The latest stories from our local area
- [登録者]City of Sydney
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Sydney, Australia
- 登録日 : 2024/11/04
- 掲載日 : 2024/11/04
- 変更日 : 2024/11/04
- 総閲覧数 : 72 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
+1 (702) 760-3361Sang Injury Law Firm
- 40年以上に渡り、日系カナダ人社会へサービスを提供。シニアへのプログラム提供やボ...
+1 (604) 687-2172Japanese Community Volunteers Association
- お子さまの送迎・お預かり・日常的な家事の代行はファンタジーハートにお任せください...
+81-90-9149-5660ベビーシッター・家事代行 ファンタジーハート
- Japanese Daycare!パークスロープにある日本デイケア
+1 (917) 428-5151Yoko's Daycare
- 高知県立歴史民俗資料館は、土佐の人々の足跡を研究し、その成果を現・次世代に伝える...
- Milpitas, Great Mall 近くにある信州和牛を扱う焼き肉屋です。...
信州和牛の美味しさを世界に広めたいという想いのもと営業している日本式の焼き肉屋です。焼き肉に留まることなく様々なお料理やお酒が楽しめるようになっているので、家族の集まり、会食、デートと色々なシーンで楽しんでいただけたらと思っています。ご来店お待ちしております。当店のこだわりは、日本の長野から直接調達した信州プレミアム和牛です。この高品質の牛肉は、風味と柔らかさで有名であり、焼肉料理に最適です。 外...
+1 (669) 263-6152Meat Time
- 将来のプランに合わせて安心・ご納得いただける住宅ローンをご紹介いたします。お家を...
お家を買う時には まずは ローン会社にご相談ください。ほとんどの方が、家を買う時にまずは不動産屋に連絡をすると思います。すると、「Pre-approval Letter はありますか」と聞かれると思います。アメリカでは、不動産を購入する際、売り手にオファーを入れる時(買い手が売り手に希望購入価格やその他の条件を提案する)にこの Pre-approval Letter という書類を付けて出します。こ...
+1 (206) 679-3371Groves Capital, Inc. (Mitsuko Miller)
- 心のケアを心理セラピストと共にしてみませんか?CA州心理士免許(LMFT)と博士...
+1 (408) 800-5366International Lifecycle Family Therapy Inc.
- 国内にある日系企業、また日系企業で働く人々を主な対象とし、共済事業を通じてコミュ...
+66 (02) 713-6656日本人共済組合
- 安心と信頼の法律事務所。離婚(親権、養育費、扶養費、財産分与等)リビングトラスト...
離婚、親権、養育費、扶養費、財産分与、家庭内暴力、婚前契約書・婚後契約書、遺言書・生前信託はおまかせください。あなたにとって最善の方法をともに考え、最後まで丁寧にサポートいたします。まずはお気軽にご相談ください。初回相談は無料です。日本語メール etsuko@lindley-law.com(担当:Etsuko)● Protective order/Restraining order 保護命令・接近...
+1 (562) 481-5884Law Office of Michael Lindley
- ディーン&デルーカ ハワイは世界中の美味しい食べ物をあつめた、食のセレクトショッ...
DEAN & DELUCA is your source for gourmet foods from all over the world. ディーン&デルーカ ハワイは世界中の美味しい食べ物をあつめた、食のセレクトショップです。お客様にハワイのおいしさを再発見していただけるよう、ローカルの新鮮な食材を生かしたさまざまな商品を提供します。国際的リゾート、ワイキキでの日常がもう少しだけ特別になる…...
+1 (808) 729-9720DEAN & DELUCA HAWAII
- 水漏れ・つまり・緊急水道工事・千葉県君津市・富津市・木更津市・袖ヶ浦市の水道工事...
私たち福田水道は「おかげ様で」と言う謙譲の心をモットーに、千葉県君津市・富津市・木更津市・袖ケ浦市を中心に営業している水道工事会社です。リフォームからアフターケアまで、水廻りのことなら何でも福田水道にお任せください。● 各所水洗の修理、交換● 便器タンク内部金具の修理、交換、便座の交換● 給湯機器(ガス、石油)の修理、交換● 家庭用井戸ポンプの修理、交換● 給水給湯管、排水管、排水マスの改修、新設...
