out more information about the event and what is needed here! [ ]*
Fill the bus
Fall Kent 101
Kent 101
Kent 101 is a free eight-week civics course open to residents that teaches how our local government works and operates.
If you’ve ever wondered who does what around Kent, how construction projects get done or how our Parks department operates, this is a great opportunity for you!
This course is designed to educate, inform and build experience for residents, businesses and students.
We want to have informed residents here in Kent and empower you all with knowledge to connect with us and be a part of what goes on in your city.
Classes begin September 19, 2024!
*Registration is open, sign up here! [ ]*
Blood banks across the United States are reporting critical shortages, with donor levels lower now than they were before. Let's help patients in our community by making an appointment at the *pop-up blood drive happening at Kent Station. [ ]*
blood drive
Cajun Fest
Cajun Fest
The Kent Downtown Partnership is holding their 3rd Annual Cajun Fest next month!
This annual extravaganza promises to immerse attendees in the rich traditions of Louisiana with delicious food and drink, live music that'll have you dancing, and a community spirit that'll warm your soul.
?? Saturday, August 17
?? 2 p.m. - 7 p.m.
?? Burlington Green Park
Cruisin' Kent Car Show
car show
The Cruisin' Kent Car Show is back for its 6th year at Kent Station!
We are excited to partner with Kent Station for this fun and free event! Don't forget to pick up your 50/50 ticket where the profits will be donated to the Green River College VET fund. *Here's where you can register your car and get all the information! [ ]
?? Sunday, August 25
⌚ 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
?? Kent Station
*The next session of the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training starts September 26. [ ]*
When widespread disasters strike, city workers can be overwhelmed. This course is designed to give people the skills and confidence to safely help themselves and others when help is delayed.
The eight-week program meets 2 different times on Thursday. 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. or 6 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
This training provides instruction on disaster preparedness, disaster first aid, triage, fire safety, search and rescue, disaster psychology and team organization.
Community Police Academy
community police academy
The Kent Police Department is now accepting applications for the 2024 Fall Community Police Academy. Classes will be on Tuesday evenings, for 10 weeks, starting October 1st.
The Community Police Academy is a series of classes that offer straightforward, candid information regarding daily and specialized operations of the police department, while defining the agency’s role in the community. A wide range of law enforcement topics will be discussed to include an overview of law enforcement, recruiting, traffic enforcement, investigations, narcotics, gangs, community education, use of force, stress and chaplaincy, and K-9.
There is no cost for participating and it's open to any adult 18 years or older that lives, works, or has an interest in the City of Kent and its police department. Space is limited and pre-registration is required.
?? Tuesday, October 1
⌚ 6:30 p.m. - 9 p.m.
?? Kent Police/Fire Training Center (24523 116th Ave. SE)
*Applications are available online and for security reasons all applicants must pass a background check. [ ]*
Got a green thumb or just love celebrating nature? Join our Parks team next weekend for another Green Kent work party as we remove invasive blackberry, ivy, and bindweed at Lake Fenwick Park!
?? Saturday, August 17
⌚ 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
?? Lake Fenwick Park (25828 Lake Fenwick Rd)
*Sign up to volunteer today! [ ]*
green kent work party
Farmers Market
june 15
It's farmers market season!
Living Well Kent and the Kent Lions Club have partnered to bring their Farmers Market downtown! This is a community driven market, increasing access to fresh, healthy, and culturally relevant produce to our community.
?? Every Saturday until September 14
⏰ 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
?? 2nd Ave between Smith and Gowe
The 2024 Fall Recreation Guides will hit your mailboxes this week.
Registration for Fall programs open on Tuesday, August 13 at 8am. Registration for Adaptive Recreation opens Wednesday, August 14 at 8am.
From preschool classes and FREE after school programming, to clubs and outdoor adventures for adults 50+ and everything in between, there is something for everyone in the family!
parks guide
life vests
As you look for places to cool off this weekend, remember there are no lifeguards on duty at Lake Meridian Park.
Swim safe this summer with a free life vest rental from Kent Parks! You can check out a life vest for a single day, or the entire summer season through September 6.
Life vests must be checked out in person from the Kent Commons Community Center. All sizes are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Call 253-856-5100!
