Postmark Center for the Arts: September 2024
- [注册人]City of Auburn
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Auburn, WA, US
- 注册日期 : 2024/09/09
- 发布日 : 2024/09/09
- 更改日期 : 2024/09/09
- 总浏览次数 : 47 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 对日本的国际快递服务,商业运输的采购,落货・转发服务,从日本到加拿大的运输,等等...
如果你的行李箱放不下,我们可以把它送到你在日本的家里 ! OCS的Otegaru Ryoko Shippo是为返回日本的客户提供的便利服务 ! 如果你在加拿大逗留期间行李增加,你考虑运送你的行李 ! OCS的Otegaru Ryoko Shippo使你的行李运送变得简单。OCS Otegaru Homecoming Service是一种简单的运送行李的方式。OCS将免费在您的家中取走您的行李,并将...
+1 (604) 247-2141OCS Canada
- 夏威夷只有两种拉面。 巴厘人或非巴厘人 … 这家在东京有六家分店、顾客排成长龙的...
成立于2010年 ・ 东京新桥总店 拉面Bari-On,在东京六家店排长队的拉面店,现在也在夏威夷开业了 ! 从东京总店派出的熟练拉面工匠精心制作拉面。 用精心挑选的猪骨煮了20多个小时制成的浓稠的奶油汤 秘制酱油,定制的面条,鲜嫩的自制查州猪肉和蔬菜 … 你可以在夏威夷放心地享受日本拉面的骄傲味道。
+1 (808) 942-2025らーめんバリ男
- 推荐朋友活动🎉🎉 当新加入 LASC 的学生推荐朋友时,您和您的朋友都将获得 $...
可以签发 I-20 证书,并有日本工作人员随叫随到。此外,该校每周一招生,是资产认可学校。
+1 (949) 756-0453LASC
- 我们将继续在日本风味和日本创意料理的旗帜下,将夏威夷和日本联系在一起,每天都有新...
Minatoku Kitchen 是一家以日本风味为主题的餐厅,深受当地人的喜爱。Minatoku Kitchen 距离威基基(Waikiki)地区不远,是游客品尝海外风味小吃、歇歇脚的好去处。我们的米饭是用鱼沼越光大米制作的,饭团和肉卷深受当地人的喜爱。我们希望当地人和游客都能光临并使用我们的餐厅。
Minatoku Kitchen
- 30 年前在千叶县成立 ! 内部基础设施维护 ・ 交给 Top System 维...
公司以 "更舒适的商务环境 "为宗旨,经营 OA 办公设备、计算机、网络摄像机、钢铁产品和文具等多种产品。 通过制造动手思考 ・ 学习 通过机器人制作体验编程 ! 在快乐中培养 "思考能力"。 孩子们在失败中思考,在成功时感受成就的喜悦。这种反复练习培养了解决问题的能力,增强了好奇心。他们还会摆弄具体的物体,并与朋友讨论,将自己无法直接看到的 "力 "形象化。这种体验可以培养想象力。
- 精神病学 ・ 欢迎来到心身医学家松木隆医生的华盛顿特区办公室 我们为整个华盛顿特...
他们中的许多人面临着各种压力,例如对外国的不熟悉、对新工作或新学校的不适应、文化和语言障碍以及与日本家人和朋友的分离。高度的压力会导致各种精神障碍。 您是否有这些症状 ? 情绪低落、疲劳、倦怠、失去乐趣、失去兴趣、孤独、易怒、内疚、空虚、食欲不振、食欲增加、焦虑、恐慌、恐惧症、压力、易怒、感觉模糊、愤怒、失眠、嗜睡、噩梦、注意力不集中、心烦意乱、坐立不安、失落、悲伤、厌食、暴饮暴食、头晕、麻...
+1 (201) 809-3508精神科・心療内科医 松木隆志
- 东信安保公司主要在君津市的道路建设和土木工程工地提供安保服务 ! 我们负责工地周...
我们的总部设在千叶县,在全县范围内提供安保服务。我从事交通警卫工作已有 20 多年,负责保护建筑工地和周围居民的安全。在我们的工地工作的人不分年龄、经验和性别。千叶地区的安保工作就交给我们吧!。
- 2017年5月,冲绳历史和民俗博物馆迁址,并在五桥古田名护分店内开放。
博物馆展出了我们的顾问土肥康信在40多年的时间里收集的陶瓷、漆器、古老的民间工具・和娃娃,提供了关于冲绳历史和文化的宝贵信息。 在美丽的红瓦琉球风格的建筑内,游客可以一边观看展品,一边回忆历代祖先的生活和智慧,工匠大师制作的陶器和器皿以及许多其他物品,讲述古代人民建立的历史故事。
- 纪伊国屋是日本最大的连锁书店之一,在全球拥有 80 多家分店和 35 个销售办事...