- Sola st.は、毎日が楽しくなるおしゃれな雑貨とアパレルを集めたセレクトショ...
水色のドアが目印のセレクトショップです。ボディボードやウエットスーツ、水着もございます♪店内で販売しているHand made雑貨だけでなく、お菓子やお酒などの飲食店等様々なお店が出店いたします。モノとの出会いだけでなくヒトとの出会いが生まれる素敵な空間です。
+81-4-7092-4778Sola street
- 日本を含め全世界に200店舗以上を展開する『AUBE Hair』が Los An...
日本を含め全世界に200店舗以上を展開『AUBE Hair』が Los Angelesに店舗をOPEN★ クオリティーの高いサービスと技術を提供いたします。お客様にピッタリのヘアスタイルをご提案いたします。当サロンでは、カラーやパーマで使用する薬剤はすべて日本製にこだわっております。落ち着いた雰囲気のなかで、癒しのひとときをお過ごしください。
+1 (424) 268-8510AUBE Hair Los Angeles
- 大分市の中心に大分のユニークな文化風土にちなんだ「出会いと五感のミュージアム」が...
温暖で風光明媚、豊かな自然に培われた、柔らかな県民性と、アジアや西洋から異文化を受け入れ吸収しながら、伝統や風習に融合してきた大分県。 大分市の中心に大分のユニークな文化風土にちなんだ「出会いと五感のミュージアム」が生まれました。 設計は、世界的に活躍する建築家 坂 茂(ばん しげる)さん。透明度の高い、フレキシブルで可変性に富んだ爽快な空間は、まさしく「常に変化しながら成長するミュージアム」。 ...
Each edition will bring you stories of innovation, community and growth, showcasing the people and projects that make Sydney a great place to live, work and explore.
Discover the latest opportunities, get involved in local projects and stay connected.
Clover Moore AO
Lord Mayor of Sydney
Business Apply to run a community market in Taylor Square north [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/announcements/apply-to-run-a-community-market-in-taylor-square-north]
We’re looking for applicants who can show innovation and diversity in the community.
Showcase your Sydney Lunar Festival celebrations [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/announcements/sydney-lunar-festival-associated-event-program]
Apply to join our associated events program.
Business sector spotlight: Australian Climate Tech Connect and Awards [https://whatson.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/events/australian-climate-tech-festival-and-awards-2023-climate-salad]
Join climate tech entrepreneurs, investors and corporate sustainability leaders for a day of industry insights, interactive demonstrations and inspiring pitches on Wednesday 27 November.
Hosted by Climate Salad, supported by City of Sydney.
Business sector spotlight: apply for circular fashion funding [https://www.ebay.com.au/sml/circular-fashion-fund-apply]
Do you have a pioneering business accelerating sustainable fashion practices and changing consumer behaviour?
eBay’s Circular Fashion Fund is now open for applications, offering up to $200,000 in funding to support innovation in Australia’s circular fashion space.
Don’t miss your chance to scale your impact. Apply by Friday 15 November.
Business sector spotlight: apply for the Sydney Young Social Entrepreneur Sprint [https://www.ase.edu.au/sydneysocialentrepreneursprint]
Join a free series of intensive workshops for people aged 15-35 in Sydney committed to creating social change through entrepreneurship.
This program provides attendees with essential skills, knowledge, and networks to start and grow their social enterprises.
Delivered in partnership with the City of Sydney [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/] and Atlassian [https://www.atlassian.com/].
Apply by Sunday 10 November.
Masterclass: learn how to buy GreenPower and negotiate power purchase agreements for your business [https://utsmeet.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_K_U2TCktQvO2MU0ZM7RfaQ#/registration]
Are you getting stuck trying to buy 100% renewable electricity for your organisation?
We'll help you find your best options. Don’t miss this free webinar on 12 November.
Book your spot now [https://utsmeet.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_K_U2TCktQvO2MU0ZM7RfaQ#/registration].
Environment Meet the locals who rescue items from apartment bin rooms [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/meet-locals-who-rescue-items-apartment-bin-rooms]
Our Ultimo recycling pop-up has opened 100 times, diverting over 32 tonnes of materials from landfill.