Hop Picking Festival
hop picking festival
The Master Gardeners of King County will have a Kent Hop Picking Festival on Saturday, September 7 from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the Neely-Soames Homestead Demonstration Garden at 5311 South 237th Place.
Come on down to view and pick hops, explore the Neely Hop Trail, and discover the history of hops and beer in Kent.
master gardner
Do you need some help with your garden? Get free gardening advice from the Master Gardners.
The WSU Extension Master Gardener volunteers are local and university-trained. They are providing free research-based information to home gardeners in King County.
?? Saturdays
⌚ 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
?? Kent McLendon's Hardware
2024-25 Spotlight Series
spotlight series
We are excited for announce another incredible season of our Spotlight Series!
The Spotlight Series brings the best entertainment to local stages here in Kent. Tickets are now on sale for all shows. Read more about the performers, see ticket prices, and purchase tickets online [ ]
The Kent Parks Fall Youth Volleyball program is open to all kids in Grades 3-12.
Practices begin in October, with games starting in November! Sign your child up to learn the game, make new friends, develop and grow as a player, and have fun! *Registration deadline is September 3. [ ]*
We’re excited to announce that more movie nights are coming to Kherson Park! Grab some blankets, pack up the family, and come down for a movie under the stars. Sprawl out on the lawn and enjoy a FREE showing of new blockbuster hits! All movies will begin at dusk.
*2024 Summer Movie Series*
*Tonight! *The Boys in The Boat"
"Shown in partnership with the Greater Kent Historical Society.
*Friday, September 6*: IF
Summer movies
lake meridian
The playground area at Lake Meridian Park will be closed for maintenance beginning Monday, August 19. Contractors will be onsite to replace all of the playground surfacing. The playground closure is expected to last about 4 weeks. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience while this important work is done!
Parks & Recreation Commission
Parks & Rec Commission Graphic
In case you missed it, we’re looking for City of Kent Parks and Recreation Commissioners!
Changes are being implemented to the operation of the Parks Commission to ensure that our commissioners are engaged and enjoy serving their term with us.
Commissioners will be required to join us for an annual Parks tour, attend quarterly meetings to provide critical feedback and insight on our parks and recreation system, and immerse themselves in the Parks department at volunteerism activities.
Learn more and apply online at * [ ]*
Kent Summer Concerts
summer concerts
*Kent Summer Concerts* are back starting July 10! Super excited for this annual series of musical performances presented throughout the summer. *Learn more about specific performers and dates on our website. [ ]*
*Wednesday Picnic Performances
*12-1 p.m. at West Fenwick Park
*Wednesday Family Date Night
*6-8 p.m. at Kent Station
*Thursdays at the Lake
*7-8:30 p.m. at Lake Meridian Park
link extension
Want a free tree? *The Sound Transit Federal Way Link Extension project and contractor Kiewit is providing free trees this fall! [ ]*
Community members and organizations in Kent, Federal Way, SeaTac and Des Moines are eligible to receive trees.
We're hiring! Check out our featured jobs and find great opportunities on our hiring page at * [ ]*
jobs of the month
clear the shelter
The RASKC animal shelter is over capacity! They need your help to find furever homes for dogs of all sizes. Help them clear the shelter! *You can learn more at their website. [ ]*
*Here's the resident question of the week!*
""Hi Dana, w""hat is the process for repaving roads in the city?""
This is a fantastic question that frankly I am asked a lot, and understandably so.
Pavement work and road improvements are prioritized based on several factors, including the current condition of the pavement, traffic volume for the area, locations with prolific potholes, funding availability, and coordination with other improvements.
So basically, our staff takes all of these into account, and decides which locations will receive priority based on these factors, generally attending the locations that are most in need first.
resident question
Don't forget to check out this week's KentNOW podcast!
This week, Josh, Kyle and Tracy talk to Infrastructure & Security Operations Center Manager James Endicott about cybersecurity.
It's prime golf season, so the team checks in with Josh Immordino the Head PGA Golf Professional at Riverbend Golf Course to see what's happening.
Listen to new and previous episodes on:
?? Apple Podcasts * [ ]*
?? Spotify * [ ]*
?? Amazon Music * [ ]*
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