City of Vancouver Updates: October 2024
- [登録者]City of Vancouver
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Vancouver
- 登録日 : 2024/10/31
- 掲載日 : 2024/10/31
- 変更日 : 2024/10/31
- 総閲覧数 : 106 人
- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
- 遊びと体験を通して学ぶ場を提供する立夏幼稚園です。対象年齢は18ヶ月から6歳まで...
+1 (714) 557-1669立夏幼稚園
- <ボランティア・出資者・参画企業を募集しています>私たち「ダルマ」は、不動産開発...
+1 (619) 322-5030SD Daruma Inc.
- ニューヨーク日本人シングルマザーの会は、日本を離れてNYで暮らすシングルマザーが...
- 日本向け国際宅配便、買付け・バイヤーさんの商材発送、ドロップシップメント・転送業...
アメリカ西海岸から日本へ、どこよりも早く、確実にお届けします。営業日:月~金営業時間:9:00〜18:00グローバルインポートサービスドロップ・シップメントバイヤーズ・エクスプレスムービングパックワインパック新聞・雑誌の購読サービス■荷物の一時保管(一定期間は無料)■帰任者デスク回り品の発送■一部の荷物を海外や米国内他都市への発送■ストーレージへの配送■集荷後に梱包■各種梱包資材とりそろえ など
+1 (424) 312-1143OCS AMERICA INC.
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(808) 534-7681Marriott Vacation Club
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日々の生活でなかなか野菜が取れない方、最近肌荒れが気になる方は美容の駆け込み寺Endless Smoothieへ!!当店のスムージーは美味しいのに低カロリーかつ栄養満点◎食材をほぼ丸ごと使っているので、食材以外の水分は約20%だけ!その日の気分や気になるお悩みに合わせてお選び下さい。
+81-438-38-4509Endless Smoothie
- 空港送迎、視察・観光ツアーなど、ハイヤー送迎サービスを行っています。創業30年の...
+1 (800) 794-0994AM World Express
- ≪日本語で丁寧な診療≫ アーバインのDr.Albert Saisho テレヘルス...
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+1 (434) 879-6008NEXTWAVE 公式ライバー育成事務所
- 帳簿作成専門の会計事務所です。日々の帳簿作業にお困りの方、作業効率化を模索されて...
Barley Bookkeeping(馬有会計事務所)
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私たちKyoto Japanese Cuisineは若くて才能のあるシェフ、フレンドリーなカスタマーサービス、高級寿司バーのメニューアイテム、多くの日本酒、ビール、ワインのセレクションを備えております。豊富な種類の日本酒とビールを美味しい料理と一緒にどうぞ!また、新鮮なお刺身や豪華な天ぷらもぜひお楽しみください。この他にもかつ丼、カリフォルニアロール等人気メニュー多数ご用意しております。キッズメニ...
+1 (714) 724-7499Kyoto Japanese Cuisine
Whats happening at the City of Vancouver? Here are the highlights from October 2024.
News from Vancouver City Council
This month, Council approved reports on the , and the
Additionally, the standing committee approved members motions on , and the
The next regular meeting of Council is scheduled for November 12, 2024.
Get the latest agendas, follow meetings and keep up with decisions at .
Vancouver modernizes Heritage Register with a focus on reconciliation and cultural heritage
Vancouver City Council unanimously to better reflect the rich diversity of peoples, histories and cultures that make up our city. The changes will provide clarity to developers, property owners and the public on the purpose of the VHR and streamline permitting processes.
Council approves weekend-only summer 2025 Water Street Pedestrian Zone pilot with key enhancements
Council in summer 2025 on weekends and for special events, including key enhancements based on community and local business feedback.
The Water Street Pedestrian Zone pilot is part of the Citys ongoing efforts to enhance public spaces, promote local business and create a vibrant, pedestrian-friendly atmosphere in Gastown.
Adopt a catch basin this fall!
The City of Vancouver has through our Adopt a Catch Basin program. We have a team of over 2,400 adopters who help keep more than 6,800 catch basins clear throughout the year as part of the program. Adopt a catch basin and help keep our city safe for everyone.
Raking News! Residential leaf collection has begun
Fall is in full swing, along with extra leaf collection weekends and a reminder of what you can do to . Leaves collected by residents from their property, sidewalk, and boulevard can be put in the green bin. Extra leaves can be placed in paper yard waste bags or in store-bought bins (maximum 100 litres) and set out for collection on designated weekends.
Find out more about the Citys .
City launches community engagement addressing historical discrimination against people of South Asian Canadian descent
The City of Vancouver has to hear from members of South Asian Canadian communities about historical discrimination in Vancouver, ongoing racism, and how to address its impacts today.
City staff invite members of South Asian Canadian communities with ties to Vancouver to share their perspectives at . The online survey is available until Friday, January 31, 2025.
Vancouver appoints external reviewer for Code of Conduct By-law
Vancouver City Council has appointed Reece Harding to . Reece Harding is a respected senior lawyer with extensive experience in municipal law and the roles of Integrity Commissioners in British Columbia. His expertise will be invaluable in ensuring a thorough and objective review of the Citys Code of Conduct By-law.
Vancouver speeds up multiplex permits to expedite missing middle housing
Effective early 2025, the City of Vancouver will for certain multiplex applications by approximately 50 per cent through a streamlined Development Building Permit application pathway. Currently, multiplex projects are required to apply for a separate development permit followed by a building permit. The development building permit combines these two processes into one application.
Honouring 20 years of All Souls at Mountain View Cemetery
Until November 1, Mountain View Cemetery invites people of all ages to remember their ancestors, family and friends who have passed away during the 20th anniversary of All Souls. Participants can write messages, light candles and place personal memorials on shrines. All are welcome to attend, even if their loved ones are not buried at the cemetery.
Vancouver Expands Metro West Inter-Municipal Business Licence to Include Health Care Workers
The City of Vancouver is the first municipality in the Lower Mainland to to include in-home health care professionals and services, which would reduce administrative and cost burdens for the in-home health care sector.
Firefighters receive first sets of PFAS-free turnout gear
As part of Vancouver Fire Rescue Services and the City of Vancouvers , 137 sets of the new PFAS-free turnout gear will arrive at firehalls citywide, with 443 delivered by the end of the year.
White Riot wins 2024 City of Vancouver Book Award
Literary enthusiasts from across the region gathered on Granville Island for the , co-presented by the Vancouver Writers Fest, the Vancouver Public Library and the City of Vancouver. In addition to announcing the 2024 Book Award winner, this years event also introduced Vancouvers incoming Poet Laureate.
Philanthropists presented with Freedom of the City Award
To recognize their and across the nation, the Vancouver City Council has unanimously agreed to bestow the Freedom of the City upon Leslie and Gordon Diamond. The Freedom of the City is the highest award given by the City of Vancouver. The City grants the award only in exceptional cases to individuals of the highest merit.
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City of Vancouver
453 W 12th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5Y 1V4