City News: Lettuce Celebrate!
- [注册人]City of Orlando
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Orlando, MIA
- 注册日期 : 2024/05/10
- 发布日 : 2024/05/10
- 更改日期 : 2024/05/10
- 总浏览次数 : 296 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- Animal Plaza
- 湾区棒球爱好者聚会 ! 无需经验 ! 请随时与我们联系 !
北加州武士棒球联盟是一个垒球组织,总部设在旧金山湾区・硅谷。 我们汇集了来自各行各业的棒球爱好者,从成人到儿童,从业余选手到资深甲子园选手,从学生到外籍精英。 欢迎没有经验的玩家 ! 无论您是想在美国的主场自发地打棒球,还是想创建自己的球队、扩大自己的社区,或是想休闲锻炼,都请告诉我们。 让我们超越背景、国籍和球队的界限,通过棒球让湾区充满活力 !.
+1 (408) 307-2003北カリフォルニアサムライ野球リーグ
- 在千叶县君津市新开 ! 荞麦面专卖店 PanNe ( PanNe ) 请品尝新鲜...
从夹着各种配菜的熟食包子,到可作为甜点的甜包子,再到令人怀念的水煎包-,各种新鲜出炉的包子应有尽有。除了常规菜单外,我们还提供限时限量的小笼包♪,请尽情品尝我们采用黄金比例的含水量、发酵、烘烤方法和成熟时间制作的 "松软 "小笼包。
+81-439-73-3939PanNe パンネ
- 新品牌 "龟山温泉 "的诞生 ! 龟山湖畔的自然体验 ! 成为社区的代言人,成为...
这家历史悠久的旅馆位于千叶县最后一个未开发地区大久保所的龟山湖畔。 露营设施 "Grand Park 龟山温泉 "疗养体验 "龟山温泉疗养" 龟山温泉的新品牌不断诞生 ! 详情请查看我们的网站。
- 在社交网站上一定会大受欢迎的紫藤花咖啡馆在千条台开业 ! 它提供各种菜单,包括用...
la glycine "在仙童台开业,是以手工制作 "warabimochi "而闻名的加藤市原分店的姊妹店。菜单上有咖啡馆特有的咖喱和饭团等各种菜肴,还有使用本店引以为豪的手工制作的 "warabimochi "的菜单,其中包括 "warabita"。还提供外卖 ! 我们真诚地期待您的光临 ✨。
+81-43-497-6635la glycine ラ・グリシーヌ
- 通过细致的咨询,我们将提出适合您 "想要成为的人 "的设计方案。多种处理方法和半...
提供一系列适合个人品味的颜色,从自然到个性,包括流行的白蜡色、设计色、灰色和使用色彩处理的特殊颜色。 多种着色剂可供选择,满足每个人的理想风格。 以咖啡馆为灵感的可爱沙龙,让您成为梦中的时尚女孩 ♪ 友好、开朗的造型师为您提供上门美发服务。 通过细致的咨询,我们将提出适合您 "想要成为的人 "的设计方案。
+81-438-53-7080Ricca hair
- 提供急诊服务 ! 我们提供从预防保健到手术和矫形的广泛支持。我们是一家每周 7 ...
将宠物送回日本的条件是世界上最严格的,因此,如果您是一位陌生的兽医,您可能会担心最后一刻出现问题而无法帮助您完成整个过程。如果您是我们诊所的客户,您可以放心,我们会对您的宠物照顾到底。您也可以通过日语电子邮件与我们联系 ( 请不要与我们联系医疗建议 ),请随时与我们联系。
+1 (925) 433-5900Animal Care Hospital of Walnut Creek
- 公司・商业・继承・民事・刑事等,由美日双语律师提供。业务领域包括公司、诉讼、家庭...
我们是一家日裔美国人法律・会计专家和律师事务所,提供包括公司・业务・继承・民事・刑事等广泛领域的服务。 我们的工作风格不同于大公司,在大公司,费用是优先考虑的,律师个人的重要性较低。我们认为团队中每个成员的个性都很重要,我们理解并利用这一点来建立律师事务所的团队精神。我们相信,这种工作方式能让我们在不同客户的各种案件中加深理解和信任。通过个人理解和团队合作,我们对每一个案件都全力以赴。 我们,马...
+1 (415) 618-0090Marshall Suzuki Law Group, LLP
- ! 农场按照 "月亮周期 "种植农作物 🌙 它还种植和销售无农药和化肥的土莲藕和...
