Commercial Business Fire 2081 Stierlin Court
- [注册人]City of Mountain View
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Mountain View, CA
- 注册日期 : 2024/08/13
- 发布日 : 2024/08/13
- 更改日期 : 2024/08/13
- 总浏览次数 : 75 人
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*Fire Department News Release*
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Commercial Business Fire 2081 Stierlin Court
City of Mountain View Firefighters respond to an electrical fire in a commercial building.
Commercial Business Fire 2081 Stierlin Court
Post Date: 08/13/2024 9:20 p.m.
On Tuesday, Aug. 13 at 5:18 p.m., a 9-1-1 call was received reporting a small fire inside an electrical room in a commercial building at 2081 Stierlin Court. Approximately 25 employees self-evacuated before fire crews arrived on the scene.
City of Mountain View Fire Department units were dispatched at 5:18 p.m. and the first engine company arrived on the scene at 5:23 p.m. The first engine on the scene arrived to find a sprinkler head actively flowing water and smoke coming from a computer lab in a large, two-story office building. Firefighters stopped the flow of water from the sprinkler head and removed the charred remains of an office chair from the building.
Fire crews used salvage operations techniques to remove water and smoke from the affected office space, without damaging sensitive electronic equipment. Firefighters performed an extensive overhaul of the unit to ensure complete extinguishment of the flames. The Mountain View Police Department provided traffic control in the parking lot for one hour while fire units and equipment were on the scene.
The damage is estimated to be $200,000. The cause of the fire was determined to be accidental after an unattended electrical component left on a workbench overheated and ignited. Firefighters replaced the sprinkler head and recharged the sprinkler system before departing the scene.
The building was turned over to management to make arrangements to restore the facility.
13 Aug 2024 Stierlin Ct
*Media Contact*
Robert Maitland, Fire Department PIO
650-903-6825 or
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