Red Flag Warning & Air Quality Update from Culver City - Thursday, January 9th
- [登録者]City of Culver City
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Culver City, CA
- 登録日 : 2025/01/09
- 掲載日 : 2025/01/09
- 変更日 : 2025/01/09
- 総閲覧数 : 7 人
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Culver City [ http://www.culvercity.org/ ]
Photo of Los Angeles and air quality on January 9 2025 [ https://www.culvercityfd.org/Emergency-Preparedness/Stay-Informed ]
A view of smoky skies over Culver City on Thursday morning.
Stay Informed: Los Angeles Wildfires Update
Thursday, January 9th
Fire conditions remain significant in the area. The City of Culver City is under a Red Flag Warning through Thursday, January 9th. Currently there are no active fire threats to Culver City.
The Culver City Fire Department continues to assist crews in fighting the Palisades Fire. It has also recalled off-duty firefighters to ensure service levels in Culver City are maintained.
Culver City Police continue to aid our neighboring community by providing support to Santa Monica Police in evacuation, looting suppression and humanitarian efforts.
At our parks, all permitted outdoor activities and classes remain canceled and we advise residents that due to poor air quality, please refrain from strenuous activity outdoors in the parks. The Plunge remains closed. The Senior Center is open.
Due to poor air quality, Culver City Unified School District closed schools and offices on Thursday. Classes are expected to resume Friday, January 10th.
As of Thursday morning, the air quality was deemed unhealthy. You can stay updated with the latest air quality of the Culver City and Los Angeles area by visiting AirNow's website [ https://fire.airnow.gov/?lat=34.0206066&lng=-118.3969922&zoom=8#11.67/34.0123/-118.3938 ].
*Red Flag Warnings & Emergency Preparedness Information*
A *Red Flag Warning* is issued to alert the community of critical weather conditions and potential fire hazards, typically within the next 12 to 24 hours. These conditions are characterized by a combination of dry brush and strong winds that create a heightened risk for fires.
As of Thursday, the City of Culver City has not experienced significant damage from this weather event. However, it is important to understand how we will communicate with you during an emergency, what the different notifications mean, and how you can best prepare for potential risks.
*What Happens If a Fire Starts Nearby?*
*Evacuation Warning:* If a fire were to ignite in a neighboring city, the strong winds could cause the fire to spread into Culver City. In such cases if an area of the city were to be at risk, we would issue an Evacuation Warning. An Evacuation Warning designates an area that could be at risk, and we recommend that residents who need extra time to evacuate—such as those with pets—consider evacuating during this stage to ensure a safe departure.
*Evacuation Order:* If a fire were to threaten a specific area of Culver City, we would issue an Evacuation Order. This means that the area is immediately unsafe, and all residents within the affected zone are required to evacuate and seek shelter. Access to the area will be restricted, and individuals will not be allowed to return to their homes, even to retrieve belongings.
*How Will Residents Be Notified?*
In the event of an emergency, we will use multiple communication methods to alert the public:
* *Everbridge Emergency Notification System*
* Door-to-door notifications
* Sirens and public address (PA) systems
*If you haven’t already signed up for emergency notifications, please do so as soon as possible* to ensure you receive timely updates. Please visit the City of Culver City Website [ https://www.culvercity.org/Home/2025-Red-Flag-Warnings-and-Fire-Updates#:~:text=For%20Life-Threatening%20Emergencies%20or%20Downed%20Power%20Lines%20Call,Works%20Department%20at%20%28310%29%20253-6420%20Air%20Quality%20Information ] and follow City of Culver City, Culver City Fire Department, and Culver City Police Department official social media channels [ https://www.culvercityfd.org/Emergency-Preparedness/Stay-Informed ] for continued updates.
Culver City [ https://www.culvercity.org ] Questions?
Contact Us [ https://www.culvercity.org/Contact-Us ]
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