1969 年,公司在旧金山开设了第一家海外商店。如今,该公司在纽约、旧金山、洛杉矶、芝加哥、西雅图、波特兰和达拉斯等主要城市共开设了 11 家商店。每家店不仅提供日语书籍和杂志,还主要经营文具和日用百货。本着 "介绍优秀日本文化 "和 "为当地社区做出文化贡献 "的宗旨,该公司还参加了在北美各地举办的会议,组织店内活动,并开设了销售办事处,为学术机构提供服务。
+1 (213) 687-4480紀伊國屋書店 ロサンゼルス店
- 万豪度假俱乐部是度假所有权领域的行业领导者,现正招募积极进取的人才。
阿罗哈 ! 感谢您对万豪度假俱乐部感兴趣。我们正在寻找精通英语和日语的有志之士 ! 我们是最大的豪华分时度假/度假所有权提供商。?我们提供各种福利,包括医疗保险、401K、学费报销、万豪・喜达屋家族酒店(包括丽思卡尔顿和喜来登)的员工折扣。 如果您对此感兴趣,请随时与我们联系 !。
(808) 534-7681Marriott Vacation Club
- 这家餐厅提供传统的煲仔饭体验。沙拉、饺子、咖喱和小吃,尽显广东风味 !。
这家餐厅提供传统的煲仔饭体验。沙拉、饺子、咖喱和小吃,尽显广东风味 !。
+1 (646) 370-1304Rice Bird
- 剪发 ( 包括吹发 ) : $ 45 男士剪发 : $ 30 剪发 ・ 包括染发...
寻找全新的你 ✨ 我们以亲切的服务和实惠的价格款待顾客。 洛米塔新开的综合美容院。・美发
美甲・菠萝・面部护理等,一应俱全,而且位于西洛米塔(West Lomita),这是一个安全的地区,有许多日本人至少去过一次的餐馆。 价格方便大家使用,位置也非常好。我们一直努力为顾客营造轻松愉快的氛围。 目前,我们正在采取消毒、通风等卫生措施来防止冠心病,我们非常重视顾客的安全。 我们将... +1 (310) 953-6177A Quality Salon
- 运动和生活的下半场很有趣 ! 支持活跃老年人的夏威夷生活方式。
夏威夷老年人生活协会的成立旨在帮助日语活跃的老年人更好地享受夏威夷。 该协会每年举办 200 多场活动,包括每周五的定期活动以及讲座和音乐会等各种特别活动。 还有尤克里里・圈、气功、卡拉 OK、室内游戏和其他圈子活动,让会员们相互了解。 该组织由包括董事会成员在内的多名志愿者运营。如果您想在夏威夷享受第二人生并结交朋友,请加入我们。
+1 (808) 428-5808NPO ハワイシニアライフ協会
- 波士顿的正宗大阪拉面 ! 在日本拥有 20 多年烹饪经验的大西主厨制作的拉面
波士顿的正宗大阪拉面 ! 在日本拥有 20 多年烹饪经验的大西主厨制作的拉面
- 东京 ・ 加藤女士诊所附属诊所 ! 自然周期试管婴儿专家 Life IVF中心
一家专门从事不孕不育治疗的诊所,方法独特。 "我想以最小的身体压力,不走任何弯路,生一个孩子"--这一定是你在考虑不孕不育治疗时的想法,而生命试管婴儿中心和东京的加藤女士诊所一样,提供温和的生育治疗,重点是 "自然周期试管婴儿",尽可能不使用生育药物。生命试管婴儿中心提供一种温和的不孕不育治疗,重点是 "自然周期试管婴儿",不使用生育药物。 除了生育治疗外,我们还提供妇科检查。 如果您对女...
+1 (949) 788-1133Life IVF Center
Postmark Heading Logo
Gallery and Gift Shop Hours
*Wednesdays 12-4pm | Thursdays 12-6pm | Fridays 12-4pm
*Rhythm and Rhymes Story Hour [ ]
September 14, *10-11AM* | Free*
Join Auburn Symphony Orchestra and the Auburn Public Library for Rhythm and Rhymes Story Hour! Enjoy a fun, interactive music presentation with ASO musicians followed by a story read-aloud with an Auburn librarian. This FREE program is best for ages 3-8 but families of all ages are encouraged to attend. Take home a craft kit to continue the fun at home!