我们农场所在的梯田是 2000 多年前的海底。我们注意到这片土地富含硅和矿物质,认为利用从海上吹来的海风,可以种植出美味的农作物,于是就有了我们的农场。这里的耕作方法充分利用了大自然的恩惠,种植了药用稻米和地藕,它们充满了力量,凝聚力是普通稻米的 20 倍左右。
- 我们可以帮助您解决房屋的一切问题,包括新建房屋、扩建房屋、室内装修、屋顶、外墙和...
独立式住宅 ・ 设计 ・ 施工 ( 新建筑 ・ 改建 ・ 扩建 ・ 室内工程 ) 一般、商业 ( 购物中心、餐馆和其他商店 ) 餐馆其他零售设计 ・ 施工 ・ 施工监理。 室内工程 ・ 外部工程、橱柜、台面、管道、地毯、地板、瓷砖、油漆等 建筑和房屋管理综合 !
+1 (808) 383-7782Dream Constructions, Inc.
- Kodomo Loop Sodegaura旨在创造一个让Sodegaura市及其...
Kodomo Loop Sodegaura旨在创建一个社区,让Sodegaura市及其郊区的儿童和成人能够以丰富的方式共同成长,方法是创造一个让不同年龄的儿童能够互动的地方,并通过积极的・文化体验,支持不孤立的育儿。
+81-438-63-2850NPO法人 子どもるーぷ袖ケ浦
- 美丽的牙齿,提高生活质量 … 野口正畸诊所。洛杉矶・位于托伦斯的中心。还可提供透...
治疗费用是明确的! 我们还可以帮助解决保险问题。部分矫正 $ 2,150 ~ 所有矫正费用事先都有明确解释。我们提供一次性付款、分期付款和各种付款方式,以及保险索赔程序。
+1 (310) 540-2113野口矯正歯科医院
- 享受时尚氛围与居酒屋菜单的最佳组合。
+1 (212) 986-2800WANO
- 这家拉面馆的新鲜贝类汤令人上瘾,曾荣获 "TRY 拉面奖" 🍜 宽敞的座位让您可...
汤中使用了大量在木更津捕获的贝类,一定会让您爱不释手 ✨ 这里有 15 个停车位。
+81-438-53-7937TokyoBay Fisherman's Noodle
- [保险评论 ・ 退休规划建议 ・ 社会保障问题 ・ 信用卡还款等] 我们提供的是...
社会保障分析师 ・ 我是理财规划师堤宗子。您了解您的保险单内容吗 ? 您经常因为不了解详细的英语条款而损失金钱 ! 除了审查您的保险单之外,我们还可以为您提供退休规划、社会保障、信用卡还款和其他与金钱有关的建议。我们可以为您提供各种与资金相关的建议和帮助。我们知道,在您繁忙的生活中,要开始行动是很困难的,但您现在就采取行动,可能会对自己的未来大有裨益。如需咨询,请联系我们。 ・ 社会保障建议 ...
+1 (714) 269-8892堤さとこ Financial Planning & Education Service / Registered Social Security Analyst
News from the City of Orlando
** May 10, 2024
Orlando is not one for being medi-okra. As spring turns into summer, we’re gearing up for all kinds of occasions. Whether it's capping off graduations, celebrating moms, or clinking teacups at garden parties, Orlando's got something for everyone and we’re ready to take it all in and let everyone know how radish-ing they all look!
And seeing as this is nacho average newsletter, you know you won’t be left wonton more bad puns. So read on, and we promise you won't be left feeling melon-choly. After all, in Orlando, everything’s gonna brie all right.
** Gouda luck, grads!
Graduation season is coming and we’re here to help you plan the perfect graduation celebration. Whether it’s finding the best photo spots, brunch places, and dodging traffic around the Kia Center, we’ve got you covered. We’ve even got gift ideas. If your graduate is a resident of Orlando, you can submit a request for them to receive special recognition from Mayor Dyer. It's a personalized way to commemorate their achievement, a lasting memory they'll cherish and best of all, it’s FREE!
Request a recognition letter at (
** This program is a big dill
Our Community Violence Intervention program, also known as CVI, is expanding to even more neighborhoods thanks to a $1.5 million grant.
One of several initiatives focused on reducing crime, we are partnering with the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition on a program that goes beyond intervention – it connects participants with mentorship, mental health resources, career programs and more.
The city's Children, Youth and Families Division Manager, Abraham Morris and Florida Rights Restoration Coalition Community Violence Intervention Strategy Manager, Raysean Brown, play a big role in CVI's success and took time to share with us how the program is all about building connections and breaking the cycle of violence. CVI's impact is undeniable. Since its launch in November 2022, firearm homicides in Orlando have decreased by 20% and non-fatal shootings have decreased 36%.