Free online recycling masterclass [https://whatson.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/events/recycling-masterclass]
Join City of Sydney waste avoidance experts for a free 30-minute online masterclass at 12pm on Monday 11, Tuesday 12, or Thursday 14 November.
Deep dive into recycling, what happens to the items in your yellow lid bin and how we can move towards a more circular economy where things are designed to last.
Register now [https://whatson.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/events/recycling-masterclass].
Have your say: new environment strategy [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/policy-planning-changes/have-your-say-revised-environmental-strategy]
We’re revising our environmental strategy which outlines our plans for a sustainable Sydney over the next 5 years.
We’d like to understand what you think our strategy should cover and the support you need to contribute to a Sydney that is more sustainable and resilient.
Find out more and have your say by Monday 25 November [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/policy-planning-changes/have-your-say-revised-environmental-strategy].
Shop the Garage Sale Trail [https://whatson.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/events/garage-sale-trail]
Get ready to shop the everyday essentials you need and the pre-loved gems you want on 9-10 and 16-17 November.
From designer fashion to furniture, cookware, vinyl, kids stuff, tools, collectibles and everything in between, there’s a bargain for everyone on the Garage Sale Tail [https://whatson.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/events/garage-sale-trail].
Arts & culture Experience the magic of Sydney Town Hall’s grand organ [https://whatson.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/events/sydney-town-hall-organ-recitals]
Join organ recital program producer Titus Grenyer and special guests at a free concert in honour of Remembrance Day on Monday 11 November.
City life What to do in Sydney this November [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/what-to-do-in-sydney-this-november]
Soak up spring at markets, festivals and gardens. Here are 9 events to add to your calendar this month.
Together at twilight Sunday 17 November from 4pm [https://whatson.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/events/trans-and-gender-diverse-communities-together-at-twilight]
The trans and gender diverse community are welcome to join in a free, family friendly, all ages and alcohol-free ticketed event at Cook + Phillip Park Pool.
It’s an afternoon and evening of relaxation, swimming, sport and fun with music by a live DJ.
Free pet health pop-up: vaccinate, microchip and more [https://whatson.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/events/uni-vets-and-city-pets]
Don’t miss out on free vaccinations, microchipping, and health checks for your furry friends.
Sydney Uni vet students are hosting a pop-up clinic on Saturday 16 November for City of Sydney residents with a pension or health care card.
Register now [https://whatson.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/events/uni-vets-and-city-pets].
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in the city [https://news.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/articles/whats-on-this-christmas]
Here are some of the highlights of Sydney’s festivities, from Christmas markets to light displays and concerts.
Seniors Christmas reception [https://whatson.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/events/seniors-christmas-reception]
Celebrate the festive season with canapes, live music, dancing and entertainment in Centennial Hall at Sydney Town Hall on Friday 13 December from 11am to 2pm.
To give everyone the chance to attend this popular event, we’re holding a ballot for tickets. The ballot closes at 10am on Monday 25 November.
Have your say [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/consultations]
See consultations open for feedback.
Open tenders and expressions of interest [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/opportunities]
Opportunities to work with us.
Careers [https://career10.successfactors.com/career?company=cityofsydn&career_ns=job_listing_summary&navBarLevel=JOB_SEARCH&_s.crb=iiRV0qpmR5dW7SPOA+m0aTUdTwY=]
Our people are our most important asset. See current vacancies.
Events [https://whatson.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/]
New events listed every day. See What’s On.
Your council [https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/lord-mayor-and-councillors]
Lord Mayor and councillors.
Choose the news that interests you Update your subscription to stay informed. Update my preferences https://cityofsydneynews.updatemyprofile.com/j-ghhkyhl-D96905F6-hruhjytkjh-w The City of Sydney acknowledges the Gadigal of the Eora nation as the Traditional Custodians of our local area. Privacy [http://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/about-us/privacy] View online https://cityofsydneynews.cmail20.com/t/j-e-ghhkyhl-hruhjytkjh-yd/ Unsubscribe https://cityofsydneynews.cmail20.com/t/j-u-ghhkyhl-hruhjytkjh-yh/