*"Register Now! [ ]"*
Harvest Moon
*Second Saturdays [¤tDate=2024-09-06&view=event ]
September 14, *12-4PM* | Free
***Every Second Saturday**
*Chinese Harvest Moon Festival 12-4PM*
We're excited to bring "Bridging Communities" to Postmark this Second Saturday. A series of sharing cultural traditions.
• Folk music by Auburn High School Orchestra
• Story telling
• Display of Chinese Art
• Chinese Calligraphy Demonstration
• Lantern Making
• Tea and Mooncakes! Including Bubble Tea!
*Upcoming Second Saturdays:*
* "October 12 | Printmaking with Brian Lane [ ]"
* "November 9 | NONE - Auburn Veteran's Day parade"
* "December 14 | Winter Craft + Performance by Ted Vigil [ ]"
Made possible by the Kiwanis Club of Auburn! [ ]
"*Postmarked: Connecting Communities [ ]*"*Closing Reception [ ]*
*September 25, *4:30-6PM* | Free*
Please join us in celebrating Postmarked: Connecting Communities once again in this special closing reception. Mingle with artists, and enjoy snacks and beverages at Postmark Center for the Arts.
Postmarked postcards on a table
still life
*Still Life Drawing [ ]*
In this Still Life Drawing Class, you will learn and practice the art of drawing from observation. You will be learning about light, shadow, value, and composition using traditional drawing materials. No materials or supplies are needed, as they will be provided for you. Drawing from life is an important practice for any artist, beginning or advanced. In this class, you will strengthen your skills at drawing as well as explore and express yourself through the drawing process.
*Date: *Thursday, September 12, 5-7PM*
Ages*: 12+
*Fee*: $50/$63 Resident/Non-Res
*Instructor*: Jessie Brugger
"@ Postmark Center for the Arts. [ ]"
Insight Book
*Insight Book Workshop [ ]*
What is an ‘Insight Book,’ and why make one? An Insight Book is a 6 page-book of art, writing and mixed media. You don’t have to be an artist to make one, all you need are opposable thumbs and a willingness to explore lines as they spark ideas. Insight Books exercise the associative muscles of our minds, promoting creativity and problem solving. As you work on your book, you naturally move into a meditative, creative place of inspiration and expression. Making an Insight Book is often therapeutic, tapping into feelings, issues, memories, hopes and dreams. When you’re done, you hold a book in your hands. Your Insight Book.
*Date: *Thursday, September 12, 10AM-12PM
*Fee*: Free
*Instructor*: Wendy Wahman [ ]
"@ Postmark Center for the Arts. [ ]"
*Introduction to Chinese Gongbi Painting [ ]*
This class introduces you to one of two brush-and-ink techniques Chinese artists employ in painting direct studies of the natural world on paper and ink.
In this class you will learn the basic skills needed to master Gongbi style of painting. You will be shown the correct way to hold the brush and how to mix and vary shades of ink used in ink washes.
All materials will be provided and experience is not necessary!
*Date: *Thursday, September 26, 5:30-7:30PM*
Ages*: 16+
*Fee*: $45/$57 Resident/Non-Res
*Instructor*: Amy Sie
"@ Postmark Center for the Arts. [ ]"
Ukulele for Adults
*Ukulele for Adults [ ]*
Ukulele is a fantastic intro instrument! It’s a wonderful option for anyone wanting to have some fun making music. In this class you can expect to learn the basics of the ukulele, some popular songs, chord reading, and how to play as a group. Students should plan to bring their own ukulele (soprano or concert size) if possible. All course materials will be provided during classes.
This is a four-session class held every Wednesday evening from October 9th - 30th.
*Date: *Wednesdays, October 9th - 30th, 6-7PM*
Ages*: 18+
*Fee*: $70/$88 Resident/Non-Res
*Instructor*: Allison Preisinger
"@ Postmark Center for the Arts. [ ]"
Postmark Gallery
* Gallery Hours
*Wednesdays 12-4pm | Thursdays 12-6pm | Fridays 12-4pm
"*"Postmarked: Connecting Communities [ ]"
*"Exhibition Dates:*
On view through October 2, 2024*"
Postmarked: Connecting Communities" is a mail-art project that aims at bringing creatives from all backgrounds together under one theme: What does community mean to you?
In honor of Postmark’s upcoming one-year anniversary, this exhibition intends to capture the uniqueness and diversity of its own growing community, with a focus on themes of space, place, and identity.
