Project/Program Manager II
- [登録者]King County
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]King County, WA
- 登録日 : 2024/09/25
- 掲載日 : 2024/09/25
- 変更日 : 2024/09/25
- 総閲覧数 : 51 人
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The *Capital Division* of the Department of Metro Transit is looking for resourceful, forward- thinking, systems oriented, and continuous improvement focused individual to support the growing Project Management Office (PMO). This position will play an active role in shaping the Capital Division’s standard management practices and systems that support the capital program’s planning, delivery and performance management. The PMO's work includes establishing and implementing best practices and maintaining standards related to all business processes needed to fulfill the Capital Division’s mission. Working with the PMO, you will be part of a collaborative team applying and developing standards, guidance, tools, and performance metrics. Your role will support three primary areas associated with the PMO including, Data/Information Management, Process Management, and Knowledge Management. In this role you will focus in the area of Process Management, and will help develop, document, communicate and educate on standard best practices; apply policies and create standard work; work to continuously improve processes, systems, tools and the corporate knowledge base. Your role will be a key member of the "Get Things Built" team, and you will be tasked with the daily upkeep of a process management system that is being built to contain all processes needed to plan and deliver capital projects. You should see the connection between consistent processes, reliable data, integrated systems, standard work, visual management, continuous improvement, and performance audits as a way to enable the Department to optimize outcomes.
As a* Project/Program Manager II*, you will be able to work independently or perform journey level work in a specific area of expertise including database development and information management, leading continuous improvement efforts, or conducting routine analysis and reports. You will lead efforts in reviewing and interpreting visual performance metrics, discovering root causes of performance issues, documenting observations, and making recommendations in well-written reports or presentations. You will be an advocate for quality and assure the highest quality standard of all products developed under your purview. As PPM II, you will be familiar with capital planning, capital project management, and performance management. You are collaborative, have great interpersonal skills, are comfortable working on multiple initiatives, and can handle conflict and ambiguity with poise.
As a Project/Program Manager II, you will work closely with other more senior staff and apply your talents in managing existing PMO functions applying standard work processes and tools. The PMO relies on various tools that provide the necessary support functionality of the Capital Division and you would be expected to be skilled in multiple software, systems and databases. Your subject matter expertise with SharePoint, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Visio, and Airtable, will be used to support both existing functions and to create new supporting products. You are innovative and seek opportunities for improvement and are able to integrate your ideas into the overall organizational framework. You have experience in managing projects, leading continuous improvement efforts, and can apply your experience and knowledge in the creation of PMO supporting products.
The candidate would be the primary point of contact within the PMO and be supported by other Capital Division subject matter experts in the administration of the division’s Get Things Built Airtable database and associated SharePoint services.
You have the ability to synthesize complex processes or information with the ability to design summary visual dashboards, workflow swim lanes diagrams, and management level presentations. You are a team player that is highly collaborative and cooperative seeking to understand the intent and work towards a common agreed upon solution. You have experience creating easy to understand graphics and user interfaces using a variety of software applications. You value the diversity of people, ideas and approaches to getting things to the next level. Other duties may include assisting more senior project/program managers in data gathering as it relates to process development, business needs, researching business requirements, capital project management reporting, skills assessments and training documentation, or database systems administration.
The candidate should have strong subject matter expertise in more than one area such as process improvements, data and systems management, or performance management. You will be working collaboratively with cross functional teams that are making and modifying recommendations for change. You should be detailed oriented, highly organized, an advocate of streamlined business practices, and a champion of excellent customer experience.
"This recruitment will be used to fill *1 Career Service position*. In addition, this selection process *may *be used to generate an eligibility pool for future Career Service vacancies that may occur in this classification within this workgroup. The eligibility pool will be retained for 12 months from the date of posting and *may be used at the discretion of the hiring authority*." body { font-size: 1em; font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #333333; }
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