Community Development Director
- [登録者]City of Bellevue
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Bellevue, WA, US
- 登録日 : 2024/03/14
- 掲載日 : 2024/03/14
- 変更日 : 2024/03/14
- 総閲覧数 : 171 人
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Community Development Director [ https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/bellevuewa/Jobs/4427761?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
Community Development [ https://bellevuewa.gov/city-government/departments/community-development?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] is organized into three divisions, each managed by an assistant director who reports to the director. Planning, with 26 staff, includes comprehensive planning, strategic planning, affordable housing, and environmental stewardship. Cultural and Economic Development, with 22 staff, includes business development, arts, public/private partnerships, workforce development, and the Grand Connection. Neighborhood Services, with 15 staff, includes neighborhood outreach, conflict resolution center, and mini city hall. A Regional Coalition for Housing (ARCH), a member organization comprised of 15 cities and King County dedicated to creating affordable housing on the Eastside, is governed by a representative board, and managed by a director who also reports to Bellevue’s Community Development Director.
The Director of Community Development must be a strong leader with a passion for public service. The Director is a member of the city’s leadership team that advises the City Council in coordination with the City Manager’s office, provides thoughtful and effective leadership citywide and for the Community Development Department and oversees the programs and services of the department. This position reports directly to one of the Deputy City Managers. Directors are expected to model Bellevue’s One City culture and work collaboratively with other department directors and staff. The Director’s involvement on the city’s leadership team is a critical component of the position.
The City of Bellevue places a high value on the operational principle of “managing for results.” It emphasizes spending resources effectively and efficiently while providing value to stakeholders. In advancing community values, the City of Bellevue uses a data-driven approach to budget management and cost recovery, where the costs of services, acquisitions, and capital improvements are fully understood, measurable, and defensible.
The City of Bellevue fosters an environment of open communication and collaboration where ideas and feedback are encouraged, supported, and valued. The Director promotes a culture committed to providing exceptional service, upholding the public interest, and implementing the community's vision. City employees bring collective skills and qualities to the table. They embrace the values of integrity, accountability, and commitment to service and take pride in their work. The Director is responsible for fostering an environment where leaders exist at all department levels, and being innovative, collaborative, and future-focused are the norm.
The City of Bellevue is seeking an individual who has a proven track record of fostering a positive, innovative organizational culture that empowers staff and motivates them to do and be their best. The successful candidate has extensive planning, economic development, or related experience and is a skilled and visionary leader and manager. The ideal candidate will be thoughtful and intentional with a bias for action and results that provide the most beneficial outcome for the community.
Bellevue is seeking candidates with a team-focused management style who completely support the “One City” organizational effort to achieve high performance in every part of city government. The ideal candidate will possess the capacity to be an effective mentor and leader for staff. They will also have a demonstrated track record of setting a positive example of competence, professionalism, integrity, trust, energy, and work ethic to motivate and develop staff to obtain measurable results.
Qualified candidates will have a history of building effective partnerships and teams and engaging the public to seek different points of view. The candidate will be an outstanding communicator who is diplomatic, measured, and skilled in learning and navigating the political environment without becoming political.
The candidate will also:
Promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and cultural understanding in managing and leading the department
Be open to new ideas and provide analysis and insight on potential implications
Develop objective, collaborative, and productive working relationships with the city’s elected officials, executive team, community/business leaders, representatives of other governmental agencies, and the public
Communicate fully and share timely information with the City Manager’s Office
Have the ability and experience to represent the city within the community, the region, and nationally concerning policy and operational initiatives
Foster a department leadership team with shared values and clear expectations committed to “One City”
Be action-oriented and take on new opportunities and tough challenges with a sense of urgency, energy, and enthusiasm
Be able to manage effectively in ambiguous situations with limited information
Examine issues in a broader perspective that extends beyond the immediate implications for the department
Make good and timely decisions that keep the organization moving forward
Communicate effectively to convey a clear understanding of the unique needs of difference audiences
Drive vision and purpose by painting a compelling picture of the vision and strategy that motivates others to action
Develop leadership skills of direct reports and others so they are ready and willing to take on new challenges and step up when needed.
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