Hundreds of postcards will be on display, bringing definitions of community from artists of all ages and abilities together. The exhibition will be on view from July 25 – Oct 2, 2024. Visitors are encouraged to join in the creation of postcards in the Gallery.
The Vault Gallery
*The Vault Gallery [ ]**
Gallery Hours
Wednesdays 12-4pm | Thursdays 12-6pm | Fridays 12-4pm
Amy Simons
"*Vault Shapes*"
Artist:* Amy Simons* [ ]
Exhibition Dates:* On view through October 13, 2024
The City of Auburn is excited to present the work of Amy Simons in our newest site-specific art space, The Vault Gallery. Amy Simons is an artist based in Bellingham, Washington.
Exhibition Statement: "These are woodcut collages. Woodcut prints because from each whole comes many parts, and collages because those parts together become another whole. They are shape shifters like us, navigating roles as both individuals and parts of collectives. Each print comes from the same block, but emerges with a unique impression, every color a mark from the moment of contact and a preservation of touch. The blocks are changed with each print too, recording, accumulating and transforming. I am interested in how we organize ourselves, what patterns we generate intentionally, subconsciously, by luck or mistake. My studio practice is one of trusting and practicing emergence: working in simple, direct interactions that unfold into complex entanglements. I look at how bodies in proximity become shapes drawn together, repel one another, or hold tension in the space between. How do bodies become ecologies of mixed beings –assemblages of minerals, microbiomes and humanness, further mixed with memories of our past selves and promises of future ones?"
free community programming
Make & Mingle
*Make & Mingle [ ]
Every Wednesday | Free*
Stop by the Postmark for our Make & Mingle session! Join us for a cup of coffee with whatever art project you might be working on. A free, no-pressure environment for artists and creatives to gather... you can talk with other artists, ask for feedback or critique from on-site staff if available, bring your sketchbook to work out ideas, or just quietly draw in the gallery or work on your art!
Drop-In Painting with Amy Sie
*Drop-In Painting with Amy Sie [ ]
Every Friday | Free*
Amy Sie is offering Drop-In Gongbi Painting sessions at the Postmark! A free, no-pressure environment for you to start a new painting, or work on an old one. Please bring your own tools and materials. On-site help for critique/questions/advice. Intended for ages 18+.
[ ]
*Drop-In Drawing* [ ]
*Every Friday | Free*
Come stop by for our Drop-In Drawing sessions at the Postmark! A free, no-pressure environment for artists and creatives to drop-in to draw from a still life or the gallery. Stay for whole two hours or only 10 minutes. Bring tools to either shade or color with, and your own sketchbook or drawing pad. There will be on-site help for critique/questions/advice.
Calls to Artists header
Seattle Opera
*Postmark Arts & Cultural Programming Grant: [ ]*
This program provides funding support for artists, arts or cultural organizations, or community members proposing ideas for free arts and cultural programs serving residents and visitors at the new Postmark Center for the Arts. We are excited about bringing local artist and community members together in a space that aims to provide opportunities for growth, creative participation, inspiration, and understanding through dynamic and multi-faceted programming.
*Eligibility:* Individuals, groups of people, neighborhood or business organizations seeking funding for an art program or cultural event at the Postmark Center for the Arts.
*Project Budget*: Grants are typically awarded from $500 - $2,000 per project.
*Deadline:* September 30, 2024
For more information or to apply, visit this link. [ ]
Postmark Rentals
The Postmark Center for the Arts is available as a venue for your next gala, work conference, reception, or event. Visit [ ] for rental rates and information. Beautiful hardwood floors, a terrazzo entryway, and historic windows create a stunning setting for your next event. The space is equipped with a small catering kitchen, audio visual equipment, and a large pull-down screen. Capacity varies based on room set-up.
Postmark Gift Shop
* Gift Shop Hours
*Wednesdays 12-4pm | Thursdays 12-6pm | Fridays 12-4pm
The Postmark Center for the Arts is happy to be featuring local artists in our Gift Shop [ ]! Come by to find a unique gift or maybe a handmade item for yourself!
Interested in having your work in the Postmark Gift Shop in the future? Make sure you sign up for the "Call to Artist [ ]" list so you can get information about application opportunities for the Postmark Gift Shop.
Other Art Heading 2023
The City of Auburn offers a variety of cultural arts programming for performing arts [ ], visual arts [ ], public art [ ], special events [ ] and more!
Check out [ ] for a full list of programming.
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Postmark Center for the Arts
20 Auburn Ave. | Auburn, WA 98002 [ ] [ ]
City of Auburn Arts Division
253-931-3043 | [ ]
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