Watch the video to learn more about CVI and how it's making a difference in Orlando.
Watch now (
** Please romaine calm as you recycle
Do you know if you’re really recycling properly? When too many wrong items, like plastic bags and Styrofoam, are placed in our recycle carts, we run the risk of having the entire truck load rejected and sent to the landfill.
Contamination has become an important issue that is impacting Orlando’s recycling efforts and to help combat it we've been lifting the lid on bins of over 5,000 residents to see if they are recycling right.
Our crews have been tagging residents bins with feedback cards and, if needed, providing suggestions on how to improve.
Don't get caught "wishcycling ( " and learn what goes where.
Visit to get more info (
** Thank you very matcha
This National Public Service Recognition Week, please join us in celebrating the members of our team who serve our community each and every day. By providing critical municipal services, programs and amenities to our community, they truly help make Orlando a better place to live, work and visit.
Had a great experience with one of our employees? Let us know! Tell us about a recent experience in which a city employee went above and beyond. We will send a notification to the department in which the person you commend works.
Submit your experience at (
Photo Credit: Orlando Sentinel
** Small business inside scoop
There’s no shortage of places to take mom for Mother’s Day this weekend, with numerous businesses hosting brunches, workshops, outdoor activities and more. But if you and your momma want a simple, yet sweet outing, we encourage you to give the sweetest gift of all – your time and some homemade ice cream.
About two years into business, Marie Mercado’s second Orlando ice cream shop – Sampaguita – has not only been named one of the top 100 ice cream shops in the United States, but already made its way on to hit shows like “Somebody Feed Phil.” But if you go back to the beginning and ask Marie what she had in mind for Sampaguita, her vision was to simply pay homage to her rich Filipino roots, culture and her own family. Marie wanted to bring something that didn’t already exist – authentic Filipino ice cream and desserts – to Orlando and expose our residents to the unique flavors only native to her culture. To ensure every customer has the same experiences Marie did as a child growing up, each recipe is homemade, with some having been passed down to her through generations. And unlike Marie’s other ice cream spot, Greenery Creamery, which focuses on offering vegan-friendly ice cream, Sampaguita uses a large variety of different ingredients to create those flavors we would otherwise only
experience in the Philippines.
So, grab mom, and head to Sampaguita for authentic treats, and a sweet sit-down environment that’s completely worthy of an IG selfie with mom. Sampaguita is located at 1233 East Colonial Drive, or you can check out their website at ( .
** Things You Should Know
* Get an avocuddle from Mom when you get her gift at the Discover Downtown Mother’s Day Sale (
* Join the City of Orlando Housing and Community Development Department for an overview of the DRAFT Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (Fair Housing Plan) (
* Safely dispose of household hazardous waste on May 18 (
* Learn how to avoid leadership burnout at Saturday’s Community Connections (
* Join us for the Station 11 Community Open House on May 18 (
* Want to give us feedback on the city’s waste diversion efforts? (
* The next OPD Shred event is May 18 (
* Get your free trees at McQuigg Urban Farm (
* Penne for your thoughts. Words and Wonders: Flight is still accepting submissions (
* Get information about the District 5 Special Election (
** Now Hiring
Are you in the market for a new job that is meaningful and offers challenging work? Are you looking to fill your cup with work that makes your community better? Check out these positions with the City of Orlando:
* Assistant City Attorney I/II/III ( - Executive Offices
* Community Service Officer I ( – Police Department
* Electrician I/II - Camping World Stadium ( – Venues
* Financial Reporting Manager ( - Accounting and Control
View all jobs (
** Events
Public Board Meetings
Visit (
for more meetings and location details
* Orlando Utilities Commission
May 14, 2 p.m.
* EDV Small Business Façade Committee
May 14, 3:15 p.m.
* Budget Review Committee Meeting
May 14, 3:45 p.m.
* Firefighter's Pension Board
May 15, 9 a.m.
* Orlando Housing Authority Board of Commissioners
May 16, 2 p.m.
Gators Galore (
May 11
2 - 3 p.m.
Bill Frederick Park at Turkey Lake
3401 South Hiawassee Road
Orlando Farmers Market (
May 12
10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Lake Eola Park
20 North Eola Drive
City Council Meeting (
May 13
2 - 5 p.m.
Orlando City Hall, Council Chambers
400 South Orange Avenue
M/WBE Certification Workshop (
May 13
2 - 4 p.m.
National Entrepreneur Center at Fashion Square Mall
3201 East Colonial Drive
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