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Uplift Local October 31, 2024

Email from City Manager's Office Gain Palo Alto community news, announcements, and events. View as Webpage   What's New 1501 Page Mill Road Incident Update Storm Preparedness Workshop: November 13 November Events: Celebrate Art, Culture, and Community Election Day is Tuesday, November 5 Weekly City Manager Updates: October 28 Citywide Updates 1501 Page Mill Road Incident Update Palo Alto Fire Department investigation is ongoing, and appropriate regulatory actions will follow, including clean-up reimbursement and potential fines. Clean-up has concluded. PAFD confirmed 916 gallons (much of this is water from clean-up) including Meras 1020 was drained supporting initial determination/findings of no risk to life or health with a final round of testing underway. An in-person neighborhood meeting will take place on Friday, November 1 at 5 p.m. at the Ventura Community Center. Learn more at Storm Preparedness Community Workshop: Wednesday, November 13 Join neighbors and City staff on Wednesday, Nov. 13, 5 – 7 p.m. at the Art Center Auditorium to plan for the upcoming 2024-2025 storm season. Learn about what the City is doing to prepare, gain resources to prepare your home and property, sign up for emergency alerts, understand how to report community impacts during a storm event, and ask questions, watch demos, and more. Election Day is Tuesday, November 5 On Tuesday, November 5, vote centers are open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. There are multiple locations and official ballot drop boxes to vote in Palo Alto. Four of the seven City Council seats are up for election in 2024. Measure D also appears on the local ballot: Discontinuance of Use of a 0.33 acre Portion of Park Land at El Camino Park to support the Quarry Road Transit Connection. El Camino Park consists of approximately 10.75 acres of land and is leased by Stanford to the City. The proposed project would develop up to a 0.33 acre strip of the underused, passive portion of El Camino Park to provide a direct transit connection from El Camino Real to the Palo Alto transit center. Learn more about the 2024 Municipal Election. November Events: Celebrate Art, Culture, and Community The City is buzzing with a variety of events celebrating local talent and supporting community engagement this November. From artist workshops to enriching discussions and festive gatherings, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Join us for art demonstrations, learn about sustainable gardening, and celebrate Diwali with vibrant festivities. Don't miss featured events like the Mitchell Park Library & Community Center 10th Anniversary and Veterans Day Recognition celebration. November is the perfect time to discover and engage with local artists, get inspired, and connect with neighbors! Weekly City Manager Updates: October 28  City Manager Ed Shikada shares brief updates at each Council meeting, highlighting events, City services, and Council discussions planned. Catch up on the latest City issues and news through our Palo Alto Connect series. This week, gain details about the 1501 Page Mill Road incident, save the date for this year's storm preparedness workshop, join us on Veterans Day for a special recognition, plus find tentative upcoming Council items and an actions summary. Be Well Updated COVID-19 Vaccine Recommendations: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated its COVID-19 vaccine recommendations for those 65 years and older and those who are moderately or severely immunocompromised to get a second dose of the 2024-25 vaccine. Coping With Election Anxiety: Election season can be a stressful time for many. VeryWellMind shares ways to prioritize your self-care right now to help reduce anxiety and stress. One great tactic is to unplug and connect with neighbors at fun local events shared throughout this newsletter. Recipe of the Week: Happy Halloween! It’s that gourd-eous time of year where leaves turn, and pumpkins are everywhere. Try this delicious pumpkin soup recipe to get in the holiday spirit—add a teaspoon of grated fresh ginger... if you dare. Family Resources Partial Trail Closure in Baylands Nature Preserve for Tide Gate Installation: Valley Water is performing a comprehensive inspection, testing, and cleaning of the tide gate structure at the Byxbee Park Adobe Creek Trail, November 4-8 and November 12-13 resulting in a partial trail closure. Native American Heritage Month: November celebrates the history, culture, and contributions of Native American, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian communities. Check out an online exhibit from the National Museum of the American Indian and learn about the community’s history and heritage all year from the National Park Service. Attend a film screening of Oyate on Thursday, November 7 at 6 p.m. at Rinconada Library or join special storytimes on Saturday, November 9 at 11 a.m. at Mitchell Park Library and Tuesday, November 12 at 11 a.m. at Children’s Library. Celebrate Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead): Learn about the holiday honoring the lives of loved ones who have passed away from the National Museum of the American Latino. Bring the kids to a special storytime on Saturday, November 2 at 11 a.m. at Mitchell Park Library. Decorate a colorful sugar skull on Saturday, November 2 at 2 p.m. at Mitchell Park Library. Fun for Kids with STEAM: Study the movement of robot hands at STEAM Lab on Sunday, November 3 at Mitchell Park Library. Write your own custom storybook at a workshop with Paly Robotics on Saturday, November 9 at 3:30 p.m. at Mitchell Park Library. Donate to the Holiday Toy Drive: Drop off new and unwrapped toys, books, or other gifts at any Palo Alto Fire Station, Palo Alto Library, the Lucie Stern Community Center, or Mitchell Park Community Center. Donations are accepted from November 1 through December 13 and go to local youth in need this holiday season. Calendar & Careers Join the Conversation & Connect Emerging Artist Workshop November 2 @ 2 p.m. Artist Talk with Cubberley Artist Nina K Ekman November 7 @ 5 p.m. Rain Garden Workshop November 9 @ 12 p.m. The Enchanted Garden Panel Discussion November 10 @ 2 p.m. Festival of Lights: A Diwali Celebration November 10 @ 2 p.m. Veterans Day Event 2024 November 11 @ 3 p.m. Storm Preparedness Community Workshop 2024 November 13 @ 5 p.m. Community Portrait Workshop November 14 @ 4 p.m. Collage: Art in the Making November 15 @ 11 a.m. Mitchell Park Library & Community Center 10 Year Anniversary November 16 @ 11 a.m. View all community events on the City Calendar. 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  • [注册人]City of Palo Alto
  • [语言]日本語
  • [区]Palo Alto, CA
  • 注册日期 : 2024/10/31
  • 发布日 : 2024/10/31
  • 更改日期 : 2024/10/31
  • 总浏览次数 : 72 人